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Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:10 pm
Chris liked to think he was good at finding entrances to Other Ashdown. He did, after all, manage to usually find a way in when he wanted and sometimes, even when he didn't. But today apparently his luck had run out, as he hadn't seemed to find any, even in places he normally had luck. Which was why, he was wandering around in an alley, looking disgruntled and far too dressed up to be back there. The dress was of course his habit, a button down shirt paired with jeans and a pair of boots, but the bag was a little more formal. It held everything for other Ashdown and was slightly out of place.

What was more out of place was Chris looking around a corner, but well. He needed to find a ******** entrance.


[wc: 136]
PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 4:57 pm
The crackle of fallen dried leaves was something Marcus loved. It wasn't a feeling, (gods above no, the feeling of them breaking on the soles of his feet was just plain weird), or some sort of satisfaction of stomping around to make noise. To Marcus, the crunch of the brown, red, orange, and yellow leaves was a firm reminder that summer was over, and winter was on it's way. Pumpkins and pumpkin flavorings had returned, warm scarves could be worn without people wondering if he was hot, (he was but just in looks thank you for asking though), and best of all?

No more bugs. He really liked that fact. Trying to trek around the woods and outskirts of the town in his attempts to find a way to the other Ashdown was a pain in general. But then throw in summer bugs and bites? Marcus was not exactly a fan of going through bottle of bug off bug spray once a week.

The noise of the leaves underfoot had him smiling all the same as he walked on the cement sidewalk headed out to the more woody areas. He felt good about today. It wasn't raining, not to cold or warm, and he'd managed to arrive early enough that morning at the coffee shop to get an everything bagel, (With added bonus of chive smear).

Dressed in jeans, a large woolen coat, timberlands and a very overly bright plaid scarf, Marcus was nearly downright cozy. Few people were out and about now too, given the season's colder chills but a few walked by here and there. However, no one really stopped and sulked in alleyways. No one he knew at any rate. Plus they looked a bit curious? Like they were looking for-

"Hello." He walked over, doing his best not to scare them.
"Are you trying to find something?"


[wc: 311]  



Trash Husband


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:34 pm
Despite his best intentions, Chris was most definitely startled by his approach. He had a habit of focusing a little too hard on his current action and well, this wasn't any different seeing as he was most definitely trying to find some sort of entrance. Especially since he wasn't very good at finding it, only able to find one of those weird seams that let him know he was about to walk into Other Ashdown and they were a little difficult for him to spot. He should have brought Thorne along, really.

"Oh!" Chris said, blinking, He stared at the guy for a moment, finding him vaguely familiar but unable to place him. He seemed like he knew what Chris was searching for but he was going to be vague, just in case. "An entrance to somewhere, kind of being tricky today."


[wc: 141]
PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:59 pm
Marcus's hands went up as the man reacted in a manner that was surprise. He did this for two very simple reasons. One, was that Marcus didn't want to get punched in a self defense move, (it had happened once before and was not a thing that the arcitech wished to have a repeat of ever in his life). Two, he felt bad because whoops he just scared the guy and he felt bad. Sorry buddy, he tried.

As the man spoke, Marcus blinked once, twice then let out a dull hum. The guy was familiar. maybe that party with the uh-
Uh well, probably not best to bring that up. Just in case. There was no way to make someone think you were crazy then citing a magical murder party in another world after all. Not even Marcus raving about Illuminati got as many looks as murder parties would get him.

"I was actually hoping to find my way there too." In an off handed way at least. Marcus just tended to stumble onto things. Looking for them was new. If terrifying given what had happened and Gloom's words. Things were changing, and not all changes were good. The cage that had been spoken off being broken certainly seemed like one of those things.
"Any particular reason you're looking for it?" Blue eyes didn't look at eye level, but rather up. Marcus figured that maybe it was floating or in a window. You never knew unless you bothered to check anyway.
"Marcus Lacroix by the way." A simple enough greeting, he hoped the other man wouldn't mind the company. It would be safer that way at least, just in case something happened.

Like usual when one tried to meddle in anything involving the other Ashdown.





