Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:47 pm
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:15 pm
○MINOR - CHARACTER - INFORMATION○ Username: TheWhiteDragonfly Relation to your character: Father Name: Neal Rhodes Age: 38 Gender: Male Hometown: Sunnyshore City Personality: Biography: Neal was born in Sunnyshore City. He didn't think much of being a pokemon trainer when he was young and would have had a normal, perhaps boring life if it weren't for the school field trip to the Pastoria Great Marsh. The rivers were high and rough that year, and they were told countless times by their teacher to stay on the path and away from the mud. The class crowded the edge when they heard a high and panicked chirping coming from the other side of the brown river. There they saw a young bird's head barely bobbing above the waves and as they watched, a muddy dog followed it downsteam before leaping in after it. The students shouted in alarm, but it wasn't until Neal realized the pokemon were going to drown that he raced for the river. He'd been swimming all his life, and still he barely managed to make it to the other side with the pokemon in tow. He wasn't really sure why he had run out to save some random pokemon, he just knew how he'd felt watching that dog trying to help.
That day was when Neal gained an understanding of something he wanted to do with his life. He'd been a lifeguard at the beach the past summer, and only now did he understand that for him maybe it wasn't just a job, that he wanted to help people. And pokemon. From there he and his new pup and bird pals began to explore. Neal spent the summer after he graduated school to journey briefly around the region before beginning training at a ranger academy. After he graduated and was given his first solo assignment, he was more than disappointed to find that he was being placed in the frigid city of Snowpoint instead of his home of Sunnyshore. He took to the harsh climate surprisingly well, almost enjoying the challenge, and it probably didn't hurt that he'd met a pretty girl while he was there.
When it came time for him to rotate to a new assignment, Neal instead elected to remain in Snowpoint as his home base. A few years after that he and Sanna were married, and a few years after that Kirsi was born.
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