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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 7:56 pm
Raabi'a tilled her head curiously when the strange boy answered that he was a prince. Like her sister she had only heard of princess in fairy tales and stories. It was quite intrigued to hear that there might be an actual prince hanging around. She wondered what he was doing at the party.

Seeing her sister sprint off after decided to play a game of tag with the prince, Raabi'a laughed and then ran off after her sister trying to avoid being tagged by the prince. "Catch us if you can~" She called to him as she ran.

Her sister all ways had the best ideas. Which was why they got along so great. Aisha knew how to keep things interesting.
[Volleyball Court]

The few days that passed where sadly rather boring, they had yet to find anyone as interesting as the prince they had met on the first day. They had however spent some time in the spa which made Raabi'a skin super soft. The amenity's at this place where amazing!

instead of her usual hair style Raabi'a had put her curled hair up in a large bun which she had secured with some hair ties that where laying around the bathroom. She swept her bangs to her right side and pined them with a pretty pin she had found so they wouldn't fall into her eyes.

"I'm ready" Raabi'a answered after a quick check to make sure she looked okay. "Hmm I hope so! 'Mr. Prince' was interesting."

[Hotel Room]


PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:00 pm
User ImageAdelphos had managed to get his wife to relax over the first couple days of their stay. Tonight was the actual party, and even the demi-god was a little nervous. It was always the parties that went sideways, but he was really hoping this year would be different. He slid his fingers between Ruby's and squeezed her hand lightly. "Any preference on where to start tonight, love?" he asked her with a smile. He was doing his best not to let any of his nerves show to Ruby, since he wanted to keep her relaxed. They deserved a little time to enjoy themselves.

User ImageCarnelian's dress was the opposite of her sister's: a slinky black number that their father would disapprove of SO HARD. Mom, too, probably. But they hadn't managed to catch it when she bought it so now she was showing plenty of decolletage and not a little bit of curves. She had enjoyed the time they'd spent with Momo a couple days before, even though he seemed to be more interested in her sister. That was fine with her, Neli was happy to play wingwoman for Amy. She grinned over at her sister when Amy noticed him. "Came for you, probably," she snickered as she followed her to where the male was. She laughed a bit and smirked. "Is it a rocket in your pocket or are you just happy to see us~?" she teased. He pulled a box of chocolates out then and explained he got them from a secret admirer. "Huh. They any good?" she asked curiously.
Twitchapher the 3rd

User ImageFiruzeh had fully enjoyed almost all of the facilities offered to the guests with her husband. So far Venus' party seemed to be progressing fairly well. Nothing weird had happened. Yet. With her arm hooked around Noir's arm, she stepped into the party hall. She snorted when she saw the paintings of Venus. And the fountains shaped like Venus. "Someone's a bit full of herself, isn't she?" the demon snarked in a quiet tone to her husband. She giggled softly and snagged a couple champagne flutes for them. "Here, love~" she said with a smile. "Where do you think we should start?"

User ImageBatari wore a soft pink dress made of several layers of gauzy fabric. It was a pale shade of pink, almost white, so it brought out the pink of her skin. She was too busy looking around the party hall at all the Venuses when she walked right into someone. "Oh! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" she asked the other woman.
Kira of Flames
For Azalea

User ImageIkaia had managed to find his way to the party and wasn't sure what to do first. His stomach rumbled so he made his way to a refreshment table. Grumbling to himself that the table was too high, he pushed a chair from a nearby table and pushed it up to the buffet. He grabbed a plate for himself but mostly concentrated on some heart shaped sweet that looked and tasted delicious.
Wolfs Heart
For Tika?

User ImageYukiko sighed happily as she stood with Anteros, her arm hooked through his and leaning against him. She was just so happy to be with him that she wasn't even worried about what mayhem might go on later. She looked up at him, wings fluttering behind her. They were strange, her new wings. Much larger than the ones she was used to, but elegant and beautiful. "I'm really glad we're here," she said to him and leaned closer.
Irish Night Fox

Dragon Berri

Shameless Tipper

21,000 Points
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Aged Genius

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:16 pm
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While that wasn't the only - hell, even the best - word to describe how he thought of the beautifully pink naiad next to him, he couldn't help but adore how simply adorable she was with each of her little quirks. The way she always seemed to mess with that flowing hair of hers, the fluffiness to her hips, the way her blush was ever so noticeably coloring her cheeks.

