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Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:17 pm
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A gentle wind blew across the glazed surface of the still lake. A powdery spray rose from the ground and glistened in the silver kissed sky. Not a single cloud blocked any light from pouring over into the frozen land below. It was not quite the ice territory, but the area was not immune to the change of seasons, which was an important part of life. The sun had been gone only an hour, a purple lining still highlighted the distant mountains and illuminated the take off of large winged creatures that took flight from the mountains to the west. It was their hour.

The Orb on Seigfred's horn gave off a feint glow, nowhere near as impressive as the great glowing orb in the sky, but good enough for his sight to prevent him from running into a tree. His armor itself seemed to be somewhat more bright than the glow on his horn. Just like the glow reflected on the icy lake before him.

Powder snow had collected in his long golden fur while he waited stationary for the one he was supposed to meet. An ambassador of sorts? He had no idea. All he knew was there was a message for him to bring a valuable member of his tribe home and he was all to happy to oblige. It allowed for a chance for him to clear his head and to think like on the task at hand. The world seemed to be combating it's origins and one who he had once considered a friend now was so twisted, as if he wished to become the weaver himself. Such a personality was dangerous and already proving to snare those around him. It was infuriating yet saddening. Seigfred knew this one before, he trusted him, he was one of three brothers... Part of the group.

Seigfred drew in a deep breath and turned his head toward the horizon. His breath visibly trailed from his nostrils to the starry cover above them. There would be a chance to save him. There had to be. One could only hope that this were true. Hope. That is what they needed to hold on to.

And now he had someone to guide home. That had to be his main focus. If one were to accomplish something to the best of their abilities, they had to do so with all their heart and mind.

It had been a long journey and it was finally time to make the first steps to return back to the light capital. A capital, the Nahtlil would call home, though she had yet to actually set paw in it. Funny how fate seemed to be at times, indeed it was simply comical with what the Weaver had seem to planned at times. It made life all the more amusing...It was far better then the tragedies that had unraveled themselves about her. Stolen Family members, was among the more dramatic of things that happened. That poor family...she found herself silently hoping for a good ending for that one. The Dark tribe had been so good to her while she was there.

White tail shifted gently behind Aurora with the gentle bob of her silent stride. A soft breath released it's self from the Nahtlil, the cold crisp air caused the breath to be viable as a little puff of smoke that trailed from maw and snoot. The bright orb that was perched so carefully on her crown, that was her horn, illuminated a soft glow. What a blessing it was to have been given a natural light to be shown the way in the darkness. The Grand Weaver surely was a master craftsman. If that wasn't' obvious enough, one only needed to look at the world around them. Yet, it was strange that some seemed so blind to such a thing. A pity really.

Mismatched, in color, eyes looked up to the mighty mountains, that made up the vast boarder of a unknown land. Aurora had heard tells that the unknown land was where the Mysterious 'ice tribe' was. The b'alam that were said to live there, were larger and had thicker coats. That wasn't all, they even had large fangs, that grew past a normal b'alam's maw line! The nahtlil had even thought to have seen a creature that matched this description, while in the caves of the dark colony. That was of course before the whole tribe had been put into a frenzy, when the horrible news had been shared to it's leader, Lord Gabriel. All this and more had been detailed in one of her prized positions, a tattered and worn journal. One she had obtained while, in the water tribe.

Off in the distance, the faint glow of another light could be noticed like a bight beacon of hope. It was hope the hope that she would soon see her woven place. It had been so long since she had left on her pilgrimage, a journey that felt all the more...cubish with the passing of full moons. Though one couldn't' balam her for wanting to show of her pelt tot he world of b'alam, she had been a newly woven at the time. She didn't in particular really recall having a focused train of thought at the time. The world had just been so exciting, and new around her! She had wanted to see everything and show herself off. Though, it caused her now to realize how cub-like and self serving it was now.

As Aurora made careful strides over to the second glowing orb, she took in a deep breath. This was it. As soon a** he met this new b'alam it would be the first marker point to her heading home. What ever 'home' meant. She had traveled so much.

"Greetings!" Aurora spoke loudly as she approached, not wanting to startle the Tahtll. He seemed to be in deep thought. It would be just terrible to ruin something like that, thinking was important after all. Her rainbow scales glimmered softly in the moon light, as she subtly turned hear head to get a better look at the Tahtll. The dark light ridge that trailed from her crown to her tail gave a dark contrast to her very colorful scale pelt in the darkness.

"I hope you have not waited too long for me." The Nahtlil was polite to mention. It was cold, perhaps a little chillier then what the Tahtll was use to-however it was always unfair to assume.

"The weather up here does seemed to be harsher then most..." She added, her voice was a bold one. Yet-kind and piercing, that gave evidence that if raised in strain might split the very words she had spoken. (One could only hope that never a time would arise for such a thing though.)

