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[PRP] It's Raining Somewhere Else [Marcus/Cassandra] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:18 pm

Cassandra could never really place why she disliked the color green. Certainly there was an association somewhere that had started it, but it had always made her uncomfortable.

Yet in her sleep she was surrounded by it, opening her eyes to foliage of an unnatural shade of the color. Sitting up, Cassandra looked around, squinting. She recognized this park, yet she also..didn't. Everything solid just felt like it was barely holding that form so her eyes could try and recognize something. As though if she touched anything, it would burst and shift to shapes her human brain wouldn't even be able to fathom.

It was raining. On her feet, Cassandra looked up into the sky. It looked like any normal sky would, yet it felt dark. So very dark. One hand out in front of her, she felt the drops run off her palm and could ascertain that they were indeed real. Cassandra rubbed her hands together. Finally she looked at herself and realized all she was wearing was an unbutton shirt she'd stolen from Marcus.

As if the strange place would mind her decency, Cassandra at least buttoned it up.

The entire place, while appearing normal, also seeped into her senses. It wasn't right. Her heart was practically beating out of her chest as she walked through the grass, every blade feeling like a slightly dry tongue licking the bottom of her feet. It was uncomfortable. Once back on the path, she glanced around the park, frowning.

"Where the hell am I?" she asked. Something was wrong, she looked back to where she'd woken and the grass seemed to twist into a face and whisper - Where do you think you are?

Cassandra was not a fearful woman. But somehow, even knowing it was only grass, made her uncomfortable. She stepped back and fell into the playground.

And onto Marcus's floor with a WHUMP as she landed face first into the carpet. Now jolted awake, Cassandra sat up, rubbing her nose and swearing as first went to grab some tissues for her now seeping nose, and then, with them in hand, walked to the window to- okay, that window wouldn't work. She ultimately tried all of the windows before cracking open the front door to look out at the weather.

Clear, but cold.

"What the hell....."

Sry u get this crap from me.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:55 am
They were not a couple so much as casual bedside partners. A set up that worked perfectly well in Marcus's opinion. She didn't want a relationship, he just liked company, and they both had needs sometimes that matched up. It was a good set up.

But being jolted awake by a loud thud from Cass falling to the floor was not a part of their usual. Second: She sounded fine, so he took his time to actually getting up to check on her. One low groan followed by him slowly rising up and getting out of the bed he ambled out the room and toward towards her, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with a yawn. She couldn't be walking out this ear;ly. Usually she'd stay for breakfast at least.
"Hey." It wasn't morning proper just yet to him.

"You okay. Fell out of the bed." His hand reached out to gently tug on her arm, blue orbs fell to a muted grey as he looked outside.
"It's cold. Come back to bed." A beat. "Was it a spy?"




Trash Husband


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:12 am
Orbs? What a nerd.

Cass almost too easily relented into Marcus' touch, leaning back into him as she closed the door, remembering quite firmly to lock it afterwards. Locking was important. She didn't give him an answer immediately, finally turning back to him with a smile. A very shaken smile. "I...." she took a minute, before laughing. The kind of laugh one usually did when uncertainty hit.

"No. I was checking for rain. I could have sworn it was raining..." she placed a hand over his on her arm. "For some reason the world just felt a little wrong for a minute. Maybe it was just a dream..."

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:23 am
Marcus tried to keep Other Ashdown separate from his life. He liked having a way to pull back. Magic.. existed here and some days it took him a while to remember that he'd lived in a world, a place, where it hadn't. To Cass, it would have been alien too, but maybe less so. One benefit to living in a magical world is even if people disliked it they at least knew about it. Generally speaking.

"It felt like you were in a place that was here but also not?" He made it a question. Passive, Marcus's voice was sleepy and, helped hide the ginger curiosity.
"Think you got taken somewhere in your sleep?" It was a line of questioning that was in line with his theories, but also vague. Other Ashdown came when it chose to make itself known. You couldn't just.. force things.




Trash Husband


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:31 am
Cass nodded. "Yeah. It...." she sighed deeply as she frowned. "Not here like the apartment but....I felt like I was somewhere I'd been before but....." she seemed to struggle with how to word the feeling. It was a dream and now awake everything was fine. Yet her heart was still racing, as though her subconscious knew something she didn't.