Even so, it was reassuring to see her calming. Even he could get fed up with his family given enough time - he had effectively ran away for the better part of his young adulthood, after all. Oftentimes, he wanted to do it again.

Perhaps he would, now that the kids were all grown up. As fond as he was of them, and for all the trouble and joy they'd given him, he wasn't sure he'd ever want any more. Four was plenty. Perhaps he could just kick back, relax, enjoy his time once more and wait for younger ones to come along by one of his own much in the same way his parents had.

"Is here fine?" he asked as they came to a gradual stop, the waves about licking their feet. They'd travels some distance now, and the sounds of others was faint in the wind.

For all intents and purposes, they were alone.

Moving a bit closer into the tide, he sat down and leaned back, enjoying the feeling of his feet melding back together and into his native fin. He'd done it enough times that it was no longer a foreign feeling, but there was still an instinctual relief that came with the process. With the sun beating warmly on his skin and the cool of his love pressing softly against him, he was conten to merely sit.

And.. Well... Perhaps enjoy a couple of "Sex on the Beaches" without the drink.


Hjortur's hair was slick and fine for the party; by this point, he about had a system going, and many of the cherubs knew him by name. That name was "Thalia's consort" or "Daedalus' father" or the like, but a name was a name. Right?

He waited for Kelebek to ready herself before escorting her to the dance, a charming smile and aura about him as he did so. "You look absolutely stunning." were the first words to come out of his mouth upon seeing her, undoubtedly with a boyish glint in his eye. It had been a bit of a roundabout method to get to where they were going (had to avoid the parental units, after all, that never changed no matter how old one got), but eventually they arrived at one of the pools.

"Shall I get us some drinks?"

[Beach] Hjortur -> Kelebek
[Poolside (left)] Hjortur -> Kelebek
PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:32 pm
Valko was content as he wandered through the forest with his good friend. He was imprest with his friends ability to dodge the vines that where hanging down from the trees as well as her speed and strength. Hatil was an impressive pae.

"Fun." He agree when she asked, it was all way fun to explore the forest, even more so when he had a friend to point out interesting things to or just walk in a comfortable silence. Hearing her ask if he wanted her to take the flour sack he paused for a moment to think about it. While he would like to be rid of the bag, he felt bad pawning it off on his friend. "If want." He said with a shrug.

At the end of the day, the sack was still with him and he tossed it in his room with a sigh. On the rest of the days he had spent hanging out with Hatil, he had left the sack behind, not wanting to be burdened with the thing.

One of the downsides of not having been prepared to go on the trip was that Valko, had brought noting with him, he had no suite case, nothing but the flour sack which sat in the corner of the room. He had over the past few days mange to snag some supplies from store rooms and such.

After getting ready he headed out to the party, he wasn't interested in the party its self, no there was only one thing he wanted, and that was food. The food here was good and he was determined to get as much as possible. Valko would fight anyone who tried to touch his food. Except maybe Hatil if he ran into her. He miiight let her take food off his plate, might.

Grabbing a plate he piled as much meat onto it as possible and growled at anyone he felt got too close to him or his food. Carefully balancing the overly full plate he settled down in a corner hoping it would be quite and out of the way so he could eat in peace.




PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:39 pm
The past few day had been a nice and relaxing, Noir and Ruzeh had enjoyed most of the facilities on the island, which was nice. The couples message had been relaxing. The best part though was that he got to hang around with his wife all day doing fun stuff and just enjoying her company.

Now that they where at the party part he hoped things would keep sailing smoothly. Hearing his wife's comment about Venus he chuckled. "Mhmm" He agreed looking at all the fountains and pictures. "Thank you dear" He said as he took the champagne flute from her. "hmm how about we go dancing?"

Strawberri Stardust
PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:37 pm
La'eohn blinked. Did he stutter? Yes. He was a prince. So why then did these two look so mildly shocked at the word?

However, his personal and silent queries were quickly ignored as the two girls seemed to initiate a game of tag.....

He'd played this game before. However, it wasn't exactly his definition of fun... In the past, that is. Today, the game actually felt more exhilarating and enjoyable! Perhaps it was the fact that there were no obstacles or expectations to lose or win in the game this time? He guessed that could be it.

