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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:32 am
"You need some time I think, it is not at a point it must happen yet but I think you need to sort thing out in your head, you have a lot to deal with at the moment and we should take it slowly, there are some events here that we need to deal with anyway," said Flage to Kayonis.
"Hyukia's gone," shouted Sarukia trying to keep calm about it.
"Can you keep your voice down a little?" said a voice from near the side of the mansion. Hyukia was standing there with a hand on her head, clearly she had a headache from the wound on the side of her head but it appeared she was up and doing ok.
Flage looked over to Shadrik. "From what the news has said, a mysterious hedgehog matching this ones description perfectly has been using a sort of power to save people from burning houses, redirect floods to give people more time to leave and doing all sorts of things to help people, I dont think he will attack us but I think it would be wise to keep an eye on him while he is here in case," said Flage.
Hyukia went to Flage having seen some of the fight, she raised her hand and slapped his cheek hard.
"What was that for?" asked Flage slightly annoyed.
"That fight was about to cause an explosion beyond 500 times the predicted amount of this area being wiped out, that power clearly comes from the world your in, being so near the gateway between worlds means your fighting with more power, the effect of 2 worlds being multiplied meaning you would have left a crater in this section of the planet beyond any that has happened before in recorded history, added the fact there are more than 3 users of that kind of power here it would mean the power would be amplified further, your stupidity almost cost us dearly," said Hyukia angrily but without hate.
"Actually it was my fault," said Seriku with shame coming clear in his voice,"I was the one who started it and Flage was just fighting in defence, the way he fought was to disable me, my mind was clouded and I fought like I would have fought any enemy, blame me for the event that could of happened not Flage,"
"At least your honest, this world is not the best place to use that power, it links to your home I believe, it is dangerous to use it outside of Mobius as it comes out more explosively and I recommend you seal some of it away so you cant go to a limit with it," said Hyukia who looked tired,"Anyway I need to rest so I will leave you to it,"
Hyukia went inside and fell asleep in the room she was in before. Flage put Shadrik in another room where he could recover and it seemed things might have calmed down finally after the Ark events...  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:09 pm
Kayonis nodded in understanding. Sonia came up and wrapped her arms around him. "Baby are you ok?" She asked concerned. "Yeah...I'm fine, just tired." He said. "What about your dad?" She asked. "He wouldn't want me moping around. I'm going to the training room for a while. See ya later." He said to everyone. "Hey need a partner?" Sonia asked. He smiled at her and nodded.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:29 pm
Seriku placed both hands on his sword's sheath and an energy flowed to create a seal over the blade, it would stop it going out of control and exploding in a normal fight and contain some of the power.
"That should hold it in while in this world at least, but what did she mean when she said there were more than 3 of us, how can she tell without the person releasing it. Sarukia has hers flow in her blood as it is water and the body is made up of water mainly, mine and Flage's are link to our swords and can not easily fuse into us except in blood exchange with the sword, does that mean another water based one, I dont think the other 3 apart from that one would be able to remain in a body unless there is a 5th one that is linked some how," said Seriku talking to himself out loud.
"Seriku' you should relax, people will explain things when they are needed, till then you just have to slow down," said Flage calmly.
"Easy for you to say, you can warp, I have to run," said Seriku cracking a joke to try and reduce the tension in the air,"Still I wonder how she meant it," the last part he said under his breath.
Flage walked away, considering the bandages were only stopping the bleeding it was pretty amazing he could still stand with the wounds and blood loss so far.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:50 pm
The fact that Rasu couldn't keep up with Flage and Seriku was really bothering him. 'I should've been able to at least follow almost all of their movements, but I was only able to see a few.' He thought. 'I must be getting rusty, I need to train harder!' He noticed Dessenger was looking like he had been training a lot and decided to ask him for a spar. "Hey Dess!" Rasu said and he ran over to him. "You look like you could use a sparring partner. What do ya say about sparring with me?" He asked.
Dessenger stared at he destruction cuased by the fight between Flage and Seriku. "Its unreal." he muttered to himself to asorbed to notice Kayonis' smirk. His astonishment was only broken by Rasu's voice. Dessenger smiled as he heard the hedgehog's proposal. "ITs sounds like a plan. I need to see if my training has gotten me anywhere. Its better than training alone by any account." he said giving Rasu a thumbs up. "Lead the way my man." he said beganning to strech out for the fight. Rasu smiled back. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear!" Rasu said returning the thumbs-up. "Alright lets get away from this place." He said. He lead Dessenger away from the mansion so they wouldn't damage it at all with their sparring. They came upon a clearing and got into the middle of it. "This alright with you?" Rasu asked.


Kuhn overheard Rasu and Dessenger's conversation. 'Ohh! This might be fun to watch!' He thought. "Hey, I'm going to watch those two spar, you two want to come?" He asked Pi and Yata. "No we have work to do, you go and have fun though." Yata replied. Pi nodded and both of them went back into the mansion to monitor AIDA. "Alright, it's your loss!" Kuhn said. He quickly caught up with Rasu and Dessenger, but didn't let him presence be known. He climbed up a tree and found a comfortable position to watch the fight from.


