I really need everyone's help on this..please do it if you can...and spread the word if you like...I am trying to earn gold to make a guild and there is an avi contest and I'm in it...I win 15000 gold for it and that is enough to pay for the guild I want..The guild that I am trying to make is to simply give a place for people to play random games to earn gold and enter contests for free to earn gold...to chat...and to advertise their dream avis so I and other gaians can help them...ALL you have to do is click the link below and vote for me...I'm EatMyTwinkie...and when you vote I'm the 4th one down if you can't remember my name...thanks a bunch!!!
Here is the link
~!!!!READ ME!!!!~ http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=27171577