"My name is Aurora." The Nahtlil introduce her self as their Light bubbles met and meshed to make one fantastic lamp above their head. The features of her maw were kind and smiling. Her two different colored eyes, became noticeable in the light. One pink and baby blue one blinked together in a happy reset. Her light slender tail shifted contently behind her, being careful not to rest on the cold ground under her paws. That would just be uncomfortable.

"You -are- the Tahtll, I am to meet, is that correct?" Aurora asked, perhaps being too forth coming. However such a thing didn't trouble her, she had no reason to be distrusting to someone one she just meet. Certainty not one that is out here in the middle of no were seemingly waiting for someone after all. For such a think like that to happen, why the odds where so astronomical it was laughable to even think such a thing. That, and she was confident her her own skill to be able to defend herself.

However....there was words, and tales of B'alam that did wish to cause harm floating around. So perhaps, a bit more cation would be advisable in the future. However, should such things were only whispers, and should give too much alarm. Not yet anyways. Though the winds could be filled with fools at times, it didn't mean that all tales on the winds were made of lies. This too had been noted int he journal that she had been given. All things she wished to share to her leaders, that is if they had the ears to listen and the brain between them that thought it wise to do so.

However time would only tell for such a thing to be known.
(TWC:103 cool

Sigfried watched as another ball of light appeared on the horizon. Even in the darkness of twilight he could pin-point the glow of another light kin's horn. This one had a colorful radiance to it. All he had known of the Nantil he was supposed to find was that she was very colorful with two-toned eyes. The current nantil approaching him seemed to fit the bill. She was colorful and quite cheerful. Sigfried was unsure what to expect in personality when he was told to retrieve the fellow tribesman, nor did he care. Even if she was as nasty as they come he would have accepted the duty to guard one of his own and bring them home. Even the nastiest of souls needed to return home safely so that they may have a chance to redeem themselves. That might even be part of the journey. It was Sigfried's job to protect, it wasn't his job to judge and condemn others.

As she drew near Sigfried lowered his head in a respectful bow. His hair slid over his shoulders and armor with the slight movement. The light emitting from his horn caught in his crystal armor and reflected in several patterns with the movement as well, this gave his armor the appearance of a contained rainbow. When his head righted again the light reflecting from his armor settled back to where it had been before.

"Yes, Lady Aura." He confirmed. "I am here to escort you back to our tribe's land."

He drew a deep breath. A trail of that breath remained visible for a second as it trailed up toward the heavens than seemed to vanish past their horn's light.

"My name is Siegfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order." He introduced himself with yet another bow.

It was a mouth full, but Sigfried believed that his title might bring some comfort to the nantil's mind about her safety. Sigfried and Lei were the two founders of the order... well, there was one other, however his presence has since been removed from their order. And not in a manner that would be comfortable to hear for anyone. The thought caused another deep breath to be taken and released in a visible puff of smoke.

"Whenever you are ready to depart we may head forward. The weather will not be kind for most of our journey." He warned. "The change in seasons has brought about a cold. If you find yourself weary, please inform me and we shall rest until you are able to continue. This journey will be made at your pace."

Sigfried's job was not to return quickly, but rather to get Aurora there on time and unharmed. He trusted that her wanting to return home meant she did not want to dally too much, but he did not expect her to move in the opposite direction. Likewise, he did not expect her to sprint the whole time. Unfortunately, Sigfried knew his speed was not an area of specialty. He was quite strong, but that seemed to come at the price of his speed. Which, for one who wished to guard others, was not a bad trade off. It only seemed to be a hindrance when others wished to go places quickly...

This nantill thankfully did not seem a sprinter. Though, one should not count on appearances all the time for information. Not in any circumstance. Another lesson that he had learned through experience, painful experience. His breath held a moment as he internally lamented the loss of his sworn brother. When he released the breath again a larger puff of frozen breath could be seen streaming from his nostrils and making its way toward heaven.

(TWC: 1020)

Dark ears perked as she listened to the Tahtll. It was noted that he was very well spoken. He did seem to know a lot, at least it was noticeable that was knowledgeable. It gave reason that the Weaver must have woven him among the first. Or perhaps not. It was something to consider, or maybe would be easier if she asked? Maybe another time....Though, it was going to be quite a walk, so maybe it would come up in conversation at one point. What was more that he seemed to know her shorter name, which some had taken kind to calling her 'Aura'. It caused her head to tilt slightly, it seemed her reputation had proceeded her.

"Well meet, Schtauffen." Aurora smiled. The idea of a 'templar order' teased at her thoughts. What was the 'Templar order'? It wasn't anything that she had heard of in her travels, perhaps it was something new in the works. Either way, it was quite 'powerful' and 'orderly' sounding. Admittedly, she liked it.

