Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:19 am
 [Enter Kazu and Party from Network City Event] Kazu wandered into the desert with Mermaimon hovering along side him. "That was terrible...""What... What would cause such a massive scale attack? Those Viruses came out of nowhere..."Kazu shook his head, he should have died so many times in the past few hours it was unreal. First the exploding train, then the battle against the Phelesmon then having his Digivice swallowed by a Megidramon, a building had collapsed on top of him to top the whole thing off. Kazu kicked a stone and watched it skitter across the ground, he was devastated at what he had seen in the city, humans and Digimon alike slaughtered without a second though by the Dark Tamers. Veemon was sleeping inside his Digivice with Piedmon and BanchoLeomon. All of them were in killer shape after the battles, BanchoLeomon in particular almost being deleted. Only Mermaimon had escaped the carnage relativly unscathed. "I don't know what caused it... But I will not let it happen again."Kazu gripped the Digivice tightly. He looked at the screen and cycled through some options. "Ok Mermaimon, you escort Veemon, BanchoLeomon and Piedmon to The Sanctuary and relax. I'll bring the others along to look after me ok?"The Sanctuary was what Kazu and his friends called their little hide-away. It was an area of the Digital World where they could escape for peace and training. Kazu pressed a few buttons and held the divice before him. A pillar of light erupted from the machine and shot into the air, punching a hole through the clouds above. Mermaimon nodded and jumped into the light, picking up BanchoLeomon. Piedmon stirred and scooped up Veemon. "Kyah hahahaa! I'll enjoy some down-time after that glorious chaos!"He cackled as the four Digimon glowed brightly and shot into the air, riding the Pillar. Kazu watched for a few seconds as four new shapes rode the pillar down to the earth. In a flash the light beam dissapeared and in it's place were more of Kazu's friends. Demi-Veemon, Chibomon, Zerimon and Myotismon. Kazu smiled at them all and waved. They returned him with looks of horror and shock. "What happened to you!""Kazu you're all cut up!""What happened to you!""Lemme at the guys who did this to you!"Kazu chuckled and ruffled Chibomon and Zerimon's heads as he smiled at Demi-Veemon and Myotismon. "I ran into some trouble in Network City. No biggy."Kazu explained the whole situation, afterwards Myotismon nodded and folded his arms. "I don't like this. Viruses attacking, killing no less, innocents? Something doesn't seem right..."Kazu agreed, but what could he say that hadn't already been said? "C'mon, we'd better get moving..."Zerimon perched on his left shoulder, Chibomon on his right and Demi-Veemon scrambled onto Kazu's head s they set off. After a few hours of walking Kazu sat on a rock to rest. "I swear this Desert is out to get me... I'm always ending up here..."Something caught his attention. A giant pink heart was floating in the distance. "... A mirage?"The heart floated closer. Kazu got to his feet and wandered towards it. "Wonder what it feels like..."Myotismon noticed Kazu and his eyes widened in shock. "No!"Myotismon dived forwards, knocking Kazu out of the way. "What the...?"Myotismon was engulfed in the heart, vanishing from sight behind it's pink walls. A flurry of more hearts appeared, each one hit one of Kazu's digimon, trapping Zerimon and Chibomon. "Hey quit attacking us!"Demi-Veemon jumped forwards and glowed. Kazu's digivice shone brightly too as the two Golden Digi-Eggs spun on it's screen. Demi-Veemon burst into light and emerged as GoldVeedramon. "I've got this guy Kazu!"A sillouette was moving towards them. As it approached GoldVeedramon's mouth began to leak with flames. "Gold V-Nova Blast!"A sphere of golden energy shot towards the figure. It swung its arm and brushed the shot aside, knocking it into the sand and causing a fountain of sand to explode. "Now Chibomon. Is that anyway to treat your teacher!?"GoldVeedramon paused before shaking his head. "Teacher?""I don't know what he's talking about! Gold Vee Head Butt!"Without explination GoldVeedramon launched forwards at the figure. "Impulsive as ever... When will you learn? Silence Hug!"GoldVeedramon's attack was ineffective as the mysterious figure grabbed him in a bear hug. "Wait... Your a teddy-bear!?"Kazu could see the figure clearly now, it was a giant yellow teddy with a bandage on its stomach. "I apologise for my pupil. I assume he's with you because of his recklessness. Tsk, you never learn do you Chibomon."Kazu