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Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:03 am
Kayonis, feeling everything going on was led into a light. Their he saw his great grandfather Athair. "The time is now my grandson. It's time for you to recieve the full power of a guardian of the master emerald. One guardian has awoken. Now it is your turn." He said and started to lead Kayonis down a dimly lit path. "Where are we going?" He asked. "The court of guardians where the ritual will begin." He said. "Shouldn't my friends and family be here?" Kayonis asked. "No my boy. This is something you must do on your own." Athair spoke. "But I..." Kayonis started. "Sh...you'll wake the spirits prematurely." He caustioned. He beckoned Kayonis to follow.

They arrived into a room that was brightly lit. Tikal sat atop a throne with Chaos at her side. "Young guardian...it is time." She spoke. "I summon the Master Emerald. Come to me and meet your new guardian." She spoke. A green light filled the room as the Master Emerald began to materialize in the center. The room was lit with many mosaics of previous guardians. The newest was Knuckles. In the center was a vat of some sort that was empty. The Emerald descended into the vat. Tikal stood and Chaos went into the Emerald. Tikal then began chanting something. The light died leaveing the master emerald to illuminate the room with it's energy casting a greenish glow.

What happened next was the Emerald began to liquify and fil up the vat. Once filled Tikal opened her eyes looking towards Kayonis. "Step into it." She commanded. Kayonis, staring wide eye, placed a hand into the liquid emerald. It was warm and inviting. He fel power surging through him from just a touch. It was a shock and repelled his hand. "Go on guardian Kayonis." Tikal spoke. "If it helps, I'll close my eyes." Tikal said with a giggle. She turned around. Kayonis got out of his clothes and remained in a pair of shorts. He slowly climbed into the vat. After a couple of moments, he felt something pulling him down. He struggled to get free but could not and blackness overcame him.

He awoke to find himself surrounded by white-robed Echidnas each chanting. He was startled at first but calmed when he realized they weren't going to harm him. "Arise Knuckles former guardian and bestow your powers upon the new guardian." THe echidna's spoke. A light filled the room and Knuckles appeared dressed in a ceremonial robe. "Hello my son." He said. "Father? Is that you?" Kayonis asked. "Yes...take my hand. We have much to discuss." Knuckles said. Kayonis did so with a tear in his eyes. Once taken, there was a flash of white light. "Kayonis...my son, All these images you see is the history of the emeralds. Their origins, past present, and of the future. The future is a blur as it can change and altered by even the slightest action. Your job is to guard the Master Emerald. The key to all of the emeralds powers. It is a very important undertaking. If something happens to the Master Emerald, then all emeralds are effected. Do you understand why you must be ready at all times?" He asked. "Yes, I understand." Kayonis responded. "Can you do it?" Knuckles asked.

There was a long pause. "Yes, I can father." Kayonis spoke. "Good...then take my spirit and power. May the gods of Mobius wathc and protect you." He said and disappeared into a green light. Kayonis lifted up his father's cross necklace and it absorbed the energy. As Kayonis placed it back on he glowed green and yelled with power surging through him like never before. Kayonis levitated out of the Green liquid Emeral and it began to solidify once again. Kayonis's skin glowed green until the Emerald was complete. Tikal took a dagger and went to Kayonis. She carved the crescent moon into his chest. Kayonis never flinched. "Place your hand on the Emerald." She instructed. Kayonis did as he was told and then the Emerald slowly flowled into him in a liquid state. "From now and here on until it is time for you to pass on being a guardian. You and the Master Emerald along with the Chaos and Super Emeralds are inexplicably bound. You are it's guardian and it is your power, but remember, to access the power, you will use it in time of need. For true power comes from the heart of the one who unifies the Chaos. Go in peace Guardian Kayonis." She spoke.

