Okay here is my 4th edition to my "Helpful Hints" Thread!`Now ere are some good activities to do to burn calories and in the long run.lose weight.

1.Soccer,this sport is my personal favorite,you run and use your legs,wich gives to nice leg mussels.

2.Basketball,this sport involves alot of running,but thats a good thing! wink

3. DDR,pretty much everyone's fave,this is an awesome calorie burner and on DDR Supernve for ps2 there is a workout mode!

4.Rock climbing,the sport of endurence,you will wrk pretty much all of your mussels in this sport,and most activity centers/fairs have rock walls!

5.Swimming,there are pools everywhere,and swimming also,works many of your mussels

6.Roller skating/blading,You will have a blast doing this with friends or family,everone of every age probably will enjoy it!

((A quick note about my Helpful Hints,I may not spell some hings corretly but please cut me some slack,im not a proffessonal,and all of hints will not work instantly,you need to stick with them and remember,a good workout will go nowhere without a good diet))