Gaia Username: Ares Verkaros
Name: Tanis Verkaros
Bio: Grew up on plant and when he was old enough he enlisted in the mobile suit program was accepted and exceled there, he was second in his graduating class which granted him the red coat.
Personality: Kind, but will always get business done first. He is kind of shy around girls.
Mobile suit:Zaku Gunner Warrior
Mobile Suit Appearance:
Mobile Suit eqiupment: MA-M8 beam tomahawk, stored inside shield, hand-carried in use; 4 x hand grenade (ZR30F fragmentation grenade, ZR20E high explosive grenade, ZR271 thermite incendiary grenade, ZR11Q flash grenade, ZR13Q smoke grenade), stored on hip armor; M1500 "Orthros" high-energy long-range beam cannon, power rating unknown; shoulder shield, connected to left arm
Gundam Name: ZGMF-X545S Vegence
Gundam Appearance:
Gundam equipment: Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x machine cannon, fire-linked, mounted in torso; 4 x Gatling gun, fire-linked, mounted in chest; 4 x 9-tube homing missile launcher, mounted on legs; 2 x 22-tube micromissile launcher system, mounted in shoulder armor; 2 x 4-tube micromissile launcher, mounted on hip armor, 4 x MX2200 beam shield generator, mounted on forearms, and mounted on the double Gatling Guns
Optional hand armaments: 2 x double Gatling gun, can be stored on backpack storage racks
Coordinator or Natural: Coordinator
Gaia Username:TerraPhoenix
Name:Andoryu Kazehebi (Andy)
Bio:A kid from the plants, he showed extrodinary talent for piloting all sorts of vehicles. He was quickly drafted by ZAFT. He fights to defend those he cares for.
Personality:Generally a good person, His uncanny intelligence sometimes unnerves people.
Mobile suit:ZX-30 "Hunter"
Mobile Suit Appearance:
ZX-30Mobile Suit eqiupment:Medium-Long Range Beam rifle, Standard Shield, High-Manuverabillity Thrusters
Gundam Name:AR-60 "Apathy"
Gundam Appearance:
AR-60Gundam equipment:Long range Gatling-Cannon, Reflective Shield, Light Burst Rocket Pods, Ultra-Manuverabillity Thrusters.
Coordinator or Natural:Coordinator