Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:24 pm
 Dorumon was using her metal cannon attack to knock down some of the fruit up in the trees above, while Ryoku was giving instrution as to how to aim and shoot her attack instead of firing randomly. After knocking down a good amount the two sat down and had lunch. Dorumon stopped eating then asked "Ryo when are we going to the other terminals..... I mean I like the jungle and all, but there's more to the digital world then just jungle" she stated. He stopped eating and responded I feel more comfortable knowing that we'll be able to engage in a fight without the worry of missing the target, so we're here to train out aim and timing" he stated. Dorumon then sighed "Ryo were you always like this?" she asked. Ryoku then looked at her "as far as I can remember yes" he said as he started eating again. Dorumon gave him a worried look then started eating again.
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:28 pm
  Marco Sombra de Milagros I'm walking the Road to Dawn... Soaring above the immense jungle was a brilliant bird with six majestic wings that created a rainbow hue with each flap. This Holy Bird was carrying some passengers on her back; a black haired male, a green-haired female, and a holy digimon dressed in white robes. The dark-haired teen wore clothing that were as black as his hair. His garnet-colored eyes stared at the trees below him, he was looking for something or rather he was looking for a sign. This was his forest after all and according to his angel friend, he was being summoned by the Ancient Beast. Maybe there wouldn't be a sign that said 'Land Here', but he was expecting something to happen. "Ease your mind, Marco. We are close to his domain." Marco didn't give any indication that he was paying attention to the angel, he just continued staring down at the endless jungle. "We've been flying for hours...the Tropical Jungle is a very big place, are you sure there is a center to this area?" The angel smiled facing forward, "You see many trees, but truthfully this entire jungle is composed of one single tree whose vines have spread out all over." Marco glanced at Lord Angemon, was this more of his 'wisdom' talk or was he actually serious? Marco couldn't tell sometimes.
Ever since he finished his 'job' with T.A.M.E.R. (who was officially disbanded), he traveled through Tamer Island while waiting for Veemon's egg to hatch. He met new friends creating new bonds as well as new experiences. He still fought with the inner darkness inside him; Ogudamon's influence never left him and while the sins that were calling to him were easier to handle, he still had some bad days. Along his journey he reunited with Iris who punched him for leaving without saying anything (again). She looked really mad this time and there was something different about her like she was more mature and stronger. It wasn't long after their reunion that Lord Angemon appeared with Varodurumon with a message for him. Apparently something big was happening in the Digital World and Lord Angemon said that it was necessary for him to come to Tropical Jungle. His involvement was necessary so Marco prepared to be thrown into another strange predicament. He didn't want to leave Iris behind so he asked her to join him. Everyone got on Varodurumon's back and left for Tropical Jungle.
"I'm not really complaining, but why are we going to see him?" Marco finally asked the questioned that was on his mind since he got on Varodurumon. Lord Angemon didn't answer him right way, it almost felt like he was trying to think of the right answer to give him. Marco frowned, so this meeting was that serious? "Trouble is coming, my friend. You along side several other tamers have a role to play, especially you because of your bond with the lord of darkness." So this was about Ogudamon's influence after all, Lord Angemon was concerned about his choice. No, that wasn't it. He was worried about him because of Ogudamon's presence. Even if he didn't want to be involved, he would probably be dragged by the people that might try to use the power of darkness. "I see..." Marco stared at his lap and stared at his silver wristwatch and the golden wolf's fang hanging from his necklace. "I am sorry that I cannot do more, but maybe he will be able to help you. He entrusted the power of Light to you after all." Marco smiled remembering that day, [he gave him the strength to fight against the darkness maybe he could help him again.
"We will be arriving soon, everyone please hold on tight," Varodurumon spoke with a gentle and majestic voice. Everyone followed her instructions and once they were ready, she descended down to jungle. Marco noticed a very large tree that wasn't in the jungle before. Once they landed and everyone left Varodurumon's back, she de-digivolved back to her ultimate form; Sinduramon. Marco petted Sinduramon's belly and thanked her for flying to this tree. He stared at his wristwatch which transformed into the new digivice that Shakkamon had given them. He was named the 'Adaptable'. His digimon partners were currently in his digivice, he could see the through the screen and they were waving at him.
