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🦑Squiddy Soliloquy [The Life of Tosokurui Ashikoki Hojo]

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Trash Gardener

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 3:16 am

Table of Contents:
1. Snowflowers & Squids
2. In The Company Of Three
3. Post-Kogarashi - Crafting Table
4. Post-Kogarashi - Crafting Table Pt.2 Investments
5. Demon Dealings
6. Training of Ye Olden Days
7. A Man and a Mirror
PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:16 am

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Art By- Hurrak

Chapter 1: Warming Snowfront

"S..slow down Toto! I can't keep up!" A young girl and a young boy, another time, another place. Years ago. When times were simpler. The oblivious colorblind youth would continue his sprint down the beach only to realize something was missing when he reaches a jagged rock that jutted out the beach side. "Bloop?" Tiny round glasses readjusted wearing nothing but a pair of shorts with hair that looked like a dead jellyfish he'd turn to find the girl who was accompanying him was missing in action. Trying to catch her breathe some twenty feet away. Where one was dressed in near nothing, the other seemed ready for winter, though the Isle of Endaishima was warm year round. "You're never going to get a girlfriend if this is how you treat girls." The girl would say tiredly as though she wanted to scold him but lacked the energy to do so. Of course, as he stood atop the rock with head cocked looking down at her the grey-eyed youth called Toto then would address the girl with humorous laughter. "Bloo bloo bloo. Come on now, Yuki I thought you were a girl, and we are friends aren't we. I already have a girlfriend bloop. Unless that is you aren't a girl bloop. Or worse, you've stopped being my friend." Visibly agitated beneath the collar of her coat her eyes sharpened like knives. "That's not what I...ugh"

The girl would begin to cough, one part agitation, another part simply her sickly health. Of course, that was the thing youth provided, blissful ignorance. Her cough was something that could simply be perceived as I guess she ran too hard. When she opened her eyes the girl would find her waist being wrapped by long stretchy arms as she was lifted into the air and sat beside young Toso atop the rock overlooking the waves and horizon. Rather unenthused she'd say quite bluntly. "You should really start being more considerate Toto." to where in out young future shinobi would reply. "I suppose I'll CONSIDER, IT. Bloo bloo bloo." a jubilance followed by the sigh of his companion. Why was she friends with this guy again? Oh right, their moms were best friends...also sometimes he'd say interesting things.

As the waves crash against the rocks a whale breached in the distance. Though shortly after it could be seen that a large pair of tentacles would begin wrapping around it. Although rather than fight it looked like a friendly game of tag as the tentacles released the whale and the echo of undersea conversation made the surface ripple. Both youths seemed to be staring off into the distance one with a dumb smile and the other a tiny smirk beneath a collar. She would suppose the view wasn't too bad. The two would sit in silence, simply by the seem of things finding the other's presence comforting. That was when the young girl would ask. "So Toto. What do you plan to do when you get older? You're gunna be thirteen soon."

From where he was sitting the platinum-haired youth would stand with his hands on his hips and proudly exclaim to the ocean. "I'm going to be an artist, of course, one whose art will change the world and bring smiles to sad faces all around the world! BLOO BLOO BLOO!" Shortly after the crashing of a whales tale caused a giant splash thus drenching the youth who still maintained a goofy smile that could pierce the heavens while his hair covered his face like seaweed...ah there was actually some seaweed there to it seemed. The young girl seemed taken aback wherein she'd then say bluntly "Sounds like a bad idea. Your mom told my mom. I heard you're colorblind and not just two colors or a color but all of them." The sea calmed as everything became quiet. That's when the echo of his laugh would sound loudest."BLOO BLOO BLOO. That's what makes it so amazing! BLOOP! Imagine Yuki, the first colorblind artist making waves BLOOP! Putting to shame all those who can actually see colors! Bloo bloo bloo! You think I'm going to let some bad draw at birth limit my dreams! Bloo bloo bloo I'm gunna live free! Nothing tying me down bloop!"

One part of her thought the squid boy was beyond stupid but the other half of her couldn't help but acknowledge that he was admirable. She'd pull down the sleeve of her coat to see her pale skin and small hands before she sheepishly pulled them back in once Toso turned his head towards her and asked similarly "What about you Yuki? Bloop." Her? She thought for a while, she'd consigned that she didn't have much longer left so what point was there in chasing a dream? "I guess..I'll be a tailor like my mom." She'd then feel a wet hand on her shoulder. "Bloop, alright well the first thing you make I get to wear it bloo bloo bloo. But you better hurry, I might be a world renown artist by then." Inside she'd be flattered but outside..."Ewwwwww Toto don't touch me you're all gross and wet. "Oh bloop? That sounds like someone wants a piggyback ride bloop" "Noooooooooo!" Leaping off the rock wet hands and stretchy arms would mount the girl on his shoulders. For a moment beneath her collar would disgust but then it would become joy as the collar tucked down just enough to show a smile from both kids. Then the flash of a camera.

The nearby hut a pale woman was talking to a large-breasted one holding a baby. Respectively the mothers of two whimsical youths. "So, Kiku-chan. You've never told me, why did you and your daughter move here to Endaishima? bloo. Not often do we get outsiders visiting let alone desire to live here. bloo." the other woman putting the camera away. Pale skin and soft features would look at the bikini clad hojo woman and say almost wistfully. "Ah. Well you see Hojo-chan...My daughter's body... rejects our bloodline. This island was the only place warm enough year round. We've been to countless doctors, surgeons, and less than savory places to try and find an answer but its always the same diagnosis." the pale woman's eyes seemed to grow somewhat watery as she emulated what said professionals sounded like as she closed her eyes. "Her body will soon begin to freeze from the inside out, her organs will slow down and eventually fail, ice crystals will form in her bloodstream, and then when they travel to her heart, she will die." cold air began to form beneath the woman as she opened her eyes again slowly. "It may just be slowing down the inevitable, but we'd like to give her at least a few more years. uhm...hojo-chan?" Once her eyes had fully opened she would see that Toso's mother was breastfeeding his then sister. "Oh, bloo, that is rather unfortunate to hear. I suppose you should hurry and see about finding her a suitor soon then bloo." The pale woman's look sank as she had internal thought 'I do hope for her kid's sakes they aren't as lackadaisical and as hard to read as her. Then again, it was good to have someone not immediately begin to pity us.' the mother would then look at her child on the back of the young boy. 'After all she is no less capable of accomplishing things as any other person her age.'

Chapter 2: Bitter Cold

"No, I'm sorry Tosokurui-kun but Yuki isn't well today. Perhaps tomorrow." "Ah, yes...of course." A dejected squid teen would leave to the sound of a closing door. Followed by a sigh. It was true, I had to be now, there was no denying it. After having discovered through his mother his childhood friends plight he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt rooted in his ignorance of what he'd put the poor girl through in the past. Still I suppose it was good that his father was grilling him daily on becoming the squid he'd wanted to be. It detracted from his constant anxiety in regards to Yukihana's condition. It was about eighty-six degrees out today. One of the coldest Endaishima has had in a while.

Toso would enter the hut that was him home before having his arm tugged by Ebihara. "Broso. Play wit me." To which Toso would turn around and say rather stoically "Not now Ebi. Bloop." The little girl known as his sister puffing up her cheeks with beads of wet in the corner of her eyes looked ready to yell, that was before Toso recalled something in a memory of the past atop a rock. You should really start being more considerate. to where he'd turn around defeated. "Alright bloop." Turning around he'd wrap his arms around the about the explode girl who cooled down when wrapped by the snakey arms of their clan. He'd then place her on his back, on his back as she'd exclaim a loud "yyyyyyyyyyyyay blu!" before the duo began a brief play session in where Toso was the sea horse and she was the sea horse tamer. Being as young as she was she tuckered out quickly. Toso would then retreat to his room where a majority of scrolls hung on the walls. Of course by his room it was everyone's room, seeing as the family slept all in the area.

Removing a paint brush from an ink well Toso would begin to stroke. "I wonder how you're doing Yuki bloop. Ah I've an idea." Toso would then begin drawing a portrait of his childhood friend. While plain like him he made sure to get her most distinct characteristic, the beauty mark beneath her right eye. If anything...if she couldn't leave the house. Then at the very least he could right her letters.

"Dear Yuki, bloop
Here's hoping you get well soon. It's been quite boring without you. bloop. Hoho not saying it would get anymore exciting with you around. bloop. Ah, just kidding you know. I've been quite dedicated in my pursuit of arts, no call ins from anyone famous yet of course bloop. But there's still quite the sum of time isn't there we are still young after all. Speaking of, don't think I've forgotten your pursuit. I do believe I'm owed one something made by you. I do hope you get to it soon. bloop. Seeing as I won't stop giving you more of my creations until you do."

Of course little did Toso know...he's childhood friend at this time for a good long while..was in a form of frozen stasis. Barely clinging to life with the dedicated efforts of her mother and father. Although...Toso never one to be heavyhanded continued to write his letters and illustrations expecting an eventual response. Until eventually..."I can't...I can't remember her face. She still hasn't written back. Her parents won't even answer the door bloop. Perhaps I did something wrong? Perhaps..bloop. Certainly, if she'd already passed the village would know of it by now. She hates me now? I've realized now I did say some terrible things...did some inconsiderate things back then...fine. bloop." crumpling the rough sketch he was drawing. He'd throw it away. They say every teen has a phase and it was this year in which Toso had his.

Cutting his wavy hair it became a short spike. The area classified as his art space was no longer anything but a desk. He'd spend his days with his dad. 'Learning' the way of life. What to expect. What to do. The grueling training regimens his father had were all that he focused on. Yukihana was right. Being an artist was a bad idea. She likely never responded because all his renditions were terrible, or likely maybe even done in gross colors. His sudden shift in behavior where any normal family would find it concerning the rest of the Hojo family thought it another way of life. His father called this phase 'becoming a man' his mother called it 'finding his place' and his sister thought he'd become 'cool' being reassured by her dad that it just what 'men' do, busy making themselves the 'best they can be' for that special someone *cough* hand picked by the family of course. Although...perhaps it was this sudden denial of his sister's existence that made her want him to notice her more and likely what caused her to become the brocon she would later become. There was nothing to care about now it seemed, aside getting stronger. The smile had all but left from the then Toso's face replaced with a scowl of indifference. That is until that day.

Ch 3 : Breaking The Ice

A knocking at the door, his sister was with his mother, his father at the dojo. Himself drenched in sweat and irritable with whomever it was that was bothering him. How long had it been a year and a half since? The door swung open "BLOOPIN WHAT!" A towel slung over his shoulder as he blinked once. The term he couldn't beliece his eyes would be an understatement as he took several steps back. Almost as if having seen a ghost. "Y...Yuki? Bloop?" "Toto? I mean...Toso? You look...different." Not knowing how to respond he was undeniably different. He looked like a little version of dad. Sporting a much thicker musculature. The basis for his future as a practitioner of bukijutsu before he became a humble businessman. "Um...yeah. Er, come in sit down bloop. I thought..you were sick you know bloop. Your parents they wouldn't let me.." "I know...I was sick. But I'm better now. So um, how are you doing?" The duo would take a seat at a table across from another. This seemed to accentuate the awkward air of the room seeing as the table was meant for four. The literal distance between them almost comparative to the now figurative distance between them. "Uh bloop. Good. Good, bloop."

