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PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:03 am
Jessica's eyes flared with anger at Zonic. She left the room with the door slamming very loudly breaking it slight. Everyone could not help but stare, she was so calm just moments ago.
"Your a fool to say defence is not needed, without defence in a chaos based fight you die before you reach full power," said Flage, then he sighed a moment.

"Sorry but you really struck a nerve with her," said Flage,"I will try to explain it the best and simplest I can but it is complex. Basically every time you use a chaos emerald or other kind of emerald you draw on a sort of stash of energy, the emeralds pretty much create this energy and it burns off when used so there is no change in the total energy. A person has a sort of storage in there souls that holds the energy, that means we can use chaos abilities when we don't have an emerald but it drains the energy meaning you need get new energy from an emerald, by being near enough to one it naturally refills. When this energy which we call soul energy runs out either your chaos abilities stop working which is the better option and also an extremely rare thing. The other option is it starts slowly destroying your soul turning it into energy and lowering the size of the energy you can store so it happens more and more rapidly. When you hit the limit you feel it and can cut of the energy flow if you know enough about it."
Flage took a moment to remember.
"Jessica might not like me to share this but you would understand her reaction better if I told you. Basically when we were young we had a friend called James, he had an amazing talent of using Chaos energy like magic tricks, his limits were almost godly with it and his soul was able to sustain itself with such large energy. Basically he used it for doing the things we take for granted, his hands were not able to move with as much accuracy as normal peoples do so it was second nature to him. He used more energy than a normal person's body could normal hold even in hyper form over his life. One day he flinched slightly using his skills. Jessica was alone with him since they were very deeply in love. She noticed and told my father who was pretty much the wisest in the village and he started to watch James for signs. It was clear to him after a short time what was going on, his soul was destroying itself for the energy. My father told him to stop, to rest but James could not stand not being able to do certain things that made Jessica happy, like weaving flowers into beautiful objects. He collapsed shortly after the 4th day. He looked awful, as if his body was no longer alive. His soul was just holding itself together. At that point my father could do nothing to save him. He had done all he could to make Jessica happy, she blames herself for killing him, he did so much for her to express their love. The cure would have been any emerald at the first signs of the the change. He used the last of his soul to make a final gift for her from a ring he had and his body slowly dusted and faded. The soul is what holds us together and allows us to live."
Flage looked sad remembering it but he hide it straight after.
"Anyway back to the current point, without defence you would over use your soul energy as hyper form expands and refills your energy stash but does not remove the need for it, constant attacks will destroy you as each attack uses a set amount, rings are what help to refill the stash at a faster rate and allows you to maintain the energy at the cost of rings, without rings the body can not convert the energy fast enough and drops it making you normal again. However the rings have a side effect. If you have rings your body will keep drawing the energy faster but the energy is not instant and if you use too much energy the rings keep you in hyper form allowing your soul to be destroyed bit by bit, if you hit your limit you will feel a huge amount of pain but not in your body. The first time means you need to recharge as it is just an emergency stash of energy, if you keep going the pain will change to a set area, normally around the hands or feet, that is your soul taking damage, it spreads if used too much till all but your heart are in pain, at that point you can not be saved. Basically without the defence you would have to keep drawing on energy making this process happen. You go all out and you die," said Flage gravely, his words left fear, the outcome was unheard of and yet it seemed like just going into hyper or super form could spark the chain of events leading to death.
"If you feel an out of body pain you must stop and recharge when it fades you are out of the limit but still could do with recharging, if a part of your body hurts you must leave the fight. If we have to stop we stop and try again if we can, even if it would be more dire, if you dont stop and do die the zones will fall, the end of it all," said Flage.  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:03 am
Zonic's calm deminor craked and his jaw clenched in anger. "You think I don't know?" he yelled. "I have watched it happen time after time across countless zones! You don't understand the sheer power of this beast! Even in hyper form there is no defending against it! Our only hope is to distract it until the repairs on the eclipse cannon are complete its the only thing I can imagine that can do enough damage stop it. And even than it might not be enough." Zonic said his face only inches from Flages. "If you focus on defence in this it will kill you." he groweled. "If you don't beleive me I can show you what I have seen from those who have tried to defend against it." he said gestureing to the dark screens behind them. "Whoa Zonic I understand what you are saying but you need to calm down." Dessenger said placeing a haned on the livid hedgehog's shoulder. Zonic's mouth relaxed and he lowered his head staring at the floor. "I apologize Jessica is not the only person whose nerves can be struck. I have witnessed so much destruction and death over the years since Eggman's fool hardy attempt to harness Dark Gaia's power I admit it has changed me." he said sadly turning around and collpasing into his chair. Dessenger stared at him. He could not fathom the power of this beast. A being so powerful that nothing in thousands of zones could stand against it. What chance do we stand?  