"I have brought him," Lord Angemon spoke making Marco look up from his digivice to the large tree. If he took a careful look then he could see the large roots of the tree spread miles into the jungle creating other trees from that same root. His attention was taken away when the tree started glowing. A path opened in the tree like a door and Lord Angemon motion for everyone to step inside. Marco wasn't sure what to expect, but he would need to face it head on. He turned to Iris and offered her his hand so that they walk into the light together where he was waiting.
Digimon Partner(s):         Light Ally(s):   Dark Ally(s):  
Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:18 pm
 ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ Iris didn't know where she was going which was one of the reasons why she was silent through this ride. She didn't know what to say to both Marco and the Digimon that were leading them where they were goingAll that she knew was that they were going to see someone. Someone important. Iris looked at the green as they past over the Tropical Jungle once more. As she leaned on Marco, it was almost odd how it there that the two meet when she had just Ren as a Reremon and he was falling from the sky. Defeating Devimon, traveling together. After discovering that she couldn't leave for her world, she wasn't bothered by it at all. In fact, she was happy. It meant that she could remain here with her friends... and Marco. Some odd adventures together later and they had develop some kind of a relationship. Of course, it was something deeper that made Marco leave her without telling.
Iris sighed as she thought when he left without warning. She was scared and traveled with Ren and Angel. In her on her own, she had adventures and made new friends, partners that travel alongside her now. When he returned recently, she was happy to see him , after she showed him how upset she was.
And now... The two landed on the ground. Iris looked at the roots and trees in front of them. They motioned inside by Lord Angemon. Iris took Marco's hand. Something about it felt right as they walked into the light.
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ ϒ ou’re probably dreaming a different dream ɪ don’t need the sun ɪ love your smile so much now
Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:37 pm
  Marco Sombra de Milagros I'm walking the Road to Dawn... Marco walked into the light holding hands with Iris while Lord Angemon and Sinduramon followed right behind them. Everything was white for a moment and there was nothing they could see all he could feel was Iris's hand in his. When the whiteness disappeared, they seemed to have enter a new area which was completely different from Tropical jungle. There was a white tree which was surrounded by a lake and everything seemed to be in a cave underground. There was someone sitting against the glowing white tree as if it were his throne. Marco walked up to the lake as a bridge made of light appeared leading them towards the tree. Marco took the first step into the bridge of light and as they got closer to the tree the figure that was sitting against it was getting clearer to see and he was a very big figure.
"AncientGarurumon..." Marco addressed once they reached the giant ancient beast digimon. The Legendary Warrior of Light and the digimon that was said to be the descended of all beast-type digimon, He wore magnificent white armor and had the face of wolf with two giant yellow swords next to him. "Warrior of Light, I am happy to see you again and as well my old friend," AncientGarurumon spoke with Marco first then turned to Lord Angemon; apparently they were old friends. "I don't think that title suits me at all..." Marco replied with a weak smile. AncientGarurumon laughed, his chuckles were like miniature roars due to his massive size, "None sense! You earned that title all on your own, even now I see that the power of Light still shines inside you." Marco looked up surprised; he was covered in so much darkness already, how could he still see light inside him? AncientGarurumon calmed down his laughter and then sighed in with a smile like he hadn't laughed in years. "The Digital World is in danger, Warrior of Light, and eventually all the chosen tamers must make a decision including you."
Marco remembered Lord Angemon telling him the same thing, apparently everyone would need to make a decision, but why did his decision even mattered? He could just stay away from this conflict couldn't he? He was afraid of what could happen if he did decide to join this battle. "It's Ogudamon's influence, isn't it? The reason why I was brought here." Ogudamon was the leader of the Demon Lords, there was no deeper darkness than his. Everyone seemed to fall silent at his declaration, but the first to break this silence was AncientGarurumon, "He is a big concern for us, but the reason I asked Lord Angemon to bring you here was because I am worried about your safety." He stood up towering over them like a giant then kneel down to get closer to Marco, "the seeker of evil and darkness will most likely target you because of your bond with Ogudamon. Inside you lies the Seven Deadly Sins and only you have the power to summon the King of Darkness." Marco understood the situation now. AncientGarurumon was worried that he would be targeted by this new evil that was threatening the Digital World because of Ogudamon's bond with him. Marco sighed lowering his head, this whole thing was a big mess. "I don't know what to do, AncientGarurumon."
