Masami Likes Rules
1. You will get your art when you get your art. Masami isn't always in the mood to draw.
2. I don't forget people, so if you don't get your art, I haven't forgotten you, I'm just busy.
3. A simple "thank you" will do.
4. Some things I will draw, some things I won't.
5. If you would rather me draw a dream avatar, I'll do that.
Things Masami Won't Draw
1. Anything with too much detail required. Masami really cant see too well.
2. Anything cluttered. Example
3. Couples.
[side note: Three is just a quick sketch of me. Not perfect.]
[side note: I suck at drawing birds - Five.]
Masami Has Trouble With
1. Drawing glasses.
2. Animals.
3. Full body.
4. Weapons.
I will draw them though.
Fill This Out
Chibi or Normal?: -your response here-
Bust or Full Body?: -your response here-
Picture of the avatar you want drawn: -your response here-
Bust or Full Body?: -your response here-
Picture of the avatar you want drawn: -your response here-