William Sstrider

Shirtless Gawker


PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:33 am
Flage's hand twitched, as if to grab Zonic's neck and crush it to silence. His head quickly swung to the door,"Dam it," he shouted. Energy was exploding from beyond the other room.
"What is happening?" asked Seriku trying to keep on his feet.
"Jessica, she has lost control, her soul energy is reacting to her pain and chaos emeralds she must have," said Flage rushing to the next room.
"You mean a self destruct?!" yelled Seriku his eyes exploding with both fear and shock, the energy was flowing out but starting to have strands return.
The next room was in moments the same room, the wall separating collapsed. Jessica was stood frozen with almost a small sun covering her. Stands flowing out and returning. Her face looking up slightly, tears streaming.
She was beyond hearing and seeing the others.
Flage stepped forwards, his body already showing the strain from the energy, the energy of a soul about to explode from pain. He stepped forward, every step a huge effort, he was using his own energy to survive the power. He flinched in pain, his limit reached already.
"Flage, you cant get to her, your energy reserve cant take it," yelled Seriku.
"I won't leave her to die," said Flage not looking back. After a few more steps he was at the center, the energy increased, blocking everyone's view.
"Cruge you know these things, how do we stop it?" called Seriku.
"Flage knows more than I do, he is the only hope for this. All I know is that he would not abandon his family, he would give his life to protect if needed, but if this energy returns to Jessica's soul it will explode, taking everyone here with it, there is no pain beyond that of Jessica's she has suffered many lifetimes worth in her old prison of a life, very few if any could have enough pain to destroy themselves spiritually," said Cruge.