was speechless as the teddy dropped GoldVeedramon to the ground laughing. "Ahh where are my manners? I'm Monzeamon. I was a teacher and protector for the Veemon tribe in the East Data Ocean. After the War there we found that Chibomon here was missing. We knew how much he liked you Kazu and so I was sent after him, to check up on him and to escort you for a while. My, my you are torn up arn't you? Torn clothes, cuts and bruises all over, anyone would think you'd been fighting a war."Monzeamon shot him a knowing glance and Kazu nodded back at him. "Teacher! I told you! I'm strong enough to handle myself!"Monzeamon laughed, as he did so the heart bubbles popped around the area, freeing Chibomon, Zerimon and Myotismon, all of which had giant smiles on their faces. "They're fine. I just wanted to see how far Chibomon had advanced. He was one of my most... Well interesting students, always challenging me to sparring matches. Even though I'm an Ultimate! Ha!"Kazu chuckled and patted GoldVeedramon on the back. "Y'know you never did say bye to your tribe did you? How about we pay them a visit?"Monzeamon's eyes lit up as Kazu mentioned the visit. "Oh what a fantastic idea! I see why you chose to follow this young man GoldVeedramon, he's a bright one!"Kazu blushed at the compliment. "Well lead the way buddy. Welcome to the team. I'll have to introduce you to everyone else eventually."Chibomon and Zerimon yawned and warped back into the Digivice. GoldVeedramon de-digivolved to Demi-Veemon, much to Monzeamon's delight, and Myotismon folded his arms again and followed the group. The three Digimon and Kazu set off across the Desert and towards the Veemon Tribe, Monzeamon and Demi-Veemon chatting about old times, reminicing and laughing while Kazu and Myotismon discussed the events at Network City while keeping a watch out for any Dark Tamers...
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:33 pm
"So then Demi-Veemon here fell into the ocean!""Hey do you have to bring that up!"Kazu and Myotismon were falling about laughing at Monzeamon's stories of the Veemon tribe. Demi-Veemon was sitting crossly on Kazu's head. Kazu wiped a tear of laughter from his eye and picked up Demi-Veemon. "Ahh come on now. Have a laugh!"Demi-Veemon huffed then giggled, squirming out of Kazu's grip and skittering away across the sand. Myotismon sighed and put a hand to his head, guarding the light from his eyes. "Kazu... Can I go into the Digivice? The sun's killing me..."Kazu nodded and held out the device, "Sure thing. In you hop. Look after Zerimon and Chibomon while your there ok?"Myotismon nodded as he broke down into small spheres of light and warped into the Device. "You know I expected him to be a dreary fellow, but he's quite the entertainer."Kazu nodded. "He's been through alot... But he's come out sharp as ever."Monzeamon nodded thoughtfully, his big teddy-bear face not letting any emotion through. "You sure do have a lot going on young man... I have no dout in my mind that you are strong. However it is not you I worry about. It is my student. I can see that he is stonger, the fact he is consistently a Demi-Veemon can attest to that. I would like to try something. Will you allow it?"Kazu looked puzzled but went along with Monzemon. "Sure thing..."Demi-Veemon poked his head up from behind a sand-dune. "Hey guys! I found a gear!""Demi-Veemon we're in the gear sava---"Monzeamon's fist slammed down upon Demi-Veemon's head sending a torrent of san in all directions. "What the hell!"Kazu looked frantically around for the bouncy little blue reptile. "Teacher! Does this mean you'll finally spar with me!?"Demi-Veemon was on top of the Yellow Bear Digimon's head exitedly jumping up and down. Monzeamon sighed and nodded. "Indeed. However, if you lose... Then your coming back to the Veemon tribe with me and away from this dangerous hooligan!"Kazu raised an eyebrow. "Hooligan?""Deal! But I'll win! Kazu! Activate the eggy things!"Kazu was confused but he agreed. [1 hour later] The desert had a huge crater in the middle. The sand had been pushed up to the sides and the bedrock below was visible. Standing on the rock was Monzeamon. Standing stoicly. Also there was GoldVeedramon and a pile of sand. The pile moved and Kazu's head popped out of the mound. He spat out the sand and looked at GoldVeedramon. He was panting heavily. "Kazu... I need... To... WIN!"The sand around Kazu was blown away as a blue aura engulfed him. "Ok... I'll try!"GoldVeedramon glowed brightly. He emerged in a flash, the gold colouring replaced by a light blue. "I'm... The same!?"Monzeamon laughed. "You don't think enough child... Think!"Monzeamon lunged forwards aiming a punch at Kazu's friend's chest. "Master V-Nova Blast!"MasterVeedramon's eyes grew wide in shock as the words slipped through his lips. A bright sphere of light erupted from his mouth connecting with Monzeamon's fist sending an explosion across the dug out crater. Kazu sheilded his eyes from the blast. "Sweet. He Digivolved..."Kazu grinned as the dust settled. A gust of wind blew across the bedrock. "This'll be interesting..."