New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:15 pm
LOL, well I'm planning on putting them out....he made plenty I believe. smile *just then her phone rings, and she sees that it's the caterer calling. After a quick conversation, she ends the call.*
Well, that was the caterer. He'll be here soon with the food I ordered. Guess I'll get the table ready before he gets here.
*going to the side of the bar, she pushes some tables together to make a long, buffet style table. She covers them with black lace tablecloths and spreads out several red cloth napkins in a diamond pattern on top of them.*
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:36 pm
*laughing with Katana, she retrieves the candles she had special ordered along with the dolls and puts them in the middle of each table, surrounding them with black ivy garland. The candles are the headless bodies of the cupid heads the dolls are holding. When lit, the wax will turn red when melting, causing a "bleeding" effect* Catering you say? How wonderful! I'm also waiting on a delivery from Vladimirs Chocolatier Specialty Shoppe. Wait til you see what I have in store for the party. *Very elated with the way the decor is turning out, she finds the satin and lace chair bows, slipping them on the back of every chair around the tables. Snapping her fingers, she remembers the banner she had made. Searching for the rolled banner, she finds it under one of the bar stools when she dropped her things earlier. Unrolling it, she fastens it to the front of the counter. It reads: WELCOME TO THE MWs 1ST ANNUAL ANTI-VALENTINES DAY PARTY with the letters dripping, making a blood pool at the bottom of the banner*
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:45 pm
*The caterer and his staff come through the front door of MW. She directs them to where they should set up the food. Several pans and chafing trays are brought in and set up on the table, each one containing a different red and/or black themed food. Along with the red stuffed bell peppers, the marinara sauce with black pasta, there are several boxes of red velvet cupcakes, frosted with black colored cream cheese frosting. Next to the cupcakes, she places Karrie's broken heart cookies on a large platter.*
Love the banner! Oh, I left you some room on the table for your chocolates if you need it. *she then goes behind the bar to grab a Corona and finishes ther business with the caterer. After making arrangements for when the caterer will come back to pick up his pans, the caterer and his staff leave out the front door.*
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:02 pm
*seeing all the wonderful food being brought in, her stomach goes to growling. A bit embarrassed, she quickly busies herself with the last of the decorating before the desserts arrive. The black roses that QS brought a fews days back are still vibrant and fragrant, so she leaves them on the tables, glad for the added decor. Hearing a truck pull up, she goes to the doors and opens both up, letting the deliverers in.
They bring in several boxes and trays, and a specially crafted basket. Instructing them where to set things up, they start unloading the boxes and trays. The boxes are filled with triple chocolate heart shaped brownies, half with walnuts and half plain, with red cream cheese frosting and mini scythes stuck in the middle of each one made from chocolate. The trays are chocolate covered strawberries injected with champagne.
The last and very special of all treats is the basket. The basket is chocolate weaved and wrapped in red cellophane. Inside the basket are a dozen finely crafted long stem chocolate roses, made of the finest and richest chocolate. Each rose is lovingly wrapped in either red or black cellophane, with a coordinating red or black satin bow tied around it. Using it as a centerpiece for the bar, she sets it on the counter and wraps red and black ivy around it.
Tipping the deliverers, she looks at all the chocolate and nearly loses it*
OMG!!! I'm so in a chocolate frenzy right now! I need some air! xd
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:07 pm
*looks at the beautiful chocolate roses* They look too pretty to eat! gonk But they do make a beautiful decoration, Icy. I think we've done a good job....shall we have a drink to celebrate our hard work?
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:17 pm
*eyes light up at the thought of a drink*
Oh yes, lets! I do believe I'm in the mood for a glass of wine. What was that wine Psyzapp introduced me to? I believe it was something along the lines of Noir....
*goes behind the counter and searches for the bottle, finding it*
Ah yes! This is it!
*grabs a glass and looks at Katana*
Care for a glass or would you like something different?
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:19 pm
*holds up her bottle of Corona and smiles* Not much of a wine drinker, sorry. smile I'm good for the moment. So, are you planning on sticking around for the party?
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:23 pm
*glances at the clock behind the counter*
Hey, when does this shindig start anyway? confused
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:32 pm
LOL, whenever we want, I suppose! *the door to MW opens and another delivery man shows up with a large bouquet of black roses. He comes up to her and hands them to her, along with a card. Surprised, she signs for the delivery and the delivery man leaves. *
*Opening the card, she discovers the flowers are from Showcase* Awww, he remembered I like black roses better than red! smile
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:48 pm
*smiling over her bitterness, she heads for the office to go to her quarters, calling over her shoulder*
OMG! That is sweet! I'll be right back hon. Gonna change real quick so I won't have to later on. xd
*heading through the passageway before anything else can be said, she wipes the plastered smile off her face and heads down the stairs and through the corridor to her door.
Inside, she heads to her bathroom and takes a quick shower to freshen up, digging through her closet to see what she's going to wear tonight*
Well, this is an Anti Valentine Party, plus I got some business to attend to after wards, which may end in death......Black is the perfect choice for both occasions!
*finding something with coordinating accessories, she dresses and grabs her bags, locking the door and heading back the way she came. Back inside the office, she places her things on against the wall just inside the door*
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:57 pm
OK, I'll hang out up here in case people start trickling in!
*she sits at the bar, sipping her beer and looking at the flowers Showcase sent her. OK, I am NOT going to over analyze this! I'm sure he sent them because he wanted to and not out of feeling that he had to. Just enjoy them, and him, just like Psyzapp said, and wait and see what happens.*
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:02 pm
*stepping out the office, the numerous aromas overtake her and she heads straight for the buffet table, snatching a brownie, a strawberry and a cupcake, running before Katana can swat her away from the table*
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:08 pm
Hmm... a party... I didn't get a party when I said it was my Unbirthday.
Speaking of which... today is my Unbirthday.
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:11 pm
Good evening, Showa. smile Help yourself to the food. *she finishes her beer and goes behind the counter to make a vodka and cranberry-pomegranate juice.*
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:16 pm
Hmm... -alters the walls to have a large colorful mural of a deflated heart with an arrow through it floating in a pool of blood-