"I don't know either, but..." AncientGarurumon placed his giant hand on top of Marco's head as if patting him in comfort, "I know that you will make the right choice in the right time. I just wanted to let you know that you have my support. The power of Light was entrusted to you just like the power of Miracles that Magnamon granted you. Together, these two powers will help you. There is a darkness inside you, but there is also light and you have the power to tame both." AncientGarurumon's hand started to glow and that glow spread to Marco's body. When the light faded and AncientGarurumon removed his hand, Marco was surrounded by an aura of light. "What is this light? It feels warm..." Marco asked staring at his hands, the aura faded, and AncientGarurumon laughed kindheartedly again, "it's a tough road ahead, but I hope that this helps you, Warrior of Light."
Marco smiled at AncientGarurumon, he would hug him if he wasn't so big. "Thank you, Lobo." The Legendary Warrior of Light smiled and then glanced at Iris, "you have many people to protect. I see this woman is important to you." Marco nodded blushing a little, but he nodded nonetheless; he would not deny that Iris was important to him. "You are welcome to stay here for as long as you need, but I can see that Aether might coming to pick you up soon." Marco looked up, "you know about Aether?" AncientGarurumon laughed again which echoed through the cave, "of course. It was formed by Shakamon after all! Even that deity sees the light inside you, you should have more confidence my Warrior of Light." Marco smiled again, if Aether would be coming for them then there was no problem with them staying here until Aether arrived.
Digimon Partner(s):         Light Ally(s):   Dark Ally(s):  
Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:54 pm
 ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ Iris shielded her eyes with her free hand as the two of them walked through the light. When the light disappeared, the two were in place that underground but her focus was on the white tree in the middle of the area and it's lake. Through her glasses, she could see someone waiting for them there as a bridge of light appeared before them. Marco seemed to the digimon waiting for them and left the talking to them.
"Warrior of Light..." Iris blinked as the talked and she listened. Obviously there was a lot going on that she didn't know about it. When Marco objected to the claim of being of Light, Iris sided with AncientGarurumon as she held onto his hand. She flinched as she heard that this world was in danger. Hearing about the chosen tamers like Marco having to made a decision, she figured that she couldn't possibly to be a part of the chosen ones. Her appearance here was accidental.
She looked between the two when a Ogudamon was mention. She mouthed the words. A familiar name but with no idea about the connection. Her confusion increased when the digimon mentioned how Marco could summon the mentioned name. As she thought about what that would mean, Marco was engulfed in a bright aura.
Iris, once again, wasn't sure what was happening. She did blush properly when AncientGarurumon looked at her before mentioning her as important to Marco and he nodded. Hearing that that they could stay was a nice invite as she wanted to know what was happening to this world and to Marco.
She looked at the boy and held his hand once more. "Ne Marco...I want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what..but..." she scratched the back of her head "Can you explain to me what just happened?"
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ ϒ ou’re probably dreaming a different dream ɪ don’t need the sun ɪ love your smile so much now
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:38 pm
  Marco Sombra de Milagros I'm walking the Road to Dawn... Marco glanced at Iris and smiled, she was being taken everywhere without knowing anything yet she still stayed by his side. He squeezed her hand, "It's a long story, but AncientGarurumon is an old friend. He helped me during a tough time when I thought the darkness had invaded my heart. The reason he brought us here was because he was worried that I might be targeted..." Marco was exactly comfortable talking about his link with the lord of darkness and all evil in the world, but he owed it to Iris to tell her everything that was happening. She might be involved as well and knowing Iris she wouldn't want to leave once she was involved. "You see Iris while he were...apart, I entered a tournament. I didn't know at the time and the other participants probably didn't know either, but the tournament was secretly being held by a group of evil digimon called the Seven Great Demon Lords." Marco tensed feeling his body almost shiver from mentioning that group's name. "I fought through the tournament with Arkadimon. We managed to defeat all the participants so we won the tournament. As the victors we were offered one final battle and if we won then our prize would double. I should have denied it, but I'm sorry to say I didn't. I got greedy so I accepted their challenge." Marco paused remembering the different battles that he fought alongside with Arkadimon. They were undefeated and all that confidence made him want to accept the extra battle to prove that he was strong. He had so many bad experiences that made him feel like a loser so actually winning felt nice. He was weak and the demon lords took advantage of his blind pride.