[30 minutes later] Stalemate. Both Monzeamon and MasterVeedramon were staring each other down. Neither willing to give in. Kazu was tired and worn out, exuding the level of Digisoul needed to sustain MasterVeedramon's form was wearing him down. "Call it a draw?""Insolent pup. You should know what I taught you again and again!""Yeah I know... Never settle for less that utter victory!"MasterVeedramon lept forwards fist glowing. Monzeamon smiled and copied his move, running forwards with his fist developing a pink heart-shaped aura. "Remarkable... He's still a Champion but he's contending with an Ultimate!"Kazu watched as the combatants approached one another in awe. "You dare disturb my slumber? Die! Skull Launcher!"An orange missile smashed into the ground between MasterVeedramon and Monzeamon sending them flying back. Kazu looked around for the threat. A huge skeletal dinosaur slid down the sandbank at the edge of the crater and came to a halt roaring at the three fighters. "Skull... Greymon!"Kazu's eyes widened in fear. "Quick guys work together!"Both Digimon picked themselves off the ground, looked at one another, then at Kazu and nodded. "Lonely Hearts Punch!""Master V-Punch!"The two Digimon rushed the Skeleton Dinosaur in union. He laughed and swung his palm at the approaching threats. "Fools!"His blow sent the pair spiralling through the air, smashing into the bed-rock. Kazu cursed and gripped his Digivice. "Come on guys we can do this!"MasterVeedramon shook his head and stared at SkullGreymon. "Master V-Nova Blast!!!"Monzeamon grimaced and got to his feet. "Happy Heart Blast!"A pink beam shot from his chest. The two attacks spiralled around one another and heading for the Skeleton. "Skeletal Nova Blast!"An orange flame grew in his mouth and exploded towards the twin attacks causing an enourmous blast. From the smoke a boney hand swiped Monzeamon, sending him flying to the edge of the crater. "No!"Kazu's Digivice began to glow again, this time the Digi-Memory symbol coming to the front of the screen. "It's happening again! MasterVeedramon!"Kazu's words were lost to the rushing of air as MasterVeedramon vanished into a whirlwind. SkullGreymon roared and charged the whirlwind. "How dare you hurt my Teacher!!!"Wings, claws, horns. Kazu stared at the new Digimon in awe. After his complaints earlier about not changing much MasterVeedramon had nothing to worry about now. He was AeroVeeramon. "Go get him!"AeroVeedramon nodded and launched himself into the air, SkullGreymon came to a skidding halt and pointed his missile at AeroVeedramon. "This'll end it! Skull Missile!AeroVeedramon spun round in the air facing the missile. With ease he trapiezed around it. "Your correct. This will end it. For you! Dragon Impulse!"AeroVeedramon burst into flame, the flames warping into a dragonic head. He punched through SkullGreymon, evaporating the bones and tearing the Digimon apart. SkullGreymon released a gurgling cry as he broke down into his core data. AeroVeedramon turned to face the dying Virus. "How dare you lay a hand on my Teacher... Only I may spar with him!"[2 hours later] Kazu had finished replacing the bandages on Monzeamon's wounds. Demi-Veemon was trying, and failing, to help getting tangled himself. "Thank you Kazu... I never expected a real battle..."Kazu shook his head. "No worries, anything for Demi-Veemon's Teacher. How about you go relax at the Sanctuary? I'm sure Mermaimon will look after you."Monzeamon nodded and shut his eyes. "Before I go. Demi-Veemon come here."The little digimon scurried over and winced as Monzeamon put his hand on his head. "Take this. I think you are ready. The Elder's last wishes were for you to have this power."As Monzeamon broke into data, transferring into Kazu's Digivice and up into the air, a single orb of energy flowed into Demi-Veemon. Demi-Veemon... It is good to see you again. I don't have long. Monzeamon was holding my essence within him. I want you to take my data... It will...allo....ga....good....will...oung...one..."The orb floated into the little dino and evaporated. His eyes welled up and he burst into tears. Kazu scooped him up and