He'd look at her face, the image of her back then returning back to his mind, how could he have forgotten. An internal shame in the back of his head eating at his thoughts. He didn't know what to say. Right do what your dad taught you. Grab her boobs, if she doesn't slap you she's not worth it, if she does slap you that means she's got a fight in her that's a woman you want to be around. Wait...but he knew Yuki. That tactic was specifically for acquainting yourself with women. No that wouldn't do here. While trying to come up with something to say the girl would break the silence. "So you still doing art?" raising his attention back to her face Toso looked away. "N..no. I mean what's the point right? You said it yourself a colorblind artist is a dumb idea. bloop. Not to mention all those terrible things I sent you that probably got tossed in the trash." The sound of a chair scooting.

When Toso turned to face Yukihana again the first thing he'd see is a pale hand connecting with his face and the girl staring him down. Maybe...that was when Toso fell for her, whose to say, law of dad dictated a woman that slaps you for grabbing her breast is woman you want to be around but a woman that slaps you with no hesitation was something else... oooor not. Suddenly Yukihana would exclaim in pain grabbing the hand that slapped him only after a brief serious stare down. "Owwwwwwwwwwwwww". "Are you alright?" The redness in Toso's face stung but it was nothing compared to what his dad had been putting him through. Still this moment alone was more concern he'd had for a person than in the last year and a half. "I'm fine. Your not. What happened to being a world renown artist. Toto, Come with me." Not one to fight doing what he was told he followed his childhood friend who seemed back from the dead to her home. As she opened the door she'd point with her still red hand. "Look" There near a bed, twas the bed she was confined to for so long. Strewn across the walls what totaled in what seemed like hundreds were Toso's illustrations and letters. Toso himself was speechless as he grew closer to the bed. She sounded somber as she continued to speak in a flat tone of voice. "Not a single one was thrown away. I couldn't move. I couldn't' talk. I could barely see. I wanted to just close my eyes forever. But you just wouldn't let me. Pretty much every day my parents would wake up to see what you sent me...and then...it stopped."

Toso removed one of the drawings on the wall. The first one he did of Yuki. His heart and chest felt heavy. He made these, each one was like a memory of the day it was made. Then what sounded like sniffling from behind. "I started asking myself, why did they stop, does Toto hate me now. Maybe I should just die. Was it my fault he stopped? Maybe he became famous. I really, really, hoped it was the second the one. I stayed alive, I tried really hard, so I could see you again. To hear about how famous you got. But...but now, now I know it was my fault you stopped...and I..I..wish I never got up." Yuki's tears as they hit the floor began to clink as they became shards of ice. Toso would be looking at a picture he'd drawn of the two of them, the picture of the time he gave her a wet and gross piggyback ride. He'd slowly turn around and walk up to Yukihana.

Like then when he lifted her atop the rock his arms would wrap around her as he placed his head against hers. Guilt strangled his voice as he too despite his father teachings of never cry began to tear up. "I've been pretty inconsiderate haven't I Yuki bloop. I never should have stopped." Toso would drop the illustration on the ground. His saltwater tears landing on the paper as Yukihana's melted with them until the picture started becoming a blur. To which Yukihana would reply "At least you've finally CONSIDERED IT." The both of them would laugh sad laughs but with some traces of happiness behind them. "I've considered a lot of things since then but I'm just happy I can still consider you a friend. bloop." "The fact you ever considered I stopped was inconsiderate but at least your trying."

Ch: 4 Warm Reunion / Cold Departure

As tears dried Toso would have spent the rest of his day Yukihana then. His passion for art inspired once more. The following days of rekindling a once frozen friendship. "I'm not sure I'd make a good model...I'm pretty plain looking." "Oh, bloop. Well if you'd like to model nude that's an option." "Ug..if I knew your dad was going to turn you into a pervert I would have tried to wake up earlier." "I'll have you know bloop. Nude modeling is a respectable and refined art bloop." "Okay fine then maybe I will." "On second thought bloop. Maybe not, I've a notion you'd be doing it to spite me somehow bloop." "So do you or don't you want to see me naked make up your mind already!" The girl would blush in their exchanges before both shared in a laugh. "Well I wouldn't be opposed to the idea, but it would have to come naturally. bloop." Toso would then apply his focus to the canvas before hearing "I...its cold." to which he'd look to the side of the canvas to see Yukihana had removed her coat and clothes leaving her just in her undergarments. To which Toso would respond rather unexpectedly. "Are you crazy bloop?! You'll get sick again bloop!" to which he'd rapidly clothe the girl best he could. In somewhat of a heap of blankets getting dressed again she'd say meekly. "W..well was it enough?" Toso would then chuckle slightly as he decided not to let his friend's efforts go to waste. "Bloo bloo. Plenty bloop." "Why are you laughing!" "No reason. Bloop." Toso would say as he finished up his painting of Yukihana contrarily he had used her proportions to accurately depict her in a wedding dress. Yukihana would then look over his shoulder only to trip on something on the ground her hand colliding with the canvas flash freezing it as it fell down and shattered. "I..I'm sorry Toto. Maybe its for the best nobody would have wanted to see it anyway." Toso sighed. "Bloop well, if nobody else at least I know of one." "Don't be gross Toto." she would say assuming the worst. "Ah. Right, bloop." he'd say looking at the shattered remains.

"Stop moving." "But...its." "I said stop. I did you a modeling favor now you do mine." Standing atop a small platform as Yukihana was working around him he was getting uncomfortably hot. It was one of the hottest days on Endaishima but for the girl, it was likely perfect weather which had gotten her fired up. One hundred and twenty six degrees and this girl was making him a coat. "When I'm done I'll work on the breathability but until then your just going to have to endure." The blunt and stoic way she put it was enough to rival Toso's way of speech...actually had he developed this way of speech simply because of how often he spent time with her? They say a person is shaped by the people they're around and for Toso it was no different. He'd more or less had begun avoiding his dads raining regimens, his hair was growing out again, and his demeanor was growing much more tame not unlike his mothers who was also growing more tame, likely due to hanging out with Yukihana's mother who carried the same air about them. "There. So here's the first thing I've made and you get to wear it as promised. Also, I better not see you not wearing it either." This was Yukihana's first step in becoming Endaishima's resident tailor and Toso's first step to developing a heat tolerance...an unnecessary heat tolerance that made his actual tolerance towards heat all the more sensitive. Although...despite the suffering the coat produced. The love in its stitching made up for it, especially the consideration of the sleeve length made to complement his arms when extended.

"If I were to explain blue...huh...I suppose blueberries? You've eaten them right? Since Hojo ink is categorized by color I can see how it can be a hard concept to get for you bloop." Toso would be sitting opposite of table with Yukihana on the other end. The Hojo guidebook made by his father in one hand. Although his father's denseness seemed to have been forgetting his son couldn't see color, making all the descriptions about making inks into different colors making little to no sense. "Bloop ah.. yes I have but I don't see how that will help me bloop. Not being able to see colors is really inconvenient." "Wanna trade?" "I would if I could bloop." "There you go saying dumb things again Toto. So back to the subject, have you considered attributing taste to correlate with the ink? It'll probably be tricky at first but I think if you can do that you'll be able to distinguish the colors better until you have better control of you chakra." Placing a finger under his chin deep down if he could he actually would take Yukihana's plight if he could. But for now, and the future, he wasn't going to prod sore subjects. "Yes, bloop I suppose that could work. That's a brilliant idea. Ah...but perhaps you can help me attribute what tastes should correlate with what color. It was made all the more humorous considering both were pretty tone deaf and both had incredibly flat unenthused voices. " The two of them would then compose a silly little song together but sounded like a funeral pitch. "Taffy is sweet color pink, grape ceremonies make you think, moths don't like salad gross, slippery butter goes on toast, pukes corrosive and tastes bad, blue blueberries make us glad, red is spicy sears the tongue, iron metal hurts your buns." Giving him a nod, Yukihana and Toso would work together here for the last time...had he known it was the last time then maybe he would have stretched it out a little longer.

"So you're really leaving then." "Bloop Indeed. My father says that the villages of shinobi are one of the most ideal places to gain strength. Although it isn't the real reason I'm leaving. If I've any true desire to become the artist I intend to be, I need to branch out and seek new things bloop. Plus if I stay any longer my parents doting me about marriage will be my death bloop." "I see, so you don't plan on getting married soon then?" "No not particularly bloop? " Yukihana would look away for the moment the look in her eyes, it was difficult to discern whether or not they were sad or relieved. "So long as you don't go marrying your sister." Toso shook slightly at the concept. "I never believed she'd take those joking promises so seriously bloop. I can reassure you that'll never happen. Maybe help keep her in line if you have the time bloop?" "I'll try. Take care Toto...and try not to die." "I'll CONSIDER IT." "That's not even a joke anymore." "Bloo bloo bloo. I still think its humorous. If Anything I should be asking you to do the same." "God Toto I'm not dead yet and I don't intend on doing so anytime soon. Just...be safe. Okay?" "No promises bloop, I don't know much about Shinobi after all. bloop." "You sure know how to make a girl feel less anxious." Toso would then lean in and wrap himself around Yukihana. "When I see you again, we'll have a party bloop. Then I'll show you just how much of a legendary artist I've become."

Of course...the next time they'd meet it would have been anything but a party...and time would move by far too quickly...words that wanted to be said, words that should have been said. Neither had the strength in them to do so and so that was how it ended. What may have been a love, though fleeting, unrealized.


Another day in Arashigakure. Another day in Ika-Shokuji. A bespectacled squidman would walk up to a small memorial...lighting a candle, looking at a photograph gifted by a childhood friends mother. Toso would set it back down and turn around. Humming quietly to himself. "Blue blue berries make us glad, hmmm hm hmm hmm hmm, iron metal hurts your buns. bloop."


Trash Gardener


Trash Gardener

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:03 pm

Brief out of character insights on the individual known as Toso. Amidst his dreams, these tales are told with little detail and cryptic a conversation among... three?

Black: "Here again Bloop? To what do I owe the visit Bloop?"

White: "What a wonderful collection I've amassed bloop."

Grey: "To make my hopes reality to become the artist I always wanted to be bloop."

White: " Is that really all bloop there is bloop? Each face on this mural bloop, why is it that I'm really keeping them bloop? "

Black: "I'll never surpass your father like this bloop."

Grey: "Does that really matter bloop? Each of these faces are ones I must remember bloop."

Black: "Of course it does bloop. The pursuit of strength is noble indeed bloop! Every face bloop. Never forget. Each one is better than you bloop."

White: "I don't seem all that certain bloop. Do I detect concern bloop?"

Grey: "What purpose is there to be concerned bloop? Just as destined to die as I am to live bloop."

Black: "Such nihilism will get me nowhere bloop. This mural requires more red bloop."

White: "I'm more a fan of purple bloop. I believe I'd think the same."

Grey: "Purple and Red...I wonder truly what they look like bloop."

Black: "If eyes are simply all you need then I'll part with the ones I have bloop."

White: "My eyes are precious things bloop that only I can understand."

Grey: "I am not a man so easily tempted bloop."

White: "I am curious what they would think with eyes like mine bloop."

Black: "They should count their blessings they have those eyes bloop."

White: "Truthfully I know my misdeeds are just that."

Black: "Yet who am I to deny what I've bee taught."

Grey: "Its all in good fun."

Black: "Its all in good fun."

White: "Its all in good fun."