Marco took a deep breath, "my opponent was a digimon called Ogudomon, a super demon lord and the king of the demon lords. The battle was tough and I nearly lost, but I managed to defeat him by tapping into the power of darkness inside me." He closed his eyes, he didn't want to expose himself like this to anyone, but he was surrounded by friends he trusted. Symbols began to appear on different places around his body; these symbols were the Seven Deadly Sins. The symbols of Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust appeared on his forehead, heart, right hand, back, left hand, stomach, and left peck (respectively). Marco groaned as a large black wing appeared out of his back. Sinduramon stared at the dark-haired teen with shock clear on her face even AncientGarurumon looked momentarily stunned. Lord Angemon saw this form before, but it was still quite shocking to see. "I thought I won the battle, but Ogudomon was just testing me. He was looking for an heir, someone who could carry his will and apparently I passed...these crests are prove that Ogudomon's influence is inside me." He took a deep breath and then sighed as the crests disappeared from his body.
He wasn't sure how Iris would react, but now she knew everything. "I can't run away from this and its likely that I might be targeted." AncientGarurumon decided to speak hopefully to comfort him, "Don't worry, you have friends that can help you fight. You won't be alone." Marco smiled at AncientGarurumon, "that reminds me. What exactly was that light?" The giant Legendary Warrior grinned, "I gave you some of my power so that you may fight alongside your allies. If you are able to control this power then it will strengthen you and hopefully help you when you most need it." Marco smiled again until he heard a beeping coming from his wristwatch. The watch transformed into his white digivice to inform that he received a message. Marco read through the contents and then wrote a reply with directions where they could pick him up. He made sure to include that he would be bringing guests with him.
"Looks like Aether will be here soon," Marco mentioned then turned to face AncientGarurumon, "thank you for all your help. I can't began to express my gratitude." The giant wolf warrior laughed kindly again, "there is no need my Warrior of Light. I am your ally and friend, whenever you need me just simply call for me and you will have my power." Marco smiled and bowed to him. They would wait outside near the giant tree for Aether to arrive. AncientGarurumon opened the door for everyone to exit his realm. Marco grabbed Iris's hand and everyone followed him into the door and back to the outside.
Marco stared at the giant tree, most of this jungle was created from the roots of this tree and that was really amazing. Everything was connected just like this tree was to the jungle. Every person he met and every person he would meet were connected. The bonds he developed over his journey were unbreakable. He looked up at the sky, "we all share this sky..." he muttered to himself.
Digimon Partner(s):         Light Ally(s):   Dark Ally(s):  
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:04 pm
 ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ Iris listened intently as Marco explained everything that had happened while the two were separated. She wouldn't had believe that there was such a tournament but Marco couldn't be making this up. Considering this world, he definitely wasn't making this up. She was surprised that there was a group that would organize such a tournament to look for successors.
Iris was silent as Marco explained how he had taken part of tournament and won only to basically possessed by this Ogudomon. She watched as symbols appeared on his body as well as a Black wing. Ren and Angel looked in shocked and awe at what they were seeing as well Iris. She didn't know what to say as she looked over the markings and wing. Then just as quick as they came, they were gone.
As thought of something to say, Marco mentioned that they were going to meet someone. Both of them bowed to the digimon and walked out of the this realm to returned outside. Once they were back outside, Marco looked up at the sky and did the same. As she looked up, she gripped Marco's hand.
"Yea... the same sky." Iris repeated. "Ne Marco... I know that you're the same person even with this Ogudomon." She rested on head on his shoulder. "When worse comes to worst, I'll protect you no matter what." She looked at both their hands laced together. "I'll bring you back. You got that. Especially if you something stupid, I'll knock some sense back into you okay."
