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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:24 pm
User Image
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:25 pm
[Table of Contents]
o1. Title
o2. Table of Contents
o3. Rules // Guidelines
o4. Story / Plot
o5. Characters
O6. Organizations / Gangs
o7. Announcements



PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:26 pm
Rules // Guidelines


o1. No God Moding
o2. Be Litterate
o3. No Cybering
o4. Everything Kept PG-13
o5. Gaia TOS Applies
o6. Fighting/Sparring is Allowed
o7. Minimal Cussing but if you must
o8. PM me your Profiles with the title "Whee So Cute" So I know you read the rules


[Character Registration]
Gaian Name:
Profession/ Occupation:
Rank / Job :
Weapons: [if any]
Abilities: [If Any]
Appearance: No big pictures past 400 x 400, if so links, or describe them
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:27 pm
[Story // Plot]

It is neo-modern Tokyo and the city is thriving. Technology has been advancing so far that everyone lives a fairly comfortable life. During this time human genetic modification has been the new plastic surgery. Even the government has participated in the project creating true warriors who protect the city as law enforcement agents. Around the time genetic modification kicked in it slowly became hard to tell them from the others.

Slowly gangs and groups have been popping up and havoc has broken out on the streets of neo-Tokyo. Night fights and races have soon become a common sight in the late hours along with late night raves and parties. Above all the rest two gangs dominate the city: The Dragons and The Tigers who are in a constant struggle with each other to be the greatest.

Now Neo-Tokyo has been swallowed up by dark mysteries and the once modernistic utopia has now converted itself into a vicious metal paradise, filled with crime, corrupt lies and unrighteousness. Gang wars erupt nightly and though at first glance by day the city looks fairly normal the night brings on the crazy life that has been adopted by all teens and young adults.



PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:28 pm

Gaian Name: xosukaisakakiox
Name: Sayo Sakaki
Age: 22
Race: Half Human / Half Tiger
Profession/ Occupation/ Day Job: Student
Gang: Tiger
Rank / Job : Leader
Weapons: Sayo's weapons include a green hilted double-edged straight sword with a black transparent blade with a rose etched on the blade and the words "Always..." as well, given to her by her brother when she was 14. And pair of extra sharp bladed fans with the sun and the moon etched on both sides of one fan and the other a big teardrop and a star on the other side.
Abilities: Manipulates Water
Psycho- kinetic
Roar: A sonic boom that erupts from her mouth to blast back any on coming enemies.
Ice and water blades: Waves of water and ice that move out from Sayo’s fans.
Appearance: Standing at a height of 5’ 6” weighing in at 105 pounds Sayo is a half tiger hybrid. Sayo has fair smooth tan skin that is marked with blue tiger stripes. They line her cheeks, arms, sides, and legs. She has long, straight, shiny waist length black hair with blue stripes that is often put in many different hair styles. On top of her head are her unique black with blue stripes tiger ears that matches her black and blue tail. (Only her tail and ears are furry the rest are just human skin with the blue stripes looking like tattoos) Her eyes are dark emerald green with a few specs of gray and purple.

Sayo Sakaki

Her usually clothing includes black cargo pants that are form fitting at the top but slowly become a bit baggy at the bottom. The pants are decorated with different zippers and pockets. Her shirt is a black tight spaghetti top that ends just before her belly button. She also has a blue vest that she wears unzippered just as long as the shirt. Her sneakers are black and blue with silver stars but normally covered with her baggy pants.

Decorating her ears were three dime sized silver earrings and around her neck was a silver chain that had a halved tiger shaped pendant on it. Along with those she also has a black choker around her neck with a gem that has two swirled colors of green and red together to represent her sister and brother. Including with that she also has a black choker with a cross on it and adorning her hands she has spiky black finger gloves. On her pants she has a change that hangs from her belt loops and normally has a pair of headphones on.

Temperance: Sayo is not an easy girl to get angry but when she is watch out cause she can go a little overboard and crazy. She loves hanging out with various people and going on wild adventures. She's easy going but tough enough to fend for herself. She's kind, funny, and easy to talk to. She's graceful but sometimes that's not very obvious due to her happy go lucky style of life. She loves to live life to the fullest but sometimes masks her true feelings. She loves to cook, sing, play the violin, and dance. She's a person who once you’re her friend and you earn her trust she never will turn her back on you and is a loyal to you forever. Break her heart or break her trust in you and face her tiger hybrid wrath.