He ended up spending most of the evening with the girls and seemed to keep up rather well despite the fact that the sand made it harder to run and pivot. Still, he pressed through it with seemingly swift ease. He retired shortly after sundown to get some well deserved food and rest, but not without bowing to them in thanks for a fun evening and promising to consider their invitation to the party later that week.


A few days had passed since La'eohn had stepped off the boat into Paradise. It seemed as though he was beginning to enjoy himself a little too much. He was at ease here and no longer felt the pressure of having to please everyone. He only had to please himself, and that was a rather simple task in comparison.

Based on the stories, he was actually being treated as a Prince here! Pampered with a pillow top bed, a massage fitting a King at the Spa, endless varieties of food and drinks, and little.... servants? at his beck-and-call whenever he needed something!

Granted, he never abused the small Tikicats' help, but simply acknowledged their aid with a small thank you and a bow from time to time. A small part of him was sad that his mother hadn't come. She would have enjoyed the pampering!

Still, there was the grande event to attend... And La'eohn had to think on whether he would seek out those girls again. He did have a lot of fun with them on his first day here, but his mind kept reeling on whether his family (more or less, his mother) would approve of his interacting with them.

He had done a lot of pacing in his room that morning, mulling over everything. He really wasn't even supposed to be here, yet here he was. He was basically just shooed away so that his parents could have some privacy! Not so that he could go on a vacation... How would his family react?

His sister would undoubtedly scold him for not taking her with him. She was spoiled beyond reason and anything this enjoyable must also be enjoyed by her, of course. Mother? She'd likely praise him on expanding his... curiosity, overcoming his uncertainty of... well, lots of things, but otherwise be upset that he was willingly partaking in frivolous games with "lesser folk"... Father...?

Well. Father would be the double-edged sword... On one hand, he'd likely silently praise the whelp for "seeking out his future followers"... on the other, he'd likely silently seethe at the idea that his son was becoming more successful at gaining subjects than he was. La'eohn had a few choice words he wish he could say to that kind of thought, but knew better and always bit his tongue from doing so...

He then shook his head. Why did he care so much about what his family would think of him in this moment?! They weren't here. He was! And after stepping off that boat, he'd rather enjoyed himself! Worrying over silly things like this only brought down his mood!

He stomped a hoof and turned towards the door. He'd go to that party. He'd talk and spend time with those girls and his family.... wouldn't even have to know! ... right?

Regardless, he did a quick check in the mirror and felt satisfied with his appearance enough to quickly walk away from it and head to the ballroom.

He followed the trickling patrons and stepped inside the long hallway. He paused just inside to take in the wonder and beauty of it all. It was far more breathtaking than he had thought it would have been!

He walked deeper into the hallway, eyeing the pillars and the paintings, the pools and the food. He had only heard of such grande things in stories... And he was living it!

Having soaked in the surroundings enough to feel satisfyingly awed, he began to focus on looking for those girls. When he didn't see them here already, he decided to pick a seat near one of the heart shaped pools, sitting so that his hooves dipped into the water. He scanned the room again before turning to look at the food nearby. He plucked some fruit and began to nibble on them, savoring the nectar while all three of his eyes kept a look out.

La'eohn -> Aisha <3

La'eohn -> Raabi'a <3


Sexy Believer

15,150 Points
  • Team Jacob 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Party Animal 100

Kira of Flames

Hilarious Elocutionist

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:56 pm
Azalea had mostly kept to herself. Sure, she mingled a little, but in all honesty, she was enjoying the her-time. That terrorist Camila hadn't followed her on vacation, and it was nice not having the feline constantly making snarky comments and being all around stuck up and unpleasant. She did keep an eye on the days, however, as she waited excitedly for the Party to start. She'd heard the rumors, how exquisite and beautiful they were, as well as how they changed a Pae afterwards. As she stepped into the party hall, she wondered how she would change when she left.

"Oh wow...." her voice came out in a soft gasp as she looked around with wide eyes. She wasn't sure she could ever stop looking at the beautiful room that she'd just entered. A gentle bump pulled her out of her thoughts as another pae ran into her. "Oh! I'm ok, are you? It's a little overwhelming seeing all of this, isn't it?"