Kayonis stopped glowing green and awoke on his bed. He looked around and could sense a lot more of the emeralds' energies. "That was weird." He spoke to himself and looked at his chest. The crescent moon shape was indeed there. "It wasn't a dream?" He asked. He felt the energy still abuzz inside of him, but was fading. He jumped from the bed and started heading towards the living room.  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:06 pm
The energy around Flage lowered with a final crackle it faded. He looked different. His eyes seemed to have changed colour, his clothes had changed even, the snapping sound had been his leg that had healed wrong but the snapping had reversed the damage to it. His wings had gone, he had changed into his true form, the form that he was meant to be if he accepted his role and became the leader he was meant to be. His father and every generation had been leaders of his village and surrounding areas. He flexed his hand, his senses had improved it seemed, he had never had amazing senses except good eyes. Now he could uses his other senses just as well. His sword on his side then did something strange, it exploded the outer layer and the emerald reformed on the ground. He ignored it as his sword changed to a more plain looking sword with 3 round holes in the blade, the kind used to disarm when a sword went through it. He had a strange wristband on his right hand now under his top, it had his family crest on it but it was hidden enough not to be seen. He really looked a lot more calm but in his heart he was in pain. His face also looked slightly younger as if time was no longer an enemy or issue. Then with a strange pressure around him the walls started to melt slightly and he warped, Jessica stepped forward still holding Rebecca and was pulled into the warped place but was then back in the room, confused. Flage reappeared, he had gone somewhere without the emeralds, it was a vision of the future, a dark dark time where everyone was dead, he knew what he had to do to prevent it now, it was his task. He took Rebecca in his right arm and left the room with the others following to the living room. He had left Sophie's body for the moment, he had planned a lot, well really he had seen a lot, he had seen the 2 outcomes for the future, one where the heroes won and one where evil won a battle to come. Weather these were visions granted to him, or he had become gifted was unclear but he was sure of the 2 options he had, fight with heroes or die to evil.
"Kayonis, you ok?" said Flage coming in with Rebecca still crying into his shoulder he placed his other hand on her back rubbing it gently. His eyes seemed focused beyond reason, he knew something and it was clear it was something important, it seemed asking might be an idea but would he talk about it...

((new look of Flage is on character profile, it is his true and final form))  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:46 am
He looked towards Flage and though he had not witnessed the transformation of Flage, he knew who it was. "Hello Flage. Sorry for your loss. We're all grieving." He spoke with a much more mature feeling and voice, though it was still the same it had a sound of pride. "You've seen something haven't you?" He asked. He too had seen the outcomes while with his father, thought they were a blur he still knew what it was. It was only a matter of time and choices.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:34 am
"Mobius is in chaos, unless the huge war that has engulf the planet is stopped, not a single mobion will remain and from it a dark empire will rise, I saw him, the one who is stirring it all, he is laying traps for us, I don't know when we need to act but there are events here first," said Flage,"I also saw a different world, there is a list, our names are all on it faintly, the names are written in our own blood, I dont know what it is but they seem to react to events, the outcome where we lose the names vanish, as if forgotten, the outcome where we win the names are lighter with 2 of them burning as it is so bright, I think it refers to an old legend, the ones about the hall of heroes, the names appear as they become heroes or have unlocked some of there power, they vanish if they die or stop being heroes, and they burn when they are welcome to eternal rest and happiness,"
Seriku sat down,"So stop the bad guy save the world, unite the free people," he said.
"You make it sound easy, the root that we have to stop is at the other side of Mobius in an anti warp field, you cant just use a chaos emerald to get inside there, you have to fight armies to get there, countless traps and that is just to get there not to fight," said Flage.
"Anti warp field?" said Seriku,"That means it is happening at my homeland, one of only places with a large enough anti warp field to grant safety above land," Seriku jolted up as his thoughts changed. The door was open and wind blew in, Seriku had gone almost instantly, something had alerted him.
"It will be ok Rebecca," Flage whispered to her gently. He looked up at Kayonis and thought for a moment.
"I want to lead the fight in Mobius, I have seen what is being prepared and I know what we must do, it is almost a death trap and anything going wrong can mean death, we have only one combination of rooms, they are going to weed out the strongest of different things and kill them, you cant hesitate at doing what I say either," said Flage.
"Right behind you," said Cruge swinging his hammer to his shoulder, as if swearing an oath.
"I will do what I can," said Jessica, she saluted slightly and it gave away hidden blades on her right leg, most likely only a few of many.
"Our fate is in your hands," said Sarukia, she was saying it for herself and Seriku.  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:13 pm
"What good is a leader without a second in command?" Sonia asked walking up behind Kayonis. "Two tactical minds are better than one." She said. "Stealth operations are a must as well." Manic said coming up with Iko. "You're going to need strength, cunning and defense as well." Kayonis spoke stepping up. Kayonis looked around. "We'll fight until the end, or we'll die trying. That is the way of a true hero." He spoke.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:29 pm
"Your attitude is wrong," said Flage, faking to wince,"It is not that we die trying, we can't die as we must defeat this evil,"
"Just like in the great legends," said Sarukia with a laugh.
"Anyway, I guess Kayonis would be a good second in command, I don't know where Seriku went and he would be ideal due to his powerful claim to his empire," said Flage shrugging it off.
"I want to help too," said a small voice, it was Rebecca she had stopped crying. Flage's face changed as if he was in thought, he was trying to remember what he had seen.
"Rebecca, I don't think you will fit on the battlefield," said Sarukia sweetly trying to be kind.
"I would not want her involved but her name was on the list, I don't know what it means, why would her name be on the list in the near future, she has no experience at this kind of thing, does it mean she is destined for greatness also," said Flage thinking and speaking it as if to ask what the others would think.
"Wait, you don't mean the hall of heroes list of champions?" asked Jessica shocked.
"It looked like that one," said Flage.
"But that is impossible, she is so young, how could she be so important to get on the list," said Jessica, it was clear here voice was filled with worry, only the potentially greatest heroes of time would go on the list of champions and it was a shock a child could be on it in the near future.
"I think there is only a single option I can think of," said Flage. He put Rebecca down and told her to repeat a strange string of words from another language. Nothing happened so he told her to say another and then another till it got to one that he saw the reaction. The second she had finished it her hands glowed a slight pink, a small amount of energy could be felt, like a heartbeat it followed out slowly.
Flage clearly was biting his tongue to stop a foul comment coming out. It was almost as if a fear had come true.
"She has a strong link to guardians, she has been around more than others have, it has left an imprint of it on her, she is a guardian of something but I dont know what," said Flage with a sight, it was clear he did not want this for her, he knew how hard the life of a guardian could.
"You mean she has not only be picked on the list but also as a guardian, that is insane, why would a child but called up to such a task, are we really in such a fight that even a child needs to fight," said Cruge distastefully.
"Did I do something wrong?" asked Rebecca.
Flage knelt down so he was at Rebecca's level,"It is fine, just complex, we just don't understand why there is the reaction," he said. He picked Rebecca up in one of his arms.
"I don't really know what to make of this, maybe she has a gift we don't know about, it could explain a lot, normally a guardian will know what they are a guardian of, it does not make sense for one to appear and not know there role, or even if they have the means to do the role they are asked," Flage said,"Any ideas Kayonis? I have noticed the mark on you, you are fully a guardian now so I guess you might have some knowledge I lack,"  



PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:28 pm
Elie came into the room after hearing Rasu's call. "Oh! You're finally awake!" Elie said embracing Rasu. "Ow, ow! Not so hard!" Rasu said. Elie released her grip and sat on the bed next to him. "Sleep well?" She asked. "Ugh....." Rasu sighed. "I'll take that as a maybe, hehe." She giggled. "Here, let me help you out of bed." She said. Will some difficulty, Elie was able to get Rasu on his feet, but he still needed to use her as a support. "Sorry, I can hardly move right now, otherwise I'd walk myself." Rasu said shyly. "Don't worry about it, with the wounds you took, I'm suprised you woke up this early." She responded. "Everyone's having a discussion outside and it sounds important, so lets go and see what's up." She said. "Alright, lead the way!" Rasu responded. The two walked out of the room to where the others were having their discussion. Rasu noticed Flage's new appearance. 'Whoa when did that happen?' Rasu thought. Elie let Rasu sit down against a wall, and sat with him. They started listenning to what the others were saying.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:27 am
"Most guardians of her age will not know, nor will the ones before her know until the moment is right and the object of which she guards shows. Flage, you and I are guardians, but you didn't know you were a guardian until the Chi Emeralds showed themselve where as I've always known I was to be the guardian of the Master Emerald like my father." He spoke. "Do not concern yourself with her being a guardian until the time is right. That will only make you and her both doubt her abilities. AS for being second in command, I appreciate the offer but...Sonia would be better than me." He spoke.