History: Sayo was born as a hybrid when she was genetically modified within her mother’s womb. Often she was teased about in school and soon enough as her world started to change she grew rebellious to everyone around her. Her parents were no longer a use to her and when she was shipped off to Tokyo no one had said a good-bye to her. Life in the city was tough but over time Sayo became used to it and slowly adapted to life there. At one point in time she joined the gang the Tigers and after a while worked her way up to the top ranks till she was leader of the gang. People look up to her for leader ship while her elders look down on her for her rebellious attitude.


Gaian Name: maykitty
Name: Kira
Age: 17
Race: cat demon
Profession/ Occupation: Student
Gang: nothing right now
Rank / Job : something once I join a gang
Weapons: anything
Abilities: shape-shifting, elemental powers, teleportation, and using alchemy to make weapons
Appearance: User Image
Temperance: Kira is hot-tempered, sometimes really random, crazy,funny, and is over protective of her friends. She loves to have fun and hang out with friends.
History: When the world found out about the cat demons that were living in the west at first they were scared to death of them then accepted them as every day people. This was a little bit before Kira was born. She grew up being teased for being a cat demon people saying "here kitty kitty!" and things like that were a normal thing for her soon it turned her into a hot-tempered teen. Her parents sent her to tokyo to get a new start at a place where maybe she wouldn't be teased for what she was.


Gaian Name: angiesoco
Name: Kayla <>
Age: 17
Race: Cat Demon
Profession/ Occupation: Student / Waitress
Gang: None yet
Rank / Job : None yet
Weapons: Any
Abilities: Same as Kira <>
Appearance: User Image
Temperance: Gets angry very easily.
History: Same as Kira <>


Gaian Name: Climarathorn
Name:Robert Darkward
Race:1/2human/1/2 dragon
Profession/ Occupation:College Student
Gang biggrin ragons
Rank / Job :Leader
Weapons: 2x Cybernetically enhanced Katanas that emit a sonic energy and cause more damage than normal swords, 2x desert Eagle handguns with extended clips. (clip size = 50 rounds)
Abilities: he can hide his dragon side during the day so he can go abnout his life normally, but at night when his dragon half comes out he can form fire in his hands and create a flamethrower effect
Appearance: during the day User Image
At night: User Image
Just add a small tail and a row of small horns on his head

Temperance:he normally keeps a cool head but people will know when he gets pissed off, because by then they will have their heads in the pavement

History:Living alone since his mom kicked him out when he was 18 because she hated him for his genetically altered state, which he had done to himself as a sign of rebellion. He had struggled to live for a year on the streets now he finally has his own place thanks to the money he makes with all the different shops, scams, and other things that his gang owns. While he was in highschool his friends and him had been the rejects of the crowd. So to try to overcome this they formed a group called the Dragons, and they slowly grew, now a days they are even larger, and have more influence in the city, but the war with the Tigers has been costing them lives and money.


Gaian Name: Kihaku_Ookimi
Name: Kihaku
Age: 20
Race: Wolf hybrid
Profession/ Occupation: Deals with computers. Is considered the one to go to if needing files.
Gang: Tigers
Rank / Job : Anything that deals with computers or leaks in the group.
Weapons: She typically has only kunai.
Abilities: Being a wolf hybrid she can jump to extordinary heights. Despite she isn't very strong her speed can make up for it. She practices the shadow fighting style. She can manipulate her moves into looking like something else.
Appearance: She has short hair that falls over one eye and is a brown color with red streaks. Her eyes display a blood red color and where the whites of the eyes are are black instead. She typically wears torn sort of baggy jeans w/ a thick belt. Her shirt is sleevless and shows her stomache. She also wears two gloves that cut off at the fingers and go up level with the shirt. To keep the loose fitting gloves on she has hand made belt like pinup holding the top of her gloves and two about the wrists. She wears oval glasses and is always cleaning them constantly.
Temperance: She is pretty laid back and not very easy to anger. There are two warning signs if she is angry. If she is just pissed she is not as talkative...but once she goes super quiet watch out.She offers her hand to just about anyone if they need help...enemy or friend. She has a soft spot for children and is always ready to protect them with her life. She can also b seen drawing constantly...some say her drawings show what she feels altho she doesn't show it that often.
History: Every single family member has been in both the tiger and dragon gang. When her parents realized what happened they divorced and when their child came of age she was given a choice. They both agreed they would let her choose but unfortunatly the father tried taking her into the dragon gang which wasn't part of the compromise. Amaya decided the tiger gang was for her. She said goodbye to her father and havn't heard from him since. Since then she had been waiting for approval from the leader.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:30 pm