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Digimon:Ren  Angel  Hime  Lila  Flora  Po Mood:Attire:New Clothes OOC: ϒ ou’re probably dreaming a different dream ɪ don’t need the sun ɪ love your smile so much now
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:16 am
 ♣~Nikky Ohno~♣ ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ Nicky walked on the big roots that came out of the ground as the sun's rays would peak through the trees of the tropical forest. Hanako the Palmon and Kukkii the Kamemon were following right behind her. As they stopped to rest, Nicky received a glare from the rays reflected on the lamp she was holding. The lamp was connected to her newest partner, Lucien the Lampmon. Curious about the newest addition, Hanako tried interacting with him. "Hey Lucien you're a genie digimon right? I wish I had cold water right about now." said the plant digimon as she pleaded with her eyes at the Lampmon. The green genie coldly looked down at Hanako. "I only grant the wishes of my master. And you are not she." Surprised by his response, the plant digimon pouted in a corner. Normally she would have tried to talk her way through it(only for her to fail), but the heat was finally getting to her. "Why are we even letting this out of nowhere digimon on our team anyway?" said Hanako depressingly, now on the ground with her arm covering her eyes. The way he became her partner was pretty random. Nicky found the lamp on a weird looking stump, rubbed it and poof came Lucien. When she looked at her digivice, he was registered as her partner. Nicky gave Hanako her bottle of water. "We've experienced randomer things than that though." Nicky said, ignoring her overly dramatic friend's overreaction. "Yeah, like that human with the wing that appeared out of nowhere!" said Kukkii. Nicky suddenly remembered the "job" with T.A.M.E.R. that she randomly decided to do. "Come to think of it, we didn't even thank the guy for saving us... I wish that we could do so now..." the girl said still reminiscing about it. "Done and done!" said Lucien as he clapped his hands. "Wait, what do yo..?" Before Nicky had a chance to finish her sentence, she and her digimon were surrounded in smoke and were transported to another part of the jungle. When the smoked cleared, Nicky saw a giant angel digimon completely dressed in white, a bird digimon that reminded her of a chicken, a human boy dressed in black and human girl with green hair. "I have granted your wish master." he said proudly. As she looked more closely, she noticed that one of the humans was the guy they just mentioned, Marco. Kukkii followed Nicky's gaze which was directed at the young man. "Yeah, that dude!" the turtle digimon said completely unfazed by sudden change of location. The female tamer quickly hit(lightly) Kukkii on his helmet for pointing his claw at Marco and made him bow with her. "We're sorry for my abrupt appearance Mister Marco!" When she raised her head, she saw that the girl and Marco were pretty close together. "Ah, I'm sorry for interrupting the two of you!"▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ Digimon out of digivice:  
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:50 pm
    Montgomery "Monty" Wallace ✖ ✖ ✖ Digimon Tamer ✖ ✖ ✖ Posts Theme: The Sword that Cleaves Evil OGS
There was a crash in the sky above the Tropical Jungle. A gargantuan presence one that influenced the very environment around it as it moved. The metal sea serpent digimon moved through the air with the utmost grace, despite it's size, coming towards the exact coordinates provided by it's tamer. GigaSeadramon, Aether's moving fortress, and one of Montgomery's original digimon partners. There was a shock wave of air as it descended, the winds were being displaced by it's enormous body and in turn causing the trees to bend and the ground to shake. The boosters all around it's body began to cease as it slowly touched down, the engines didn't fully turn off, just enough to stop destroying everything around it. GigaSeadramon's mouth opened and the silhouette of a person could be seen exiting it's inner cavity. It was Monty, the tamer of Aether Marco had sent the message too. He smiled and gave a thumbs up as he proclaimed, "Hey guys!" He pointed his thumb over his shoulder and said, "Need a lift?" That was their invitation to join the rest of them in GigaSeadramon's inner base, it would be a safe place to convene in while the war took place outside. A plan would be needed, a plan to help shape the future of the digital world.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:02 pm
I Will Fight Nicholas would walk over to Monty and noticed that Marco had to ladies with him one of which had been there during the events of T.A.M.E.R and the other a totally new person. He smirked as he saw what was in front of him and GranD came and did the exact same thing though he was always smirking so it didn't really make much difference. Nicholas would then say to Marco, "Yo Marco, didn't know that you were such a chick magnet. I wonder how many more chick's you been seducing behind our backs.". He would then wink at GranD knowing that GranD was going to say something.
GranD would continue what Nicholas was saying and replied, "He probably got way more chicks then even he could count or remember. I bet he's done both of them already I mean why else would they be going around with each other. Yo black emo dude, make sure you don't do anything indecent inside here.". GranD would then laugh insanely before forcing himself to reenter Nicholas' digivice.