Rebecca looked, her faced shocked as her hand automatically raised, a pulse flew out of it and her hand dropped, she had no idea what had happened and it became clear she did not fully remember it but with other events it was partly missed and disregarded.
The strands returning to Jessica slowed. Flage came into view again, his body smoking slightly. In his arms Jessica had collapsed, he hugged her bringing her body nearer and whispered something in her ear. The tears still streamed. After a few minutes Flage called to Cruge,"Look after her," he told him and he lifted her into Cruge's arms, she was too weak too stand. The shoulder to elbow part of her top had been destroyed on 1 arm showing a strange mark, like a metallic flower with a few simple words in it. It said the message,"Together in our hearts, together in our souls,"
"Thats the final gift of James," said Seriku pointing to it. Flage nodded and stopped in front of Zonic.
"You almost caused our destruction with your reckless search for help, you are causing just as many problems as you are trying to solve," said Flage directly to Zonic, his tone was fairly harsh but only due to what had just happened,"I told you I had a plan, if you want to do it just your way then say and I will leave taking my family and whoever does not want to stand with you with me, now if you don't listen when I say that I have a plan and when I know a large amount then go find someone else because so far all you have launched is suicide missions from other worlds, now if you want my help which you clearly need if you want Eggman and the super emeralds then respect the people you wish to help, listen to knowledge other than your own, and learn you place, I will not throw away the lives around me using a strategy that will not work, I know what I am doing," said Flage his tone shaking Zonic to the core, there was clearly some truth in the words.
"I agree, if you can't trust us to help you then we can never hope to stop a force greater than us, we need to have our hearts and souls in it to even stand a chance," said Sarukia,"What is your plan Flage?"
It was clear that Seriku and Sarukia were under no orders but would follow Flage and not Zonic, he was the only one who could get them to fight, if Flage left, Eggman would never be able to return to help and there was clearly no hope if this happened for the cannon would never fire.
It was clear that Zonic's leadership or attempts at ruling the group were over, it was either Flage's idea of how to fight or Zonic's way which after what almost happened to Jessica seemed like suicide.
"We are both people who have seen too much, the world ends how we make it, weather now with a failed battle or future battles, we are people who have an effect on fate, the future is what we make, together as a group that will do what they can to direct the future, together we are strong," said Flage with inspiring words, it was clear he was including everyone here and more in his words, but really the fate of the future rested on the shoulders of the group here. Flage's words however also showed something, he was not willing to say his plan yet, he might never share it till it was in action, it planted the seeds of distrust in those around him.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:57 pm
"I have never luanched a suicide mission since this has began and I will not put your life in danger. I did not bring you hear to lead you nor had I any intentions of doing so. I brought you the strongest smartest and greatest people that this zone had to offer not to tell you what to do but to work with you to plan this with you. To try and save the whole of creation with you. I have done nothing but tell you what I know and you throw that knowledge back at me and say it is not good enough." Zonic said walking over to the screens. His hands played quickly over the controls. "I tell you what I know so that you will survive not to hinder you." A image came onto the screen on of Sonic though a bit different. is entire body flashed in different colors the effects of the super emeralds. In his hands was a large sword in his other a sheild his entire body was covered in thick armor. He floated in mid air the massive form of Dark Gaia loming large over him blotting out the very light of the sun. "I did not want you to see this Flage but maybe it is the only way you will beleive me." Zonic said pressing another button on the console. The video began to play Sonic moved quickly towards the collosoal beast hissword raised high. From the tips of Dark Gaia's finger a large purple bean shot forth. Sonic raised his sheild as the beam over took him and engulfed him. A moment later when the beam dissipated nothing was left of the blue hedgehog but a few floating ashes. Zonic turned off the feed and turned back to Flage. "The power that Jessica showed is not even a thousanth of what this monster can do. The only thing that we have going for us in this is that it will not risk damaging the Earth until it has joinded with you Zone's Dark Gaia."  

William Sstrider

Shirtless Gawker


PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:53 pm
"If you really wanted to stop this then you would have brought the best from all zones to fight it in one, you would have made a final stand of the greatest and fought yourself with everything not just wish for a last hope defence," said Cruge,"After all you say defending is bad but that's all you want us to do,"
"Peace brother. Zonic over look the things right in front of him," said Flage, he flicked his hand into a cup shape and they glowed. In moments a ghostly set of chi emeralds appeared, not able to be touched but clearly able to be used if needed. He had absorbed them and the presence of Jessica's near self destruction had allowed them to activate slightly but not like the super emeralds would.
"With these hyper form can go beyond any form we have seen, a sort of mega hyper form," said Flage,"A power that is slightly focused on defence, it was discovered many years ago and kept secret down my family line, my father passed this knowledge to me so you over looked it as it did not exist to you, your ignorance was clear the second you thought defence was a bad idea, there are also a main side effect I will not mention now, but it aids us greatly,"
"You could have told me," said Cruge slightly angry at Flage.
"After this I am making a trip to our village, it would be good if you came and see why I did not tell you Cruge, Jessica also needs to see something there," said Flage.
"Another roadtrip?" asked Seriku.
"It is a private family thing, it is not related to anyone here except us," said Flage.
"Sorry," said Cruge clearly sorry for doubting Flage, he should have known better but Zonic was really getting to him, it seemed Zonic was not very popular with Flage's family in general, even Rebecca did not look at him with interest but rather seemed to be hiding her eyes from him.
"Well if you want to make another pointless interruption Zonic, by all means be my guest, or we can skip it and focus on what really matters," said Flage, he had an interesting look in his eye, one of confidence that made others think he knew something more about Zonic than just what was being shown,"After all some of us have seen the end, scattered fragments of how the world burns in shadow, fire and rage,"
"What?" said Sarukia now shocked at the idea.
"The world is destined to end, the method is not set but some threats are very likely, Zonic guesses it is this one most likely, however there seems to be darker forces behind this, it does not add up fully as we are in the dark a little," said Flage, he dropped it at that.