[Organizations/ Gangs]

The Dragons
Leader – Robert Darkward [Climarathorn]
2nd in command –

-Dragon Members-

The Tigers
Leader - Sayo Sakaki [xoSukaiSakakiox]
2nd in command-

~Tiger Members~

Kihaku [Kihaku_Ookimi]  



PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:32 pm

[Announcements // Updates]


We finally have a Dragons leader! ^_^  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:56 pm
It was another Neo-Tokyo night as Sayo arose from her matress to view out her window. Nothing had changed, the city of metal she lived in and loved so much with her heart. Her location was a large building that housed and held most of the members of her gang as their permenant home. A smile played upon the girl's lips as her ear twitched slight taking in the sound of her metal paradise.

After quickly bathing herself and dressing up in her regular outfit which consisted of baggy black cargos and a spaghetti strapped top and a vest, she slipped on her headphones plugging them into her mp3 player which lay hidden in one of her many pockets. Slipping on her sneakers she left her room and strutted out into the hall way noticing the weekly party had already started. Soon she came to a large landing where below her a party had already began to bump in the club below the complex. Taking a small sip of a glass of some alcholic beverage or another that she was handed she enjoyed the trance music that was passing through her body as she sipped a bit more.

Yeah, it was just another regular night for her.  



PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:26 pm
I was walking around town and got lost when I passed a large building where I could hear loud music and talking. 'I wonder if they could tell me where I am?' so I walked through the door to see alot of people sitting and dancing but you could tell all of them where drunk so I went up stairs to see a girl with an mp3 player standing on a large landing 'I wonder if shes drunk or not... only one way to find out' so I went behind her and tapped her shoulder "Um.. excuse me I was wondering if I could ask you something?"  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:57 pm
Sayo was no where near drunk actually when some newcomer tapped her on the shoulder. She was still fairly sober as she turned around and looked at her. She noticed her mouth moving, but didn't hear much because of her mp3 player. Pulling off an earphone she wrapped it another way looking towards her. The last thing Sayo really caught was,

"...if I could ask you something?"

"Huh?"she asked looking at her a little.

Looking her over questioningly before making a metal note that her bouncers seriously needed to get their act together and not just let any pretty girl slip by the door.

"What can I help you with?"she asked not letting on her annoyance.



PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 3:03 pm
"I was wondering where this place is I just moved here and kinda got lost while taking a look around town... my name is Kira by the way."  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:05 pm
Sayo looked at the girl, eyeing her for a moment she then figured she was safe enough and turned towards her completely.

"You my dear are in downtown Neo-Tokyo, the metal city of the future."she said raising her hands up towards the ceiling smiling.

"And this is the Tigers' humble abode.."she introduced looking towards her.

A small smirk was on her face, as she proudly presented her home.  



PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:40 pm
She looked around the rest of the room "I have to admit its pretty impressive." she looked back at the girl "The Tigers? Is that a gang?" she asked with curiosity in her eyes  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 2:10 am
Yeah, Impressive was a good word to describe her home..Sayo thought to herself quietly as she admired the place a bit more. She took it in and thought to herself a little more feeling quite blessed to have this under her command.

"The Tigers? Is that a gang?"she heard the girl as and she looked towards her.

"Cyah, one of the best out there," she started to say but then caught herself, "what am I saying it is the best out there!"

She was proud of her well developed gang and she was not afraid to show it.  


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