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PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:21 pm
Flage thought for a moment,"this would get in the way of my plans," he said thinking. Flage did not like the idea of things getting in the way of this plan as his near death experience had taught him much of how the world worked...  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:21 pm
During all this, Kayonis had made his decision. "Chaos! I call upon you." He called out. Chaos appeared two seconds later. "Can I help you?" He called. "I've made up my mind to merge with you. In return to giving you my body to reside in, I wish for your power." Kayonis said. "You're sure you want to go throught this?" Chaos asked. "You said it was temporary." Kayonis said. "That may be so, but to have such a change would make mos people go mad with power. I don't want that happening to you." Chaos said. "That won't happen." Kayonis said with confidence.
"Very well." Chaos said. Kayonis reached his hand out and Chaos did likewise. "What now?" Kayonis asked. "Just wait. You'll see that with patience comes it's rewards." Chaos said. Seconds later they both started glowing. Kayonis had a small look of surprise. "Just relax." Chaos said. A blinding light filled a five mile radius. The Master Emerald glowed with power and as soon as the light came it disappeared leaving Kayonis standing with his eyes closed. When he opened them, his eye color changed to a bright green. The were already amber and combining with chaos made them a bright green. He jumped off and flew towards the others at a speed unattainable by most. Within seconds he arrived at the castel.

"Kayonis!" Sonia called and ran up hugging him. She blushed after that. "Oops sorry." She said. Kayonis smiled. "No worries. Miss me?" He asked. "A little, where you been?" Manic asked. "Let's just say I've been restoring things." Kayonis said. "While you've been restoring, Flage has transformed." Sonia said. "Mom and the others have gone after Sonic. He ran off to find Tails." She finished. Kayonis looked towards Flage. "Lokking good. Did you get that from Cruge?" He asked.


Sonic and the others arrived. This si where Tails's last transmission was, but nothing's here." Sonic said. "I know, that's strange. Could this be a trick?" Sally asked. "You got me Sugah Sal." Bunnie said. "No there's something here." Rotor said. "How do you know?" Antoine asked. Just as Antoine had asked, a net was activated and then electrified where it shocke dthem until they were unconscious. "Ha ha ha ha ha! You fools, you really believed you could save him!" Damien howled and he hauled them in in one arm. "Oh no SONIC!" Tails cried out. Barby was trying to use her claws to pick her locks, but to no avail. "Now that the Freedom Fighters are trapped, nothing can stop ME!" Damian said. "Namdam! Plot course to Angel Island!" He demanded. "Yes Master." The computerized voice said and the engines hummed to life.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:31 pm
"Cruge only helped me become the guardian of the Chi Emeralds instead of the keeper of the knowledge they have, that allowed the Chi Emeralds to be absorbed by my body and change me into a guardian,"said Flage,"I can still talk to Cruge as I rest and he explained a lot about what happened as I rested as he knows that the emeralds merged with me but did not give me their super form,"
"I need to find someone like Sonic or Sally as I am planning something and need their help," Not even Kayonis would get anything out of him about his plan but it meant something to him as in Flage's eyes were determination.