Nicholas would look at his digivice and could hear GranD making his typical mischievous laughter from inside the digivice. He sighed and then said, "Well Mr. Chick Magnet why don't you come on in and enter already. We still got more people to collect and so little time....I think. Step into the wonders of the mouth and see the wonders of this giant mechanical sea serpent of truth, justice and twinkies.". Nicholas would smirk as he awaited for Marco's reaction. He was probably one of the more disliked members of Aether because of his attitude but that did not bother him that much since he was not really a team player in the first place and preferred to relax. For My Beliefs Current Digimon Partners In Party: None Current Digimon Partners In Digivice: GranD = Dracmon | Bolt = FanBeemon | Solaris = Coronamon | Blitz = Veemon | George = Wormmon | Zero = Guilmon | Napalm = WarGreymon | Bob = Garurumon | Gawain = Salamon | Magnum = Magnamon | Gareth = Dinohyumon | Lancelot = MasterVeedramon | Galahad = FlaWizarmon | Drago = Dracomon | Arthur = DORUGreymon | Captain Greymon = Greymon | Tristan = Kudamon | Birdy = Hawkmon | Ahri = Lynxmon {{OOC: Mwahahahaha }}
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:37 pm
Ethan of Aether
The brown haired tamer Ethan came out next. And he gave a kind smile and waved saying," Hey. Its been a while!" He couldnt help but chuckle at Gran D and Nicholas comments. He seen the two girls there and he cocked his head, he didnt recognize them. But then again, he had a horrible memory at times. He was lucky enough to remember things after he got into the Digital World. He looked to his Digivice and seen the Image of his Terriermon and Guilmon wrestling, he chuckled a bit at this. And then looked up to Marco and the two women. He had almost nicknamed Marco, Shadow, but he figured he wouldnt enjoy the nickname so he didnt mention it. But sometimes he thought it on accident. ( Lol.) Theme Music
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:51 pm
  Marco Sombra de Milagros I'm walking the Road to Dawn... Marco blushed when Iris leaned on his shoulder and told him that she would protect him. Wasn't it usually the guy that protected the girl? He chuckled, that was Iris for you. He smiled and squeezed her hand, "thank you, Iris." He looked ahead spotting a bright light right in front of them. He let go of Iris's hand and stepped in front of her as if to shield her from whatever might come from that light. When the light faded, Marco activated his digivice in case an attack would come, but there was no attack. A brown-haired girl with a lamp, a Palmon, and Kamemon was right in front of them. He recognized the girl as well as the Kamemon because they were the same pair that he helped escape while working with T.A.M.E.R. He felt horrible after they were separated and tried his best to fight through the castle in order to save her and the other captives. When they finally managed to defeat Reapermon and save the captured members of T.A.M.E.R, he was pulled away to another area before he could speak with her again.
"Nikky," Marco smiled walking up to her. She looked like she was in good shape and he was relieved to see that she was fine. She was bowing to him and calling him 'mister' if he remembered correctly, she called him 'mister' during their first meeting as well. Marco rubbed the back of his head, "Nikky, you can just call me Marco, I feel old being called mister..." he chuckled and then blinked when she mentioned 'interrupting' Iris and him. He shook his head blushing, "n-no at all! I'm glad to see you again, Nikky and you too Kamemon." He smiled politely at Palmon whom he hadn't met yet. "Did you teleport here? I saw a bright light and then you just appeared." He was that she didn't have a power like that when he first met her because if she did then their mission would have been a lot more easier.
Marco's attention was taken away by the sounds of engines hovering over them. Marco looked up watching as the sky seem to split in half and large creature emerged. He saw Monty, Nicholas, and Ethan the fellow members of Aether. He frowned seeing how the GigaSeadramon they were driving was kind of destroying some of the trees around them. AncientGarurumon would definitely not like that so it was for the best if they left immediately. Marco groaned hearing the red head's comment about him being a 'chick magnet', there was no censorship in his words and he clearly didn't care for what others thought or how rude he was being to the two ladies that were present. He didn't mind if he made fun of him, but he didn't like he was involving Iris and Nikky into his teasing. He sighed, he wasn't going to add fuel to the fire and they really needed to leave this place at once. "We should get going," he spoke to Iris then turned to Nikky, "I know this is sudden, but would you like to join us? We could really use your help." This was partly true, the more people they had the better their chances, but at the same time he didn't want to leave Nikky alone here. He would protect her and his friends.
He stole a glance at Lord Angemon and Sinduramon, they were still here so he could only figure that they would still stick around. He could use their help especially since Lord Angemon and Sinduramon were powerful digimon. Also, Sinduramon could digivolve into a large bird to help them travel easier. He wasn't sure how comfortable he was being inside a digimon's stomach, but he would need to try it out first.