((Reference to darker forces is something I have not added to the RP yet, a new character, keeping it very secret at moment but if you want to have a teamwork thing with them you can, if just helps explain the storyline better to have a plot behind it))  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:25 pm
A strange calm came over Zonic dispite Flage's obvious insults. Turning around he tapped a couple of keys on the board. The screens that had been active went blank and the entire matrix shut down. "I know not why you are so hostile with me I have done nothing but try to save you and your family. I don't know maybe you don't care about them maybe warning you about this disaster was the wrong thing to do. So fine I am rescending that mistake you will get no advanced warning you will get no more information from me." he saiid his voice still calm. "Zonic what are you doing?" Dessenger yelled. "I am doing the same thing he has done withheld vital information that has the power to change the entire scenario and the outcome of the battle. I brought you here so that we could discuss all of our strengths so we could come up with an effective stratgy. He preaches trust yet he has none off his own." Zonic said sitting comfertabley into his chair. "But we need what you know to survive this." Dessenger said standing above the controls to the moniters. "We need what everyone knows in order to survive. And Flage don't threaten me with you leaveing us. Without you the whole world ends and your family with it. You wouldn't risk there lives like this. Now come Flage we do not have the time to argue amungst ourselves every moment we spend here is a moment closer to Dark Gaia breaking through to your zone. Let us put aside our disagreements and put our minds together." Zonic said holding his hand out to Flage.  

William Sstrider

Shirtless Gawker


PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:17 pm
"Your right, he doesn't have time to argue," said a calm soft but new voice from the shadows,"You really should be more careful, your mind was so easy to stir the emotions of, a conflict that starts so easily will just lead to chaos, you are being manipulated, so many things are being done just to find the strongest most righteous heroes, ones that are part of it all, although maybe you will die like the rest and be useless to the grand plan," A hand touched Flage and he froze in place.
"Peace," said the voice, she was so soothing that it was strange to see her fully covered in dark and hooded clothes. Flage's eyes seemed more relaxed.
"That should keep you from having your emotions controlled for a little bit, seek me out if you survive Flage, we have been testing many to find someone such as yourself, your test is this battle, the next meeting is your home village, pass and seek your destiny, fail and you end up like that weakling you saw on the screen earlier,"

The person faded, it was clearly a cloaking device but it also masked her energy and she was gone fairly fast.
"That was strange," said Flage,"My mind was full of dark emotions, like I was not even in full control, she must have been following for awhile, she has something to do with this plot, if this is truly a test for finding the greatest then let us pass and save those we can, together we are stronger than anything evil," His words stirred the courage of those around him, it was clear he was back to his old self, at least not being manipulated, his words of grouping together and facing this were pretty much an apology for what had happened.

Dessenger heard a message, the same voice as the stranger who had so mysteriously appeared and left, in his mind were the words,"Beware, Flage will betray you, he will turn and fight against you, prepare for this if you survive young one," The voice almost sent chills down his spine, it sounded so strange to think of Flage against everyone but the words were said to him with such confidence and no hint of lies that it was hard to disregard it as anything but the truth.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:14 pm
Dessenger jumped as the voice talked to him. It seemed to come from nowhere yet it filled his mind at the same time. Dessenger wheeled his eyes around the monitor filled room looking for the source of the calm voice. But the source eluded his gaze. Flage wouldn't betray me hes my friend. He always has been ever since I met up with him all of that time ago. he thought. But a lot of things had changed since that day. Flage had become a husband and a father. He had changed so much since that day that sometimes Dessenger hardly recognized him as the person that he used to be. Though there is one thing that could have changed him in his entierty. his thoughts turned to the now deceased Sophie Flage's wife. It took a lot to change a person but losing someone that they loved was a almost certain way to change someone to there very core. Come on get a grip Dessenger you can't let whoever this punk is make you suspicious of your friends. If I let this happen than what kind of friend am I. he thought shaking his head. But even still he could feel the seeds of doubt taking root in his mind. "Good it appears we are in agreement." Zonic saidturning the moniters back on. "Now let us discuss this problem with all of our strengths known." he said with a nod of his head.  