"I don't know if I was taken there, but it...I felt like I was in an Ashdown that was barely able to contain its appearance as Ashdown. Like it was somewhere else entirely and nothing felt right besides the fact that everything looked right. It..it felt wrong."

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:15 am
A blink, his eyes on her, the man bent to kiss the back of her shoulder.
"So, you went there then." He didn't elaborate, just said it like she'd gone to the store. A usual action, commonplace and not actually otherworldly or magical at all.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." The usual offer, the usual understanding that he'd not pry for more than she wanted to give.
"But it's not a bad place. Just different. Dangerous in a way Ashdown isn't. Some call it the Other Ashdown. Lots of way to visit if you can find a door."

He stopped short of the hallway leading back to his bedroom.

"We can stay up and get breakfast if you want." AKA Do you want to talk about it or no?




Trash Husband


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:39 am
Marcus was far sweeter than she deserved. Which was a large factor in why she'd refused to label what they had. In her mind, it was 'I'm here until I move or he finds somebody better'. No need to set him up to break his heart. Or to make her think that he was actually hers.

She touched the spot on his shoulder where he kissed her with a light smile. "There?" she asked curiously, following after him. "I don't understand. I didn't go anywhere, Marcus. I've been here this whole time." Yet she could still consciously feel that off grass under her feet or picture that unnatural feeling that seemed to drape itself over everything.

"Breakfast here or somewhere else?" she inquired, leaning into his chest with a tired yawn. "I feel like you're trying to tell me something but I'm not understanding. Tell me slower...please."

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:55 pm
He figured it was a lot to take in so he did his best.

"Other Ashdown is a place that's made of magic. It's real as you or me. Think of it like a parallel world. If you went there, you were there. My bed being a door is new though." He turned walking to the kitchen, looking at her briefly.

"I don't understand a lot of it but, it's there. My guess is something had you pulled there for a reason. Or you just kinda... found a way there. That happens too."
He vanished into the kitchen.

"Breakfast burrito sound good?"



Trash Husband


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:30 pm
Sometimes Marcus said things that didn't exactly make them true. Not that she gave him any grief for any of the conspiracies he put together (and if she was honest, they were really well researched and put together), but.....this didn't sound like the normal way he'd string together one of those. He was just a little too frank about everything.

No evidence to explain his point. Just stated as though it was fact itself.

"But I was sleeping in your bed. I didn't go anywhere..." she didn't understand. She hadn't gone through any doors (a bed was not a door) or anything. She trailed after him as he headed to the kitchen, shivering slightly. The cold had lingered, though the house was warm. It was a weird feeling.

"Yeah, that's fine. Frozen or are you doing custom to order for me?" because dangit, he did the cooking thing and she really liked it when he did the cooking thing. It was a better perk than the rest of her benefit package somedays.

Hee hee. Benefit package.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:00 pm
"Custom, I get hungry when I end up going there, but the food there is bland or well, magical. A friend of mine said as much and while I've only had booze and a few small delicacies, Other Ashdown isn't really made for hosting."

Pan pulled from the bottom cabinet he set it on the stove. A bit of butter, a click to the cooktop, and he went to fetch the eggs and other ingredients. While he rifled through the fridge he kept talking. "So what was it like for you? I just walked around, got lost, and then fell into a puddle. Also met Pax. They're nice."
Crack of an egg, he looked at her.

"I'm speaking too quickly aren't I?"




Trash Husband


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:22 pm
"I'm not really hung-" WHAAAALLllLLLlleeeeeeeEEESSooOOOOooonngggggg Cass put two hands over her stomach, face turning pink. "Or maybe I am." she laughed nervously. "I want hash in mine if you have any. Like garbage hash and hot sauce and cheese. Lord that sounds good." It was a pretty standard request from her when it came to being fed in the morning.

Sitting down at his dining nook, she watched him with a content sigh, twisting a lock of slightly messy hair between her fingers with a smile.

"Well...." she crinkled her nose. "It was really green...and I got licked...by grass." Cass rubbed the bottom of one foot with a frown. "I didn't ever think I could describe the one sensation I never wanted to ever happen, but being licked by grass was definitely it."

"And then I fell off the bed and woke up...so yeah. I'm..I'm not following really."

