Clara watched as mini after mini after mini got wiped out by the Poms Destruction. The ghoul felt bad for them. Even if the class knew what they were doing, it didn't seem like they would have a chance anyways. It seemed like the only options left were to flee (if they could even get to the option on the menu) or watch all of their team suffer the same fate. She could barely watch as the class’s commands kept leading to the helix fossil and doing other pointless things, but she did sneak in a few button presses despite knowing that she would be unhelpful in the battle.

She thought she’d misheard Selene’s quiet voice when the professor suggested getting the Poms Destruction to join them. Clara was excited by the prospect because it would mean an end to the massacre happening to their team. While it was probably against the will of the Poms and it probably wouldn't be too happy about it, Clara didn't feel so bad because she sympathized more with the class’ team and the human (or maybe it wasn't a human) that had died, probably killed by the minipet. But then again, maybe they were in the wrong because they were the ones who had invaded the Pom’s cave and territory? The ghoul decided it was probably better not to think too much about it, or else she might be sitting in the classroom forever.

All the tension seeped out of Clara’s body as they caught the Poms Destruction, now that the hardest part was over. Now all they had to do was put the fossil into the artifact … but as far as they’d gotten, it didn't seem like they’d gotten any better at using the controls and working as a team. Clara cringed as vehicle with Argyle in it crashed into the walls several times before Argyle could get to the inventory. Clara was extremely confused as to what happened after, but it seemed the class was over! She picked up one of the little Helix Fossils that the poor professor had dumped onto the desk, happy that she’d been part of the team, and left the room.

sn: yylaayl