As the more he spoke, and the more she listened Aurora found her more self amused. He was formal and perhaps a 'thinker'.

"Understood." The Nahtll answered with her maw parting in a amused smile. His word choice was so direct and purposeful.

"I will." She added to complete the list of information she was given. There was no worry of her not telling him if she was tired or not. After all she did do a lot of walking on her paws-and this journey was no different. It would be nice to find out what 'home' meant.

"Thank you." She found her self add in a meek chuckle. It would be nice to be traveling with another. Though the weather was cold, but it wasn't too bad.

Her elegant tail shifted behind her as she often the Tahtll a nod, and she started their walk. She hadn't been tired yet in her journey. Pulling her eyes from the Tahtll she looked ahead of them. Taking in a slow breath, she let her amused maw close. Her smile was still very much apparent.

"Forgive me." Aurora smiled as she took a glance over to her travel companion and guardian.

"But you are very..." She paused. Hmmm How to say it, in a manner that wouldn't be so rude? "...orderly aren't you?" The Nahtll thought to ask as she looked over the Tah. When he spoke it sound like he was reading off a rehearsed list. Like a guide that was meant to be spoken to another that was to be watched and guided on a joinery. Just like this one. Not that it was a bad thing, it was just...odd. Yet, just as amusing.

It wasn't meant to be rude, but it was spoken rather blunt. Simply because Aurora was a curious one, that did strive on order and understanding herself. That and them ore she thought about it, the more she realized that Siegfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order, wouldn't think her question too rude. He seemed to be one that strived in blunt manners as well.

(TWC: 1559)

At least the young lady seemed to have some undemanding of what he was trying to convey to her. She also did not seem to take notice or really care about all the pauses that he had made throughout his introduction. A brisk wind kicked up the top layer of powdered snow about them and entangled a bit in his long golden hair. The glistening diamonds were there for a mere second before the heat from his body melted them to tiny droplets. After which the sparkle was quick to vanish. The night was becoming colder as the sun set further on the horizon. The fine thin line of light was now completely gone leaving the moon and stars to be their only light left over. The snow thankfully reflected more light creating a soft silvery glow to the land. Despite the cold, the land was truly charming.

Once she acknowledged she understood he lifted a paw and readied to move forward. The paw remained suspended as she than proceeded to make a rather bold statement. Sigfried blinked. He shouldn't have been surprised by the curiosity. The fact she had not called him "Sir Schtauffen" or even "Sir Sigfred" should have been odd, but he had glanced that over. Or even that she may not even know what the order of the Templar were... He knew very little about her. A slight error. However, her statement threw him off balance for a second.

His paw returned to the ground and he turned his head to face the young Nan fully. The surprise had hindered his answer for a mere moment, but after some thought to what she could have possibly intended by saying that.

"I am." He responded simply. "That is how I keep my actions in order."

He drew another slow breath. The thought of how he had been when they formed their brotherhood pricked at the back of his mind. How he had been so cocky and arrogant, especially toward his brothers, tormented him. Sigfried carried on as if he were better than them, more important than they were. The worst part was that he had actually believed it. Perhaps that was the reason that he had lost his brother... He had been so selfish when he was first woven that he could not see any torment in those closest to him. It was a wonder Lei had stuck with him for so long. No matter what anyone said, he still had blamed himself for what had happened. After that loss he had tried to recluse, yet another unwise decision. Much time had passed since his many stages in personality changes and Sigfried knew he had been a great fool in the past. But now he knew that he had to become more thoughtful of those around him. That he had to be calm and level headed.
He also promised that he need not clammier on and on about personal promises to others who were none the wiser.

Once the statement of the blunt statement had died down he raised his head toward the direction they needed to travel.
(TWC: 1559)

With each step, snow was gently packed under each black toe of the nahtlil. Her dark ears remained turned to Sigfried. Not hearing his paw steps, the Nahtlil paused and waited for him to join her at her side.

As the Tahtll answered Aurora nodded, a smile was never removed from her maw. He admittedly seemed a bit off kilter from the question. It caused her to inwardly chuckle to herself. Her chin tucked against the fluff of her white chest as if it would help keep the laughter to herself. With any luck it would.

"I personally like to have a list ready as well." Aurora spoke over her shoulder as she looked over to Sir, Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order. There was nothing wrong with have a list to make sure things stayed in order.

Looking ahead, Aurora looked upon the winter decorated setting. How everything look just so much brighter it was almost as if the sun was still out and gave light to the winter wonderland. Everything was so quiet and still. Even their paw steps seemed to be muffled and silent. Which was a strange happening. It would be something she would ponder about more in her writings. Something, that she found herself getting excited about.