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:15 pm
Bent over the stove he snorted back the laugh at her initial denial of being hungry. The body would want what it would want and they were up, moving- hunger would have settled in sooner or later.

"Think I have some but only have white cheddar. That okay?" Orange was better for hash in his opinion but hey, up to her. Eggs scrambled on the pan, he didn't look up as he worked, listening to her describe the situation. Not a bad thing then- just weird.

"I figured I was talking a bit disjointedly. Sorry about that." Adding the eggs to a plate and starting the trash hash, he let it start cooking as he leaned over the counter to talk to Cass.
"Other Ashdown is magic. I can't.. explain it perfectly but its sort of what is supposed to be but isn't. All magic is just magic. But Other Ashdown is a part of what Ashdown should be. However, because of the dangers posed by certain peoples, it's been separated. Before I met you, there was what I guess you could call the first Ashdown. Magic didn't exist for us there, but it leaked in and eventually we had to sort of.. reset things. Jeremiah is a better person to ask about how it all works. We could also see if some of the others would be better at explaining it but." He turned back to the hashbrowns, spatula stirring it as it began to brown.




Trash Husband


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:38 pm
"White cheddar is fine." To Cass, cheese was cheese. Certainly garbage hash wasn't exactly known for it's accuracy in what it was. It was kind of a 'clear the fridge' sort of option.

As Marcus settled in at the counter to explain what it was he was talking about, Cassandra nodded along, her brain still half in denial about this... 'other' Ashdown. Certainly Ashdown seemed to just collect magical folk, but that seemed like a strange explanation for it.

Well I wonder if reset Samantha made the right decision then. she thought to herself, somewhat bitterly. Some things she regretted. After giving up everything she'd decided she'd just have to find something that she was allowed to keep. So far, she'd determined nothing was for her. Everything was either too good or not good enough.

"So what you're saying is the you the world thinks you are isn't the you that you really are because you stole this you away or this you was replaced by you or..." now it was Cassandra's turn to say a lot of a garbled mess.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:21 pm
He slapped the spatula on the counter with a wet thwack of clung on potato that lingered on the plastic.

Back to frying he added in some garlic salt and rosemary from the tiny spice rack. "The we that we know is not whole. A fragment of something larger. There isnt however, another Marcus walking in Other Ashdown, or an 'Other' Cass. The reality we know and reside in is this one with Other Ashdown reflecting that which is magic and missing. However, in the theory of alternative realities, I have lived in one where there was more magic held in Other Ashdown and it's reflective state. Just so, there is likely a 3rd reality yet unknown where both Ashdowns are merged. A natural state. However this reality likely is a more true reality and has existed prior. The original Marcus of this reality either had no concept of me, or did not exist. When I entered this reality, I took over his space and place, as now I have memories of both this existence and the other. If I went to another reality I'd simply replace that Marcus and the reality I left behind would likely have me still their, however filling a different capacity."

He was rambling about theories and alternative realities now. It had begun.

"While it's safe to say that should you break the sigil and create a new reality again, you could in theory form that original, more natural reality where there would be the singular Ashdown. However, as I said, certain persons threatened others and their lives, so when we had to make this reality stable and move over, to ensure our lives and Ashdown, we chose to maintain Other Ashdown. Hence, we find ourselves here and now." He stopped mid stir.

"Long story short, we had to save the word from basically collapsing in on itself due to actions cause by others. This is the best, and safest thing we could do and when it was all said and done, we arrived to our new reality, but one that already existed and is your native reality."




Trash Husband


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:38 pm
She knew immediately that she'd poked the can of worms. It wasn't the first one of Marcus's theories she'd listened through and she leaned into her hand, smiling and nodding along. "Sounds a little confusing and complicated." but hilariously, she kind of knew the feeling. "Essentially you've been changeling'd into yourself by an inter-realitied decision" That still implied that the Marcus who was meant to be there was somewhere else.

"Interesting. So my experience with this other place is going to be different than your experience is what you're telling me because as far as my being is prescribed, it has always worked a specific way and that's just what my cosmic footprint has been set up to accept."

Cassandra wasn't half the theorist that Marcus was, but she'd definitely started learning the vocabulary required to talk the talk with him. It was fun, actually. Perhaps she didn't find him so awkward because she'd had to talk the talk with people who were actually dangerous if she did that.

"Across the universes and now you're stuck having breakfast with me."


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