"What do you mean Kayonis?" She asked. "Simply your mind is more tactical than mine is." He said. "No Kayonis. I can't. My tactics are more hit and run based, not actual fighting based." She explained. "But, you're much better than I am." Kayonis argued. "No...I'm not. You don't give yourself enough credit. You'll see. You be second in command. On stealth missions or small raids, I'll lead the smaller groups, but as a whole, you and Flage are better suited. He has the fighting and tactics for taking down an enemy and you have defense and tactics as well. You'll see." She said giving him a light kiss. He smiled and turned to Flage. "All right. I'll be second in command.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:25 pm
"The words I asked her to repeat are an ancient mobion legend, the glow and which words mean a lot, a blue based glow tend to be when the person is taking over the role, father to son, mother to daughter kind of thing, this then can be green or purple and be linked to something else, red based means the power has manifested some how, either a trait, more strength, other something along those lines. White is something else, it is when that power is available for use, it means it can react at any time, if there is no white they will not be able to use the power, so pink would say the power has manifested and it can be used. When I was young my father told me to repeat the words, I had a dark blue colour with hints of some red. I could not do anything with any power I had, even after the appearance I tried again and no change, it is only when I needed to react it changed to a light colour with more white. Having white means you are a guardian, not just one who will become one at a later date," said Flage.
"Daddy, why does the wind praise Kayonis?" asked Rebecca.
"The wind?" asked Flage concerned, the was a faint wind, it was calm but to hear it doing something like praising a person was something different.
"It is going around Kayonis, a lovely light green colour with pink, as if it was holding a party for him," said Rebecca pointing around parts trying to show everyone the colours.
"Strange, I have never heard of a power that changed how people see," said Flage, he could tell that Rebecca actually saw it, her eyes showed nothing but true and interest in the colours.
"Also does Sarukia ever take of her tiara, it looks cold like ice," she said.
"Tiara," said Sarukia remembering something,"Does it look like it has three stars meeting at the top of it?" she asked Rebecca.
"And then a point going up slightly after it," Rebecca said pointing, only she saw it.
"People who are born under elements can see things directly linked to them, I have a tiara and staff that can form when I use that power, but no one else, in all of recorded history has ever seen someone elses, and for her to see an element not linked to someone is also new," said Sarukia.
"This must be a part of it then, I dont know much about your history and powers just that it happened a long time ago and the off spring of the first person had power over an element, it comes up some times else where, mainly in people who do a lot of hero like stuff but not often," said Flage, he looked to Rebecca,"Do you see anything around me?" he asked her.
She squinted slightly and then pointed slightly above him,"A halo made of fire," she said focusing on it a little.
"Right here," asked Flage with an open hand, she pointed slightly higher and to the side a little, then nodded. Flage then tried to grab it closing his hand.
A sound as if a fire was nearby started as his hands stopped, he applied pressure and his hand did not close any more. He then pulled it was a slight struggle.
The sound roared to life as if a blazing inferno had started. Flage's hand had slipped to his side as if holding something heavy. Rebecca put a hand on something and it started to flicker into view. Flage had actually taken the object some how.
"It seems you have an elemental attunement with fire," Sarukia said,"The first time you grasp the part of you it becomes clear before fading when it is placed in something, Seriku put his in his sword, I put mine in a bracelet," she said and showed a spot where it looked like a bracelet had sat for a long time leaving a light blue mark,"It slowly went through the skin, no one ever sees the power after it has been merged into an item, well people can sometimes notice it when they have it, then they can always see it, after the physical stage no one else will see it unless it is drawn upon,"
"So I just put it in something and I can use it?" asked Flage.
"It takes practice to be able to use it but it kind of unlocked it, you did seem to have some power when your sword had an emerald in it but I noticed the emerald was dropped from it, it was just speeding up the process of it coming out by drawing on it," said Sarukia. Flage crushed the halo in his hands and it broke in half each part vanishing into a hand.
"It will be awhile before you can draw on it again, it takes a lot of energy the first time it comes out," said Sarukia. Flage quickly sat down feeling drained.
"I don't get it," said Cruge.
"Not even people who study it understand it but it is not a power increase, it just allows the users power to be used in different ways," said Sarukia, she paused a moment to think,"Think of it as a chaos emerald, we can draw upon their power, a single one will always have the same limit of power but we can call on its power in many ways, it is just another way to use your own strength,"
Rebecca sat down next to Flage, she was watching Kayonis, her eyes following colours around him that no one saw, it seemed to amuse her, like a firework display or a rainbow would.
"I know our knowledge is limited here," said Flage," But I have never heard of a power only in sight, there must be something else she can do, just seeing it enables it I guess,"
"It could be that she has an element she is attuned to, sometimes it is already in us, I think Sonic had one naturally it was just in his feet so he is an amazing runner and good with speed and air," said Sarukia.
"That still does not tell us her role," said Flage,"I guess we just have to wait," this made Flage unhappy, he did not like how this was turning out with Rebecca being involved, he just wanted her to have an as normal as can be life not to be thrown into the main events of conflict.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:12 pm
"That sounds very complex." Rasu said. "I don't think I'd ever be able to understand something like that." Rasu chuckled. "I wonder, does everyone have light, or something like Flage's halo floatin around them?" Rasu asked. "If so, do you think it might tell something about the individual's personality?"  