held him tight. "It's ok... It's ok..."An hour or so later Kazu was standing on the edge of the Savannah, looking into the forest there. On his right shoulder was Demi-Veemon, on his left Chibomon. Veemon stood beside him. "I feel better... But BanchoLeomon is still pretty banged up."Kazu nodded. Chibomon yawned. "Can we go now?"Kazu nodded again, chuckling slightly. "Sure. We can go. I hear the Veemon tribe is around here somewhere. Besides I feel a famliar presence..."He turned to Demi-Veemon. He hadn't spoken much. "You going to be ok?"The tiny Digimon shook his head. "No... But I will be. The Elder would want me to be strong. Besides. I'll get to see the tribe again."Kazu smiled. "Yeah. And the fact everyone is resting in The Sanctuary means that us four cool kids can get to know each other better."Kazu entered the Jungle with the three various forms of Veemon accompaing him. Witness now. This Birth of the V-Tamer... [[[Exit Kazu, Chibomon, Demi-Veemon and Veemon to Tropical Jungle]]]
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:46 am
After watching the fight Talik and Shade headed on towards the Jungle as the wished to stop by Toy & Tama town to check up on how the other fresh and in Training Digimon where and that they had no probelms from the Goblimon tribe lead by a Ogremon that attacked when Tailk and Shade first meet two years ealier.
[heads to Tropical Jungle]
((the events leading up to reremon join my team))
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:48 am
((Lief Michael and Scout enter))
The trio continued on their journey speaking with anyone who may have information on any tamers who may have passed through the area. Everything he heard lead him to believe that heading to Toy and Tama town would be beneficial to him. He also heard rumors of some tamer wandering around and freezing towns across the digital world. That sounded like trouble, although Lief didn't think that it had anything to do with the dark tamers from before. "alright guys let's go back to Toy and Tama Town" Michael picked up Lief and flew off toward the town.
((Exit Lief, Michael, and Scout)) ((shortest post ever, need to move through))
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:22 am
Rei stumbled over a rock. "Oww, hey whats that?" Rei could see a massive dust cloud in the distance moving towards him at high speed. He pulled his goggles over his eyes and kept walking. He clutched the digi egg hard. The cloud came on to him faster than Rei thought was natural. He pulled his scarf round his mouth to keep the dust out. "This world is really strange." He kept on walking. "For a dust storm that moves this fast, it sure is big." He felt like he had walked for hours... he looked down. There were footprints in front of him, his footprints. Now he thought about it, there was no wind. He looked left to the center of the storm. There was a humanoid shape in it.
He reached the center. "Why hello there old friend." "Neodevimon." Neodevimon hovered in the center of the storm. "Hmmm, have you been in some scruffs. Your little pal there seems in bad shape. A usless fight is pointless. see you when your ready." The storm instantly subsided and sand fell everywhere. Neodevimon flew off into the distance. "Well your in for a suprise." He kept walking towards the looming mountains.
((Exit to file mountains.))
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:07 pm
"Okay I know our trip here took awhile. . . longer than I had intended," The girl remarked to the adolescent that was trailing behind her. "Think about it, this is a savannah, with sand blowing everywhere white just wouldn't do any good," She was referring to how she had dragged the boy along on a spontaneous clothes hunt after deciding that her previous outfit just did not go well with the gear savannah. "Well, Savannah's are technically grasslands, so there is no sand blowing around, but it still gets pretty hot!" She continued to babble, seemingly unaware that the boy trailing behind her did not reflect her mood. Rebecca had abandoned her old outfit,and switched to a more traditional jeans and tie-dye. She wanted to do something a bit more creative, but Rebecca was unsure just how long she could torment Alter with clothes shopping. Speaking of Alter, she though, looking back to her heroic friend. "Now I suppose you are wondering, why exactly did I drag you to the Savannah chock filled with Gears," Rebecca suddenly looked back at one of the large gears protruding from the ground. "Now that I think about it, this place is pretty tacky," She commented, having lost her original train of thought.