"Mwuhahahaha," laughed Dr. Eggman at his latest creation,"now the world will know the power of the Eggman empire as I ruin this Mobian world to make way for it." Dr. Eggman looked at his creation and there was only a small flame that burned but unlike any other flame it was metallic...
"The end will draw near when this has powered up," Eggman said preparing his next move.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:42 pm
"Hold on. As co leader of the Freedom Fighters NG, we will settle this matter by vote." Sonia spoke. "As of right now everyone here is Freedom Fighters NG. The originals aren't involved in this vote." Manic said. "Those in favor of letting Flage go alone raise their hands." Sonia said. Only Flage and Chaoloca raised their hands. "Those who wish to go with him raise yous. Everyone raised their hands. "Then it's settled, we're going. Don't try to stop us. We'll find a way to get to you." Sonia said to Flage. Kayonis admired the way she stood up and took the leader role. To him everyone was a leader in their own way. "Hey KAYONIS, I just noticed something!" She said looking at him. "What?" He asked looking at her. "Your eyes are green now." She said. "What?!" He asked. She handed him the mirror for him to see. "Sorry." Chaos spoke in his mind. "I like it." He said to himself.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:50 pm
"I think you do not understand what I want to know from Sonic or someone who can help me..." said Flage turning away, "I care about something that I wish to do and it is important that I asks someone who can help me," he looked towards Sophie who was behind him to his right,"I am not interested in fighting anymore, I am interested in doing something in case that chance passes," Sophie looked at Flage who was almost crying.
"When I fought Cruge I almost died and if I can not do this one thing I fear I will die inside and what I wish to happen would become in possible,"
Flage whispered something to Chaoloca and Chaoloca flew to Sophie. A tear dropped from Flage's eye and he activated Chaos control and disappeared to be alone to cry...  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:57 pm
"What was that about?" Sonia asked. "Beats me." Manic said. "I think I know." Kayonis spoke. "During our battle, Cruge was defeated and absorbed in Flages. But before that, Flage almost died in order to actuall beat Cruge. This is best left to him. I do know what we need to be doing and that's searching for the Chaos Emeralds. There is a being out there named Chiro who is like the legendary Chaos except much more power ful. I know because I met him. He is dangerous and if he gets those Emeralds, we, as well as all of Mobius are screwed." Kayonis said. "Alright, let's see what we can do." Sonia said. "While you guys are doing that, I'm going to Down Undah to scope out and see if Dad's alright." Manic said. "Alright just be careful." Sonia said.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:08 pm
Sophie listened carefully and was thinking hard.
"I will wait here for Flage," she said concerned for him,"I do not mind staying here alone but I would prefer some company..." she said thinking about what Flage meant...  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:23 pm
As the ship tried to take off, it wouldn't go. "What's wrong?!" Damian demanded. "Sensors indicate that the ship is jammed, but we'll be lifting off in a few moments." Namdam replied. "Whatever, we just need to get to castle Acorn before something happens. Those Freedom fighters wil be awakening any moment now!" He said.


Sally stirred a bit. "Where...Sonic?" she asked. She looked around and saw the whole group was captured. "How in the world?" Bunnie asked. "I don't know, but we're caught. This person is good and it's no Robotnik." Sonic said awakening. "How terrible. Trapped like zee rats." Antoine said. "Can it Ant, we know." Tails said. Sonic tried to move his molecules fast enough to slip out of the cuffs, but to no avail. "We're trapped alright Sal. Unless one of use can think of a way out, we're done." He said. "Not if Kayonis and the others decide to come look for us." Sally said


Manic arrived in downundah and saw the ship. "Holy crap! What is that thing?" He asked. "Man, I know my folks are in there because I haven't seen them and this is where Tails lives. He saw where the net was. "Yup, caught." He said. "Man, what would Sonia do?" He asked and paused a second. "She'd get back and tell the others." He said and took off running.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:26 pm
"Finally the thing that everyone blows up is back and upgraded," said Eggman, "Prepare the Egg Carrier V2 for take off locate sonic and lets stop him doing something stupid like he always does to my creations."
"Sir, Yes SIR," said the robots piloting the Newest Egg Carrier.
After a few moments a robot sent a message on where sonic was to Eggman's commander seat. "WHAT!"yelled Eggman,"he is captured by a new foe?!?!"
"They are going to pay for taking Sonic out of the picture as I want him to watch it from a jail cell and do nothing." The Egg Carrier picked up speed and was approaching the airship that Damian had captured Sonic and friends on. "Fire the rockets from the outer and lower rocket launchers," shouted Eggman glad to test out the new and improved weapons. The shots damaged the lower hull of the air ship and Tails, Sally and Bunnie fell through as the cages they were in broke at the bottom.
"Direct hit, Sir," a robot on the flight deck replied. "Get ready to fire secondary rockets from the same launchers," yelled Eggman as his excitement showed.