Black: " To find pleasure in their struggles."

White: "To find pleasure in their company."

Grey: "To find pleasure in this fleeting existence."
PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 7:47 am

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pup pup pupNothing is ever just black and white.

                                        ~Current Theme Music~:Lo-Fi Octo Radio

                                        Starting Kits:
                                        Kits - Botanical-Mineral
                                        Basic: 2 - 0
                                        Advanced: 2 - 0
                                        Special: 1 - 1
                                        Legendary: 0 - 0

                                        Starting Ryo:

                                        Week 1:

                                        Post war, the time had come. A time to accommodate for his weaknesses. The workshop fumes bustled. He wished Trefles were here but he'd yet to return from his ventures. This meant it was up to him and him alone to start the beginnings of his projects. Before he could ensure the safety of Arashigakure he had to make certain that their kage could hold his own. Toso disliked combat, he disliked fighting now in his mellowed years, but he understood it was necessary. His desires would be rooted in stopping fights before they even began and to a lesser degree avoiding them altogether. As the smoke cleared and the mold revealed itself a pair of cufflinks were made, some intricate steps lets involving soldering and what the Frenchman has taught him and the item was complete. The deterrent to all things combatative or so he hoped.
                                        Kara - Marī {Cala & Marie - joke being Calamari} - Completed
                                        Special Mineral -1

                                        In this same week he'd aim to fix his other weaknesses. He hadn't told Shion but when he discovered the rogue puppeteer had a penchant for flames he had entered a state of paranoia. Belamos also made that very apparent in their spar, his defenses regarding flames were lacking. To make up for one's lack of Defenses the individuals made Armor. This is what he did. He'd use tungsten a naturally heat deterring metal among other elaborate methods to produce a marvel. It would come at the expense of being incredibly tight-fitting but here's was hoping it would never need to be used aside anything but rescues. the materials were expensive, he should have foraged for them himself. But time was not on his side on account of well...being the Arashikage now.
                                        T-series: 5Q1-D - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 4000

                                        Speaking of being the Arashikage, he realized now it would be no simple task. More importantly, managing the ins and outs of the villages paperwork was becoming tedious. With Belamos set to retire and Kenshin no longer wanting to do anything with him or anything outside his range of Officer Toso would need to develop something that could. He didn't want to enslave his future secretary. Chances were he wouldn't nay couldn't do everything in the office twenty-four seven. With Kenshin's correspondences unassured the craftmans and kage would take it upon himself to take a page our of his associates book when he made the villages monitoring system. A device which can store information and connect to anything else he'd make from here on out. Thankfully doing so was much easier than expected. Now...adding that data and essentially 'coding' that was the difficult part. Thankfully he had years to learn, adapt and hone.
                                        Miru garasu [Looking Glass] - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 1000

                                        Toward the end of the first week came a realization. A fire broke loose in the residential district. A blaze which would have been dangerous to treat with water release alone due to the poor foundations of the building. A couple was trapped inside and the APD were doing their best to quench the fire without having the building collapse. A kage would have to make a wardrobe change and only then did he realize the inefficiency of changing full sets of clothing in crisis situations. A small device and some fuuin trickery and a brooch would be made to remedy this problem. Looking back on that moment where he barely made it to the couple in time, he certainly felt like a hero. Perhaps this is why the settings on the items had many 'robust' activation phrases.
                                        Nijiburōchi {Rainbroach} - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 1000

                                        Week 2:

                                        The second week of handling the Kogarashi aftermath was becoming tedious. There was too many menial things to do and not enough time. He needed to inform agents of law changes, inform citizens of revitalization projects, with some many leaving due to the seccesion and the villages offering of salary he had a significantly smaller workforce to work with. Smaller. Worker force. These two things are what inspired the Arashikage's next technological marvel. It took some time and understanding. Some heavy dipping into frenchmans notes but he eventually completed his project. The SQUIB.
                                        T-Series: SQ-1B : a.k.a Squibs - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 1000

                                        The days moved on and it seemed so were the stresses of leadership. Eventually, a day off was found. While he hadn't become an alcoholic he'd turn to find ways to decompress. Individual's seemed to find smoking could alleviate their tensions but Toso found the fire sticks appalling. One in smell, and two because call it his squid lungs but they disagreed with him fiercely the ONE time it was attempted. As a result, Toso sat beneath a tree to read the adventures of the Goemon Ichimonji. Inspired by the writing he'd move to the workshop. If smoking was relaxing nobody ever said he had to smoke tobacco. A bubble pipe inspired by the fable was made and both Toso and Saiken found a pleasant if not childish way to alleviate excess stress.
                                        Haru keshiki {Spring View} - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 2000

                                        Week 6:

                                        It had been several weeks before creative inspiration struck again. It was much less creative as it was inspiring. Trefles had returned from his ventures to inform Toso of his future plans in the coming months. It was only fair to the Arashikage to know where his associate would be and be going with his life. For the next few years. "I only wish I to could see the colors of the world." to which he'd receive the response "Well, bon? Why don't you moi patron? You have clrealy shown you are a technological savant monsieur!" It took a while to understand what he meant but then he realized one day seeing a citizen's prosthetic. The technology could be used to make better the bodies deficiencies! So began the the task of creating an ocular implant. Not any doujutsu mind you...no..a prosthetic pair of eyes!
                                        Ikakugan {Menacing Squid Eye} - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 4000

                                        Seeking to capitalize on his new ability to see colors, Toso would begin to re-evaluate his blends, their magnificent colors and their potencies. A bout with a neer-do-well would lead into a strike of inspiration as he'd defer to his friend Shion. He was given some tantamount advice on explosions and likewise explosions. As a result, he'd find himself making an explosive with some truly colorful potential. Christened with a suitable name the handy device has been more than responsible for a fair share of detainments. ALSO, THEY WERE AMAZING FOR PRANKS AND SERVED AS ESSENTIALLY HI TECH WATER BALLOONS.
                                        {Bakuniji} Rainbomb - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 1000

                                        Not long into attaining the ability to see colors the man known as Tosokurui Ashikoki Hojo went on a month long hiatus. The Arashikage's office was entirely run by a clone. Seeing as reconstruction projects were still under way business matters were on halt. The new sight gifted Arashikage went on a full vice spree. Enamored by the colors and bright lights of festivals and casinos, entranced by nye near everything he saw. No purer tears of joy did exsist. Of course when one lives a life of vice those who do not see it a joy but a thrill show up. One bar room brawl later and the mans implants would sting. It would be a lie in stating he didn't make them hurriedly but this lead to re-programming and a lesson that perhaps he shouldn't abandon everything for self-indulgence as he was still responsible for the people in the village. Something he'd forgotten in the moment.
                                        Ikakugan {Devil Squid Eye} - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 4000

                                        Month 3

                                        Having seen the world in color for so long now Toso eventually developed a passion well...for fasion. His associate always said he had a habit for resorting to fashion as oppose to function and one night while staring out into the night sky inspiration struck. The stars and cosmos were beautiful entrancing things and he wanted to make it so that an outfit in his possession could do just the same. He'd get to work and soon would develop a beautiful blue garment and ensemble he'd wear to dinner outings. Of course dinner outings as a kage could prove dangerous so he of course to the oppertunity to make some repercussions.
                                        Hoshi-kō banketto {Star Light Banquet} - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 2000

                                        Month 3 Week 2

                                        Having to attend a similar get together the Arashigake would don his stunning garb. However, he was unprepared for what happened next. Some physical blows later and one racous night and the man would discover his one set of attire was rather lacking when it came to physical defenses. As a result upon wakign up with a sore noggin a sunrise gave him an idea. Sporting greens and blues with offish reds his new meeting attire was made. Hopefully where one failed the other would compensate.
                                        Hinode banketto {Sunrise Banquet} - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 2000

                                        Month ? Season Spring

                                        With spring time came flowers, and for the first spring in his entire life was he able to see the flowers in its purest bloom. For a moment he had wished he had been born of the Chiru clan. Still, he knew his limitations but would not let this inspiration go to waste. Weaving together a collection of flowers and colors this springtime garment would be made as a testament to this day. Although when seen walking down the street in it citizens can't help but call him tacky. To hell with them however, Squid kage lives his life the way Squid kage wants.
                                        Hana shūgeki {Blossom Raiment} - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 1000

                                        Month ? Season Autumn

                                        Come the loss of color in the vibrant fields and flowers Toso couldn't help but reminisce. Arashigakure was finally coming together and as a result he was getting more and more free time. Well...as much free time as a kage is allowed. With that Toso decided perhaps it was best to make some more leisurely clothing. What would eventually inspire the Ten district Toso made himself a casual Yukata for morning walks. Certainly an interesting garment for sure in that really it made those against him and those he was up against rather inefficient at combat but that was the whole point of the garment. To enjoy and undisturbed leisurely stroll.
                                        Asa yoka {Morning Leisure} - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 1000

                                        Month ? Season Winter

                                        Now that Arashi had entered the winter season the Arashikage could bear witness finally to the joys and colors of Winter. The decor, the trees, the ornaments, all of them so mesmerizing, so entrancing. Gift giving, kind words, colors abound so much so it made his head spin. Tis the season as the old sayin goes. As such the holiday season inspired what else but the kages passion for fashion. A trip to the workshop some strange ornate stitches and low an abomination masterpiece was made. Toso's tacky theme didn't seem to end in spring unfortunately for citizens and his staff.
                                        Fuyu sanbika {Winter Hymn} - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 1000

                                        Year 2 Month ?

                                        It was now beginning to settle it. Monotony, confined to the village, for the most part, the same sights which were once so amazing became dull and lifeless. A case of been there done that. Toso well aware of his duty to the people but still desiring more out of life would return to his life of vice. But he knew it wouldn't be so simple. His face was known now throughout the town and snakey individuals would do anything to tear his reputation down further. So long as he remained in office however, he needed a way to blow steam. Thus the pinstripe suit was made a reference to the bad boy culture.
                                        Hikage torihiki {Shady Dealings} - Completed
                                        Ryo Deducted 1000

                                        Crafting Complete For Now
                                        Total Ryo Spent: 26,000
                                        Ryo Remaining: 4480

                                        Ending Kits:
                                        Kits - Botanical-Mineral
                                        Basic: 2 - 0
                                        Advanced: 2 - 0
                                        Special: 1 - 0
                                        Legendary: 0 - 0

                                        Chakra:3045/3045❞ ·.¸¸.-& Stamina:2865/2865❞ ·.¸¸.-& Saiken: 5000/5000,❞ ·.¸¸.-& Ryo: (Claimed/Unclaimed)4480/4480 ❞ ·.¸¸.-& Ac:200k +

