Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:51 pm
(While I do agree that the virus deleter thing would be good against all viruses, come on they are megas. And you are cutting his returning battle short. And all my digimon in there are virus types, and some of Gin's. Leg blue pichu enjoy the battle, try enjoying fights a bit longer. You don't always have to go for the instant deleting thing, it's no fun to just be able to finish battles instantly.)
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:56 pm
should we wait until he posts when he logs on, or should we continue now?
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:11 pm
Gin then blocked Gulfmon's attack again.When he looked down at Yin he just smiled,"Glory?Who wants that like you said this is my mansion and not only did they invade my mansion but they attacked my friends as well."He flew down and stood next to Yin with his sword ready,"This isPayback you can have revenge if you want."
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:15 pm
still fighting hand to hand with his axe with piedmon "glory and revenge were never my thing, I just fight because I need to......" slashes piedmon a little bit.
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:21 pm
(Oh bugger, blue pichu logged off now. We won't continue the fight inside the bubble, but I think me and Gin are perfectly capable of prolonging the fight against gulfmon)
"No glory just revenge then? Ok, revenge for ruining a good night of sleep it is then." He lauches the aura sphere at gulfmon's head, but it was a light hit to the titanic digimon. Gulfmon fires another round of Black Requiems at them, Yin uses Extreme Speed to dodge the blasts.
"And now for some Close Combat perhaps, though it does seem that pokemon, even one as awesome as Lucario, just won't cut it. Back to the megaman game." He pulls his DS out again and switches to FX.
"These big guns should work wonders."
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:41 pm
Gin then flew back up,"I can't use my Program Deleter just yet..."He tucked in his wings and dove under Gulfmon.He then threw his chain at one of Gulfmon's legs and as he flew around under Gulfmon he was moving around making the chain tying Gulfmon's legs together.When hefinished he pulled the chain causing Gulfmon to stumble and fall to his side.
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:05 pm
(Me back.)
Kazuki attacks Zanbamon with a powerful slash. A gash is seen on his horse. Zanbamon quickly charges towards Kazuki and slashes Kazuki's arm. Blood appears in his arm, dripping and bleeding down. The attack was strong, but it had hurt Kazuki a bit as it had not turned into a large gash. Both Zanbamon and Kazuki had been wounded.
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:50 pm
as ryu is fighting with piedmon, he inflicts another slash to piedmon's sword arm, making piedmon stop in pain for a moment, enough for ryu to activate his attack. "tapirmon, nightmare syndrome!" both piedmon and zanbamon are now in hallucinations, and tapirmon makes them see each other as the enemy, "now we can deal attacks on them until the illusion is dispelled!"
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:19 am
"Awesome!" Kazuki runs towards Zanbamon with a charged blast in Exia and releases the blow. The blow sends Zanbamon flying backwards and lying flat on the ground. It had wounds on it's body now and still had a gash in it's arm. Zanbamon stands up, under the hallucination, and starts charging towards Piedmon. Kazuki runs to get to the back of Zanbamon. He slashes down with one sword and hears a scream from Zanbamon. Zanbamon turns around and sees nobody. It then goes back to battling the Piedmon.
Kazuki had not been seen as he was behind Zanbamon when Zanbamon turned. When he was not noticed, he quickly ran off so he wouldn't get hurt. He was still bleeding blood and with a huge gash and viruses everywhere, he would get an infection, but there was a possibility he wouldn't as he was in the Digital World. Kazuki hated getting infections as something bad would always happen. "This dang gash burns... I need to do something about this, but what?"
The gash hurt and would hurt more and more if he didn't let it rest or do something about, but there was nothing he could do. All Kazuki is able to do is battle until it's over. He quickly goes back to fighting after he was lying down on the ground.
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:49 am
"hmmm, now to make it a bit easier for you....." Tapirmon uses virus delete, a poison fog once again surrounds piedmon and zarbamon, the open wounds on their bodies absorb most of the poison, making them doomed to deletion... "They won't be deleted for a while, but the illusion should last long enough to give us time to recover, so lets just get back ito the shield and watch them fight, unless you would like to do more......"
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:08 am
Seeing gulfmon fall Yin starts running towards him firing a barrage of energy blasts frim his knuckle busters, and getting in close he was about to pound one into gulfmon's head when it grabbed him with its arms, used its wings to get upright again, and started lowering Yin towards its body's mouth.
In the bubble Thanos and Obsidion alongside black toy agumon stayed away from the other fight as well. When they saw Yin in trouble they rushed out of the protective shield to rescue him.
Meanwhile astamon continued to watch the battle, he was angered that those virus-spawn couldn't deal with a couple of tamers, again, but was glad gulfmon seemed to be doing his job. Ah well, mass hordes are always fun anyways. Just have to choose something new, and maybe some changes to the room as well. He changed the room, turning the walls to yellowed brick and making it look duskier. Where the pool had been now rose an obelisk, and lining the walls sarcophagi. Then the mummymon and pharoahmon marched out like an army.
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:22 am
"oh come on astamon, haven't you had enough!?" throws his electrically charged screwdriver into gulfmon, making him drop yin. "tapirmon, just because they're in big hoards doesn't mean that they won't fall to nightmare syndrome!" about half of the anubismon and mummymon go in a frenzy, and see gulfmon as an enemy, and start attacking him. "Now the rest are easy, tapirmon, I think virus delete would be good..." the poison gets into the digimon's bodies. "now they will all be deleted eventually! We just have to avoid and fight back until that happens!"
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:50 am
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:44 pm
Kazuki watches as Piedmon and Zanbamon battle and as their data begins to delete them from the attack Tapirmon had used. He looks around and notices more digimon coming. He quickly charges up a beam with one sword and releases it at Zanbamon. Zanbamon was too caught up in the fight with Piedmon it hadn't noticed the beam. The attack hits Zanbamon and is quickly deleted. "I better defeat Piedmon too before more get here." Kazuki quickly runs to Piedmon and slashes his arm. A very huge cut was seen in Piedmon's arm. Piedmon slashes Kazuki back with both swords. One sword was blocked by Exia, but the other hit him in his leg. Kazuki fell down with a bleeding leg. He then charges up fire and blast Piedmon with it, burning him to deletion. Kazuki then turns his head as he barely stands up. He sees Mummymon and Pharaohmon and notices others. "Astamon doesn't know when to stop does he." Kazuki looks around and notices Yin is in trouble. What should he do now?
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:54 pm
"I guess its time to use my other stuff now....." ryu takes out his crossbow and two ten watt batteries. Ryu attaches the batteries to the metal coated arrow by wires, charging the arrow to twenty watts of electricity, which is convenient for the situation... Ryu fires the arrow through an anubismon deleting him, the arrow plunges into the water from which all the digimon are spawning from. The water is electrocuted at a high watt percentage, and all the digimon that are still in contact with the water are turned to data. "one to help yin...." ryu fixes up another arrow, this time with four batteries attached, and fires it at gulfmon's arm, making him immediately drop yin and still stunned from the pain. "did I forget to mention that these arrows have a tint of poison as well, I made them myself...."