New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:51 pm
*Inhales the smell of the cloves* (small slightly different voice) Oh sweet smell, how I miss the
*Notices the Moon Rabbit form last night has return* Hello again... uh... Reisen isn't it?
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:51 pm
*snickers* Ayami is a very high ranking angel - the council are the high angelic elders and other top ranking angels. There is tension because Black carried out a task that got the attention of this council and they are now holding a meeting because of this incident amongst some other occurrences that have been happening apparently. Ayami hates going to these meeting because she needs to lie through her teeth about my status and lie about what she has been doing with her time pretty much. She mostly needs to lie and that is not easy for her. We're natural truth tellers you know. *takes a drag* so you maybe not see much of us next week wink oh my the time has passed to quickly!
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:55 pm
Yes, it's Reisen.
How are you?
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:56 pm
Oh my... if she's a high ranking Angel, are you then a high ranking Demon?
*Shakes hr head, this opening up so many new questions and possibilities but seeing Leko is preparing to leave*
I hope then you all the best and that we can talk more about all this... I am intrigued, but I wish not to detain you now. *Smiles warmly at Leko* Thank you, m'Lady I hope to see you again
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:56 pm
well Reisen and iggies I must run! perhaps tomorrow *blows a kiss then vanishes away*
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:00 pm
Goodbye, Leko.
-waits until Leko leaves-
I wonder if the fact that Leko and Ayami share the same brain means that both would suffer if I made one insane... but they've done nothing to deserve it and there's nothing that merits being protected from them.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:03 pm
*Waves Good by to Leko and turns to Reisen*
*Grins* I'm glad I was able to remember. I'm doing quite well thank you. And yourself? I'm glad you returned. *Shocked at the musing of Reisen* Why would you want to do that to either if they have done nothing to deserve it?
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:08 pm
I'm doing good.
I didn't plan on doing it... it's just that since they have the same brain... don't worry, I would not use the Red Eyes of Insanity unless it was to protect something or someone. They have done nothing... so I have no reason to find out.
But the handheld computer I was given has some sensitive information on it about both Showa and some of the people around the "GGG", so anyone who tried to take it and crack the security code might wind up temporarily insane. I wouldn't want that information getting out. sweatdrop
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:16 pm
I really hope so and I do know what you mean about protection. But wait... I believe I met Showa recently.. has anything happened to her?
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:22 pm
Her sister was mortally injured beyond their people's ability to heal even their own kind in an accident, so Showa and her sister used their people's ability to combine with other life-forms to save her life... the injuries are gone, but the two of are a now a single person with her sister's mind and personality being dominant in the merger.
Before they did that, Showa gave me all the information I would need to take care of her business and everything she knew about the people of the "GGG".
((I got tired of the character, so I wrote her out of the story sweatdrop ))
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:31 pm
Oh I see... so will they.. she... is it then a plural being or singular then?... either way will they sisters be ok then now?
((That's ok, I can understand being tired of a character biggrin ))
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:35 pm
Single. "They" speak in the single sense and go by the sister's name.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:49 pm
Ahh good to know. smile
*Rummages under the bar for something to eat. Finding nothing but stale crackers, figures it might be time to go find a meal or soon.*
Reisen, I don't know the eating patterns of your kind, but I know my critters and my self will be needing food soon. Would like to join me for a quick bite At.... I think it was A KAthy's something or other I was taken to when I first arrived.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:51 pm
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:59 pm
*Laughs* That sounds right. I feel like so much has happened since I arrived.
*Stands and critters lead the way.* Well it looks like they are famished, I'm going to head there now. I don't think they will wait. I must be out at home too... I have to get extras for them to drop off.