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-;Buffs&-.¸¸.·´❞

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Passives&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        Passive Stats Increases: {Descriptive ranks may be used in place of numbers for this section if desired. All of these start at 0/no buff, with each increase of 1 denoting a one level increase in the descriptive rank bonus to that stat. When you gain a passive benefit, add it to these totals and denote the source in place of the N/A under the relevant stat.}
                                        • Strength ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        • Speed ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        • Reflex ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        • Fortitude ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        ○ Modoro Gumo: Enchanted: +0.2 Reflex, +0.2 Speed {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Ikane: +0.2 Fort {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Inkjecktor: +0.2 Fort {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Abyss Script: +0.2 Reflex {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Shoku Shokushu: Sumimasen Meiwaku: +0.2 Strength {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Arcane Knight Order : Fort: +0.3 ; Strength +0.3
                                        ○ Jiyūgata Senpū Passive: Reflex Bonus: +0.6 ; Speed: +0.6
                                        ○ Jaryu: Reflex Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed Bonus: +0.3
                                        ○ Teikiatsu: Strength Bonus: +0.6
                                        ○ Soul Slayer: Strength Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed Bonus: +0.3
                                        ○ Channeling Martial Skill : +150 Chakra
                                        ○ Harmonic Death Arts: Strength Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed Bonus: +0.3
                                        ○ Tranquil Cedar: Reflex Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed: +0.3
                                        ○ Balanced Master: +0.3 Strength ; +0.3 Fort
                                        ○ Saiken Boost: +0.2 Fort

                                        Style Training:
                                        ○ Advanced Whirlwind Training {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        All Speed Bonuses Granted from Jiyūgata Senpū are mirrored in Reflex
                                        ○ Switchblade {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        Once per post, ignore speed detriment caused by a Jiyūgata Senpū technique
                                        ○ Perfecting Balance {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        Soft Physical Use Grants a Temp 0.1 Speed Enhancement for the duration of combat, cannot be unbalanced unless with an attack exceeding current max soft physical knowledge.
                                        ○ Corrupted Wind Training {Soul Slayer}
                                        The user has become familiarized with their weapon and how to swing it in order to create powerful bursts of wind. The user is able to use fuuton techniques that require fans with their scythe.
                                        ○ Conditioned Physique {Teikiatsu}
                                        Simple Bukijutsu require 5 less stamina per rank of the technique.
                                        ○ Stroke of Genius {Sumi-Efude}
                                        The user may mold and reproduce any ink techniques in this style without the need of hand signs. Additionally, fuuin can be reproduced with the brush and ink without requiring hand signs. Single instances of gathering concentrations outside of techniques in this style are doubled capping at the users maximum limit.
                                        ○ Order Secret: Redirection {Arcane Knight}
                                        The user's tireless training with the Shield as a part of their everyday combat kit has taught them to effortlessly direct the force of an opponent's strike so that any of their added descriptive strength being used when interacting with a shield is nullified.
                                        ○ Order Secret: Arcane Wisdom {Arcane Knight}
                                        he user has mastered their chakra during combat. This focus and chakra control allows the user to deflect ninjutsu with complex formless or shield techniques equal to the rank of the ninjutsu.
                                        ○ Devil Fang {Jaryu}
                                        The user is able to pay the cost of a technique twice once every three posts. When this is done, the user can release the technique twice at the cost of a single activation, allowing them to overwhelm a single target with ease. This may be done while dual wielding but must pay 1.5x the reserves to do so.
                                        ○ Venomous Fangs Fang {Jaryu}
                                        The user's attacks drain the target of stamina equal to the rank of stamina applied to techniques they are stricken with.
                                        ○ Elemental Doubling {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Two Elements Applicable
                                        ○ Elemental Body Flickering {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Elemental Shunsin don't consume ninjutsu slots
                                        ○ Combining Elemental Training {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Bloodline Applicable
                                        ○ Duality {Tendou}
                                        Allows the practitioner to substitute feet for hands in any Taijutsu technique when learned, and vice-versa. Techniques function the same, regardless of how useful the result may be. Training is typically completed either through meditation or repetition of physical training; in the latter case, this training takes an extra post to complete.
                                        • Sum-Efude(Ink Based Chakra Cost) Reduced by ½ to a minimum of 5
                                        • Art of the Bloop: Ink & Brush Based Techniques Cost [10] less to cast
                                        • Art of the Bloop: Every other Technique Costs [5] more to cast
                                        • Ninjutsu: +2
                                        • Class Everything: +6
                                        • Class Bloodline: +6
                                        • Brushing Up: Fuuin Made With a Brush is reduced by [10] otherwise Increased by [5]
                                        • Multi-Jointed: Can contort body seamlessly for disturbing outcomes.
                                        • Endai Ika [ Far Reaching Squid ]: As if cracking a whip, the Hojo clan member is able to outstretch his arms up to 10 yards (30 Feet).

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Disciplines&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        •Blood Bender

                                        •Legendary Worker

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-Techniques Used&-.¸¸.·´❞

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Equipment&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        ΦUzumaki Mask: Giant Squid: Soft Physical C / Hard Physical C {Windy Marble: Allows manifest to breath air}
                                        ΦKitai No Ito: Anata ga watashi o satta omoide {Fancy Thread: The Memories You Left Me} {Total Scroll holding Capacity : 480 - 120 = 360 Remaining Estimated Capacity} Extension Of: Kitai no Ito: Master Artists Celestial Armory
                                        Φ Wire 30 Yards
                                        Φ Suiton Brush
                                        Φ Normal Brush x2
                                        Φ 2x X-ray lenses [In Case]
                                        Φ 2x Night lenses [In Case]
                                        Φ 2x Light Diffraction Lenses [Equipped]
                                        Φ[Original Coat] {Arsenal of The Sleight of Hand:Empty}
                                        Φ Empty Expansions Paper [4] {Paper}
                                        Φ [10 Moderate Food Pills]
                                        Φ Modoro Gumo
                                        Φ Tower Shield: Water {Degraded: C}
                                        Φ Kite Shield: Water {C}
                                        Φ Jonin Scroll: #1 (Capacity -40)
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls: #2 (Capacity -40)
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls: #3 (Capacity -40)
                                        ΦRight Ring Finger: Sumi-Bozu {Equipped}
                                        ΦChakra Dispersal Gloves: {Equipped}
                                        Φ Belt of Assorted Inks contained in flasks
                                        •Moth Blend x2
                                        •Slippery Blend x2
                                        •Mending Blend x2
                                        •Jonin Scroll #4
                                        •Jonin Scroll #5
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls x4:
                                        •Marbled Strawberry Ice Cream [x1 Quart]
                                        •Island Sundae [x1]
                                        •Canvas Tents [x2]
                                        2-[Contents]: Nature Summoning Water: S
                                        4-[Located In Former Raikage's Office]: Used For Contract:
                                        Shiro Chosokabe
                                        Tosokurui Ashikoki Hojo
                                        Φ Silent Soles

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Titles&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        Grandmaster: Chef: Seafood Specialist
                                        Grandmaster: Weaponsmith
                                        Grandmaster: Scrollery
                                        Grandmaster: Armorsmith
                                        Grandmaster: Toxicologist
                                        Grandmaster: Pharmacist
                                        Grandmaster: Technologist
                                        Apprentice: Botany
                                        Master: Mining
                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Trivia&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        φ Hojo Clan Ink can only be removed with hot/boiling water.
                                        φ Locked Formless Style Brush
                                        φ Locked Formless Style Soft Mental
                                        φ Locked Formless Style Soft Physical
                                        φ Formless Tentacles
                                        φ Formless Senbon
                                        φ Formless Scythe
                                        φ Formless Chopsticks
                                        φ Formless Shield
                                        φ Formless Whip
                                        φ Formless Long-Staff
                                        φ Formless Wire

                                        φ 6' 1 ft, 181lbs: A.k.A~Ika-Sensei, Inkwell-san, Devil-squid

                                        φ Fukusei; Sumi Nise Bunshin : Replication: Fake Clone Ink φ
                                        • 1: Dirt
                                        • 2: Marble
                                        • 3: Arashikage's Desk
                                        • 4: Steel



Trash Gardener


Trash Gardener

PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 9:33 am

User ImageUser Image

pup pup pupNothing is ever just black and white.

                                        ~Current Theme Music~:Lo-Fi Octo Radio

                                        Starting Kits:
                                        Kits - Botanical-Mineral
                                        Basic: 2 - 0
                                        Advanced: 2 - 0
                                        Special: 1 - 0
                                        Legendary: 0 - 0

                                        Starting Ryo:

                                        Year 2 Month ? - Year 3 Month ?
                                        Investments were always a risky thing. Sometimes they'd yield results other times they would fail. Year ago did Toso invest in a company and in that company did he desire to outfit those in his village that served the village with something to ensure their safety. Thusly inspired by his original works The T-Series would go into production. The T-series of products that would revolutionize Arashi the first being the simple 0C-T09 limb enhancement prosthetics.
                                        T-series: 0C-T09 - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        Following the T-series would be the development of gear. Gear that would assist the inhabitants of Arashi to move through and around it. Something that sported both functionality and fun. This gave birth to the sky skate. A type of footwear that would lead Arashi into the next age of 'radical sports'. Allowing even those without a wind affinity to ride the air like one would ride the ramps
                                        Sky Skate - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        Moving on from gear, what was next on the agenda was an upgrade. An upgrade to Arashigakure's standard-issue flak jackets, open-toed shoes, and vests. The UHV they had miraculous technology and what did they use it for but to oppress the masses. Not Arashigakure. Leading the charge into innovation the first T-series production for the military. The suit which would capitalize what it was to be a shinobi, was made.
                                        T-Series: CU-T7L - Completed
                                        [4000 Ryo]

                                        Production would only continue. Toso aspired to meet the needs of all shinobi, a mysterious envelope was sent in regards to making those without strength strong was an admirable goal. The name seemed to be blurred but the designs for something that would eventually be modified into the second line of T-series would be the result. A balanced build with balanced defensive and offensive capabilities. Something to make the everyman a better man.
                                        T-Series: 0T-RT0 - Completed
                                        [4000 Ryo]

                                        Spearlining the projects there were reports on how the test suits seemed to lack durability for more heavy excursions. Ultimately this lead to the inspirations behind the soon to be N4-U7. Essentially the equivalent of a full-bodied mobile human tank the design was constructed to endure blows and simultaneously aid in dishing them out. This would serve to supplement those in the military that desired being on the vanguard of danger. However, unsurprisingly like the rest of the T-series was made with the hope that it would never be used.
                                        T-Series: N4-U7 - Completed
                                        [4000 Ryo]

                                        With the heavy artillery made and mandated, well on its way to the eventuality of perfecting them the need for more simple and supportive desgins became a consideration. The fact that the suits would be expensive to make and require a lot of raw material was one thing but none of them catered to the Arahigakuran lifestyle. This being supporting allies and other small villages it happened to float over. As a result the following model would begin its drafting process.
                                        T-Series: AMM-0 - Completed
                                        [2000 Ryo]

                                        With support however, came a sudden influx of weakness. Toso himself was never one to cater to anything overtly powerful in the lines of offense but the research team convinced him it was neccessary. Stealth, Balance, Defense, all that was missing was a powerful Offense. Toso would refuse to have the functionalities exceed the other three but would still give the clearing for its production. The 33-L would be the result. Despite his reservations the armor and suit came out stronger than expected still despite this is would prove to be powerful addition to the T-series line.
                                        T-Series: 33-L - Completed
                                        [2000 Ryo]

