Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:31 pm
Earthest Name: Earthest Digimon: Kotemon (R) Registration Fee: 750g Status: Sent [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g100/Scorch7000/digtamerbg/digiearth.png[/IMG]
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:32 pm
Syndicate-Saber Gaia name: Syndicate-Saber Digimon: Guilmon Registration fee:750g Status: Sent [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g100/Scorch7000/digtamerbg/digisyndicatR.png[/IMG]
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 4:45 am
gaia name:denslatx Digimon:terriermon
can you make him look evil cos my avatars going for the evil look
future thnx!
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:25 am
Gaia name: Geo Creek Digimon: Penguinmon Registration fee:750g Status:[Paid/Sent Trade/Not Paid]
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 8:03 am
Gaia Name: oblivion_master100 Digimon:Agumon [R] Fee:750 Status:sent trade
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 8:07 am
for the art, can you make my agumon with those bands around his hand like in the new series? thanx
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:03 am
Hige^San Earthest Name: Earthest Digimon: Kotemon (R) Registration Fee: 750g Status: Sent [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g100/Scorch7000/digtamerbg/digiearth.png[/IMG] Thank you!!!!! It's great!!
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 1:49 pm
Gaia name: JasonTheHalfDemonPrince Digimon: DemiDevimon
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 2:40 pm
Gaia name: The Lords Dark Knight Digimon: Zurumon Registration fee:750g Status:[Paid!]
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 3:59 pm
Gaia name: Athatra Digimon: Arukenimon Status: Trade sent
Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 12:04 am
You can only chose [F] [T] [R] level digimon.
Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 12:05 am
oblivion_master100 for the art, can you make my agumon with those bands around his hand like in the new series? thanx Thats a diferent type of agumon that is limited.
Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 3:17 am
gaia name:denslatx Digimon:terriermon Fee:750 Status:Not payed but sent
and can u make mine look evil to go with my avi?
Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 6:35 am
gstyle818 oblivion_master100 for the art, can you make my agumon with those bands around his hand like in the new series? thanx Thats a diferent type of agumon that is limited. oh, man, i really wanted that design sad
Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 3:08 pm
Gaia name: Skate4life Alex Digimon: Agumon Registration fee: 750g Status: Sent Trade
and can i know what it digivolves into???? everyone of them if you know???? i know it digivolves into agumon