Trash Husband


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:19 pm
Chris blinked in surprise at the reaction but said nothing, leaving the guy to put his hands down on his own. He wasn't exactly the type to punch first and ask questions later, but he knew other people were and he didn't blame the reaction. Especially not with the type of place they lived in, what with creepy s**t around all the time, Chris could see himself get jumpy. Briefly he wondered if Thorne was like that, if he was a punch first then ask questions. If Thorne was ever like that, from the scars that he had, the ones Chris didn't ask about but could see, could feel. It'd make sense.

He squinted again at the guy, that nagging feeling of familiarity from somewhere. The ball maybe? It was possible, he had seen a lot of people from there show up lately. He didn't really want to think about it but it'd make the most sense.

"Just a visit to a friend," Chris replied, relaxing. It seemed he knew what Chris was talking about, which was helpful. He'd seen some rather confused people before. "Chris Watts. What about you?"


[wc: 188]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:36 pm
Hands did lower when Marcus realized that no, this was not going to turn into a cage match and no, there would be no need to fear that the man was about to go full Florida Man on him and beat him bloody then try to eat his face off, (Marcus was convinced however that Florida Man was a coverup for continuous break outs from a zombie testing facility). Relaxing a bit, Marcus rolled his shoulders forward than back. It helped ease some of that sudden tension that had built up.
"A pleasure." He gave a small bow, smiling as he paused his looking skyward to face the man properly. He seemed normal enough, but then Marcus thought everyone was normal. Even deer people.

"If you're visiting a friend, I hope they're expecting you. Arriving unannounced seems like a terrible idea." He couldn't help the works that spilled out. The filter he might have once had when it came to the extra ordinary or supernatural was just not the same as it used to be.
"Plus when someone is expecting they can leave doors open so you're not locked out." Which led to Marcus's curious glance at the man's shoes. No snow, no blood. Good signs. He'd not left from a place carrying something with him. It was strange how back then he'd never have thought about it, but after the ball, Marcus looked at thing differently. It had changed him in small ways.

"I was going just to hopefully find.. something." He started walking around the corner, keeping within earshot.
"Not sure what though."





Trash Husband


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:22 pm
The bow was unique but Chris let it be - it was kind of like home, weirdly enough, although Marcus wouldn't know. No one unless they were from South Korea as well and well, Chris was pretty alone on that front except for one other person. Although maybe Thorne would know? He knew like a million languages already, even if he didn't know korean maybe he would know part of the culture. It was a thought.

"Ah, no, she probably wont," Chris said, "But it'll be alright, I mean I can't really contact her. She's like.. a plant spirit. It'll be fine." It was a weird train of thought to be on, but he'd go along with it. "I mean I try to tell other people but this is different. Or at least I think it is." It was hard to think about Other Ashdown in terms of normalcy, especially after the ball, and Chris just let it drop from his mind entirely. He didn't feel like struggling with the thought at the moment and he wasn't going to try and fumble his way through a conversation with a near stranger when they needed to be paying attention for entrances.

"That doesn't seem like a good idea," Chris pointed out himself, eyebrows raising. "Other Ashdown is all sorts of ******** up, especially after. You know. You going to be okay in there?"


[wc: 229]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:23 pm
She? Oh. Ohhh. Marcus couldn't help the glint in his eyes that formed at the mention of a lady friend. Strangers they might have been, but he was like people. Guys visited ladies for reasons. Even if that lady was apparently a kind of plant spirit who was he to judge? Actually okay, perhaps it wasn't that sort of thing but he thought it amusing anyway.

"Sounds like you're trying to be a midnight caller, just so you know." He remarked. Chris probably hadn't meant or intended as such but if he hadn't said they were a plant spirit? "None of my business but that is how it came off for a second there. Still should see about getting her number though if she's hard to get in touch with though." He snickered, knowing full well it would not work.
"I'm joking- in all seriousness, it must be nice to have a friend there. And while it is true, going without a purpose is foolish, I feel like I should." Shoulders rose and fell with a small sigh.

He wanted to just understand it better, maybe figure out what was going on. Not just with that whle cage business, but what the Enemy was and why it was hostile. Things were not just they way they were without reason after all.
"Finding others is complicated in order to talk about these things with. But enough people in town already think I'm crazy. This is par the course for me I guess." Another shrug, he pushed at a tree as if it might yield.

It did nothing.

