Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:24 pm
Draco was grinning widely as he let the dragon go, standing back up, Nil moving next to his tamer. "Hello Tamp and Ashu. I am Draco, and this little guy is Nil." Draco stepped forward, holding out his right arm, the black metal shining in the light. "Nice to meet you. And sorry about that. I just really love dragons, you won't believe what I have gone through to get the partners I have."
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:25 pm
Chris smiled as he followed him to the bar. He looked at the bartender "Can I get a root beer please" He said. He then looked at Marcus "Well thats a good point, we don't really get to enjoy things like relaxing often...or bathing for that matter" He said. He sighed after a moment glad to be around Marcus "So what do you plan to do now" He asked.
Dante smiled and took Gaomons hand, "Come on buddy lets get something to eat" He said as he led him toward a table so they could get some food. "And you shouldn't blush so much your face could get stuck that way" He said making a joke.
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:50 pm
((@Aeternum:Which part?!))
The Bartender brought the boys their drinks and then went back to serving those that were at the bar. "I dunno... I mean I went to Vaccine Sentinal Tower for some answers, but then---" Marcus was cut off by his digivice beeping, it was the message tone made specifically for a message from the chaos organization. He quickly grabbed his digivice and stepped away to read the message, "Excuse me for a moment."
Doroku heard the tone and saw Marcus rise to leave Chris. He smirked and then made his way over towards Marcus. "News?"
Destino followed Dante to order some food. His ears perked up when Marcus's digivice made the alert.
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:57 pm
Chris looked at Marcus as he received a message "Uh, alright" he said as Marcus got up to read the message. He sat there continuing to drink his soda. "I hope its not something to important" He said. He wanted to stick around Marcus more.
Dante smiled at Destin as they brought food to them. He took a bite when he noticed Destin's ears perk up. "Whats wrong?" He asked. He gave him a serious look for a moment showing him he was waiting for an answer.
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 7:16 pm
((@liger If I understand what you're saying, I'm just concluding that such feats of spontaneity are trivial compared to that of popping out of a white orb and falling into a trash bin...or they are in my opinion. I've hugged many random strangers in my life time. XD))
Something flashed in Temp's mind. Dragons...
"You know, I have the sneaking suspicion that I had a fancy for the mythos of the draconic myself once...in the past. Regardless," Temp brushed the subject off with a flourish of his hand. "It's nice to meet you. You're actually the only human I know now! Hehe..." Temp scratched his head nervously while also shaking the robotic hand that was offered.
"Hey! Draco, what happened to your arm!?" the dragon asked in astonishment. Temp noticed it too. It didn't bother him, instead, the prosthetic intrigued him greatly. It seemed like it was probably used for things more than just handling things...more like...violence.
"Ashu, stop that's rude." Temp mentioned to his dragon friend after staring at the arm he just shook.
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 7:30 pm
(Ha ha, you are right Aetern. My arm was the only non-violent super power I could think of. So I can fight with people.)
"Oh? New then. That is surprising. Most of them appear in Network City. Yet you appeared in a trash can... wait you can't mean completely new. No. You have been here a bit, or else you would be freaking out." Draco was rambling, thinking over the information, he stopped about half way through, "Oh... um... sorry about that. I haven't talked to a human in a while now... at least not for very long."
Nil rolled his eyes as he stepped forward, "Sorry about my human. He is a little odd."
Draco smiled lightly at his digimon, before turning his attention to the Dracomon. "It isn't rude at all. It is really an interesting story." Draco knelt down, his head in front of the Dracomon. "It all started when I heard the Great Angels had a Dracomon egg. Of course I had to have it. So I snuck into their base...." (If you want the whole story PM me. I will gladly tell you.) "... And then Chaos sent his more powerful attack at the Mirage Gaogamon, Terra Destroyer, a black ball of fire. At the exact same moment the Angel Tamer Richter grabbed him, tossing me between the flames and the digimon. My body colliding with the Terra Destroyer.I am lucky Chaos managed to pull back most of his power, or else I would be completely made of metal. From there I just got lucky, but in the end I stole the egg and made my way from there. Of course getting this arm is a different story."
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 7:53 pm
((Hey, automail-prototypical arms kick arse! I have to rely on a stick. XD And I don't want to bother you for the story unless you really have the time. Knowing my life, I can understand if you don't...but knowing my character it may be for the better.))