"Oh yeah. Nice open space clean air no obstructions. I couldn't think of a more perfect place for a friendly sparring match." Dessenger said. HE set himself through the rest of his strechs before putting himself into a low fighting stance. "Are you ready for this?" he asked tuantingly. He had been waiting for a fight against Rau for a long time. He had never actually fuaght the red hedgehog and was glad that he now had a chance to to test his skill against him. A smile spread across his face as he waiting for Rasu to make the opening move. "Hand-to-hand, eh?" Rasu said. "Alright then." Rasu said getting into his fighting stance. He suddenly dashed forward. He looked as if he was about to throw a frontal punch but disappeared at the the last second. He appeared above Dessenger and threw a hard downward kick at Dessenger. 'Let's see if you can dodge this.' Rasu thought. Moments away from his attack connecting with Dessenger.
Dessenger smirked and held his ground. Instead of trying to dodge the kick he brought his arm up and blocked it. His face changed to a more serious look as he grabbed Rasu's foot and spun him around. Once he had gained enough momentum he let go sending Rasu flying. Before Rasu hit the ground Dessenger was running after him. Throwing a punch Dessenger aimed at Rasu's gut hoping to send the hedgehog flying even further. 'Wasn't expecting a throw...time to improvise' He thought. Rasu parried Dessengers punch into the ground. He planted his feet then quickly launched a spinning kick to Dessenger's side. He caught Dessenger off gaurd and connected with his kick. Dessenger stumbled back a bit and Rasu threw punch at Dessenger's chest. Dessenger was surprised by the sudden impact and was disoriented. The punch connected sending Dessnger stumbling back a few steps. Hes tougher than I thought he would be. I need to to change up my stratagy be more on my guard from now on. Dessenger thought planting his feet. Dessenger attacked the hedgehog with a savage high kick to Rasu's head. If it connected Rasu was definatley going to feel it. Rasu saw the kick coming and tried to dodge, but still was hit. It may have been only half the force but it was enough to send Rasu up in the air. 'Crap!' Rasu thought. Rasu landed and threw up a gaurd. He noticed Dessenger was getting more gaurd oriented. 'Let's try that move.' Rasu thought and smirked. Rasu dashed in, and threw a large flurry of punches at Dessenger. He was blocking or dodging all of his punches. Then Rasu made his move. Rasu threw a hard punch at Dessenger's face. Dessenger saw and blocked it with a smirk but didn't realize that the punch was a decoy. With his other fist, Rasu punched Dessenger hard in the gut at the same time he threw the punch to Dessenger's face. "Gotcha!" Rasu said. "That you did. You're good I admit." Dessenger said taking of his gloves. "But now its time I get serious." He said taking his vest of. The discarded articals of clothing hit the ground with a thud. The weghts inside the making them far heavier than they appered. "I hope you can keep up with this." Dessenger said. He charged his motions a blur and his face hard and focused. Bring it on buddy. he thought unleashing a massive barrage of attacks at his opponent. 'Dang it! I forgot about his weights!' He thought. Dessenger's attacks were definitely a lot faster now. He was blocking, parrying, and dodging Dessenger's attacks. But suddenly he lost his footing and dropped his gaurd. 'Crap!!' He thought. Dessenger saw the slight stuble in Rasu's footing. Sorry nothing personal. Dessenger thought ramming his fist hard into Rasu's gut sending the red mobian flying backward. Dessenger ran behind Rasu as he flew and kicked him in the back sending him flying the other direction. Dessenger ran once again and appeared behind his opponent and cuaght him by his shirt. Throwing Rasu high into the air Dessenger jumped beside him and sent him flying into the ground with a double fisted overhead stirke. "You want more?" Dessenger asked as he landed. Rasu grunted as he got up with some difficulty. He wiped the blood away from his mouth and got back into his fighting stance. "Alright, Thanks for the warm-up. Now it's my turn to get serious!" He replied. Rasu closed his eyes. When he re-opened them, they were glowing red a long with his body. No runes were present though. "Let's do this!" Rasu said and dashed full speed at Dessenger. Dessenger was caught by suprise. Rasu was at least 3-4 times faster than he was before. But, how much stronger had he become? Rasu dashed forward, disappeared, then reappeared on the ground below Dessenger. "How about this?!" Rasu said. He threw a hard kick upwards and sent Dessenger up into the air. He quickly got to his feet then jumped up beside Dessenger. HE hit Dessenger with a flurry of punches and kicks then finished with a downward kick that sent sent Dessenger flying towards the ground. 'I would be underestimating him, if I thought that would defeat him.' He thought. He waited to see if Dessenger would be able to recover from the fall, and landed back on the ground and got into a defensive stance. Dessenger was taken completely off guard by the fury of the attack. Where did Rasu get such power?Dessenger wondered as he fell through the air. An instant before he hit the ground he twist through the air and landed on his feet. "Lets take of the kiddy gloves." Dessenger yelled a bright green light comeing from the plam of his hand. "Chaos spear Dessenmger style." he yelled. A single green lance shot from Dessenger's hand right at Rasu but a moment from impact it split into twenty different spears and arced around Rasu and coming in from behind. Dessenger followed right behind the attack and came at Rasu from the front with a flying jump kick. "Tch!" Rasu mumbled. Before Dessenger connected with his kick Rasu grabbed his leg then threw him at his own spears. 