Digimon Partner(s):         Light Ally(s):   Dark Ally(s):  
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:47 am
 ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ Iris smiled as Marco thanked her and she leaned on him more. Under the lovely sky and the mood, the atmosphere was almost date like until it was interrupted by a bright light. Marco was faster than her as he stood up and shielded her. Angel and Ren were ready to defend when the light faded but there was no attack to block or counter. Just a girl that was younger than both of them and her digimon.
Iris blinked and then chuckled as the girl greeted 'Mister Marco' before she blushed when the girl apologized for interrupting the two. Before Iris could say something, another presence appeared, the trees moving from the force as a GigaSeadramon appeared before them. Iris looked in awe at the Digimon as did Ren and Angel. They were really hoping that it wasn't their opponent. A fear that was taken care of when its mouth opened and someone walked out, offering a lift. Iris' voice decided on a vacation at this moment since her brain was overworking to figure out what was going on.
Suddenly the surprises didn't end there when to more tamers appeared. A young boy with brown hair and another with red hair and a even louder mouth as he called Marco a 'chick magnet.' Something that would had been fine as a joke when his digimon put in his own two cents. Hearing the digimon, Iris blushed as Angel and Ren and scowled at the rude digimon and his trainer.
Iris turned her attention to Marco who told her it was time to get going. She nodded at her but wondered if they were going with the three new guys or wit Lord Angemon and Sinduramon..
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Digimon:Ren  Angel  Hime  Lila  Flora  Po Mood:Attire:New Clothes OOC: ϒ ou’re probably dreaming a different dream ɪ don’t need the sun ɪ love your smile so much now
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:02 pm
 ♣~Nikky Ohno~♣ ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ Nikky felt relieved when Marco called her name. She thought that she would have been easily forgotten since there were a lot of people that he saved on the day of the T.A.M.E.R. mission and felt that she didn't stand out much. She lightly bowed once again when he told her to simply call him by his name. "Ah sorry! Marco it is then." Being unable to tell the ages of people by their appearance, Nikky usually used the titles miss or mister to show respect to possible elders. She didn't mean to make him feel old; she just wanted to be respectful. When Marco asked her how she got there, she began to ponder as to how she did so. "Hmmm... I guess I did and I'm not really sure how though..." Nicky said as she scratched the back of her head with the lamp. Her train of thought came to a stop when a giant metal snake digimon appeared in the sky. A young man wearing orange leaving the digimon's mouth caught her attention. How did they get in there? More questions about this strange situation began formulating in her head, but none to leave her mouth. Two other male individuals shortly came out after the first one; a red haired teen she remembered from the mission and a brown haired teen she did not recognize. Nikky ignored the comments made by the red head and his partner thinking that it had nothing to do with her, but Hanako glared at the two before one of them disappeared. Nikky jumped at Marco's offer to join them saying, "Alright! I still owe you for saving me and Kukkii, so I'd be easier to repay you this way." She didn't like leaving debts unpaid. She turned to her digimon and asked, "Any objections?" Kukkii's interest was peaked when the red haired spoke of twinkies. b] "Did the dude just say twinkies? I'm in!" responded the turtle digimon with enthusiasm. "Nope, along as you're fine with it." Hanako said as she remembered the rude tamer. Lucien nodded and replied, "I go where you go master." She then turned back to Marco. "Alighty then. To the inside of the flying snake thingy!" she said as she pumped her fist to the sky. ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ Digimon out of digivice:  
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:03 pm
    Montgomery "Monty" Wallace ✖ ✖ ✖ Digimon Tamer ✖ ✖ ✖ Posts Theme: The Sword that Cleaves Evil OGS
Monty was intrigued at Marco's choice of company, they were both female tamers, both of them having many partners of their own. He was told before hand that he would have some guests coming with him, so he wasn't shocked when all of them did agree to coming with them. His thoughts were then interrupted by Nicholas who made a rude reference to the women with Marco. He was slightly angered, even if it was his usual manner, he instinctively reached out and gripped the red haired tamers ear and pulled, it would soon match his hair in color. Calling out again he stated, "Don't worry girls he's harmless, Aether will protect you in the coming battles, and my partner GigaSeadramon has a hanger inside big enough to fit a Chaosdramon, enough room for everyone!" He then released Nicholas's ear and turned, trudging back into the bellows of his digimon's mouth cavity. He beckoned with his arm as he called out once more, "All aboard!"