Little Ashu sat and listened in wonder at the story Draco told. Temp was also interested as he paid attention with baited interest. His story was a compelling one. And on top of that, they shared something in common in that they have not been around humans for a long time. Although it may be just because he was in the digital world, though that was hardly explainable being there were other people.
"Wow! Your story is amazing Draco! You took a Terra Destroyer like that and lived!?" Ashu gaped in awe. "I've never even heard of anything that incredible. It's simply amazing, even more so coming from a human...oh, no offense! Just that you guys are kinda soft an squishy as opposed to decked out in armor."
"I don't know. He did just give us the background on his METAL arm Ashu," Temp chuckled. "It's an interesting and heart-wrenching story. Your Dracomon must have been a good friend then. Oh, and in regards to the freaking out bit, I didn't ever really. I woke up on the outskirts of Drive City, and I didn't have any memory before that point." Temp then relayed the much more minuscule story of the previous evening. His awakening without any memory, the ghost town, the Shamanmon, the Shadow WereGarurumon that nearly hunted them down...
"Oh, finally!" Temp exclaimed nearly out of breath. "It appears that there is a new group moving into Drive City. They seemed...sinister shall we say to us two as we watched from behind the corner."
"Yeah, they glowed with this purpley aura too... it was freaky..." Ashu said with a shiver.
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 8:14 pm
(If I minded I wouldn't have offered. Heck it is a good way for me to remember what went on. Besides, hearing your story would be cool too.)
"Ha ha ha, I could never handle one at full power. If Chaos, my BlackWarGreymon, wasn't as skilled a fighter as he is I would have been toast." Draco replied. "But I know what you mean. Humans aren't so amazing physically. But we have something to make up for it. Our minds are awesome."
Nil rolled his eyes, yet again. He seemed to have picked up that habit from somewhere. "Digimon are way smarter." He got in before Temp's own story.
The two quieted down as Temp started on his own story. Nil nodding politely as he leaned on his arms, the tale wasn't as grand, but it still was interesting. "Wow a Shadow WereGarurumon, that must have been epic. Can Dracomon digivolve yet? Or did you have to face it as a rookie?" He asked, his eyes aflame with curiosity.
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 8:14 pm
Having left the pub-like area of the inn, Marcus pulled his digivice close and read the message. "Seems the organization has been active in our absence." Marcus smirked as he read the notice from Luka and how his presence of near required at HQ. "Doroku... go on out, I'll meet you and Seigfreid in a moment. Tell the big olf where we're heading."
The ChaosWarGreymon nodded and took to a speedy walk out of the inn to meet the Zanbamon that had been waiting for them the entire time.
"Now to deal with some loose ends." Marcus pocketed his digivice and ran his hand through his hair. He sighed and then walked back into the pub, walking towards Chris. "Hey, we'll have to catch up sometime... I've got to be somewhere at the moment. It's very important." He bowed to Chris and even paid for both of their drinks before leaving. As he stepped out, he remembered something. Pivoting on his right foot, he turned and then whistled for Destino to come to him.
Gaomon knew that whistle and knew that it was time for him to go. He whimpered a bit and then hugged Destino. "Maybe we'll meet again some time?" He then got on all four and ran to meet Marcus. "Still here I see?"
"But of course... you expected me to leave or something?" "Actually I did. That's why I brought Chris to meet you, but I guess your attachment is far stronger than I imagined." "You'd be right about that puppy dog. I ain't goin now where!" "I was afraid of that, but... thank you for not harming Chris." "Pppffffttt... do you take me for a fool? There are far too many witnesses. His time will come soon."
The tamer and his dog had their conversation at a whisper as not to involve any unwanted ears and then left the inn completely. Marcus got on Zanbamon and Destino jumped atop of ChaosWarGreymon. "And we're off!!!" When Zanbamon took off, Marcus's eyes returned to their chaotic orange color.
[Marcus, Destino, Doroku, and Seigfreid exit to Drive City]
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 8:30 pm
Chris frowned as Marcus said goodbye. He hoped he would see his friend soon. "Oh...I guess I'll see you soon" He said a bit sadly. He on some level knew something was wrong, Marcus normally wasn't so formal and was usually less secretive with him. Just then Skylar walked over to Chris and smiled at him "Miss him that much huh" He said. Chris nodded to him.
Dante however was the only one to notice something odd. "Yeah we will" He said as Destin left. He then moved over to Chris "We should follow them" He said.
Chris looked at him confused for a moment "Why?" He asked to Dante.