                                        Up until this point the designs were being catered toward the more expereinced shinobi. Which made sense, but the realization that even the younger generation as naive as they were would still be exposed to dangers gave birth to neccesity. The demonstrations provided by the 33-L model turned Toso off from leaning towards offensive productions as such the later standard-issue armors made for the lower ranks were to capitalize on utility.
                                        T Series: Neo-Flak Jacket - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        Albeit it wouldn't be an research team run by Toso if he didn't allow some things to slide. The Neo Flak Jacker was good addition to the line up but the unfortunate thing was according to several reported Kunoichi it was quite 'unattractive'. As such it gave birth to an alternative sleeker model designed to accommodate more agile forms of combat. Not only did it do this but it was more 'aesthetically' pleasing. The males in the research facility didn't seem to care about the revealing nature of the female version and neither did some of the females...albeit Toso himself just sighed and allowed the re-design.
                                        T Series: Neo-Flak Jacket MF- Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        With standard issue attires determined it left only what Arashi should arm its men with. True typical weaponry was common but weaponry distinct to Arashigakure would be neccessary. Brainstorming and idea table were made and some time later was it decided to keep things as simple as possible. A baton meant for detainment as its priority and punishment at its worst.
                                        M1 Storm Baton - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        The original design of the storm baton was useful. But it proved insufficient for detaining more mobile targets and individuals. Primarily being neer do well shinobi and wandering individuals. In order to improve upon the design the head was made to detach and extend and the payloads it was capable of delvering all the more potent.
                                        M2 Storm Baton - Completed
                                        [2000 Ryo]

                                        The problem however, still persisted. Inter city criminals still found ways to elude authorities and distance themselves from them once they had determined how far the weapon could actually extend. The M2 Storm baton while it was a capable weapon still lacked range. Thus The Raiken bow was made to accomodate this. A weapon designed to stun targets from a distance before they would even be made aware of authoratative prescence.
                                        Raiken Bow - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        The Raiken Bow proved to be an efficient tool, so efficient in fact a suggestion for an upgraded model was proposed. The newer and more advanced version of the Raiken bow would be given a zoom and tracking feature to make hunting down criminals all the easier. The Raiken Bows newer model was bleieved to be a key factor in a decreasing crime rate that suddenly occurred. Criminals feared that there was no place safe to hide.
                                        Raiken Bow V2 - Completed
                                        [2000 Ryo]

                                        The following would later be released without the Arashikage's input. A powerful weapon of which was capable of nye near cutting through anything. Only after several test runs and approvals was Toso made aware to which he was rather reluctant. However, the arashikage would bend the knee to his research department stating the weapons primary use was for rescuing individuals trapped in enemy justu and steel buildings. This made sense. The plasma cutter was released with its intent being to serve as a form of 'Jaws of Life' for emergency scenarios.
                                        Plasma Cutter - Completed
                                        [4000 Ryo]

                                        The release of the Plasma cutter made the Arashikage wary of the research and development team he'd hired. As a result, Toso would decidedly personally oversee the production of his next investment. A supplement to the 33-L however, strictly informed to act as a supplementary addition. The 33-L Shoc-Claw was made with the thought of maneuverability and versatility in mind and to serve as a deterrent for anyone who'd oppose Arashi on their home land itself.
                                        33-L Shoc-Claw - Completed
                                        [4000 Ryo]

                                        Before everything and the T-series projects however, there was a man and kage working on a project all their own. Reverse engineering the UHV air ships. It took some several months. The project was sporadic with his associate coming and going but with a dedicated team of workers the deed was done and the first and foremost most deadly airship of them all was made. With only few in production this destrutive ship has since been unused and kept secret only to be called upon in Arashigakure's most dire need.
                                        Arashigakure Airship [Model Dreadnaught] - Completed
                                        [4000 Ryo]

                                        However, with the code cracked on airship mechanics it meant one thing. Mass production. A unit would be made to handle the production of commercial airships. Trade ships as they would later be called would then thusly become available to liscensed tradesman. While these ships weren't anything immensely powerful like the first original hey would become a stable to the villages economy.
                                        Arashigakure Airship [Model Trade] - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        Not long after these ships took the sky did arahigakure recieve the rude awakening that the skies were not always safe. The UHV wasn't the only group of individuals to have reverse-engineered the airships and as a result, Arashigakure suffered heavy losses from these unexpected attacks. In order to compensate for these loses the skimmer model airship was made. Sleek, small, and efficient these scouting ships, as they were considered, would spare several a tradeship from unexpected encounters as few as there were.
                                        Arashigakure Airship [Model Skimmer] - Completed
                                        [2000 Ryo]

                                        These air attacks brought on a realization. The sky was not a 100% safe place at all times. Wild animals among other unexpected happenstance such as panicked ground-dwellers would lead to several inconveniences. With that the counter measure would ultimately be made and founded. The Aegis Protocol. A system of defense produced to detect oncoming threats, prevent and protect the village from them before they even had the chance to damage and injure its inhabitant. A large tower home to the program manned by at minimum thirty men was what Toso had made.
                                        Aegis Protocol - Completed
                                        [4000 Ryo]

                                        Finally did the kage breathe a sigh of relief but he could not rest. The Aether Leyline was a powerful asset. It was through it did the village stay suspended and did many of its defenses stay strong. Toso had relied on his reasearch and development companies to better the village but now he had to return to his roots...and better himself. He would thusly produce something that only he could understand and use. A fitting set of attier called the Tassei-kan. Having finally felt a sense of achievement in his position as Kage.
                                        Tassei-Kan - Completed
                                        [4000 Ryo]

                                        Toso would once again find himself doing what it is he did best. Wandering around his village. It was only until he saw a group of individuals with the Sky-Skates made by his company did he realize he lacked a pair. With a friendly conversation did he borrow a pair from the local younglings only to as they say 'eat s**t'. After being mocked mercilessly Toso aimed to make a custom Jet Skate, one that would put these kids in their place that HE could use. As a result the following day...he trashed those teens. It was one of his proudest and also unproudest moments all at the same time.
                                        Ink-Jet Skate - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        Times were peaceful, he himself hadn't engaged in any truly momentous fights and because this Toso aimed to keep it this way. It was from this desire did he birth the three brethren shields. The Joyful Grey, the White Whimsy, and the Baleful black. The first of which encompassing the joy the village had brought him over the years.
                                        Joyful Grey - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        The second shield he'd make would be a reflection. A reflection of all the good times had. However, these weren't joyous times, many of the times to be considered where actually quite the opposite. Ones littered in self-indulgence. The White whimsy was made to throw away the illusion of false happiness and replace it with genuine fun. Incidentally this gave it an affinity for revealing Genjustu and other parlor tricks.
                                        White Whimsy - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        Finally the third shield. For some odd reason Toso himself cannot remember ever making it. One day after reading the abyssal script and going to bed he woke up with it in his hands. When he ventured to ask at his local smithy if they'd seen him produce the shield they'd tell him he was indeed in the smithy yet he seemed to have a glaze in his eyes if he were possessed. It is for this reason Toso remains suspicious of the Black Burden but it very well likely could have been made in one of his drunken stupors he'd been known to have.
                                        Black Burden - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        The next level of projects were being developed and ultimately it came time for determining what gear the military would be needing for their excursions. Arashigakure in of itself was a village stationed in the sky. As a result, what was most dangerous was navigating the sky itself. While the Sky Skate served its purpose to say it was professional would be a lie. To make up for the lack of professionalism and for greater maneuverability the Ikarus wing was aptly made and named. A compact device for performing aerial maneuvers.
                                        T-Tech: Ikarus Wing - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        Lastly a device that would be designed to minimize damages. While the threats of the outside forces was minimal inside forces would still prove troublesome. More so now that Arashigakure was confined, it meant that fleeing the village was more difficult. A deterrent was needed. One that would serve a purpose to put and end to widespread ruin. Thusly the item which replicated the Uzumaki ability to some degree was made.
                                        T-Tech: Singularity - Completed
                                        [1000 Ryo]

                                        Starting Kits:
                                        Kits - Botanical-Mineral
                                        Basic: 2 - 0
                                        Advanced: 2 - 0
                                        Special: 1 - 0
                                        Legendary: 0 - 0

                                        Ending Ryo:

                                        Chakra:3045/3045❞ ·.¸¸.-& Stamina:2865/2865❞ ·.¸¸.-& Saiken: 5000/5000,❞ ·.¸¸.-& Ryo: (Claimed/Unclaimed)4480/4480 ❞ ·.¸¸.-& Ac:200k +

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-;Buffs&-.¸¸.·´❞

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Passives&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        Passive Stats Increases: {Descriptive ranks may be used in place of numbers for this section if desired. All of these start at 0/no buff, with each increase of 1 denoting a one level increase in the descriptive rank bonus to that stat. When you gain a passive benefit, add it to these totals and denote the source in place of the N/A under the relevant stat.}
                                        • Strength ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        • Speed ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        • Reflex ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        • Fortitude ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        ○ Modoro Gumo: Enchanted: +0.2 Reflex, +0.2 Speed {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Ikane: +0.2 Fort {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Inkjecktor: +0.2 Fort {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Abyss Script: +0.2 Reflex {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Shoku Shokushu: Sumimasen Meiwaku: +0.2 Strength {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Arcane Knight Order : Fort: +0.3 ; Strength +0.3
                                        ○ Jiyūgata Senpū Passive: Reflex Bonus: +0.6 ; Speed: +0.6
                                        ○ Jaryu: Reflex Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed Bonus: +0.3
                                        ○ Teikiatsu: Strength Bonus: +0.6
                                        ○ Soul Slayer: Strength Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed Bonus: +0.3
                                        ○ Channeling Martial Skill : +150 Chakra
                                        ○ Harmonic Death Arts: Strength Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed Bonus: +0.3
                                        ○ Tranquil Cedar: Reflex Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed: +0.3
                                        ○ Balanced Master: +0.3 Strength ; +0.3 Fort
                                        ○ Saiken Boost: +0.2 Fort

                                        Style Training:
                                        ○ Advanced Whirlwind Training {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        All Speed Bonuses Granted from Jiyūgata Senpū are mirrored in Reflex
                                        ○ Switchblade {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        Once per post, ignore speed detriment caused by a Jiyūgata Senpū technique
                                        ○ Perfecting Balance {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        Soft Physical Use Grants a Temp 0.1 Speed Enhancement for the duration of combat, cannot be unbalanced unless with an attack exceeding current max soft physical knowledge.
                                        ○ Corrupted Wind Training {Soul Slayer}
                                        The user has become familiarized with their weapon and how to swing it in order to create powerful bursts of wind. The user is able to use fuuton techniques that require fans with their scythe.
                                        ○ Conditioned Physique {Teikiatsu}
                                        Simple Bukijutsu require 5 less stamina per rank of the technique.
                                        ○ Stroke of Genius {Sumi-Efude}
                                        The user may mold and reproduce any ink techniques in this style without the need of hand signs. Additionally, fuuin can be reproduced with the brush and ink without requiring hand signs. Single instances of gathering concentrations outside of techniques in this style are doubled capping at the users maximum limit.
                                        ○ Order Secret: Redirection {Arcane Knight}
                                        The user's tireless training with the Shield as a part of their everyday combat kit has taught them to effortlessly direct the force of an opponent's strike so that any of their added descriptive strength being used when interacting with a shield is nullified.
                                        ○ Order Secret: Arcane Wisdom {Arcane Knight}
                                        he user has mastered their chakra during combat. This focus and chakra control allows the user to deflect ninjutsu with complex formless or shield techniques equal to the rank of the ninjutsu.
                                        ○ Devil Fang {Jaryu}
                                        The user is able to pay the cost of a technique twice once every three posts. When this is done, the user can release the technique twice at the cost of a single activation, allowing them to overwhelm a single target with ease. This may be done while dual wielding but must pay 1.5x the reserves to do so.
                                        ○ Venomous Fangs Fang {Jaryu}
                                        The user's attacks drain the target of stamina equal to the rank of stamina applied to techniques they are stricken with.
                                        ○ Elemental Doubling {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Two Elements Applicable
                                        ○ Elemental Body Flickering {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Elemental Shunsin don't consume ninjutsu slots
                                        ○ Combining Elemental Training {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Bloodline Applicable
                                        ○ Duality {Tendou}
                                        Allows the practitioner to substitute feet for hands in any Taijutsu technique when learned, and vice-versa. Techniques function the same, regardless of how useful the result may be. Training is typically completed either through meditation or repetition of physical training; in the latter case, this training takes an extra post to complete.
                                        • Sum-Efude(Ink Based Chakra Cost) Reduced by ½ to a minimum of 5
                                        • Art of the Bloop: Ink & Brush Based Techniques Cost [10] less to cast
                                        • Art of the Bloop: Every other Technique Costs [5] more to cast
                                        • Ninjutsu: +2
                                        • Class Everything: +6
                                        • Class Bloodline: +6
                                        • Brushing Up: Fuuin Made With a Brush is reduced by [10] otherwise Increased by [5]
                                        • Multi-Jointed: Can contort body seamlessly for disturbing outcomes.
                                        • Endai Ika [ Far Reaching Squid ]: As if cracking a whip, the Hojo clan member is able to outstretch his arms up to 10 yards (30 Feet).