Strawberri Stardust

Serendipity felt silly with how dolled up she'd gotten. Her midnight black locks were pulled up into an elaborate curled style with her purple streaks hanging down in gentler free curls. Her dress was a simple strapless gown, silk with a gauzy overlay. Around her neck was a seashell hanging with some twine; totally different from the rest of the gorgeous get up, but she handmade it herself out of one of the shells she'd found on the beach, a very pretty one the iridescent colors when it caught the light.

She stepped into the hall and froze up only for a moment, surprised by the shear size of the party venue. This was such a change from previous years, and those had been impressive themselves. Venus certainly knew how to out do herself each time. It truly was incredible. Walking through, she decided that her first stop was going to be dancing.

Seren is free

Aquarius was feeling so refreshed after spending all of that time at the spa; sure it meant that nothing had really gotten done and very few of the sites had been seen, but she'd really needed that deep tissue massage.

Of course, now she felt as light as a feather, and was ready to party until her feet fell off. "I'll meet you downstairs!" She called back to Thulani, who was still getting ready, then slid out the door and skittered her way down to the party. Last year had been beautiful, and wonderful, and scary at times, but the best things had happened then. This place was so incredibly special to her.


Andromeda had put on her piratey best: her cleanest and most rip free skirt and top that matched, and a few shiny treasures that pulled it all together. She was freshly scrubbed, and cleaned up rather nice in general. "You just about ready for our second party?" Maybe this year she'd end up staying her given gender. Last year had been weird....
Tartara Seabreeze

Navi had spent most of the days flitting from activity to activity. Sure, it had been a bit of a bumpy start, literally bumping into a very nice angel on the first day. The fae was now completely ready to don her party clothes and ready to mingle with anyone who would mingle back. Her short skirted dress sparkled as she flounced into the party, and she gasped in awe and excitement at what she saw. It was truly something to behold!

Navi is free
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:48 am
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Aisha looked over to her sister as she voiced her agreement, nodding once and looking her up and down. "Oh! Missed a spot!" The teen hop-skip-jumped over and behind to pick up a single curl that had managed to hide from being pulled up. It was still cute in a sort of messy way, but she knew that wasn't what her sister was going for.

Their goal tonight: dress to impress.

"There!" she said triumphantly once that piece of hair was nicely pinned up like the rest of them. "You look great; I bet that guy will find us absolutely irresistible~" she rolled her 'r' in the final word in a catlike manner. Reaching down to take her hand, she grinned, "Let's go have one heck of a night!" and proceeded to head down the hallways to the dance.


"Woooooooahhh~" the teen mumbled in awe upon entering the dance hall, her three eyes widening and trying to take in the absolute absurd levels of grandeur. "Can you even believe this Raabi'a?! Like, what the heck is all of this?" She'd honestly believed her family had been embellishing the details to make the parties more grand for better stories, but this was comical.

Her eyes scanned the floor looking for 'Mr. Prince,' wondering if he was there yet (because he'd surely accepted the invitation). Sure, the two of them were on the late side, but he should have been easy enough to pick out...

Aha! There he was.

Poking into her sister's shoulder to get her attention, she pointed over to him and grinned before heading that way, a certain sway to her step.

"Miss us?"

[Hotel Room -> Pool Edge] Aisha -> Raabi'a

[Pool Edge] Aisha -> La'eohn


Aged Genius


Toothsome Fairy

14,725 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:27 am
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Pearl, too, had spent the last few days floating (figuratively and also literally, as she worked her wings hard to stay aloft) in somewhat of a haze of happiness. Every experience was more delightful than the last! The food, the drink, the sunsets, the pools and beaches...and the best part was that she'd gotten to spend it all with Autumn. It seemed like he occupied her every waking thought, and lots of her non-waking thoughts, and that was just fine with Pearl.

The afternoon of the big party she could hardly sit still. She and Mama did have their own room, but they hadn't spent much time in it, and being apart from her love made her anxious to return to him. However, the cherubs were insistent, and reprimanded her for wiggling. In the end, though, they managed to tuck all her pearly locks up into a glamorous updo, held in place with a shell comb that glimmered in the light. She'd opted for no dress, since she remembered how last time it had clung awkwardly to her skin when wet and out of water, but instead adorned herself with a single pearl on a delicate chain around her neck.