'Might work' Rasu thought. Dessenger's eyes were wide in shock as Rasu grabbed his foot and through him into his own attack. Wide with shoclk but not fear. The chaos spears swerved around Dessenger and moved back onto there path for Rasu. "You are forgetting I made this move. They won't hit me becuase I luanched them. And they are homing so they will follow you until they either hit something else or find their mark!" Dessenger yelled as he once again charge Rasu this time from behind the spears.Don't want that to happen again. If it had been a hairs width closer they would have hit me. he thought in relief. "Figured as much!" Rasu replied. But Rasu did something Dessenger hadn't counted on. Rasu ran straight for the spears and him. Rasu swatted away all the ones that were in his way, which was about 5 of them. HE charged through the line of spears before they could hit them. 'Got a few moments before they come back. But until then you're mine Dess!' He thought. Dessenger killed his forward momentum by plating his foot into the dirt and than jumping back gaining distance between him and Rasu, Ugh I haven't fuaght someone like this in a long time Rasu is amazing. Dessenger thought as he continued his retreat. Almost out of options. I'll have to try and catch him off guard. Dessenger thought. Jumping to the side Dessenger charged Rasu from the side and than fiented to the right Dessenger luanched a punch at the back of Rasu's head trying to by some time until the spears found there way back into the equation. "You'll have to do better than that Dess!" Rasu said. He easily dodged and parried Dessenger's attack to the ground again. He was about to launch an attack when one of the spears almost sliced him. Instead he jumped back. "I'm tired of these spears Dess!" He said. Rasu planted his feet and swatted the spears that got near him. It seemed to him that they were getting easier to destroy. Unknown to him however, his glow was getting brighter and brighter with each passing minute. Skeith watched the fight from Rasu's eyes, amplifying his abilities, further than what Rasu asked for. Dessenger also noticed the brighter glow but didn't think that it was Skeith taking over. "Come on you can do better than that!" Rasu said with distorted voice. Rasu also had an unusually large grin on his face. Rasu dashed forward with amazing speed. "You better be ready for this, haha!" Rasu yelled with excitement. Rasu threw punch after punch, with growing speed and strength. The punches were almost to strong for Dessenger to block at his current strength. But the punches were getting sloppy, they didn't have much finesse to them. "What's the matter, Dess? I know you can do better than this!" Rasu shouted. Dessenger fet a chill go down his spine as he watched glow form around Rasu and heard the distortion in his vioce. This is not good. Hes becomeing more powerful with each strike I got to end this quick with one strike before it gets out of hand. he thought as the first hints of fear ran through his mind. Dessenger dodged most of the strikes blocking what he had to all the while noticeing how each attack was sloopier than the last. I just got to time it right I know what to do. he thought. Dessenger waited until Rasu pucnhed again. Grabbing Rasu's wrist Dessenger used his opponents momentum against him pulling him forward into Dessenger's rapidly raiseing knee. The knee connected heavily with Rasu's stomach with a audible thud. Hope I didn't hurt him. Rasu quickly got out of Dessenger's hold. "You think that was enough to stop me?!" Rasu said. Then all that was left of Rasu's conciousness was completely taken over by Skeith. "Haha! Finally! It's my turn to fight, and you watch!" Skeith said through Rasu's voice. Rasu tried to fight it, realizing all to late that he had lost control. "Run Dess! RUN!" Rasu said. "Shut up Rasu! You're done for now, let me have my fun!" Skeith said. "Noo!!" Rasu replied. Rasu's eyes were glowing the brightest red Dessenger had ever seen. Rasu started glowing brighter as well, as Skeith began to summon his true form. Runes appeared all over Rasu's body. "HAHA! Play time is OVER!" Skeith boomed in Rasu's voice. The flash of light and Rasu disappeared. Skeith was now hovering over Dessenger. "RASU!" Dessenger sreamed as he watched his friend dissaper in a flash of red light unaware of Skeith that hung like aspecter of death of his head. "No!" he said.What happened he was there a second ago and now hes gone. I don't understand. he thought as he stared at the spot where Rasu had been a moment ago. What did he mean run? There is nothing for me to run from. Did he go insane? he thought running the last couple of moments through his head. No matter how he put it together it didn't add up. "I Love this part!" Skeith boomed. Dessenger looked around, confused. "Time to play!" Skeith said. Skeith picked Dessenger up in his hands and threw him into a tree, breaking the tree on impact. Before Dessenger could react, Skeith grabbed him again and threw him to the ground, HARD. "Pitiful." Skeith spat. He crossed his arms and waited to see what his prey would do next. Oh how he was savoring the moment.


