Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:15 pm
Sky144 great topic dronze, love the dronzerant... as for nuisance's comment about being harsh or not. i think there are some times that harsh is the right way. for example, in one of your rants, the noobs asking for 800k... people may say, "hey its worth a try' but come on, if he knows how hard it is to get 10k, is it make sense to ask for 800k from strangers that you don't even know, talk to, or even communicate with during your time in Gaia (which in his/her case about a month???) that need to be 'dronze-nized' and i agree there are people who are prefer to be reasoned with better words and not insult-ion, but again, from the dronzerants that i read [other than that one post with a really strange English (i'm not an english speaker myself)] THEY DESERVED IT... oh well, keep it up, i'll wait for more dronzerants... now to join charisma and kage in to create egg canon.... You have some of your facts mixed up really. See many of the people that claim to only listen to constructive criticism. Actually only say this as a reason to duck out of the way of whatever was called to attention. Another point I would like to point out. Did that person deserve to be ranted on. Absolutely not, there grammar certainly was bad. HOWEVER, what they were saying was intended as a positive comment. The rant I am talking about is Dronze rant number six just to clarify. I think the point of these Dronze rants has been missed on some level. See there purpose is to draw attention to stuff people are doing wrong. The fact that people find it amusing is just a side effect really.
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:07 pm
The whole point of these is to call attention to those things, and a lot of my rants should be read with more of an "ARE YOU INSANE?!" tone, rather than a "U R TEH SUCK, n00b!" type of tone...
if you're going to cheer me on, do so because you see my point, not just because you think that I have a humorous way of blasting people.
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:21 pm
LanceCalvis Sky144 great topic dronze, love the dronzerant... as for nuisance's comment about being harsh or not. i think there are some times that harsh is the right way. for example, in one of your rants, the noobs asking for 800k... people may say, "hey its worth a try' but come on, if he knows how hard it is to get 10k, is it make sense to ask for 800k from strangers that you don't even know, talk to, or even communicate with during your time in Gaia (which in his/her case about a month???) that need to be 'dronze-nized' and i agree there are people who are prefer to be reasoned with better words and not insult-ion, but again, from the dronzerants that i read [other than that one post with a really strange English (i'm not an english speaker myself)] THEY DESERVED IT... oh well, keep it up, i'll wait for more dronzerants... now to join charisma and kage in to create egg canon.... You have some of your facts mixed up really. See many of the people that claim to only listen to constructive criticism. Actually only say this as a reason to duck out of the way of whatever was called to attention. Another point I would like to point out. Did that person deserve to be ranted on. Absolutely not, there grammar certainly was bad. HOWEVER, what they were saying was intended as a positive comment. The rant I am talking about is Dronze rant number six just to clarify. I think the point of these Dronze rants has been missed on some level. See there purpose is to draw attention to stuff people are doing wrong. The fact that people find it amusing is just a side effect really. The point I had made in #6 was under the assumption that this person spoke english, somewhat fluently, in their day to day lives, because, honestly, it actually read like they did.
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:48 pm
Yeah, that kid was just.... ugh.... inspiration for birth control anyone? The "accidental" friendly fire occurred after he A: demanded I give him some paint (for people who don't know paintball, you have to buy your own. Most field require that you buy it there to prevent tampering.) Now, I'm reloading my gun in the middle of a fire fight when he demanded this. And he had spare paint, it was in pods (houlders shaped like big bullets, kinda) on his back, and he couldn't reach them. Not my problem. The thing that really got m, though, was, ok, here's a 13-year old kid, who has never played, telling me I shouldn't be playing because I'm female. I'm sorry, that just doesn't track with me, or any of our team. Dronze is my best friend, but he wouldn't keep me on the team if I was a p**s poor player. I'm fairly inexperienced, I play solidly, and I'm willing to learn. If anyone should not have been on the field, it was this kid. He followed our other teammate around so much he gave him a huge headache, literally, but the creepiest was when he came over to our setup (goggles on, no less) and just stood a foot away from us and STARED. Seriously weird. But yeah, dronze has gaven me a few in-person mini rants about stuff I screwed up on on the field- I can assure you all, he does not discriminate. If you deserve ranting, he will give it to you, n00b, oldster, whatever.