Upon seeing Autumn again, her heart fluttered and she immediately embraced him with a kiss, wrapping her arms around his waist, and then allowing herself to be guided toward one of the pools. His hair had also been done up, which clearly made him a little uncomfortable, which made her giggle. "I think it's lovely," she said, tucking an errant hair behind his ear. "It makes your eyes stand out."

Another quick kiss, and then, "C'mon, let's get in the water." It would be so much easier to move around when their tails could be used for swimming.

Pearl -> Autumn
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:59 am
The angel happily returned the kiss before relinquishing her to the table. "Love you too." He situated himself, and took her hand in his. With her sight, she got nervous when he wasn't around.

Maybe...maybe if he went to the City, he could see about getting that fixed? Surely in the vast City there was someone who specialized in vision.

He noted that thought to reflect on later. Right now he was enjoying a phenomenal massage with his hand in his loves.

It really was a good massage. Those little cherubs knew what they were doing! He almost fell asleep twice, waking up instantly when his hand slipped from Nicky's because of it. Once the massages were done, they trotted around the isle pranking various pae.

He particularly liked their gag where they replaced someone's vodka shot with water. The look on their face! PRICESLESS!

The rest of the days went mostly the same. Pranks scattered throughout enjoying the various activities. They built a sandcastle, played in the pool -where he dropped some red juice form a fruit beside a pae making them think they were cut- took a hike and listened to the sound of the ocean while looking at the sunset. It was wonderful. Soon came the main event, the huge dance. It was at the dance one year ago that he admitted his feelings for Nicky. Best decision of his life. Now he had a partner in crime. He waited outside their tiki door for Nicky to finish getting ready. He kept it simple, black pants, black button up shirt. Who knew what sort of craziness would happen this year?

As the cherub offered their drinks, she took her own and murmered a thank you before turning to Junior. "Probably all day." She guessed to his question, her free hand intertwining their fingers. The naiad then tilted up her head to whisper, "I bet your polar bear form is stronger." Then kissed his cheek. Junior had no reason to be jealous, and she was confident he wasn't. But a little ego stroke was in order after seeing such a buff figure. "I'd love the beach. Just stretch out on a table....then maybe see about shopping. I don't know if the locals have anything, but worth a look." He knew about her love for shiny things. It was the whole reason why she had Aysel, because she thought she found a pearl.

Baliel and Nereus

Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

11,190 Points
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Toothsome Fairy

14,725 Points
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  • Happy Birthday! 100
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:05 am
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It had taken Kelebek forever to get all the sand out of her hair...

She hadn't wanted to do anything with her hair, and she'd been firm with the cherubs, who then looked so forlorn that she felt bad and relented. She'd ended up with most of her hair still down, but with braids curling around the back of her head. And when the cherubs presented her with a many-stranded necklace, set with multicolored sea pebbles? She was beside herself and gave each of them a little kiss. As a result, she felt beautiful as she approached Hjortur, and almost giggled with anticipation for his reaction.

He, of course, did not disappoint.

Kelebek couldn't help but blush and shake her head. "Thank you," she said quietly. "You look wonderful as well." His hair had been tamed expertly also, which looked elegant, but she rather liked his usual tousled hair. She took his arm and they went toward one of the pools together. She was all too happy to soak her tail after a long afternoon of getting ready.

The cherubs' names for Hjortur hadn't escaped her notice, and they needled at her, but she tried to ignore it. What was in Hjortur's past was past, and it wasn't as if Kelebek didn't have a similar story. She smiled wide at him as she lowered into the pool and her legs fused back into her native tail. She flicked her fins happily. "Much better," she said with a nod.

Kelebek -> Hjortur
Left pool
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:17 am
His eyebrows raised all the way up his forehead when she stepped out. She literally took his breath away. "You look...indescribably beautiful Harmonia." The soft ringlets from the spa styling, the way the tight fitting dress clung to her rather perfect form, and her exposed shoulders. He wanted to kiss that elegant neck. But they were out of the tikihut now, he would behave himself. The male offered his arm with a flourish. "Nothing would make me happier." He all but whispered, still in admiration. If you told him two years ago that he'd meet a Goddess and she'd want his company he'd never believe it. But here they were now.