"Being okay is subjective. It's better to just ask if one is safe." He kept walking, occasionally trying to push at this or that like it would be some kind of physical door one could open.





Trash Husband


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:19 pm
Chris stared at Marcus blankly, not entirely sure what he was getting at. All he was doing was visiting Wis, how the hell was he a midnight caller? The gears in his mind turned blankly and then - "Oh, god, okay no I'm not dating her," Chris sputtered, face burning bright red. It only turned a brighter red as he realized Marcus was joking, slouching down slightly.

"It's kind of nice, I mean," He scuffed the ground lightly, uncaring of his boots. He wore them for this purpose. "The place is still a hellhole, and dangerous, so that doesn't lessen it any more. But, I like her and I think I'll hang onto her the best I can, while I can."

He watched Marcus push at a tree, chewing on his lip in thought for a second before finally saying, "Well, at least you have a sort of club to help you out. There's enough of us dealing with the crazy that you'll find someone who isn't part of the half that thinks you crazy. I'll talk to you at least, I mean you seem fine. You aren't going to kill me or anything, right?" He said it jokingly, but he kind of wondered if it was a possibility. It was harder and harder to trust people as time went on and even if he seemed friendly right now, something else could always happened. It wasn't a great feeling.

"Are you going to be safe then?" He said, changing the question while following Marcus. His own eyes were keeping an eye out for the kind of seam he associated with Other Ashdown, with the strange greyness that he saw that notified him of the Otherworld. It was a decent sort of question and he admittedly hadn't been thinking when asking it, but it was the sort of politeness he was used to.


[wc: 308]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:11 pm
It was like watching a man solve a puzzle. The emotions that fluttered across Chris's face were amusing and entertaining but more than anything just enjoyable in how they betrayed his emotions. Marcus might not be the most socially adept, but he certainly enjoyed watching people. "It's alright. I figured that was not the case my good man, but, the opening set up was simply too good to pass up. Do not hold it against me, 'was all in good fun."

He was pretty sure that a cross dimension romance wouldn't work out too well, and then you also had cross species and well. That certainly was something right out of a science fiction story if anything. Best leave that to shows like Star Trek.

"I understand though. It's caring about someone and enjoying them for who they are. Not friendship per say, more and different. Something difficult to explain without knowing what it feels like yeah?" Deep emotions and connections. Love but not in a way most thought of it as.
The enjoyment of connection.

The question did have Marcus's pushing at objects game pause, his weight leaning into the hand on a nearby sidewalk pillar. It wasn't entirely true. He was more... Fringe. His personal safety he looked out for sure but- he also wasn't prone to worry as much as he knew he should.
"Not a club. Just. A select few. Each one found in one way or another, mostly by accident. Kind of like right now. You find someone, watch them, look for the tells. The small signs you know signal other. Something else just below the vernier of normalcy. Even before I got involved with the Other Ashdown, I did it. Had to. Adjusting to mesh with people is.. more difficult for others like myself." For those who did bit into the holes that were expected of you.

A tap tap tap went his finger on the metal pole sticking up from the earth. Nothing felt off about the area, but, the area also just was empty save for them. It was weird in its own way how some places, normal place in Ashdown, could so easily blend to gateways to the other by the simplest of things. A lack of birds. Chill in the air. And the fog. One must'n forget the fog that would come in along with the grey cloudy skies.
"No." It was a simple pointed answer to if he'd be safe. He had a friend sure, but to be under the assumption he'd be safe was foolish. No matter what protections they might set up, it would always be unsafe. They were humans in a place not meant for humans to dwell. Marcus doubted it would ever be 'safe' for them.

"You don't have to worry about me, if that is your concern. I take care of myself well enough. paranoia and anxiety tend to be good for trips like one over there oddly enough. Hyper aware and all that."




Trash Husband


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:24 pm
Chris smiled a little, perking up from where he had slouched. "No, you're right, I was way too open. I can't hold it against you, seeing how probably someone else would have used it as not a joke and then well. That'd be really uncomfortable. It is kinda funny when you think about it anyways."

