Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:55 am
http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/My_Chemical_RomanceOk so some idot decided to deprive himself from the world, to make a full web site dissing EVERYTHING he or she doesn't like. What they say about MCR is practicaly the same thing said over and over through out every search on any one or band. "Only 16 year old girls adore them" "f*cking emo" "D*ck head" blah blah blah. The person who made this site is full of crap. He/she even had something to say about Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:00 am
It's my birthday, and I'll cry if I want to. I don't exactly call them 'emo,' but I don't give a damn when someone else calls them that. I'm a fan, and I'm 17. O.o Some people don't like them because 1) they're getting popular and 2) they don't appreciate a good sad song or songs with feeling. Stupid people. Don't they realize that some people out there commit suicide for those feelings?
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:16 am
Gerard once said at a concert that we are at a war with other bands and musicians because they alll think we're stupid. Then we saidwell ******** war, we dont need this siht.
and its true
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:43 am
Thats interesting...in a disturbing way...... Thats like when my friend and I looked up 'renaissance' on wikipedia and got a most desturbing definition....
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:45 pm
Some people are so narrow minded and stuck up; it's almost sad. People are rude, and there's no excuse. All of which makes me even more emo, which makes them hate/discriminate me in the first place.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:32 pm
scream gosh that guy is such a jerk. wtf? mcr didnt do anything to him. gosh he should go be a jerk somewhere else. some ppl just dont know true lyrics and music jeeez talk2hand
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:45 am
this is only one more peice of evidence in my theory the world is made up of idiots.
why are you dedicating a website to SOMETHING YOU DON'T LIKE????????? it makes a whole LOT MORE SENSE do make a website about SOMETHING YOU ACTUALLY LIKE.
if you ask me that website creator is a dickhead
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:59 am
That guy is a complete d*ckhead. Like some other people have been saying, if you don't like a band, don't listen to them, get pictures of them or dedicate a ******** site to them!
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:20 am
My friends brother is a 19 year old boy and he adores them xD
Don't listen they don't know what their on about, they think there all cool and in the scene and non-conformist and all of that ever loving s**t. Just blank them there too retarded to have a argument with so don't get het up over the nonses
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 8:14 am
the people who don't like them have probably never given them a chance
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 8:20 am
HAnNahXMcRXAFi the people who don't like them have probably never given them a chance i could give you two examples of that.
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:48 pm
It's funny how I wasted a good 5 minutes of my life and then another 30 seconds posting about this...
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:34 am
Why the hell do they use f** like its an insult? And like homigawd, I'm not 16 and I still like them . * faints*
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:27 pm
Hah, I thought that was rather amusing. I really did. You can't expect everyone to like MCR nor can you expect everyone to share the same values. Some people like apples and some like cheese, some people like MCR and some don't. That's just how life works. cheese_whine
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:38 pm
Can you stake my heart? Some jerk off who has no life or taste in music must've made that. I don't know why I saw guys and girls of all different ages at a My Chem concert. =/ Why are there so many fake Wiki sites made by some frat boys who have nothing better to do? Can you stake me before the sun goes down?