Kuhn was staring in amazement as Rasu lost control. "NOT GOOD!" He said. HE saw Skeith attacking Dessenger. "No! I can't do anything with Dessenger so close! I might end up hurting him further with Magus!" Kuhn knew he couldn't attack until Dessenger was either thrown far enough away from skeith, or Dessenger found a way to escape. "Come on Dessenger, you have to run!" Kuhn said to himself.


Dessenger yelled in pain as he hit the ground with tremendous force. This is why he told me to run. This makes no sense I don't see anything! What Could possibly be doing this? he thought as he got to his feet. I may not know what is going on but I won't lay down and die. "I won't give up!" he yelled as his body began to change. His ears creeped his head and ponited themselves as they got to the top of his head. His hair rearragened itself into hedgehog like spikes his pupils became catlike slits and his canines more like fangs. Dessenger looked up and saw for the first time the danger that faced him. "So you are whats attacking me. Well I can tell three things about you just from looking. One your big. Two your red and three you are ugly." he said drawing his sword and holding it in front of him. "Do you even know who I am I am the perfect lifeform and there is ow way I am losing to a monster like you!" he exclaimed. "Hoho! So the Human can transform! And see me no doubt." Skeith boomed. "But that still won't save you!" Skeith Threw a punch at Dessenger, it had enormous force. But Dessenger jump up and dodged the punch, landing on Skeith's hand. "Get off of me, worm!" Skeith yelled and started shaking his hand. "Oh come on now your saying you don't like me? I guess we can't be friends afterall." Dessenger said running up the arm of the creature. "So tell me what is it about me that makes you want to attack me without even getting to know me?" he said as he reach the shoulder. "IS it my upbeat attitude that drives you crazy? Your not a pessimist are you?" Dessenger said continueing his tuanting. "MAybe you just don't like humans wouldn't that make you a racist?" Dessenger siad slashing his sword across Skeith's face than jumpin off. "Well I think we can work it out. I mean we just met theres nothing that says we can't forgive each other for fighting." "AH!" Skeith boomed. "Insolent worm! You'll pay for that!" Skeith charged at Dessenger and threw punch after punch, while Dessenger kept dodging. "You're becoming a nuicance!" Skeith yelled. "Well people say I am persistance. I think its a redeeming quality. Though some people may not appreciate it." Dessenger said Useing his sword to block Skeith's punchs. "I have to admit I have fuaght a lot of things in my time machines mostly but sometimes mutants friends but never a full blown monster before." Dessnger said a smirk on his face. He was impressed by this monster if he was not in his enhanced form than he would have already been dead by now. He was still taken back by the power he held when he was like this. He had only been like this twice but he liked it. "Enough with your pitpful taunts!" Skeith boomed. Skeith grabbed Dessenger out of the air after he had dodged another punch. "Haha! What will you do now I wonder?" Skeith said as he started to sqeeze Dessenger. Dessenger smiled. "Look I really think we got off on the wrong foot mister monster guy. I think we start over from square one hi my name is Dessenger." he said. "And what am I going to do about this? Well I could do nothing and that would solve everything." with that the remaining spears that Dessenger had fired earlier found their way into Skeiths back. Really wasen't planning for that but hey whatever works. he thought. Skeith shrugged off the spears. "Those were fired when you were still in your regular form, they have no effect on me! Haha!" Skeith boomed as he tightened his grip further. "And don't make me laugh, I know who you are. I've been residing in Rasu's concience this whole time. I know everything he knows." Skeith boomed once more. "Oh so you only know what Rasu knows? I have many moves that he does't know." Dessenger said opening one of his hands. "Though I still don't feel like useing those right now I'll just have to settle for one of the classics." Dessenger said gathering Chaos energy to his hand. "CHOAS BLAST!" he yelled fireing a blast directlyinto the inside of Skeith's closed fist. Skeith grunted and released his grip on Dessenger. "I'm through playing games!" Skeith boomed and materialized his scythe.


"Not good! He's bringing out his scythe! Dessenger won't last long against it, even in his new form!" Kuhn jumped down from his perch and dash towards the battle. He arrived and got between the two. "Dessenger you won't last long against that scythe of his, even in your new form." Kuhn said. "I do need your help to help Rasu return to his normal self." Kuhn turned back to Skeith. "Let's do this!" Kuhn said. He closed his eyes and when he re-opened them they were glowing green. His body started to glow green and the runes appeared. "Come on..My MAGUS!" Kuhn yelled. The flash of light, and Magus appeared. "Lets do this Dessenger!" Kuhn yelled. Dessenger slammed his palm into his forehead. Great theres another one and this one is just as ugly. Oh well at least I am no longer in this alone. he thought. "Whats wrong monster I like games." Dessenger said holding his sword up in a fighting pose. "Any plans?" he asked Khun quitely. "Cuase after all I have been through with this guy I have nothing that seems to work." "Only an avatar can defeat another avatar. There is no other option." Kuhn said. "I need you to distract him. While you're doing that I'll try to get him in a hold and try to reach Rasu throug Skeith's concience. Can you do that?" Kuhn asked. "I have no idea but I can distarct him real easy." Dessenger said. With a wave of his hand he was running full tilt towards Skeith his sword held high at his side. "Thats it Skeith if you don't want to be friends I won't force you but you are holding one of the people who are my friend hostage and that I won't forgive. RASU can you hear me come to my voice!" Dessenger yelled jumping at Skeith's head his sword held over his head for the strike. Skeith swatted Dessenger out of the way easily enough and turned to Magus. "What ever you're planing Kuhn, it won't work!" Skeith yelled. HE swung his scythe at Magus, who grabbed it out of the air. The two struggled for control over the scythe for a while. "Rasu! You must fight it! You can do it! Fight it!!" Kuhn yelled.


Rasu awoke in complete darkness. "Wha..? Where am I?" He asked himself. "Rasu!" Dessenger's voiced echoed in the darkness. "Rasu!! Fight it!" Kuhn's voice also echoed. "Dess? Kuhn?" Rasu looked around. "Where are you?" He asked. no one answered. "Rasu you have to fight it!" Dessenger and Kuhn said at the same time. "Fight what...?" Rasu asked. He then remembered that he lost control. "Dammit! No! I have to regain control! If I don't the others may die!" Rasu said to himself. He calmed his mind and closed his eyes. He started to glow red.