Seriously, anyone and a plant spirit, that would be something interesting to see. Especially since he didn't really have a clue how the older spirits looked, seeing as the ones he saw or summoned looked like young kids. Did they take on a more plant like attribute when they got older? Or did they simply just grow into an older version of their younger self, looking human but just a little off? It was an interesting thought, especially when he thought of Heddy and Wis, the small spirits he knew. He wondered if he'd ever know.

"Yeah," Chris said, giving Marcus a thoughtful look. "That's actually really insightful, kind of wish I was that good at words. I'd probably trip over trying to say them though, knowing me." He was most definitely a biology teacher and hadn't majored in english for a reason.

He frowned but didn't say anything to Marcus about the club, about fitting in. There was something there that he didn't want to touch, didn't know if it would bother him to poke at. They were near strangers after all and he didn't want to make an enemy of someone he barely knew. "Well," He finally decided to add, "You do it well, if anything." He'd let the topic drop to keep looking, to keep himself from sticking his foot in his mouth. He'd do it in a heartbeat if he continued talking, he knew.

"It's just my nature," He said amicably, looking around them. While they were in a grey part of town, he didn't think they had wandered into Other Ashdown yet. "Always try to look for people, especially if I haven't seen them around much in Other Ashdown. You fall into that category." He was also slightly nosy but, well, he wasn't going to admit that. Keep your faults to yourself and all that.


[wc: 363]
PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:15 pm
Marcus laughed for a moment, "I can't say I know much in the way of romance, much less cross dimensional. Best I could give you is Star Trek comparisons. As far as words go, you're saying them right now. That's being 'good' at them right? So long as the meaning is understood, we could talk in tongues." Not that Marcus didn't talk in tongues when he tried to explain himself in the context of his theories and suspicions when it came to conspiracies. When he talked about those things, people either tuned him out from force of habit, or flatly never understood him, no matter how he tried to explain it.

People didn't want to hear the truth.
They weren't ready for it, as the saying goes.

"I am only good at what I do because if I was not, I'd not blend in." And blending in to 'normal' was hard work. He had no idea how the masses did it. "It's not a hard thing to learn- people watching I mean. You just have to make a conscious decision to do it. To watch without watching. Staring is not how you go about it for one thing." Marcus was speaking because it was something to fill the silence. Because one on one, it was easy to talk with no distractions. With-

That's when he realized that only he and Chris were present. Had been for a while as well. It wasn't out of place, but it was more akin to a precursor. A hint, a slight tell to perhaps something else, something more in the area they hadn't noticed yet perhaps.
"Does she keep you safe on the other side?" He asked, looking skyward. No birds. Another tell perhaps?
"Your friend I mean? Is she friendly or were you unique to her? It seemed at the court many had favorites. Connections."

There was mist in the air, no other people, the sound of birds gone in the area. Yet it was still Ashdown. Still 'here' and not 'there'. He almost wished he had invited Jeremiah to come with. The man might have known if this place had any previous incidences.

"Do you have powers like some of them? Those favorites?" It wasn't asked in a manner expecting an answer. It was asked like it was a conversation piece. Like, it was just a fact and Chris knew more than him and Marcus was curious if he was aware. The man talked to fill silence. He talked because he didn't want to be caught crossing over without a sound.


[wc; 429]  



Trash Husband


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:58 pm
"Star Trek comparisons might work considering what we're dealing with," He joked, but then paused and thought. "I suppose so, I just wish I were a little more eloquent in my putting them together is what I wish. As for talking in tongues though, I sure as hell feel like I do from the looks I get from students sometimes. Or just from people when I talk in Korean." It was honestly a surprise the kind of reactions he got when his mother called him in public and he had to answer. He would've thought the town would've been used to it by now or at least would've not stared at him so weirdly. It was just another language.

"People watching huh?" He said mildly, thinking. "I don't think I'd be that good at it, I focus too much on details. I'd get caught staring probably, since I'd just want to know everything I could. Maybe I could try it but, it's probably best left to others." He wasn't really good at keeping himself unnoticed when it came down to it, so he'd probably be better off forgoing the activity. It wasn't like he'd do anything with the info anyways, since he tended to keep mostly to the people he knew. Even in Other Ashdown, he preferred to not explore or go too far without anyone else. He had learned that it just wasn't a good idea.