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:29 pm
(Enter Alter)
Alter followed behind the girl. He hadn't changed, his black and white clothes had served him well over the years, and he didn't feel like changing. He remained silent as Rebecca rambled on like she would die if she stopped long enough to breath. The boy had spent years being a brooding, angsty, nut bar, he could remain silent for years. He looked over at her as she turned back to him, not hearing a single thing she said. "I assumed it had something you wanted to show me." He said, "And that whether it is tacky or not had nothing to do with it." He rolled his eyes as he looked around, taking in the area around him, now that she had stopped talking for a moment.
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:50 pm
"But look at it, a giant gear sticking out of the ground just doesn't go with this area's motif!" Rebecca exclaimed, waving her arms wildly as if it would make Alter care about her predicament. After a few seconds of spazztic activity, she grew tired and crossed her arms. Rebecca decided that shouting about Savannah Decor was bit of a tired gag. She would need to move onto the next one if she wanted to keep her audience entertained. Then there was that whole thing of revealing the Savannah's secrets to a partner she barely trusted. Putting on a good show took priority of course. After a moment of staring into space as she considered her next act, which must have been awkward for Alter to look at, she spoke again. "As I was saying, these Gears supposedly serve no purpose. What if they did move~" It was a teaser, for the main event was to begin soon. Beforehand though, she would need to track down the next member of their group. A man who believed himself capable of taking the whole world under his ideals. Though, Rebecca really couldn't call such a thought foolish, for she was aiming for the same goal as well.
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:59 am
Alter just looked forward at Rebecca, his eyes sort of blank as she tried to talk about fashion, or design of areas, or something. He didn't care at all, and he wasn't going to be a straight man to her gags. He continued to remain silent as he watched her, who was watching space, to anyone watching this would be quite the awkward moment.
Alter stared to listen again as she spoke, hoping that for once it would have meaning. His eyes widened a little as she spoke. "If this was one massive box of gears... what ever it moved would be massive." He replied, "Maybe even the entire continent."
Alter didn't know it, but it seemed all three members of the group so far were all people planning on taking over the world, or at least changing them to their ideas. Who knew what would happen if their ideas clashed.
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:28 am
Rebecca tugged at the scarf she always wore around her neck. A part of her wanted to verbally moan how she was always stuck with the killjoys. As reluctant as she was to admit it, Alter was far from enjoying her bouts at humor. He was a rather borish fellow though, was he not? Hopefully the next basterd they met would be a bit more personable. Rebecca ceased tugging at her scarf, and in a flash drew something from her belt. "What I'm holding in my hand. . ." She began, unable to resist a bit of showmanship. "Is nothing other than a digivice. Now Alter there's an important distinction I want you to know. The difference between a Tamer and a Digi-Destined." Rebecca decided the grassy savannah was not an appropriate setting for this scene. She moved over to one of the massive gears and began to climb up its side. "Tamers, those are humans who have acquired a digimon partner. You and I most likely fall into that category." Rebecca continued to talk, stopping right after she had reached the top. She sat atop the highest point of the gear, enjoying the view an extra few feet gave her. "Digi-Destined however, are chosen by the digital world in times of crisis," Nonchalantaly she gestured with her pointer finger, a tool for lecture. Well, not exactly, it more resembled a manipulation. She was using sleight of hand to disguise the nonchalant swipe of her digivice across the surface of the gear. The action was taken with her other hand, behind her back. Even if Alter was looking closely, she doubted he would be able to see. "Put in simpler terms," Rebecca continued in almost a demeaning manner, "Digi-destined can draw power from such abstract emotions as hopes and dreams," For a moment the playful tone dropped out of her voice. The next word she spoke had a bit of gravity to them. "That is most likely why Viruses have begun hunting tamers enmasse, if they were to find digi-destined, they could shape this world according to their twisted dreams." Her smile instantly reverted after she finished and began to stand once more atop the gear. This spot was no better than the savannah after all, she had decided. And Promptly she jumped down, landing in a crouch, before standing once more to pose. "Its only a theory though, now onto business." She gestured back at the gear, which had begun to turn slowly. Nothing too grand, just a single rusty gear slowly revitalizing itself. The truth of the gears, they were unknown to even Rebecca herself, but Alter's guess was the most accurate theory. The gear did one full rotation, and with it a trap door in proiximity to the gear was revealed. "Age before beauty!" She anounced, gesturing for Alter to open the trapdoor for her. In case it was, well, a trap.
