Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:12 pm
CCxLenalee Zhadgon CCxLenalee Zhadgon CCxLenalee lolz... i bought a cash card for it... @>@ now im out again XD Sorry to hear that Lena. .n_n. hahahaha lolz... yawnz... but then the price is kinda up and down right now for fallen wish... sometimes 120k, somtimes 150k @>@>.. I know but if is a dragon it would be awesome (still hope is a dragon). .n_n. lolz... but there are some dragons already... and right now they made two star evolution items... @>@ i wonder if its like twin items or something... -~- How about Phoenix and Dragon they are twin in the Chinese Culture the symbol fo emperor was the dragon and the phoenix for the empress. And also the pet of Picolitrosso's Urn is a chiken with blue and red the main colors of the phoenix. .n_n.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:15 pm
So, I tend to venture out of the guild when no one is here *falls over*
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:16 pm
Zhadgon CCxLenalee Zhadgon CCxLenalee Zhadgon CCxLenalee lolz... i bought a cash card for it... @>@ now im out again XD Sorry to hear that Lena. .n_n. hahahaha lolz... yawnz... but then the price is kinda up and down right now for fallen wish... sometimes 120k, somtimes 150k @>@>.. I know but if is a dragon it would be awesome (still hope is a dragon). .n_n. lolz... but there are some dragons already... and right now they made two star evolution items... @>@ i wonder if its like twin items or something... -~- How about Phoenix and Dragon they are twin in the Chinese Culture the symbol fo emperor was the dragon and the phoenix for the empress. And also the pet of Picolitrosso's Urn is a chiken with blue and red the main colors of the phoenix. .n_n. lolz... but that combo is more like for marriages...
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:16 pm
Dammie-kins 0,o? *laughs* So, I tend to venture out of the guild when no one is here *falls over* I don´t understand xd what are you talking about. Edited: Like i say is what i think, and about mythical big and fierce creature what more can be and that grant wishes. .n_n.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:17 pm
twins? hope so.....i'll just wait for the item to deflate. the price is usually peak high when items first come out, so it is best to use the cash on them. generally, they attract early market people that want the item (such as lena when the imp plushies came out. i'll just plainly wait it out. btw, lena, i suggest you sell that thing as early as possible....before it deflates again. in my opinion it is better to get 20k less now, than to get 40k less later on. )
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:17 pm
Zhadgon Dammie-kins 0,o? *laughs* So, I tend to venture out of the guild when no one is here *falls over* I don´t understand xd what are you talking about. .n_n. same...
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:21 pm
Well, Never mind then. I'm hoping for the star to become a djinn, Hopefully that or maybe what the hermes moon should of been, It should of been a form of magic. not just...look...i have dashes around me...I was looking for more of an aura than two orbital rings.
Well i'm working on getting some GC to get this babie, I have an urge to invest in it, i have biiiig hopes for it.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:24 pm
Dammie-kins Well, Never mind then. I'm hoping for the star to become a djinn, Hopefully that or maybe what the hermes moon should of been, It should of been a form of magic. not just...look...i have dashes around me...I was looking for more of an aura than two orbital rings. Well i'm working on getting some GC to get this babie, I have an urge to invest in it, i have biiiig hopes for it. yawnz... lolz orbital rings? O-o i didnt notice...
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:27 pm
I have lost all hope in the evolving items. They are either really lame or super creepy. Was I not the only one to hate the spider legs on some Avi's???
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:30 pm
tilbear I have lost all hope in the evolving items. They are either really lame or super creepy. Was I not the only one to hate the spider legs on some Avi's??? Well yeah but i think that the Herme´s Moon was a good item it has some poses like the scarf and cape that were awesome and little bunnys XD. .n_n.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:32 pm
Zhadgon tilbear I have lost all hope in the evolving items. They are either really lame or super creepy. Was I not the only one to hate the spider legs on some Avi's??? Well yeah but i think that the Herme´s Moon was a good item it has some poses like the scarf and cape that were awesome and little bunnys XD. .n_n. good....and expensive...good thing i still kept one.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:36 pm
*puts head down*
Lena, Electrons have orbital rings around the nucleus. The item has two sets of rings around the avatar.
2nd shell of an atom.
The evolving items have replaced the monthly collectibles. They both have lost most credibility. So has the developers of gaiaonline with most of its faithful people.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:39 pm
Dammie-kins *puts head down* Lena, Electrons have orbital rings around the nucleus. The item has two sets of rings around the avatar. 2nd shell of an atom. *laughs* The evolving items have replaced the monthly collectibles. They both have lost most credibility. So has the developers of gaiaonline with most of its faithful people. umm, lets not go so deep into chemistry, ok? you'll lose me too at this rate. but yeah, you're correct. on average, we have about 10k less daily users. take the online user count right now: it used to be 90k people on a daily basis, but now it's just 80k of online gaians. i think they're finally starting to realize the loss trend
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:40 pm
Ronzalpha201 Zhadgon tilbear I have lost all hope in the evolving items. They are either really lame or super creepy. Was I not the only one to hate the spider legs on some Avi's??? Well yeah but i think that the Herme´s Moon was a good item it has some poses like the scarf and cape that were awesome and little bunnys XD. .n_n. good....and expensive...good thing i still kept one. dam it... i never gather enough to pay u back before using it again... >~<
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:41 pm
It's almost as if they are too busy to create items worth buying. I think the MC's have their good and bad months, but with all the evolving items they have to keep up with the MC's have gone down in desirability. If it is stupid, who wants it? I never even opened my letter this month because i didn't like either of the selections.