"No way I am not going down not when Rasu need me." Dessenger said landing on his feet. "Rasu come one you are stronger than this thing. Don't let it control you." He yelled rushing back as fast as he could. He saw the huge forms of Skeith ad Magus fighting for control over the deadly scythe. "Well it looks like it time for the misquito to do its damage." he said to himself. He ran around the edge of the clearing trying to stay out of sight until he was behind Skeith. Dessenger stood for a second absorb chaos energy than ran at Skeith his sword held at his side in a reverse grip. Once he was close enough he leapt through the air and came down on Skeith's back burying the sword up to the hilt in Skeith. I hope this does something or I have nothing more to offer. he thought. "ARRGH!" Skeith yelled in pain. The moment Skeith lost his focus, Magus ripped the scythe away from Skeith and got him into a headlock. "Come on Rasu! This is your chance! FIGHT BACK!" Kuhn yelled. "Not going to happen!" Skeith yelled. He flew up in the air, with Magus still holding on. He turned upside down and started flying full speed into the ground, Kuhn tried to get away but Skeith held onto him to make sure he wouldn't escape. "Crap!" Kuhn yelled before they hit the ground. "Not gonna let that happen. Rasu Its now or never this thing is hurt you can defeat it just fight it!" Dessenger said as he ran towards the falling Skeith and Khun. Jumping through the air Dessenger kicked Skeith with a full force attack that was aplified with Chaos energy. As the kick connected a small explosion formed. Skeith was sent flying sideways towards the edge of the clearing. Dessenger panted as the effects of his enhanced mode began to catch up with him. Just a little longer. he thought. Even though Dessenger saved Kuhn from a huge amount of damage, he was too close to the ground to have recovered in time. He crashed into the ground leaving a huge crater. He only took half the damage that he would've gotten but it was still enough to knock him out. "Haha! Your efforts were in vein Dessenger!" Skeith boomed. Skeith noticed Dessenger's exhaustion and took advantage of it. "It seems that you are at your limit!" Skeith boomed. "I won't lose to you no matter what it takes. Even if you push me to the very edge of death I will still fight with everything I have got!" Dessenger proclaimed. Concentrating Dessenger's hands glowed green. "Chaos Spear Dessenger style." he yelled fireing blast after blast. Twenty spear shot at Skeith only to break apart and go behind him. "Try and dodge that!" Dessenger yelled as four hundred spears came at Skeith from behind forming and almost complete wall. "Rasu quick slacking you hear me? I'll hunt you down if this thing kills me and once I find you it won't be pretty." he yelled trying desperately to reach Rasu. Skeith start laughing. "Haha! You think this will stop me?! Such a bad joke..." Skeith said. Skeith lifted his hand and blocked all 400 spears. They weren't as strong as they should've been since Dessenger was on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion. He had used up too much of his strength already and Skeith knew it. He turned his back on Dessenger, as he knew he was no longer a threat. Dessenger was totally exhausted and his limits had been reached. Skeith floated over to Magus and aimed his hand at him. "Now, watch as I destroy Kuhn!" Skeith boomed. The orange cannon materialized on his arm. "Data..." Skeith started. Sudden the cannon broke apart and disappeared. "What...?" Skeith start and grabbed his head. He started glowing a bright red. "You will no longer hurt any of my friends!!" Rasu's said through Skeith. "Impossible!" Skeith Yelled. Skeith glowed even brighter. "AAAHH!!" It yelled as the flash of light appeared. Skeith disappeared and Rasu reappeared and floated gently to the ground. "Thanks guys, I owe....you...one..." Rasu said as he fell to the ground, unconcious.  



PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:10 am
Something came went flying through the gateway at the mansion into Mobius, it was last night when it happened so no one noticed. Today however not just one person but a group was coming out. First Sophie appeared with Rebecca and a Chao egg, it seemed that Flage's chao, Chaoloca was now Rebecca's and that the chao had transformed back to the egg stage. They saw Flage fairly quickly and went to a room in the mansion, Flage got to finally spend some time with his family in this world which he enjoyed. Even though he had been injured nothing would stop him being with his family at this moment. A little later Cruge and Jessica came through the gateway. Both had a large amount with them which was surprisingly mainly Cruge's. They moved it just inside the mansion put it out of the way but left it in the bags. If anyone tried lifting them, they would get a shock from how heavy it was and if they tried to open it they would fail as they were sealed with a special kind of padlock that reflected attacks and how they opened was unseen.
Cruge and Jessica went to a room with a TV and turned it on relaxing on sofas in the room, it was clear they had travelled a long way with a lot to carry and that they were tried. They knew Sophie had just crossed recently too and let him have some time with her before they told him the news.
It was strange that Shadow and Amy left after the others returned to the mansion before but Shadow had come to see Sarukia and heard that Seriku was also at the mansion and arrived shortly after Cruge and Jessica, they went to a room near the one with Cruge and Jessica in and waited to see Sarukia or Seriku.
It seemed everyone was gathering for different reasons but bad news was coming, the sort that only a few can sort out and it seemed Mobius was not the place to be at the moment...  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:13 am
Back in the training room, Kayonis and Sonia had been training in fifty times normal gravity. THeir clothes were torn and they were bruised and cut up. "Come on Sonia, give up...you can't win." Kayonis called out. "Not on your life..." She said stumbling up. Kayonis walked slowly and methodically up to her. She fired a punch towards him, but Kayonis caught her hand. He bent it down applying pressure to her knuckles causing her to start down towards her knees. Kayonis smirked. They had agreed not to hold back and to fight as if they were fighting a real enemy. Sonia allowed herself to be brought to her knees and with a quick turn of her hips, tripped Kayonis. Kayonis, being caught off guard fell head first to the ground. She then placed him in a submission manuever. The one he had applied before to Dessenger. "Ow...this does hurt..." He growled and tried to force her off of him. He was surprised at how strong she had gotten. He kept pushing and she kept holding on.

"Give up Kayonis...I don't want you injured." She said. "Never Sonia..." He retaliated. She was losing her grip because of his strength. She could only hold the submission for so long. When he was free and her stunned, he nailed a hard punch to her stomach. She gasped in pain as blood trickled from her mouth. Kayonis was afraid that he had hurt her badly. "Sonia?" He asked. She headbutted him hard and he was dazed.

