i v bee a member for a LONG time n.n but iv been so buisy with my charity that i couldent make time for my friends here, so as a thankyou for keeping me, i give you this song
i am the lead guitarist, singer, and sonwriter for the un-signed band blood Wings
stoped by a lie
dont stop me with a lie,
keep me going with your alaby,
keep me moving threw this hell i call myyyy....life,
i swear nothings more painfull,
i wish i knew who i was,
with every scream,
we get even closer,
with every scream
i guess its not enough,
i never thought that it,
could end,
up like....this...
when learning to be lost,
means learning to know when your lost,
and learning the screams,
means learnig to scream yourslef,
whth every scream,
we get eaven closer,
with every scream,
i guess its not enough,
with everyscream,
we scream without a reason,
to stop...me with...a lie...
+ The Official 'Got Goth?' Guild +