He led them over to where the large ballroom was staged. As like all of her parties, each seemed more grandiose than the last, this was no exception. Most of the year the pae who didn't live in the City lived rather modestly. This was the one time they could pretend to live a lavish life. The free food, flowing alcohol, tasteful music. It was all very sparkly. The fae wasted no additional time gawking, as the spectacle of the ballroom was still lesser than how ravishing the Goddess on his arm was. He led them to the dancefloor, his free arm coming around to rest on the small of her back.
"I'll dance until I drop if you want to dance all night." He grinned ear to ear.

G-g-gulp. Oh those legs went for miles in those heels. He nodded his head like a bobble head, still beyond belief this was happening to him.

What if she wanted to date after the event? Oh his little heart couldn't take that thought.

"W-would you like to dance first? Or get a drink first?" Maybe the drink would be most beneficial. Calm his nerves. Surely the whole room was gawking at his date, wondering why a 20 would be with a guy like him.

Tristen and Leif. I'm amused that the 1-10 hotness rating keeps going up XD

Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

11,190 Points
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  • Hunter 50
  • Tycoon 200

Wolfs Heart

Invisible Wolf

18,250 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:26 am
Tika had spent the past couple of days trying to make sense of her home, it was very hard to make sense of your home when all you had were fragmented memories of it from when you were a child. She had managed to find a room in the big, big hut home to be her home home home (Her home within the hut home within the island home... Furtherknown as homeception).

She had managed to make her way to the party, hearing the sounds and thinking it was an elaborate tiki feast. It was an elaborate feast, but tiki, it was not.

Tika was presently sitting on top of the snack table, she had found this to be the most efficient way to eat nummies due to the height of these big, big tables. Tika could not figure out why a big big hut home had so many accommodations for the big pae, and decided that the big pae had taken over her island home as well. Big pae took up so much space... From her seat on the table she could see the tiki orchestra playing, and she was shaking her head as she dipped a cup into the chocolate fountain and drank from it. Tika could not understand why these tiki were playing this... Noise... What happened to the tribal drummings of her childhood?

Her attention was suddenly drawn to a chair being pushed towards the food table as another tiki began to pick food from the table. Tika pushed a cup of chocolate fountain towards the tiki, immediately becoming interested in him simply because he was her own kind and not wearing a bow tie.

Strawberri Stardust
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:27 am
"Thanks!" Raabi'a was glad that her sister had caught the lose curl and had helped her fix it. They where trying to impress people tonight, and that meant looking their best! It wouldn't due to have her hair falling out of the bun, or running wild. A quick check told her that her sister's hair was perfect and needed no adjustments.

"You look great too!" She chirped. A grin on her face as her sister spoke, she'd bet that he'd be surprised when he saw how great they looked. "Yeah! we'll have the greatest night!" Holding her sisters hand she headed off to the dance.

Raabi'a gasped her eyes widening as the entered the dance hall. It was huge! And it was decorated with large fountains and pools and giant buffet tables, there was also a lot of Venus stuff, statues and portraits littered the hall. "I I don't know, how is there so much stuff and space??" Apparently her family hadn't been embellishing their stories when they said Venus' parties all ways had a lot of extravagant stuff, they must be super rich to throw this kind of party.

She was jolted out of her thoughts of how crazy the party set up was when her sister poked her should "hmm?" She followed her sisters gesture grinning as she saw that 'mr prince' had indeed accept their invitation. "Ahha~" following her sister, just as gracefully she walked up to the boy.


[Hotel Room -> Pool Edge]




Toothsome Fairy

14,725 Points
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  • Happy Birthday! 100
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:28 am
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Paloma had enjoyed a nice conversation with Lagoon until it was time to retire for the evening. She was a lovely femme, and while Paloma would have liked to while away the evening with her in a more private setting...she got the feeling the object of her affections wouldn't be so quick to make that plunge. Some pae were strange about those things, she supposed.

For the big party, Paloma had of course taken the time to visit the clothier and pick out a dress. She would have liked white, but this style in white would have been....perhaps a bit thematic. As it was, she settled on a vibrant red-coral gown that draped over her body casually. The cherubs had done masterful work on her hair, which was now pinned and twirled on her head in an elegant updo.

When she stepped into the ballroom she couldn't help but snort. She'd heard that Venus had an ego, but this....this was over the top. Statues and paintings and fountains all with her smiling visage. "Wow," she said aloud. Paloma shook her head and headed for the bar, where she could watch other partygoers enter.

Wolfs Heart
Just so you know where she's at. smile When Lagoon comes in she'll probably approach her.
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