"You let your guard down!" She growled. "I bit my lip and bit into a blood capsule." SHe growled spitting it out. "Diversionary tactic and you fell for it." She taunted. Shaking the cobwebs loose, he smirked at her. "Nice move." Kayonis said. He rushed her faster than she thought and slammed her into a wall. She struggled against the grip. "Let me go!" She growled and kneed him in the stomach. He doubled over and stepped back. As she came to capitalize on the advantage, Kayonis whipped up quickly and sprayed the green mist in her eyes. She shrieked in pain and started punching aimlessly. Kayonis dodged and nailed her with a hard kick to her chin. She was caught by surprise and knocked flat on her back. She whimpered as the jalepino juice stung her eyes relentlessly. Then she was hit with a hard knee in the stomach. She gasped in pain as the wind was driven from her. As she fell unconscious, her body began glowing. With a bright flash her avatar burst from her body, but being that she was unconscious, the avatar couldn't maintain it's hold and failed. Kayonis breathed a sigh of relief. He needed to find Rasu or someone so he could train with the avatar. He gently picked Sonia up and took her to a rejuvenation tank, placed the air mask on her, filled the tank with the chemicals she needed to recover before repeating the motions with himself. He had turned off the gravity before entering the tank and falling asleep.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:17 pm
Kuhn was the first to regain conciousness. He had already changed back into himself and woke up in the large crater. "Ow, my achin back!" HE said getting up with difficulty. HE got out of the crater as fast as he could and started looking around for Dessenger and Rasu. He found Rasu first and picked him up. He then started looking for Dessenger, who had gotten himself next to a tree before he lost conciousness. "Oh boy, I definitely can't carry these two at the same time." Kuhn said to himself. HE laid Rasu on the ground next to Dessenger and checked to see if there were any woulds that needed patching up. After he patched up any that he found, he checked himself and did the same. "Ugh, I'm still weak from all of that. I don't think I could make it back by myself." He said as he tried standing up again but failed. "I hope I can scrounge up enough energy to throw up a flare then." He lifted up his hand and clenched it into a fist. HE started focus his energy into a green ball. "Hope this works!" Kuhn said. He shot the ball into the air which exploded brightly when it went about 500 yards up into the air. "That was the last of my energy. Hopefully someone will find us..." Kuhn said as he laid down himself and fell asleep.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:53 pm
Flage, his family, Seriku and company were in the living room.
"So whats happening in Mobius that made you all come here," asked Flage.
"War, the largest empire fell into civil war due to the information leak of the 2 children of the emperor having gone missing and the emperor being very ill. This naturally sparked of a fight for power between quite a few of the smaller kingdoms and empires. Most of Mobius has fallen into chaos, we don't know who started this of but someone has been fanning the flames on all sides and it looks like it is going to go badly," said Jessica.
"It is actually worse, it is not simply 2 sides of a civil war with the others teaming with another, it is every single side fighting every single other one, there are no alliances and it is chaos, few know about the gateway and so few can escape it, I do recall the fact that a single person is increasing this chaos but no one would gain from a war this large, not that I can think of," said Cruge.
"Well if almost everywhere is at war then that means that person could be trying to make a new great power and is fueling the war to make it possible," said Seriku,"It is amazingly difficult for a new great power to rise unless others weaken, the rulers agreed that the amount of powers should be limited to decrease the factions that could go to war, most factions at the moment should be friendly unless something happened or someone made it look like something happened,"
"How do you know so much anyway?" asked Cruge not knowing about Seriku or Sarukia's connection into this.
"Me and Sarukia are from Rin, the current largest empire and most powerful in term of wealth and fairly powerful military might," said Seriku.
"Only royal would know some of these details," said Sophie,"So your the children of the emperor?"
"Yes," said Seriku.
"And if you returned it could halt this war?" interrupted Cruge.
"No, it will still be fought, and just getting there will be near impossible, it is the furthest area from the gateway," said Seriku.
"So returning is neither safe nor will it help as much as we would want it to," said Flage summing it together,"I guess we have to leave Mobius for now, if we cant do anything to stop it we need to wait and prepare for when we can,"
"What should we tell the others?" asked Sophie.
"The truth of course," said Sarukia.
"No, they just need to know the danger, if they knew all that was happening it could create a lot of unneeded risks," said Seriku.
"But they have a right to know don't they?" replied Sarukia.
"If too much word gets out to the wrong people here a second world might step in, G.U.N would try and sort it out and it would be likely to engulf both worlds into this event," explained Flage,"We need to keep this a low profile, otherwise we will be in a worse state, if this is talked about only trusted people can know, since Seriku and Sarukia are the most involved they should be the ones who need to trust another to talk of it,"
"I think we should tell the others that Mobius has become dangerous and we need to limit the gateway to no access if possible, a Mobion that comes here even by chance endangers a lot more than him or herself," said Seriku.
"I don't agree with turning away others who could be in danger, or keeping this secret from the people here," said Sarukia unhappily.
"It is for the best, father taught me how to deal with these things, I know it is hard but we must keep this a low profile, since I don't know the people here well we keep it secret from now on and have regular talks if we can, also it would be good if we could get contact with Mobius some how," said Seriku.
"It would be very difficult to keep us informed and up to date but it might be possible to have some news brought over, I don't think it will be easy to do," said Shadow,"I will look into it later,"
"Any information will help, I also think any information should be shared among this group as soon as we can, are there any secret areas that we can be sure to go to and not be heard," asked Seriku.
"This mansion maybe and another idea is to warp to a quiet spot, there are some around this world, using chaos emerald might be the best way to get information too," said Flage,"Unfortunally the one in my sword is not easily removed and we will need 2 even if we could remove it which is unlikely till it reaches its next stage,"
"So we hunt for the emeralds," said Seriku,"Any we find we need to keep safe and away from the others, if they catch on to us it could be difficult to keep it contained,"
"I don't think we can stop the gateway functioning, it would be near impossible without the way it was made being reversed and the main person is not alive to do so," said Flage,"We will need to just keep an eye on it, any volunteers?"
"I could set up on that side of the mansion, I planned to set my stuff up outside anyway, it would allow us to keep a normal appearance and allow us to watch," said Cruge.
"What is it you are setting up?" asked Seriku.
"Just my normal work these days, I prefer the fresh air and a good air supply helps it anyway," said Cruge.
"Say no more," said Seriku understanding already.
"I recommend we keep near the mansion when we are not out looking and we will need to keep a form of contact open with here and a search group," said Seriku.
"I think that would need to be done when we have our method of searching," said Sophie.
"We will look into it another time then, for now lets just wait a little," said Seriku,"Anyway this meeting is over unless anything else needs to be said," No one replied and they walked there separate ways acting if nothing had happened.
"Do you really think we can help in this?" asked Sophie when they were back in there room.
"Truthfully I don't know, but since Seriku and Sarukia are involved along with Shadow and Amy, I think that we should at least try and help," said Flage.
"The war started shortly ago but picked up speed drastically, I think someone is in control of it and it is not just a way of strengthening there group," said Sophie who checked on Rebecca who was taking a nap.
"I agree, someone might be trying to weaken others to take over the whole of Mobius, we have to wait on this one I guess," said Flage.  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:20 pm
Kayonis and Sonia awoke to see the flare. They started towards the area and found the others. "How are we going to get them back to the mansion? We can't use Chaos control because we don't have an emerald." Sonia spoke. "Leave that to me." Kayonis said. He entered a meditative state and within moments, he looked towards the west. "Stay with them, I'll return shortly." He said. Sonia nodded and sat down next to the three. Kayonis found the green Chaos emerald and appeared using Chaos control. "Take a hold of their hands Sonia." He instructed. She did so and in a flash of light, Kayonis had returned them to the castle in the master bedroom each on a bed of their own.  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:38 pm
Dessenger awoke first his head pounding. Ugh that was though I am surprised I am alive. he thought as he went through the battle over and over in his head. No matter how many times he though it over he could only think of one question that formed in his mind. What was that thing? he thought as he remembered the massive hulking form of Skeith. The very thought of it filled him with a sense of dread. It was like nothing that he had ever seen before in his life. "It was unstoppable." he muttered under his breath to himself. He sat up and saw Rasu and Kuhn laying in the beds next to him. "At least they are alive." he said moving to the window. He was surprised to see that the sky was growing dark. How late is it? he thought looking at the cloack. His eyes widend in sursprised as he saw that itwas only four o'clock. "No way it ca't be dark out yet." he thought. His thoughts ran wild trying to figure out the reason behind the prematurely darkening sky. His feet moved beneath him but he paid no attention to where he was heading. He soon found himself outside. He looked at the sky and noticed that it was not just dark the sky had an odd edge of purple to it. Not good.