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Disciplines&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        •Blood Bender

                                        •Legendary Worker

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-Techniques Used&-.¸¸.·´❞

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Equipment&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        ΦUzumaki Mask: Giant Squid: Soft Physical C / Hard Physical C {Windy Marble: Allows manifest to breath air}
                                        ΦKitai No Ito: Anata ga watashi o satta omoide {Fancy Thread: The Memories You Left Me} {Total Scroll holding Capacity : 480 - 120 = 360 Remaining Estimated Capacity} Extension Of: Kitai no Ito: Master Artists Celestial Armory
                                        Φ Wire 30 Yards
                                        Φ Suiton Brush
                                        Φ Normal Brush x2
                                        Φ 2x X-ray lenses [In Case]
                                        Φ 2x Night lenses [In Case]
                                        Φ 2x Light Diffraction Lenses [Equipped]
                                        Φ[Original Coat] {Arsenal of The Sleight of Hand:Empty}
                                        Φ Empty Expansions Paper [4] {Paper}
                                        Φ [10 Moderate Food Pills]
                                        Φ Modoro Gumo
                                        Φ Tower Shield: Water {Degraded: C}
                                        Φ Kite Shield: Water {C}
                                        Φ Jonin Scroll: #1 (Capacity -40)
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls: #2 (Capacity -40)
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls: #3 (Capacity -40)
                                        ΦRight Ring Finger: Sumi-Bozu {Equipped}
                                        ΦChakra Dispersal Gloves: {Equipped}
                                        Φ Belt of Assorted Inks contained in flasks
                                        •Moth Blend x2
                                        •Slippery Blend x2
                                        •Mending Blend x2
                                        •Jonin Scroll #4
                                        •Jonin Scroll #5
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls x4:
                                        •Marbled Strawberry Ice Cream [x1 Quart]
                                        •Island Sundae [x1]
                                        •Canvas Tents [x2]
                                        2-[Contents]: Nature Summoning Water: S
                                        4-[Located In Former Raikage's Office]: Used For Contract:
                                        Shiro Chosokabe
                                        Tosokurui Ashikoki Hojo
                                        Φ Silent Soles

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Titles&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        Grandmaster: Chef: Seafood Specialist
                                        Grandmaster: Weaponsmith
                                        Grandmaster: Scrollery
                                        Grandmaster: Armorsmith
                                        Grandmaster: Toxicologist
                                        Grandmaster: Pharmacist
                                        Grandmaster: Technologist
                                        Apprentice: Botany
                                        Master: Mining
                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Trivia&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        φ Hojo Clan Ink can only be removed with hot/boiling water.
                                        φ Locked Formless Style Brush
                                        φ Locked Formless Style Soft Mental
                                        φ Locked Formless Style Soft Physical
                                        φ Formless Tentacles
                                        φ Formless Senbon
                                        φ Formless Scythe
                                        φ Formless Chopsticks
                                        φ Formless Shield
                                        φ Formless Whip
                                        φ Formless Long-Staff
                                        φ Formless Wire

                                        φ 6' 1 ft, 181lbs: A.k.A~Ika-Sensei, Inkwell-san, Devil-squid

                                        φ Fukusei; Sumi Nise Bunshin : Replication: Fake Clone Ink φ
                                        • 1: Dirt
                                        • 2: Marble
                                        • 3: Arashikage's Desk
                                        • 4: Steel


PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:35 am

User ImageUser Image

pup pup pupNothing is ever just black and white.

                                        ~Current Theme Music~:Lo-Fi Octo Radio

                                        Five years was truly quite a long time. So long in fact one would say the relationship between one's demon and host would have to occur naturally over that time period. Oh how it did. The story of Saiken and Toso could on for its own length novel...however, it would have involved a long arduous and boring quest. So instead this tiresome tale would be expedited using the magic of time skips and dedication.

                                        [50 Free Training Coupons] From 100k Narrative Ac
                                        [5 Spent on Partial Transformation]
                                        {Achieved Partial Mastery}
                                        [5 Spent on Cloak of the Demon V2]
                                        {Achieved Half Mastery}
                                        [4 Spent on Tailed Beast Ball & Continuous Tailed Beast Balls]
                                        [5 Spent on Minature Demon Stage]
                                        {Achieved Half Mastery}
                                        [10 Spent on Demon Power Stage]
                                        {Achieved Jinchurikki}
                                        [7 Spent On]
                                        • Hiruma
                                        • Kahen na Nami
                                        • Kaitai Hedoro
                                        • Sansan
                                        • Fushokudan
                                        • Shuushutsu no Jutsu
                                        • Namekuji no Kyouran
                                        [Total 36 Spent on Demon Training]

                                        [14 Free Training Posts Banked]

                                        Chakra:3045/3045❞ ·.¸¸.-& Stamina:2865/2865❞ ·.¸¸.-& Saiken: 5000/5000,❞ ·.¸¸.-& Ryo: (Claimed/Unclaimed)4480/4480 ❞ ·.¸¸.-& Ac:200k +

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-;Buffs&-.¸¸.·´❞

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Passives&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        Passive Stats Increases: {Descriptive ranks may be used in place of numbers for this section if desired. All of these start at 0/no buff, with each increase of 1 denoting a one level increase in the descriptive rank bonus to that stat. When you gain a passive benefit, add it to these totals and denote the source in place of the N/A under the relevant stat.}
                                        • Strength ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        • Speed ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        • Reflex ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        • Fortitude ► 12 {Passive: Capped at 12}
                                        → N/A
                                        ○ Modoro Gumo: Enchanted: +0.2 Reflex, +0.2 Speed {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Ikane: +0.2 Fort {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Inkjecktor: +0.2 Fort {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Abyss Script: +0.2 Reflex {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Shoku Shokushu: Sumimasen Meiwaku: +0.2 Strength {When Equipped}
                                        ○ Arcane Knight Order : Fort: +0.3 ; Strength +0.3
                                        ○ Jiyūgata Senpū Passive: Reflex Bonus: +0.6 ; Speed: +0.6
                                        ○ Jaryu: Reflex Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed Bonus: +0.3
                                        ○ Teikiatsu: Strength Bonus: +0.6
                                        ○ Soul Slayer: Strength Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed Bonus: +0.3
                                        ○ Channeling Martial Skill : +150 Chakra
                                        ○ Harmonic Death Arts: Strength Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed Bonus: +0.3
                                        ○ Tranquil Cedar: Reflex Bonus: +0.3 ; Speed: +0.3
                                        ○ Balanced Master: +0.3 Strength ; +0.3 Fort
                                        ○ Saiken Boost: +0.2 Fort

                                        Style Training:
                                        ○ Advanced Whirlwind Training {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        All Speed Bonuses Granted from Jiyūgata Senpū are mirrored in Reflex
                                        ○ Switchblade {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        Once per post, ignore speed detriment caused by a Jiyūgata Senpū technique
                                        ○ Perfecting Balance {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        Soft Physical Use Grants a Temp 0.1 Speed Enhancement for the duration of combat, cannot be unbalanced unless with an attack exceeding current max soft physical knowledge.
                                        ○ Corrupted Wind Training {Soul Slayer}
                                        The user has become familiarized with their weapon and how to swing it in order to create powerful bursts of wind. The user is able to use fuuton techniques that require fans with their scythe.
                                        ○ Conditioned Physique {Teikiatsu}
                                        Simple Bukijutsu require 5 less stamina per rank of the technique.
                                        ○ Stroke of Genius {Sumi-Efude}
                                        The user may mold and reproduce any ink techniques in this style without the need of hand signs. Additionally, fuuin can be reproduced with the brush and ink without requiring hand signs. Single instances of gathering concentrations outside of techniques in this style are doubled capping at the users maximum limit.
                                        ○ Order Secret: Redirection {Arcane Knight}
                                        The user's tireless training with the Shield as a part of their everyday combat kit has taught them to effortlessly direct the force of an opponent's strike so that any of their added descriptive strength being used when interacting with a shield is nullified.
                                        ○ Order Secret: Arcane Wisdom {Arcane Knight}
                                        he user has mastered their chakra during combat. This focus and chakra control allows the user to deflect ninjutsu with complex formless or shield techniques equal to the rank of the ninjutsu.
                                        ○ Devil Fang {Jaryu}
                                        The user is able to pay the cost of a technique twice once every three posts. When this is done, the user can release the technique twice at the cost of a single activation, allowing them to overwhelm a single target with ease. This may be done while dual wielding but must pay 1.5x the reserves to do so.
                                        ○ Venomous Fangs Fang {Jaryu}
                                        The user's attacks drain the target of stamina equal to the rank of stamina applied to techniques they are stricken with.
                                        ○ Elemental Doubling {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Two Elements Applicable
                                        ○ Elemental Body Flickering {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Elemental Shunsin don't consume ninjutsu slots
                                        ○ Combining Elemental Training {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Bloodline Applicable
                                        ○ Duality {Tendou}
                                        Allows the practitioner to substitute feet for hands in any Taijutsu technique when learned, and vice-versa. Techniques function the same, regardless of how useful the result may be. Training is typically completed either through meditation or repetition of physical training; in the latter case, this training takes an extra post to complete.
                                        • Sum-Efude(Ink Based Chakra Cost) Reduced by ½ to a minimum of 5
                                        • Art of the Bloop: Ink & Brush Based Techniques Cost [10] less to cast
                                        • Art of the Bloop: Every other Technique Costs [5] more to cast
                                        • Ninjutsu: +2
                                        • Class Everything: +6
                                        • Class Bloodline: +6
                                        • Brushing Up: Fuuin Made With a Brush is reduced by [10] otherwise Increased by [5]
                                        • Multi-Jointed: Can contort body seamlessly for disturbing outcomes.
                                        • Endai Ika [ Far Reaching Squid ]: As if cracking a whip, the Hojo clan member is able to outstretch his arms up to 10 yards (30 Feet).