William Sstrider

Shirtless Gawker


PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:52 pm
"We don't have all the knowledge, this will be one of the few times it has been activated, the first time it self destructed, the second it failed to activate fully and the third it worked to a suitable standard but did not last long, we are going to be testing it partly using the 3rd method with a slight adaptation, it should activate but there will be side affects, the power must be focused as it changes a lot, you will have a few stages, the first is a speed based stage were your senses will be beyond normal and your speed increases dramatically, the second is a purely power based so it is the perfect point to attack using the speed to get near, the 3rd stage is slightly power based for defence, it then has a recharge stage where it is little more than just the power to float around, the main side effect is the stages last 20 seconds, but it is split and changes each time so one time the speed part might be for 3 seconds another time it might be for 18 seconds of the stage, the recharge time however is always for 3 seconds after the 20 seconds of switching," said Flage,"Basically we activate the form with 3 seconds between each power up and that way when someone is on the recharge stage everyone else is powered up in some way, we need teamwork for this since if your getting attacked in the recharge stage you are finished,"
"How stable is it?" asked Sarukia, her eyes were on Dessenger a lot but her look gave nothing away, Seriku's eyes were locked onto Cruge, as if they were thinking the same thing about different people, did they know something, or did they hear something the others did not, it was hard to say but Dessenger did not notice they might have heard something for it looked as if it was concern, Sarukia most likely about the survival of the group and Seriku about the chance Cruge would do something, his past made it likely in Seriku's eyes.
"It should be stable enough to fight but it does decay slightly, the longer the fight the shorter the 3 powered stages get and the longer the recharging gets until the recharge is the full 23 seconds which after that the form breaks," said Flage,"That is the time limit, the powers also can be unstable since it is linked to your soul, Seriku's powers are more likely to be speed based compared to mine, his speed stage will most likely be beyond any speed that has been seen, his power and defence however will lack a little more. I am more likely to be a mix of defence and agility using those methods to attack and my power stage will most likely be better to defend with,"
"So while everyone else will be defensive in there defence stage you will be in your attack form?" asked Seriku.
"I was taught to fight in a defence way, my style of attack mainly uses defensive moves to make an opening and exploit it and I use pure power to defend with agility to counter attack," said Flage giving the basics of himself away,"You need to find out very quickly how you will fight in the form, after the first recharge you return to the speed stage and must be fully focused on the fight and your style,"
"What is the risk of self destructing using this power?" asked Sarukia.
"With the method and adaptation it is lowish but power needs to be accepted by the soul, it you reject it because your not fully in the fight which you have to fight against your fears and doubt but if you do reject it it will not activate and if you naturally try absorbing the power with it being rejected too much it wont be contained and explodes, if you fail to activate the form for an 8th time it explodes so no attempts past the 7th should be made, this applies to each person, your to have 7 attempts each to use this form and power it up and no more, most likely it will be on your 4th to 6th form it works, it has never happened in the first 2 and I am pretty pure today will be no different,"

((Basically for 20 seconds they are powered fully, they go through a cycle once, a speed phase then a power phase then a defensive phase for the 20 seconds, it happens always in that order and each stage happens once in the time, after the 20 seconds there is 3 seconds where the power recharges making them normal almost just with the power to float and such, the total time for the cycle is 23 seconds, the first part which is powered up slowly gets shorter with the recharge getting longer. Example would be later in the fight the powered up time would be 14 seconds and the recharge 9 seconds. When it gets to the point all stages are so short that the recharge lasts for 23 seconds the form fades and they return to normal.))  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:19 pm
((Hey, someone in the Storyline give me an update in all roleplays for this guild, I've been really busy and don't have time to read everything.))

