~Put an AA in your Profile Title when you are finished
~Leave Your Team/Group section blank if you don't have a team. If you have a pre-created group with other gaia users then go ahead and fill out team/group name.
~Remember to get your weapon and semblance approved in the customs area.
~You can post before profile is approved But cannot engage in a fight with your semblance or weapon until approved. Hand to Hand and using like daggers or such is fine.
~Please don't try to put everything in your profile. You not going to be a walking armory . Literally would make you a turtle. I like turtles. We all like turtles. We just, don't like RPC turtles.
~Leave Your Team/Group section blank if you don't have a team. If you have a pre-created group with other gaia users then go ahead and fill out team/group name.
~Remember to get your weapon and semblance approved in the customs area.
~You can post before profile is approved But cannot engage in a fight with your semblance or weapon until approved. Hand to Hand and using like daggers or such is fine.
~Please don't try to put everything in your profile. You not going to be a walking armory . Literally would make you a turtle. I like turtles. We all like turtles. We just, don't like RPC turtles.