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:48 am
Alter's mind was processing what she was saying, his blue eyes flickering as he blinked, thinking over the impacts of this idea. He had no idea abut the Digi-Destined, never having heard the word before, but if she was right... and the viruses had discovered a source like this... then they could gain immense power. He looked around as she swiped the air, he stepped forward towards the trap door. "Thanks." He muttered as he reached the trap door. He reached down, grabbing the door, pulling it open.
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:01 pm
From the open trap door shot a blurred figure in the claws of a large grim digimon. It was none other than Grimmon, who had pulled his tamer into a pocket dimension three months prior for training. Of course, when he had told his tamer about this, he left out the detail about time flowing differently between dimensions. The Digimon was a bit mischievous in that way. The clawed hand loosened its grip, allowing Nero to fall to the ground gasping for air. After a moment of regaining his bearings, the adolescent stood up and clapped his hands together. He was a dark figure, deep violet eyes to match his purple hair, and managed to maintain a threatening air despite his slim build. Of course any chance of seeing him as a threat was destroyed after witnessing his manhandling at the hands of Grimmon. Nero tugged at his collar, only to bring attention to how inappropriate his wrecked suit was for the situation. At least he was a sharp dresser on less violent days. Hoping to drown out the awkwardness his entry had created, he held out a hand and introduced himself. "My name is Nero, and back there is my inter-dimensional friend Grimmon," He said, nonchalantly as possible, seemingly ignorant to the jarring nature of his sudden appearance. "Aaaanyway, what business do you have with me. I don't seem to recognize either of you, though I must admit, one of you was smart enough to disable the barrier I set around that gear." With that, Rasen Nero was introduced. Schemer, Deceiver, and an Affable gentleman. He seemed unaware what exactly those two had in store for him, but his sense of intuition could detect something great.
Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:00 pm
As the trap door opened Alter stepped back, managing to stay standing as the Grimmon flew into the air. He looked forward as Nero landed before him. The Angel Tamer smiled, his black hair flowing to the side, his suit in contrast was a brilliant white and gold, his shirt lined with a golden metal, linked together like chainmail, his pants most defenceless, except for a few strikes of gold on the right thigh. "I am Alter." He replied, taking the tamers hand. He tried to smile, his eyes not changing much. "And if you want to know why we are here, talk to the girl." He told him, stepping back from Nero, leaving him to Rebecca.
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:37 am
(enter Sho and company)
Terriermon prodded Sho in the side of the head,"So Sho, what are we doing out here?" Sho would continue walking but would reply to the Terriermon on his shoulder,"Well we couldn't stay in the city thanks to our new accomplice so I thought that we could head off to the file mountains and do some training to introduce Tsumemon." Terriermon would laugh maniacally,"Can I be the one to fight him?" Tsumemon would jump onto Sho's head to move into Terriermon's line of sight"I can hear everything you're saying you know." Sho would reach up and pluck the Tsumemon off his head,"Relax, Terriermon has been my partner for the longest so it will be you and Garurumon in the fight." Garurumon would look up from the Sho's side,"Please, I will annihilate that pipsqueak in a few seconds!" "Hey!!!" Sho would laugh,"We'll see, we'll see."
((Sho and team exit to file mountains))
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:43 am
♣ đøмιηις ♣ 20 ұεąяş ♣ English ♣ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ It was the first time Dominic had entered the Digital world for a while, he didn't know what to expect. As time progressed much quicker here it would seem like years to his Digimon, would they forgive him for leaving or will they blame him for abandoning them? As Dominic walked across the vast empty savannah, he stared at the horizon, for a brief second Dom though he had seen something but he ignored it and kept on moving. Dom could hear a faint cry for help in the distance so he picked up the pace and started to run as he got closer the sounds stopped . "What's going on?" Dominic asked himself, as he scratched his head and looked around for and explanation to what was going on.
Dominic looked down at the ground almost like he was looking at a crossword puzzle, the sand seemed to slope down towards where he stood. Suddenly the ground gave out and Dom shouted. "What the?" Dom rolled down through what seemed like a tunnel, that was made by something big. It was dark when he came to a stop, so dark Dom could barely see his hands in front of him. "Hello is anyone there?" But there was no answer, just silence. Silence and darkness.