Kayonis summoned up his strength and made a few emeralds appear. It was maybe five that appeared and that was all he could do as his strength gave out.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:18 am
Rasu, who had stayed quiet for the whole arguement and discussion, had decided to speak up. "Now that everyone's done with their arguements, I will help in any way I can. To start out, not a lot of people know about the power I've been hiding. I've done this for the sake of the group Raven and their ideals. But this situation obviously calls for all of us to know eachother's strengths and weaknesses." 'Skeith I'm going to use my power to create a glow that will reveal you to everyone.' Rasu thought. 'Understood.' Skeith replied. Rasu turned to everyone. "I will be sure not to endanger anyone with this." Rasu started to focus. "Come on, come on! I'm right here...SKEEEIITH!" Rasu called out. The flash of light and Rasu disappeared from everyone's vision. Flage and Dessenger could slightly see Skeith but still it was hazey at best. Elie, Kayonis and Sonia could see Skeith perfectly. Rasu focused his energy into a glow which completely flowed around Skeith, showing a red image of Skeith and his features. The ones who could not see were shocked by what they were seeing. The power they felt emitting from it felt disturbing, almost as if it had the feel of light versus dark fighting for dominance. As Rasu had said, nothing had been damaged or affected in any way by his summoning. "This is my true power." Rasu said, his voice slightly different. "It is called Skeith, the Terror of Death." Each of his 3 eyes looked to Flage and Zonic. "If this power can help in your plans, please use it to its fullest!". Rasu finished.  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:06 pm
"No," said Cruge before anyone else could speak, the power did not agree with him at all.
"Any reason why Cruge?" asked Flage unsure of his answer.
"The feel of the energy is evil, it corrupts those who use it and those around it, if that thing gets hold of the 3 sets of emeralds your planning to use we are all going to be destroy," said Cruge,"It is a power of death and evil,"
"How bad is it?" asked Flage, knowing what effect it could have on Cruge.
"Watch," said Cruge, he took out a chaos emerald and pointed it to Skeith. The emerald's colour faded and dark lines formed where it looked like energy was applying pressure drawing the power but failing. Cruge broke the connection drawing the power back and the emerald changed back to normal.
Jessica was awake again, her eyes opened and she saw the emerald change.
"So what is that thing I am looking at," she asked pointing directly at Skeith," said Jessica,"It feels like my passed life just reversed," Her past life was clearly an expression of her dark history.
"Fully reversed?" asked Flage, his voice showed an extensive plan was already forming.
"Almost, it has connection to it maybe, but the energy flow is different, and can someone please tell me what that thing is," she said, it was clear that because of her connection to a similar power she saw Skeith perfectly.  



PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:56 pm
"It is called an avatar. Fear not though I have complete confidence that I won't lose control of it. I figured it wouldn't react well with an emerald, so that might put me at a disadvantage. But it is a great power, I'd feel it wasted if it wasn't put to use in the upcoming battle. Dessenger knows its power better than anyone though." Rasu was using little energy to keep Skeith summoned, but just in case he decided to revert back to himself. There was a flash of light and Rasu reappeared. "I'm glad I decided to show it now instead of in the heat of battle. It really could've messed everything up." Rasu finished.  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:42 pm
Th eemrealds circled around Kayonis as he heard voices telling him not to let anyone else touch them except for he and his friends he fully trusted. "This battle will be a turning point for so many here. I will do my best to use all of my power. I too have an Avatar, but I will not use her as I do not have full control, but I will use a power that I'm familiar with. Zonic, can you send me to New Angel Island so I may get the master Emerald and the rest of my power?" He asked.  


Friendly Shapeshifter

William Sstrider

Shirtless Gawker

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:15 pm
Zonic turned around taking his attention off of Rasu's demonstration of his power and looked towards Kayonis. "Of course you can Kayonis. I am surprised that it has taken you this long to ask as it is. The master emerald will be of great help in the fight to come." Zonic said pressing a couple of buttons on the console behuind him. "The teleporter when you are ready to go just activate it." he said. Dessenger watched the shadow of Skeith appear in the room and instantly his hand flew to the hilt of sword and he moved into a low battle stance. He had remembered the last time he had fought this monster he still had the brusies to prove it. Even with as strong as he was Dessenger had been no match for this thing. He had thrown everything that he had at it and had failed to so much as scratch it. No if that thing attacks it will destroy all o us before we have a chance to fight Dark Gaia! he thought a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. He only relaxed once the shadow dissapered and Rasu materalized where Skeith had been. With a sigh of releif he slowly removed his hand from his sword and stood up slowly. "dang don't let that thing out again!"

(Hey guys we need to move this along so if you have any ideas how to speed this up let me know.)  
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