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:04 pm
Did you shoot the little b*****d? The 13-year-old, I mean. I would've said "Bite me" and shot him in the face with the paintball gun.
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:20 pm
yes, yes she did... square in the butt. Incoming, new rant. Mark it #7, and know that this one came in response to a post directed at Shugotenshi by some n00b in the gimmiegimmiegimmie subforum... enjoy. dronze Quote: HOW ABOUT STOP BUGGING ME Nobody's been bugging you, he simply pointed out that YOU'RE BUGGING US. Sorry, but it makes my life a hell of a lot more difficult when I have to weed through a dozen different threads every hour to see what's on par, and what needs to be deleted. Yours, due to your ignorance of the rules, clearly posted at the very top of the list, is not going to be tolerated, and you've continually shown ZERO INTEREST in following them. People have gotten annoyed, and now that I'm one of them, you've got issues. Because nobody wants to help someone who puts little to no effort into what they're asking for... sorry. let me put this as clearly as I possibly can... WE ARE NOT A WELFARE OFFICE. WE ARE NOT HERE TO GIVE HANDOUTS TO EVERY SELF CENTERED N00B WHO FEELS ENTITLED TO FREE STUFF SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY'RE NEW. WORK FOR WHAT YOU WANT, PROVE THAT WE WANT YOU AROUND, AND THEN WE MIGHT GIVE YOU SOMETHING.
you mean a "new" one? sorry, but my sympathy for you as a new player has run out entirely. you've spammed my subforum (I say this because I try to do most of the maintenance for it whenever I get the time to), annoyed the regulars, and gotten on my bad side... sorry, but you're up s**t creek without a paddle... or a canoe... or a life vest... and I'm pretty sure you filled your socks with lead. Use proper english, if you're choosing to post in that language, and more to the point, use the proper words. hypocrisy alert in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Quote: AND LET ME DO WHAT I WANT (what I had originally wanted to post here has been removed preemtively, as this is a PG-13 forum, and it would have probably gotten me banned.) If I could use the Jedi mind trick, I'd tell you that you wanted to jump off a bridge. I'm not saying you can't do what you want, I'm saying you can't do it in here. Quote: YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT I CAN OR CANT TO Sure I can... I'm crew. just as soon as you stop annoying us... these kinds of things have a lot of give and take. you know... you give us crap, and we take away your privileges to post in here. Quote: AND MIND YOU OWN BUISNNESS!!!!!!!!! I am... you just happen to be in the middle of it. Then stop complaining, and enjoy your swim. The feeling is mutual.
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:50 am
That seemed like he wasn't thinking at all when he wrote it. Since when did they let 5-year olds join gaia?
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:40 pm
Teh Boxman Did you shoot the little b*****d? The 13-year-old, I mean. I would've said "Bite me" and shot him in the face with the paintball gun. Haha, that would be the best. I didnt know you two know each other in person (Ravenlady13 and Dronze), thats cool. I like to see the DronzeRants, because sometimes, not always, i see a few pointers in them. Good job Dronze.
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:28 pm
Hey I saw #7 when it was posted! Nice job there Dronze. Your ability to render someone speechless deserves applause.
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:17 pm
Thank you, thank you...
Anyhow, shameless plug time.
I have a quest thread up, it has all kinds of nifty stuff to come.
It's in the donations subforum, you should check it out.... no, wait...
*waves hand in all his uber-slick Jediness* you will check it out.
did my jedi mind-trick work?
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:44 pm
Obey, obey *Wanders off, Zombie style.*
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:48 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:05 pm
who are you and why are you making useless posts in this particular thread? in case you hadn't noticed, this thread isn't really the best place to be doing that...
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:49 am
Wow I have to say those people are really thick, and like you said in #3 i think it was "about as sharp as a wooden spoon." lol. But those are really good!! I'll keep my eyes out for any material you might be able to use!!!
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:21 am
number 3 is finally finished!