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Disciplines&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        •Blood Bender

                                        •Legendary Worker

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-Techniques Used&-.¸¸.·´❞

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Equipment&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        ΦUzumaki Mask: Giant Squid: Soft Physical C / Hard Physical C {Windy Marble: Allows manifest to breath air}
                                        ΦKitai No Ito: Anata ga watashi o satta omoide {Fancy Thread: The Memories You Left Me} {Total Scroll holding Capacity : 480 - 120 = 360 Remaining Estimated Capacity} Extension Of: Kitai no Ito: Master Artists Celestial Armory
                                        Φ Wire 30 Yards
                                        Φ Suiton Brush
                                        Φ Normal Brush x2
                                        Φ 2x X-ray lenses [In Case]
                                        Φ 2x Night lenses [In Case]
                                        Φ 2x Light Diffraction Lenses [Equipped]
                                        Φ[Original Coat] {Arsenal of The Sleight of Hand:Empty}
                                        Φ Empty Expansions Paper [4] {Paper}
                                        Φ [10 Moderate Food Pills]
                                        Φ Modoro Gumo
                                        Φ Tower Shield: Water {Degraded: C}
                                        Φ Kite Shield: Water {C}
                                        Φ Jonin Scroll: #1 (Capacity -40)
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls: #2 (Capacity -40)
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls: #3 (Capacity -40)
                                        ΦRight Ring Finger: Sumi-Bozu {Equipped}
                                        ΦChakra Dispersal Gloves: {Equipped}
                                        Φ Belt of Assorted Inks contained in flasks
                                        •Moth Blend x2
                                        •Slippery Blend x2
                                        •Mending Blend x2
                                        •Jonin Scroll #4
                                        •Jonin Scroll #5
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls x4:
                                        •Marbled Strawberry Ice Cream [x1 Quart]
                                        •Island Sundae [x1]
                                        •Canvas Tents [x2]
                                        2-[Contents]: Nature Summoning Water: S
                                        4-[Located In Former Raikage's Office]: Used For Contract:
                                        Shiro Chosokabe
                                        Tosokurui Ashikoki Hojo
                                        Φ Silent Soles

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Titles&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        Grandmaster: Chef: Seafood Specialist
                                        Grandmaster: Weaponsmith
                                        Grandmaster: Scrollery
                                        Grandmaster: Armorsmith
                                        Grandmaster: Toxicologist
                                        Grandmaster: Pharmacist
                                        Grandmaster: Technologist
                                        Apprentice: Botany
                                        Master: Mining
                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Trivia&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        φ Hojo Clan Ink can only be removed with hot/boiling water.
                                        φ Locked Formless Style Brush
                                        φ Locked Formless Style Soft Mental
                                        φ Locked Formless Style Soft Physical
                                        φ Formless Tentacles
                                        φ Formless Senbon
                                        φ Formless Scythe
                                        φ Formless Chopsticks
                                        φ Formless Shield
                                        φ Formless Whip
                                        φ Formless Long-Staff
                                        φ Formless Wire

                                        φ 6' 1 ft, 181lbs: A.k.A~Ika-Sensei, Inkwell-san, Devil-squid

                                        φ Fukusei; Sumi Nise Bunshin : Replication: Fake Clone Ink φ
                                        • 1: Dirt
                                        • 2: Marble
                                        • 3: Arashikage's Desk
                                        • 4: Steel



Trash Gardener


Trash Gardener

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:59 pm

User ImageUser Image

pup pup pupNothing is ever just black and white.

                                        ~Current Theme Music~:Inversions of Hope

                                        "Now is as good a time as any I presume." Cracking his neck and suiting up the Arashikage would essentially get out of the way the choice few things he had yet to brush up on. These choice few things being martial arts. What with the martial training exercises he'd been holding once the select few passed the tumultuous second trial he'd have to get more hands on toward the end of the trials. All in all the trials were no only elaborate way to hone students and additionally find diamonds in the rough but it was also a way to get the Arashikage back in fighting shape. While Toso was never the one to be a combatant it was always a matter of when not if and with the current news he'd been fed through the grapevine there was no telling how soon that 'when' would be coming on the horizon.
                                        [14 Training Post Coupons Remaining]
                                        Bonus at +27
                                        [Gentle Art 18]
                                        [Oblivion Fist 16]
                                        [Vital Piercing 14]
                                        [Mach Fist 17]
                                        [Coupons Used 3 = 81]
                                        [81-65=16 Bonus]

                                        [Juurai Toorima 13]
                                        [Honshi 14]
                                        [Doki Yari 23]
                                        [Meteor Crusher 12]
                                        [Soko Sento 13]
                                        [3 Coupons used = 81]
                                        [Remaining Coupons 8]
                                        [Surplus 22]

                                        14/22 Used For Remaining Sensory Techniques
                                        [Surplus 8]

                                        ▰ Dragon Explosion Technique [ Bakuha no Jutsu ] | Rank S
                                        ▰ Stone Castle Creation [ Sekkai Daichi Souzou ] | Rank S
                                        ▰ Earth Corridor [ Tsuchi Kairou ] | Rank S | Learned as A
                                        ▰ Earthen Tsunami Technique [ Dosei Tsunami Technique ] | Rank S
                                        ▰ Impermanence [ Uitenpen ] | Rank S
                                        ▰ Mountain Creation [ Yama Souken ] | Rank S
                                        ▰ Rock Finale [ Iwa Finaru ] | Rank S+
                                        ▰ Corpse Soil [ Shishi Dojou ] | Rank S+
                                        Remaining Free Training [8]

                                        2 Free Training Used.
                                        Free Training Remaing [6]
                                        Two used for the following
                                        •Seal Connection [ Fuuin Tsunagu ]
                                        •Unsealing Technique: Shuriken [ Kaifūjutsu: Shuriken ]
                                        •Unsealing Technique: Paper Snowstorm [ Kaifūjutsu: Kamifubuki
                                        •Winding Smoke Technique [ Maki Kemuri no Jutsu ]
                                        •Unsealing: Rainwater Gate [ Kaifūjutsu: Usuimon ]
                                        •Seal Release: Instant Movement Technique [ Fuuinjutsu: Shunshin no Jutsu ]
                                        •Scroll Communication Technique [ Sukurōru tsūshin no Jutsu ]
                                        •Five Seal Barrier [ Gofuu Kekkai ]
                                        •Thirty-Six Layer Self-Repairing Barrier [ Sanjūroku-jū no Saisei Kekkai ]
                                        •Secret Technique: Mouth Seal Technique [ Hiden Jutsu: Kuchi no In no Jutsu]
                                        •Chakra Draining Seal [ Chakra Kuuin no Fuuin ]
                                        •Exploding Dragon Strike [ Bakuryuugeki ]
                                        •Summoning: Hiding in a Toad Technique [ Kuchiyose: Gamagakure no Jutsu ]
                                        •Expansion [ Kakuchō ]
                                        •Summoning: Rashōmon [ Kuchiyose: Rashōmon ]
                                        •Summoning: Food Cart Destroyer Technique [ Kuchiyose: Yatai Kuzushi no Jutsu ]
                                        •Inverse Four Dark Mist Array [ Shikoku Mujin ]
                                        •Element Sealing Method [ Godai Houin no Michi ]
                                        •Seals Sealing [ Fuuin Houin ]
                                        •Danzo's Sealing Jutsu [Fuinjutsu Danzo]
                                        •Summoning: Iron Maiden [ Kuchiyose: Aian Meiden ]
                                        •Lit Apparition Technique [ Gentoushin no Jutsu ]
                                        •Triple Summoning: Rashōmon [ Kuchiyose: Sanjuu Rashōmon ]
                                        •Amplification Summoning Technique [ Zoufuku Kuchiyose no Jutsu ]
                                        •Protective Tag Barrier [ Omamori no Kekkai ]
                                        •Clone Sealing [ Bunshin Houin ]
                                        •Evil Sealing Method [ Fuuja Houin ]
                                        •Five Elements Seal [ Gogyou Fuuin ]
                                        •Five Elements Unseal [ Gogyou Kaiin ]
                                        •Rotation Sealing [ Ikkaiten Fuuin ]
                                        •Barrier Sealing [ Kekkai Houin ]
                                        •Beast Sealing Technique [ Kemono Fuuin no Jutsu ]
                                        •Normality Sealing [ Seijou Houin ]
                                        •Summoning: Torture Chamber [ Kuchiyose: Gōmon Heya ]
                                        •Reverse Four Symbols Sealing Technique [ Ura Shishō Fūinjutsu ]
                                        •The Third Seal Sealing [ San no Fuuin Houin ]
                                        •Iruka's Barrier Technique [Kekkai no Iruka]
                                        •Infinite Embrace [ Mugen Hōyō ]
                                        •Summon Sealing [ Kuchiyose Houin ]
                                        •Summoning: Quintuple Rashōmon [ Kuchiyose: Gojū Rashōmon ]
                                        •Sealing Technique Absorption Seal [ Fuujutsu Kyuuin ]
                                        •Contract Seal [ Keiyaku Fuuin ]
                                        •Multiple Infinite Embraces [ Tajū Mugen Hōyō ]
                                        10 Spent on Many Arms of the Squid for 2 Hands.

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Passives&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        • Strength ► 8
                                        →→ [10] Cloakhttps://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/button/submit_submit.gif
                                        • Speed ► 8
                                        →→ [10] Cloak
                                        • Agility ► 8
                                        →→ [10] Cloak
                                        • Endurance ► 8
                                        →→ [10] Cloak , [12] Advanced Cloak

                                        Style Training:
                                        ○ Advanced Whirlwind Training {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        All Speed Bonuses Granted from Jiyūgata Senpū are mirrored in Reflex
                                        ○ Switchblade {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        Once per post, ignore speed detriment caused by a Jiyūgata Senpū technique
                                        ○ Perfecting Balance {Jiyūgata Senpū}
                                        Soft Physical Use Grants a Temp 0.1 Speed Enhancement for the duration of combat, cannot be unbalanced unless with an attack exceeding current max soft physical knowledge.
                                        ○ Corrupted Wind Training {Soul Slayer}
                                        The user has become familiarized with their weapon and how to swing it in order to create powerful bursts of wind. The user is able to use fuuton techniques that require fans with their scythe.
                                        ○ Conditioned Physique {Teikiatsu}
                                        Simple Bukijutsu require 5 less stamina per rank of the technique.
                                        ○ Stroke of Genius {Sumi-Efude}
                                        The user may mold and reproduce any ink techniques in this style without the need of hand signs. Additionally, fuuin can be reproduced with the brush and ink without requiring hand signs. Single instances of gathering concentrations outside of techniques in this style are doubled capping at the users maximum limit.
                                        ○ Order Secret: Redirection {Arcane Knight}
                                        The user's tireless training with the Shield as a part of their everyday combat kit has taught them to effortlessly direct the force of an opponent's strike so that any of their added descriptive strength being used when interacting with a shield is nullified.
                                        ○ Order Secret: Arcane Wisdom {Arcane Knight}
                                        he user has mastered their chakra during combat. This focus and chakra control allows the user to deflect ninjutsu with complex formless or shield techniques equal to the rank of the ninjutsu.
                                        ○ Devil Fang {Jaryu}
                                        The user is able to pay the cost of a technique twice once every three posts. When this is done, the user can release the technique twice at the cost of a single activation, allowing them to overwhelm a single target with ease. This may be done while dual wielding but must pay 1.5x the reserves to do so.
                                        ○ Venomous Fangs Fang {Jaryu}
                                        The user's attacks drain the target of stamina equal to the rank of stamina applied to techniques they are stricken with.
                                        ○ Elemental Doubling {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Two Elements Applicable
                                        ○ Elemental Body Flickering {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Elemental Shunsin don't consume ninjutsu slots
                                        ○ Combining Elemental Training {Elemental Channeling}
                                        Bloodline Applicable
                                        ○ Duality {Tendou}
                                        Allows the practitioner to substitute feet for hands in any Taijutsu technique when learned, and vice-versa. Techniques function the same, regardless of how useful the result may be. Training is typically completed either through meditation or repetition of physical training; in the latter case, this training takes an extra post to complete.
                                        • Sum-Efude(Ink Based Chakra Cost) Reduced by ½ to a minimum of 5
                                        • Art of the Bloop: Ink & Brush Based Techniques Cost [10] less to cast
                                        • Art of the Bloop: Every other Technique Costs [5] more to cast
                                        • Class Tai: +21
                                        • Class Bloodline: +21
                                        • Class Ninjutsu: +21
                                        • Class Buki: +21
                                        • Brushing Up: Fuuin Made With a Brush is reduced by [10] otherwise Increased by [5]
                                        • Multi-Jointed: Can contort body seamlessly for disturbing outcomes.
                                        • Endai Ika [ Far Reaching Squid ]: As if cracking a whip, the Hojo clan member is able to outstretch his arms up to 10 yards (30 Feet).