He tilted his head at Marcus looking skyward but said nothing, wondering what he was looking for. It was... kind of quiet oddly enough. Were they near something? He didn't know, Thorne had the ability to find but Thorne found through sound. This was the opposite. "She does," He said, then considered. "She's both, I think. She's friendly to me but she favors me as well, although I think it's just her nature to be kind. No connections though, I'm not so much as important as to garner those like the court." He laughed a little, softly.

Were they in a weird inbetween area? It was starting to freak Chris out little and he kept talking to fill the silence.

"Sort of," Chris admitted, "Nothing really that special though. I can talk to plants and I can summon spirits, but that's about it. That's why she favors me, because I can talk to plants. Not many can and since I can hear it's.. they like me. Most do anyways. Some plants aren't so kind, as well as some spirits. It's touch and go. What about you?"

whenever u think OAD portal is good I'm also good!

[wc: 419]
PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:54 pm
To mentioning talking in another language, Marcus held back a snorted laughter. Oh, he knew the feeling of being looked at like an outsider far too well. Arabic was not a common language in small towns like Ashdown, and with the government being less than helpful towards persons who spoke in any language from the middle east, he'd grown used to the side glances from those who saw something as simply 'outsider'. "A different tongue is what I have, but I have a feeling the looks we get are much the same."
" I've had my fair share of people freak out when I speak another language." The Arabic flowed easy enough, and he figured the gist of his words would be understood.
"Sounds like you have the basics of people watching down though. It's the details you want usually. Little things. Gives and tells. Learning how to stare without staring is... A paradox one has to learn on their own I'm afraid. Can't help you on that one expect my favorite excuse when caught." He coughed to clear his voice, smiling, "I was just thinking on life drawings, the movement in body and form." It was very obviously a practiced line. "Most people will end it there. Few will ask to see drawings. Anyway, your friend."

He walked by a trash bin, noticeably empty. He didn't recall the city sanitation going out this far in the work week. He thought they only came on Tuesdays and Sundays. But, it wasn't summer anymore, so they might have switched the schedule. He'd have to look into that if he planned to go diving for government documents, (not that he ever had, he just liked to keep it in mind in case he ever had to). An in between season, an in between place. Without realizing it, they'd come to an intersection and crosswalk. Marcus might have not been a genius, but he'd ready enough folk tales to know this was what was called a 'crossroads'. At least according to folklore in Great Britain.
"I know Gloom, but that's about it. He's more a friend than anything. Good fellow, he'd probably like you." Gloom seemed the type to like everyone starting out.

"What's her name?" He looked to Christ, holding up a hand. "I'll understand if you don't want to tell me, but maybe, this would be the place to call out to her? Reach out to her if you can? I'm afraid I don't have any powers," blue orbs turned to a soft lilac as he blinked, "so I'm not much help in that department. there is probably something nearby. Last time I was in a place like this, my friend said it's like a thin veil- close but not quite."




Trash Husband


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:29 pm
Chris gave Marcus a surprised but bemused smile, not entirely understanding but getting the majority of it. The language was definitely not something someone would recognize on average and it seemed they had something else in common, another familiar thing. "Do I?" He asked in surprise, eyebrows raising. "Interesting to know then, makes my creepy habit of watching a little less creepy then." He hummed for a second in thought then nodded and said, "I'll keep that in mind, that's a good excuse. I wouldn't have questioned it at all."

"Oh, Gloom," Chris said, recognizing the name. "I've met him once before, he's really sweet, really nice. I like him a lot. I'm glad you know him." He'd been endeared to him on the first meeting at the ball, something about him sweet and friendly. Much better than Dee, anyways, who was quite the a*****e when it came down to it. That had been something to remind once again how Other Ashdown could really ******** you over if it wanted it to. A good lesson, but one he hoped wouldn't get repeated again. He didn't think the outcome would get any better if it did.

"Oh, that's a good idea actually," Chris said, humming. "She hears through the wind, it's a weird story. My powers aren't actually any more useful but we'll see." He could only raise an eyebrow at the eye color change but said nothing - Marcus probably already knew. Or maybe he'd figure it out sometime soon, but Chris wasn't going to say anything. "Wis?" He inquired, speaking loudly, making sure it would be picked up. "Wis? Wisteria?" He repeated again for good measure, just to cover all his bases.


[wc: 278]

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