(Hey if you don't mind I am going to start my story arc now.)  

William Sstrider

Shirtless Gawker


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:14 am
"Dessenger," Sophie called out,"We have some news of danger in Mobius and think everyone should keep out of it as it will be very dangerous even just to enter," She left to go inside as it looked like it was going to rain a little.


"We will need to fix the damage to the mansion's damage," Flage told Seriku and Cruge,"I have thought of a way to improve the walls strength a bit, we could cause a space time rift which would repair it and expose the walls to pure chaos energy and infuse some of the energy into the wall, it would be undetectable and we could use it ourselves,"
"How many emeralds would we need?" asked Cruge.
"3 or 4 depending how we did it," said Flage,"We might be able to use the one in my sword also for this,"
"That still leaves the need for 2 emeralds," said Seriku.
"Incorrect," said Sophie coming into the room, she had been out a little earlier and she held up a purple chaos emerald,"I found this earlier,"
She passed it to Flage who put it in his pocket then seeing it was glowing near his sword he knew someone else should carry them.
"I will hide them," said Jessica walking into the room,"I have some experience with hiding energy," she took it and it seemed to fade slightly in colour and then the energy wave just vanished.
"See, no one can locate it now really," she put it in her pocket then zipped it just above the emerald making it in a secret area in the pocket.
"Anyway we need another one," said Sarukia who was sitting down,"Kayonis found one but that one is now something we cant use,"
"Well we have the clear one in my sword, the purple one now and I think Kayonis found the green one," said Flage.
They decided to call it and Flage, Sophie, Jessica and Cruge left the room.
"What are you planning," asked Sarukia.
"Nothing," said Seriku.
"I know that look," said Sarukia,"Every time your planning something you get it, I dont think anyone else would notice as it is so slight, I am just use to it,"
"Don't worry about it," said Seriku.  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:18 am
Kayonis was in his room looking at the green chaos emerald he ad. His father found this one the most. As Kayonis spun it in his hand it reminded him of his home. The floating island with the master emerald. He was feeling homesick. He wanted to go back, but a feeling in his stomach kept saying no. He pocketed the emerald and went towards the room to check on the patients. He saw Dessenger up and about. "I figured you would be the first up." He said quietly and went towards the window. "So what happened? Why is it dark at four o clock in the afternoon?" He asked.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:15 pm
There was a large sound of metal on metal. Before anyone knew what happened a huge amount of swordfighting was coming from Flage's room. The noise was then heard also in Seriku's room. Outside by the side of the house Cruge was also defending himself. They were under attack, masked Mobion assassins were attacking. Flage was under attack by 1 group, blood was starting to cover the room. Seriku was holding his own in his room, a blast of ice was sent out of his door with 2 Mobions being frozen in place and Seriku shattered the ice killing them. The 3rd rushed out and Seriku threw his sword in his back silencing him. He picked up his sword and rushed to go help the nearest other fight which was outside. Cruge managed to defend against his 2 attackers with a blacksmithing hammer, the assassins saw Seriku coming and went back to back. Seriku managed to flick the dagger away from one of the assassins and they finished them off. They rushed inside, another room was then filled with conflict, Jessica's. She was faster than she looked and Cruge, Seriku and Sarukia only got there to see them fall to the ground. Flage's room was still thundering as metal on metal clashed again then it stopped. The early morning was quiet again. It had all happened minutes. There had been a total of 9 assassins that had attacked most likely from Mobius. Flage was standing in his room, the walls had been painted with blood, the 3 assassins in his room had been dealt with. Even though he was still injured from his fight with Seriku he had killed them all.
"Flage's are you ok?" asked Seriku as the group got to the room. His back was turned to the door when they opened it. Flage fell to his knees. He was crying badly. Jessica stepped into the room and was shocked to see just how much blood was on the wall. The bodies of the assassins were shredded to pieces, most of it had been done after they were killed. Flage screamed a wordless cry of pain, the sound was filled with pain beyond anything that seemed possible, the windows of the mansion were shattered. Jessica then noticed why he was like this. On the bed was a 4th body, the assassins had killed his wife Sophie. The scream came again with just as much force, Jessica stepped back, Flage was losing control to his emotions, his pain was too much for him and the chaos emerald in his sword had been reacting with his screams of pain. He was on his feet after the second scream just to collapse on to his side crying uncontrollable. Cruge was starring dumbly into the room, he felt powerless as if Flage was the one dead. Sophie was one of the few people that meant everything to Flage. Rebecca had woken up from the scream, she was crying now, she was in a bad state. Jessica instantly reached down and picked up Rebecca hugging her and hiding Rebecca's face into her shoulder trying to calm her. It was hard to believe that a group of assassins had managed to get in undetected but it seemed like a nightmare that Sophie had been killed, out of everyone, she was the one who seemed safest, she was the one protected by Flage, one of the stronger people here. Cruge understood why Flage had just collapsed onto the floor, he was blaming himself for failing to protect her, Flage truly believed he had failed to do the most important thing to him, he had failed to protect his family ...  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:50 pm
Rasu was woken up by all the commotion. "What's...happening....?" He whispered. He tried to move, but to no avail. "Ugh...I can't move a muscle..." He whispered. He looked around the room with difficulty and saw Kuhn next to him. Kuhn had regained conciousness earlier, but was resting to recover more. He was deeply asleep and was unaware of what was happening. Rasu looked around some more but couldn't find Dessenger. "Where is he....?" Rasu asked. Rasu, using all of what was left of his strength to sit up in his bed. He clutched his head. 'Not the time for a massive headache...' He thought. "Hey! Is anyone out there?!" Rasu called out as loud as he could.  



PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:43 am
Energy rippled through the mansion as an after effect of the chaos emeralds reacting to Flage. It filled everyone with a burst of energy, as if they were having an adrenaline rush. It was temporary, it would last for maybe 10 minutes as an adrenaline rush would. Flage felt it and gripped it slightly. It gave him the will to stand. His tear stopped. He understood something, it was as if his mind had suddenly changed, like a TV changing channel. Something was clear to him. His hands glowed slightly. It was reacting to something within him. The chi emerald that he guarded was reacting to his mind in unimaginable ways. The glow spread slightly till it reached his elbows. The energy was strange, mystic even. To those who felt it, it was like starring into a lake, crystal clear but never seeing the bottom, it was almost entrancing like a ripple on water. It just seemed like a thing of beauty even though there had been pain. Flage had managed to understand something beyond what seemed normal. The energy rush was just a slither of energy. It was from Flage's reaction to the emeralds, the one in his blood and the one in his sword. The affect of it was like an emerald had been dropped into the crystal clear water of the lake. Then more energy flowed as if it was a ripple of the first wave. It was as if a great darkness had been lifted. It seemed to grant hope. No doubt Flage still felt the pain but it was like he had received a message from Sophie before her spirit had parted. Flage being what he was, was strange. He had always been duty bound but now it was as if he was making a hidden promise to Sophie. It was as if he would run to the ends of the earth if needed to do this promise. It was amazing to see and feel the change. The first part of Flage had been so filled with pain it was as if it dragged everyone's mood down into the darkness and now it was as if he was a beacon of light, a beacon of hope. Everyone starred at him mystified, entranced at him. It seemed like he had found his purpose, those that looked on the sight saw hidden traits, it was as if they were looking at a leader that was always right, as if they would follow him to the ends of the earth with him if they were needed. It was as if by just looking at him was an intoxication, as if they were starring at the ultimate beauty, but not a beauty of the body or mind but the beauty of the spirit, the spirit that would live for a purpose and for fill it before it could die.
Then the glow changed. It was in the nearest hand of Jessica and Cruge. As if the crystals that they had were being drawn to him. Then the darkness of Cruge's emerald made a beam of energy over to Flage's left hand, the nearest other glowing hand. The flow of energy was constant. Then a beam of pure light flowed from Jessica's hand into Flage's right hand. It was as if the energy was being given to the guardian and as if he was relieving Cruge and Jessica of the burden of carrying the chi emeralds. It was strange how it then spread over Flage fully covered in the glow and it expanded into a sphere. It was a strange sight. When people looked they saw a golden energy, but it bent the light saw they saw to the sides of Flage, it was as he was there and not there, he was changing, a snapping sound was heard and it was unclear what was going on. The effect of this light would only be shown when it died down, but it was bright and looked as if it could remain for an eternity, it was as if the was no end to it in sight until it was fully finished with what it was doing. Everyone could only stare into it and wait, it was as if the future was being rewritten to fit a different person, as if the fate that awaited everyone had changed from darkness and death to a chance at life, nothing could describe that feeling, it was a pure beacon of hope, the will to be strong enough to live and keep fighting...  
~Train Station~(Rp Subforum)

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