Dante looked at him sternly "Because something is off, they left quickly and I've never seen Marcus make Destin whimper" He said he gave Chris a serious look. "Something is wrong and I don't like it" He said.
Chris looked at Dante then Skylar "...alright if you're sure, but if thats the case we better be careful, he could be in trouble" He said. His two digimon nodded to him and they left the building. Once outside Chris had Skylar digivolve to Birdramon and then both him and Dante got on and soon they were flying after Marcus but made sure to stay a safe distance away.
[Chris, Skylar, and Dante exit to Drive City]
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 8:40 pm
"Phhht...face it," Temp chuckled nervously. "We ran like little kids! I don't know how many times you've seen a 20 ft. tall were-wolf pirate emanating evil and darkness, but for me, that was a first!"
"And I can't digivolve yet anyway, so I don't think I'd have stood a chance. The Shamanmon were a different case I'll admit modestly, however..." Ashu mentioned while proudly filing his claws on his scales despite his statement of 'modesty'.
"So, anyway. We got beamed up out of nowhere and we got dropped here."
"And then we met you and yada yada. Temp, I'm still hungry!" Ashu moaned, remembering his status before being beamed by the Enterprise...though of course Temp knew nothing of the sort relating to U.S.S.'s in space, and Ashu never traversed the data files of old sci-fi series. ((xD))
"Yeah well so am I!" Temp exploded despite his situation of formality. "I haven't had any food since God-alone knows when and I say that with full honesty. But you don't see me complainin', so quiet your yap, eh!?" He looked back to his new friends before quickly reassuming a more nonchalant pose and clearing his throat casually. "So...you wouldn't happen to know where we could eat anything would you Draco?"
((I'd be happy to pull up a quick summary for you in a little bit. And you can relay your own at your own pace given it's...probably much bigger to say the least.))
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 8:51 pm
(OK. Send me a PM with it. And I will have to send mine tomorrow, it is getting late and I need to get to bed.)
"That is a kind of facing it." Nil told them. "Only an idiot runs head first into a battle he will lose with no reason. A wise man knows when a battle is already lost, don't head towards it. Anyways, those things are fast, running away must have been hard enough." Nil finished, stopping suddenly after his last sentence. "Pirate?"
Draco laughed as he watched his own digimon acting high and might, Azulongmon knows that Chaos didn't know the meaning of retreat, and the rest of his digimon tending to charged head first into any conflict, even Nil. The purple haired tamer managed to calm down enough to answer Temp's question. "Y-yeah, I know a burger joint in Network City, that isn't too far from here."
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 9:06 pm
"Thank Sovereigns!" "Thank God!"
The two praised there own separate deities before mulling over the thought of food.
"Ok, that's cool! You've been really helpful to me. Almost like a welcoming committee...which would be really nice..." Temp grew silent as he thought about that possibility. "Anyway, I don't want to be a bother. You were probably doing something important before I fell from the sky. A contact would be cool in that case I guess but..."
"Temp...it's a burger joint, and we don't have any money," Ashu observed quite correctly. Temp looked blankly at his friend for a moment before bringing his palm to his face.
((OK, sounds good. I'll pm mine to you within the next day or so, but take your time on yours, lol. Enjoy a nice night's sleep then!))
Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 12:50 pm
"And I wasn't doing anything. Well I was walking around, and then I freed the inn from ice. And now I am bored." Draco added in, his grin still plastered on his face. "And besides. They have some really good burgers. The food of the Gods, any god you can think of."
Nil nodded as Draco spoke. "And of course it can also get exciting. Last time Draco was there was this awesome tournament! Sadly I wasn't in it, but it was amazing."
Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:36 pm
"Sounds good to me! I could eat about 10 burgers right now!" Ashu claimed with an almost insane sense of hunger in his voice.
"Ten! How on earth can you manage ten burgers?!" Temp asked the little dragon in awe. "Your stomach can't even fit that much I bet." Ashu merely turned a peeved eye towards Temp.
"Just you wait and watch buddy ol' pal oh friend o' mine!" he told Temp. "Take us, Take us Draco!"
Temp shook his head. "If you're bored I can provide you with someone to talk to at least while my friend devours the restaurant. I have a lot of questions... about everything..." Temp seemed to fall into a trance of kinds when he said this, thinking heavily about all that occured. Did it have any significance to him at all? Where would he find his past if it didn't find him? Would anyone at all recognize him?