Hehe.. I'm 22. almost 22 1/2, but meh.
I haven't yet recieved a whipper-snapper whapper.... aka a cane. Just thought you'd like to know... 'cause... you know... I might fall over in the hall and break a hip without something to lean on...
Unless Gromf wants to volunteer. ^_^
volunteer to break your hip? i dunno... im not mean and all, id never hit a woman or anything, i smashed a fly once and got sued, id dare not try and like break a hip...
or did you mean lean on me?
lean on me, when you're alone
ill be your friend
ill help you carry on, ohhh
if you mean lean on me, then well, i can get you a walker or a cane, but only Cattivo is allowed to lean on me (my rule, tho she may enforce it too, dunno, i dun try and get myself in those situations)