Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:05 pm
Chaos Darkwing 559 Darkfire Karan Chaos Darkwing 559 Darkfire Karan Chaos Darkwing 559 Darkfire Karan Hey Blue I miss you sooooo much! : P I got a 3ds a few days ago and street fighter is amazing! I'm a boss with Gulie and Cammy YEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!! finally someone else who has a 3DS! Do you want to addd me as a Wi-fi friend? : D Aww yea!! Lets do it!!! @Blue I don't konw if their is any different DX There are now figures you can collect for passerby battles Ok! Do you know how to do this? If so, my FC is: 0301-9779-5222 K I added ya here is mine Name: Karan FC: 3007 8164 7497 All sorted blaugh What games do you have? I got Street Fighter and soon gonna get Dead or Alive Dimensions
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:07 pm
Darkfire Karan I got Street Fighter and soon gonna get Dead or Alive Dimensions You gonna laugh, but I don't have any games for it. But as soon as Kid Icarus Uprising and Ocarina of Time come out, I'm getting them! Oh, and do you have a Japanese 3DS? Because where I have 3D movie, you have White knuckles.
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:10 pm
Chaos Darkwing 559 Darkfire Karan I got Street Fighter and soon gonna get Dead or Alive Dimensions You gonna laugh, but I don't have any games for it. But as soon as Kid Icarus Uprising and Ocarina of Time come out, I'm getting them! Oh, and do you have a Japanese 3DS? Because where I have 3D movie, you have White knuckles. XD thats pretty funny Uh no I got an English one. 3D moves is some wired White Knuckles video. I got it when I update the system.
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:11 pm
Darkfire Karan Chaos Darkwing 559 Darkfire Karan I got Street Fighter and soon gonna get Dead or Alive Dimensions You gonna laugh, but I don't have any games for it. But as soon as Kid Icarus Uprising and Ocarina of Time come out, I'm getting them! Oh, and do you have a Japanese 3DS? Because where I have 3D movie, you have White knuckles. XD thats pretty funny Uh no I got an English one. 3D moves is some wired White Knuckles video. I got it when I update the system. Hmm, strange, all mine is, is 3D scenery, not a band playing music.
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:13 pm
Chaos Darkwing 559 Darkfire Karan Chaos Darkwing 559 Darkfire Karan I got Street Fighter and soon gonna get Dead or Alive Dimensions You gonna laugh, but I don't have any games for it. But as soon as Kid Icarus Uprising and Ocarina of Time come out, I'm getting them! Oh, and do you have a Japanese 3DS? Because where I have 3D movie, you have White knuckles. XD thats pretty funny Uh no I got an English one. 3D moves is some wired White Knuckles video. I got it when I update the system. Hmm, strange, all mine is, is 3D scenery, not a band playing music. : P I got the update message last night so it probably changes over time or something
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:15 pm
Hmm, I suppose. 6-7th of July and we get the internet and shop channels!
((I hope its not too personal, but do you live in the States?))
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:17 pm
Chaos Darkwing 559 Hmm, I suppose. 6-7th of July and we get the internet and shop channels! ((I hope its not too personal, but do you live in the States?)) sweet internet app : D uhh yep I do : P
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:19 pm
Darkfire Karan Chaos Darkwing 559 Hmm, I suppose. 6-7th of July and we get the internet and shop channels! ((I hope its not too personal, but do you live in the States?)) sweet internet app : D uhh yep I do : P Ahh, that might be why you got white knuckles, I live in England, so my 3DS would have british system updates xp
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:29 pm
So, any suggestions as to what my second partner should be?
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:39 pm
Chaos Darkwing 559 So, any suggestions as to what my second partner should be? A digimon that can become blossomon. XD So we can dna together to get lillithmon
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:48 pm
Darkfire Karan Chaos Darkwing 559 So, any suggestions as to what my second partner should be? A digimon that can become blossomon. XD So we can dna together to get lillithmon Maybe, but I'm mostly planning on getting Ophanimon. Wait, if you end up getting Lilithmon anyway, our Digimon would be sworn enemes blaugh (Do you have anything that can become Gatomon? I've probably said this a million times, but I think Aquillamon DNAs with Gatomon to become Sillphymon, or Angewomon. This should mean I should get a Hawkmon as a second partner.)
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:15 am
Eight digimon to my name! Though it's more like nine since I tend to split Shadow Seraphimon up.
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:20 am
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:22 am
Congratz to u as well. How many digimon does this put you at?
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:30 am
SU Blue Congratz to u as well. How many digimon does this put you at? Im not really sure... including The digimon Ive still got art out on...18 I think though That might be a tad high I'm not totally sure XD But now I have to rewrite my team anyways for my new tamer, so I have to figure out how to use them all purpose driven ya know?