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Disciplines&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        •Heritage Keystone

                                        •Legendary Worker

                                        •Erudite Scholar

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-Techniques Used&-.¸¸.·´❞

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Equipment&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        ΦUzumaki Mask: Giant Squid: Soft Physical C / Hard Physical C {Windy Marble: Allows manifest to breath air}
                                        ΦKitai No Ito: Anata ga watashi o satta omoide {Fancy Thread: The Memories You Left Me} {Total Scroll holding Capacity : 480 - 120 = 360 Remaining Estimated Capacity} Extension Of: Kitai no Ito: Master Artists Celestial Armory
                                        Φ Wire 30 Yards
                                        Φ Suiton Brush
                                        Φ Normal Brush x2
                                        Φ 2x X-ray lenses [In Case]
                                        Φ 2x Night lenses [In Case]
                                        Φ 2x Light Diffraction Lenses [Equipped]
                                        Φ[Original Coat] {Arsenal of The Sleight of Hand:Empty}
                                        Φ Empty Expansions Paper [4] {Paper}
                                        Φ [10 Moderate Food Pills]
                                        Φ Modoro Gumo
                                        Φ Tower Shield: Water {Degraded: C}
                                        Φ Kite Shield: Water {C}
                                        Φ Jonin Scroll: #1 (Capacity -40)
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls: #2 (Capacity -40)
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls: #3 (Capacity -40)
                                        ΦRight Ring Finger: Sumi-Bozu {Equipped}
                                        ΦChakra Dispersal Gloves: {Equipped}
                                        Φ Belt of Assorted Inks contained in flasks
                                        •Moth Blend x2
                                        •Slippery Blend x2
                                        •Mending Blend x2
                                        •Jonin Scroll #4
                                        •Jonin Scroll #5
                                        Φ Jonin Scrolls x4:
                                        •Canvas Tents [x2]
                                        2-[Contents]: Nature Summoning Water: S
                                        4-[Located In Former Raikage's Office]: Used For Contract
                                        Shiro Chosokabe
                                        Tosokurui Ashikoki Hojo
                                        Φ Silent Soles

                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Titles&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        Grandmaster: Chef: Seafood Specialist
                                        Grandmaster: Weaponsmith
                                        Grandmaster: Scrollery
                                        Grandmaster: Armorsmith
                                        Grandmaster: Toxicologist
                                        Grandmaster: Pharmacist
                                        Grandmaster: Technologist
                                        Apprentice: Enchanter
                                        Apprentice: Botany
                                        Master: Mining
                                        ❞ ·.¸¸.-&Trivia&-.¸¸.·´❞
                                        φ Hojo Clan Ink can only be removed with hot/boiling water.
                                        Combat Knowledge:
                                        φ Brush
                                        φ Critical Thinking
                                        φ Fluid Martial Arts
                                        φ Tentacles
                                        φ Senbon
                                        φ Scythe
                                        φ Chopsticks
                                        φ Shield
                                        φ Whip
                                        φ Long-Staff
                                        φ Wire
                                        φ Knives
                                        φ Short-Staff
                                        φ Shuriken
                                        φ Spear
                                        φ Scissors
                                        φ Tonfa
                                        φ Pipe
                                        φ Umbrella
                                        φ Hammer

                                        φ 6' 1 ft, 181lbs: A.k.A~Ika-Sensei, Inkwell-san, Devil-squid

                                        φ Fukusei; Sumi Nise Bunshin : Replication: Fake Clone Ink φ
                                        • 1: Dirt
                                        • 2: Marble
                                        • 3: Arashikage's Desk
                                        • 4: Steel

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:32 am

User ImageUser ImageUser Image

pup pup pupNothing is ever just black and white.

                                        ~Current Theme Music~:Lo-Fi Octo Radio

                                        A knocking came to the door of the Arashikage's office. The A.Y.I.P only having just been officiated and notarized at this time...Only the knocking was 'bumpier' than anticipated. "The door is unlocked. Help yourself in." "Sadly it is most unfortunate, dare I say most unfortuitous indeed in a most disappointing manner, that not only do I dare but must say that the whom of which is on the opposite end of this rectangular barricade of human design is incapable of granting themselves passage due impart to the inability or shall I elucidate more than an inability but a disability, that of which being that, that they are lacking in a particularly imperative part which is required to let oneself in, this further revealed to be that the being in question with juxtaposed position to said passage into an office space in which they are welcomed is lacking specifically in appendages of which to help themselves." Toso would pause momentarily as he began to process the string of words that could even give the airbag that was himself a worthy opponent when it came to wordsmithery. Suffice to say he was taken aback for a moment. "I..bloop...pardon, do you think you could paraphrase that of which you said?" "Ah, yes sorry sincerest apologies. Ahem. I have no arms or hands."

                                        "AH!" Toso would extend a tentacle as it made way for a doorknob curious as to what kind of person had no arms or hands. That said a surprise indeed came to him when it turned out to be not a person at all but...A LITERAL FLOATING VANITY MIRROR. The mirror...man? Would float itself into the office and tip in a forty five degree angle. Toso would thusly assume this was its attempt at a bow? "I..a pleasure to meet you bloop. To what do I owe the pleasure?" The mirror would rise again an cast a reflection of the somewhat baffled Arashikage. He certainly had seen some colorful creatures in his day but this was something else. Some kind of ghost perhaps? While Toso was knowledgeable in yokai he only knew of those that were commonly represented. Kappa, Yuki-onna, Tengu, Oni, etc. Was this some member of the Hari clan using a unique technique? Was this Kagami leaving a creature in her stead?

                                        Then it spoke. "It is to my knowledge most recent if not in momentary reflection that it has come to my attention that you are the human responsible for the integration of yokai into this village of which has been defined as a haven for those of our kind seeking solace from the bitter exchanges between our people and the samurai of Zaishin." Zaishin? Kagami had mentioned it in her reconnaissance notes. It was a curious place to be sure but not a place that Toso himself risked seeking out if their penchant for distrust in shinobi was true to the point of instigating transgressions. No, Toso at this point in time had no desire to ever deal with the land of samurai and yokai. With the mindset of don't poke a sleeping bear unless you intend to make it your next nights meal. The being continued to speak as soon as Toso affirmed he was correct. "That is indeed I, but I wouldn't say it was entirely myself, our people had a vote of democracy so it is just as much their choice to welcome you as it was mine."

                                        "Regardless of the actions, the whoms and whom that have allowed us access to this land of expansive knowledge and provided protections is and are to be ones deserving of praise and appreciation. Semantics be placed aside for the continuation of this, this of which is the current conversation of current subject matter. I've discerned that you are known to the people and to my people soon forthcoming as the Kage Arashi also otherwise referred to in whole as Arashikage. An individual whom still dictates the progression of said village with or without the converse of others. I shall be poignant and to the point, the point being, this point, just how much does the Arashikage know of the Yokai and our kind and of how many types of us do you believe there are?"

                                        Toso would place his finger on his chin. There was some coffee on the table. He'd make for it as he sat behind his desk and think. "That is a good question bloop. Seeing as I've never seen a Yokai quite like yourself I would assume the type of yokai are rather expansive..I of course know of the kappa, tengu, and the like. They're depicted in artworks quite often. If I were to make a guess perhaps...thirty or so."
                                        Toso would then take a sip of his salted coffee wondering just what the real answer was. The mirror spoke up again. "I have taken to seeing the equivocated knowledge you have of our kind. The answer of which is to be made known to you and increasing said knowledge is six.." Toso in his head would seem rather disappointed at the number but at least it was good to know. hundred. Toso would then perform the spit take as he expelled his coffee everywhere and coughed. "Six hundred. Not including the tsukumogami which will very well increase that number to more than the population of humanity itself. This is the number of beings of which you have agreed upon catering to all each with specific niche and criterion that they often need to fulfill to verify their very being and existence. Six hundred and then some with varying behavioral patterns and instincts driven by their primordial coil that they see fit to accomplishing. While I am no ambassador of the sort to my people, I believe I can be an asset of imperative reliance. It would be most consequential if the leader of the haven in which we have taken to as our place of respite is ignorant of what it is he has allowed in said place. This is why I offer my services to ensure you've the necessary awareness required of this task and that the integration of my peoples is done smoothly. Additionally a list provided of those of my people whom under no uncertain terms that you should not allow to take refuge here regardless of kindnesses for to be putting it in the simplest of terms will become a detriment to your people and our reputation.

                                        Toso would be beating his chest after hacking somwhat. "Of...of course. I fully understand and I can your help being a boon if not something of a necessity. bloop. I'll..I'll produce a contract for the two of us then." Toso would then procure a blank scroll to which both he and the mirror being would stare at with anticipation. Before the two would sign Toso would come to a realization. "Ah, that's right. I've yet to get your name?" "Oh. That is correct. I have not provided anything of an introduction whatsoever. Truth being. I have no name of which I am called...however, I do recall the name of my owner previous. Toshiro. If something of a name is required so that I may be addressed perhaps I shall use that as a homage....My frame is steel...Hagane.. Hagane Tōshi." "Very well Hagane. I am Tosokurui Ashikoki Hojo and with this ink let the bond between our people grow even tighter." Toso would dab one of his brushes and ink and with that the scroll was sealed and made official. Toso would then place his hand upon the text as it slithered up his arm and vanished. "You are quite peculiar. If I were none the wiser I would find myself to believe that you were a yokai yourself." "I've been referred to as 'peculiar' more than once bloo bloo bloop and yet I'd never thought I'd be called that by a mirror no less. So then...just what kind of Yokai are you and what kind of Yokai should I be aware of?" "Well..."
                                        and a long conversation that lasted hours happened thereafter along with exchanges and documents signed to provide certain yokai with certain needs certain accommodations. To which gratefully they'd express their gratitude with ryo and appreciation.

                                        Legendary Contract Made:
                                        19,480 Ryo
                                        Ryo Reward For The Contract:
                                        S-rank x6



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