Tails and Bunnie landed safely not too far from the Castle. Sally was landed else where and she heard crying. She looked over to a stump where Flage was crying ....  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:34 pm
"WHat the?!" Damian yelled out. "Sensors indicate that three of the prisoners escaped by their cages being destroyed. "Gr...YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Damian yelled. "HYPER LASER LOCK ON!" He demanded. Within seconds he locked on to the Eggcarrier v2. "EAT THIS YOU! FIRE!!!" He yelled out. An invisile beam of energy struck the carrier dead. "How do you like that?!" Damian yleed out.


"Come on, let's get in inside Sugah." Bunnie called out to Tails. "Kids, get out of here! There's a ship fixing to come straight down on the castle. "Not if I can help it!" Kayonis yelled and flew out. "WAIT Sugah!" Nunnie cried out. Kayonis flew in direct path of the battle. He summoned power from the Master Emerald and now he glowed green waiting on which ever ship was about to crash.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:37 pm
"No, not again!"yelled Eggman in a rage. Fire the 3 rocket escape pods to the secret location and abandon ship."You will pay for that..." Eggman said launching from the rockets that soon left Mobius's atmosphere...  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:54 pm
Sally walked up and Saw Falge. The transformation was a site to behold, but why was he crying. "Hey...what's wrong?" She asked and sat beside him.


Kayonis saw the Egg Carrier heading right towards him. He thrust his arms out and was failing badly in stopping it. He was about to smash into the wall when he stopped, but he was about to give out. "No, I won't give in! I CAN'T!" He yelled and thrust the shipinto the sky. "CHAOS CONTROL! He yelled and was above the ship. "Master strike!" He yelled and drove his fist into the ship which exploded causing him to fly back into the roof of the Castle. He tried to sit up, but couldn't he was soon knocked out. "Kayonis!" Sonia cried out running towards him. Manic saw the whole thing below. "Whoa! I didn't know he had that much power!" He said in Awe. Bunnie and Tails ran towards the fallen boy.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:00 pm
Flage noticed Sally and controlled him emotions for atleast a moment.
"Sally I need your help, I mean I would ask my parents but Cruge killed them so I am not sure who to ask. I just need some help with a problem I got I understand asking you might be a little private but I was wondering how you and sonic got together as you see..." with the Flage explained how he had gone from saving Mobius from Cruge and absorbing him to how he saw Sophie after she went missing and how he was in love with her but did not know how to react to the part where he just had to get away and Sally found him here crying...  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:11 pm
"Oh...well, I've liked Sonic ever since we were young." She started. "The Freedom Fighters and I were always risking our lives to stop Robotnik from taking over Mobius. For so long, we denied we had feelings for each other until we realized taht we couldn't hide it. He was always there when I needed him. He's kind, brave, valliant, and a best friend. He is reckless though, but that's one of the reasons I love him. Instead of messing around he goes head long into battle with only one purpose. Protect." I don't know if that helped, but it seems you've known Sophie since you were kids. It's obvious you both like each other, so instead of worrying about how the other would react, go for it. Don't wait like Sonic and I did. You'll beat yourself up over it later." She said.


Kayonis tried to awaken, but simply couldn't. He was aware of hearing things, but he couldn't respond at all. He was in a coma of sorts. 'I hope my body awakens soon. I can't be wasting time.' he thought. 'No, you need rest. You haven't slept for days and you've done all you need.' Chaos said putting him completely asleep. Chaos knew that Kayonis was hurt and he was doing his best to heal him. He needed help from outside sources. 'Sophie, Sonia.' Chaos called to them telepathically. 'Get Kayonis to Dr. Quack in the infirmary. He's badly hurt.' Chaos spoke. 'How? We didn't see him get hurt. All we saw was him fall.' Sonia said. 'Never mind just get him there now!' Chaos demanded.  


Friendly Shapeshifter

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