William Sstrider

Shirtless Gawker

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:51 pm
Dessenger sat down to the side listening to every word that they said trying to wrap his mind around it. With a louder then nessacary groan he laid back into the grass. "I don't understand a word of this." he said slight irritation in his voice. But it was not pointed at the others it was frustaration with himself in his inability to comprehend what they were talking about. Ugh I feel like a moron. I should have paid more attention in school instead of just thinking about my boarding. Though I doubt that would have helped with this. I don't quite think there was a elelmental attunment one-oh-one. he thought spreading his arms out to his sides. He looked at the sinister looking sky now a deep and evil looking purple. The clouds swirled slightly above them and it glowed slightly giving it a very eeire feeling. He knewthat it was still afternoon but it looked like it might as well be night. "You know what pretend I am I don't know anything about what you are talking about. In fact don't pretend." he said sitting back up with his hands resting over his knees.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:13 pm
"Not everyone has it," said Sarukia,"The halo thing with Flage is a change in the DNA, in my home area a lot more people have it as the first recorded person who had it, had children, it is sort of linked to genetics, but it comes up a lot more recently, and people who are unrelated can still have the elements with them, it is always only 1, either Fire, Water which can be in ice form too, Earth, Metal, Wind and very very rarely a hidden one which we dont know how to classify,"
"And the glow is a reaction to words from ancient mobion legends, it applies to guardians, watchers, keepers and a few others, each line check for another thing, the glow just confirms it and says a bit about how developed it is," said Flage,"Lets not going into keepers, they are a strange one, watchers are similar to guardians but it is normally a trio or group of guardians all guarding the same thing, they have linked powers and react differently, a lot of them can also send thoughts to other watchers in the group. They are a lot rarer than guardians as few things have more than 1 watcher and I think there are only 2 watcher groups at the moment, maybe 3,"
"Do Keepers exist any more?" asked Cruge,"I thought that ended and evolved to guardians,"
"Like I said, lets not going into them, they are rare and it is complex, I don't know it all even," said Flage ending that topic before it started.  



PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:25 pm
"Oh, so are you saying not everyone has something?" Rasu asked. He understood most of it, but without seeing it himself, he didn't completely understand. Elie was quiet, but listening well. She too was having trouble comprehending this all. For the first time since he awoke, he looked up. "What the hell is wrong with the sky?!" Rasu asked. 'Hope Skeith didn't cause that.' He thought.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:58 pm
Rebecca pointed her finger around, no one could see it but she was pointing at something up there that seems to be an effect of it.
"The sky is angry and sad," Rebecca said looking at it.
"It is likely it is an effect of events to come, sometimes things can have an effect before they fully appear, but it could also be something else," said Flage.
A small glow appeared in front of Rebecca and she placed her hands out under it. As the glow faded there was a small locket there, she opened it and saw a picture of Flage, Sophie and Rebecca together smiling. Rebecca held it near her and started to cry. Flage picked up the locket and put it around Rebecca's neck. He then picked her up.
"I think Sophie was giving a final gift to her daughter, something to help her remember," said Flage. His face showed pain for a split second but it was gone, he was thinking again, it was likely he was thinking to not think of the pain of what had happened but trying to plan ahead till he could have a chance to get over it, he was hiding it not to act like it never happened but to be able to take control of his emotions till later, him losing his temper would be chaos as if he went all out it was unlikely everyone would survive before he was stopped.
Cruge put his hand on Flage's shoulder,"We are here for you if you need us," he said calmly. Jessica nodded in agreement.  



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PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:11 pm
Cool. This looks interesting. Mind if I join? Also can someone give me a summery of what is going on?

Name: Crystal

*Age: 16
*Race: Hedgehog

*Appearance: Evil side: http://shadow1366.deviantart.com/art/evil-Crystal-110106692 Normal: http://shadow1366.deviantart.com/art/New-crystal-121775704
Weapon: Fists, Knows Martial Arts.
*Type: Speed

Magic: Chaos based and Fire.

*Background: Crystal's place of birth is Unknown and she only tells that she is older than she looks meaning that she has lived longer than most people. Crystal currently is a wounder and keeps her guard up for Danger at any time. Crystal's fire powers have been with her for as long as she could remember. Crystal has another half that loves to hurt others for the fun of it.

Likes: Chinese, Japanese, Pizza, Cherry Ice cream, reading, and fighting.

Dislikes: Evil, Most people, Her other half.

*Relationship: Cris The hedgehog (brother)

Crush: Shadow the hedgehog

Theme song: Time of Dying- Three days grace  
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