Taking a few jogged steps, Aurora paced herself just outside of Sigfried's glowing bubble. Her own orb and light started to fade. She wanted to see something. It wasn't long before the orb on her horn was completely out. Her two toned colored eyes, blinked at looked at the landscape before her. To her surprise, in the dark she could still make out the soft and fluffy landscape. Her eyes blinked as her maw opened just a little. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. The fact that she could see! Sure, not as well as she could see in the light-but for some reason she could see much more then what one light tribe could at such a time.

What she didn't know was it was all for the reflective surface of white, that reflected the moon's rays, which intern had reflected the suns which gave light to the moon. There for she could see much better in the dark because of the snowy landscape.

In Awe she turned herself to look back over at Tah Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order. "Tah Sigfried!" She called.

"You must surely witness this!" The Nahtll claimed a bit off in the distance. "This is just phenomenal!" She stated, turning herself-her white tail shifted behind her as she spun to look at everything. She had to write this down, as soon as first light. However for now, she wanted to know more. Like how it was possible for her to be able to see much better in the dark with the land covered in white.
(TWC: 2037)

Siegfried had lifted a paw and was read to follow after Aurora at a steady pace, but plans soon changed. Before he could take the next step to be nearly by her side she was off and through the snow. The fact her light begun to dim was cause for a slight concern for the Tahtil. She didn't seem to mind it, in fact she rather seemed blissful at some discovery she had made.

Another frigged chill churned the powder snow about their feet and danced along the glimmering surface before spiraling up and vanishing into the star speckled void above head. The needles of the evergreen pines rustled happily in the wake of this momentary chill as it loosened some of the snow that had collected on them to the ground below. A few mounds formed at the base of these trees with a soft tapping sound, breaking the silence briefly.

The break in silence from more than just their voices was enough to pull Sigfried's ears to listen all about them, but his eyes remained on the Nantil. While she beckoned for him to come over he was already half way there advancing at his own bold pace. While he approached his own light remained bright, casting a calming blue glow about him. The crystal his armor was crafted from reflected this blue back to the world giving his frame a heavenly glow itself, as if he were a star among them from the sky.

"hmn?" He hummed his inquiry.

Aurora's fascination with the wintry wonderland was unnoticed by the Tah. A vast blanket of white powder, glowing with the silvery light of the moon an stars above, stretched as far as the eye could see. Mounds of the sparkling white powder formed in dome like shapes in some areas where others where sharp tipped, like the fang of another b'alam jutting out of the snow. Some areas of these fang-like structures were cracked in some areas revealing green needles and tiny branches harboring these needles. Though, with their sight the greenish color was unknown to their eyes and appeared more like a shadow emerging from the luminescent white casing around it.

Than there was the frozen lake which seemed to collect the snow in only a few areas. Most of it looked like a thin sheet of metal laid out over the land reflecting the sky upon its ridged surface.

Still, with all this beauty, Sigfried could not find anything out of the ordinary. At least not for him. It had not dawned on him that she perhaps had never seen a landscape touched with the spectacular hand of winter.

"What is it you see?" He gave more content to his inquiry shortly after his brief hum.

His piercing eyes wandered from the landscape and returned to Aurora while he waited for her answer. All around them the sound of snow falling from trees could be heard in random intervals. This kept Seigfred's ears on constant alert while his eyes were occupied.

(TWC: 2064)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 5:01 pm

As the Tahtll approached, Auroua tilted her head as he still kept his horn lit. Well, suppose that was her fault she didn't outward request for him to do so. She rather assumed he would fallow suite, but the more she now thought about it-it was silly to do so. Oh well, trail and error. Something to keep in mind for later events.

Smiling, the Nahtlil just watched him for a moment. Her eyes had to squint a little to the drastic change of light. No matter, it was entertaining enough to observe him as he studied his surrounds and tried to figure out what was so fascinating to her. Her dark tip tail twitched a little, as she couldn't help but wonder if he would catch on. Her constant turning thoughts, teased at the idea of what he might be thinking about-or rather what she might be thinking about. Perhaps wondering why she would find such a 'normal' snowy landscape so 'phenomenal', as she so claimed just moments before? Perhaps.

'What is it you see?' The question teased and touched at her ears. His question caused her smile to stretch into a grin. Oh she did so love questions, and the thoughts they caused. Poking and prodding for a answer....

" You don't see it?" Aurora answered his question with a question. Her ears perked forward curiosity. Well, of course he didn't see it-why would he ask if he had seen it?

"Try dimming your horn." The Nahtlil added, the words left her mouth sweetly and almost innocently. She was kind and thoughtful with her words. Much like how a teacher was to a cub, wanting to help another understand something. After all what was the point of knowledge If one kept it all to their self. There were a few things in Aurora's mind she could call someba'lam that refused to teach what they have learned. 'Selfish', was among them...admittedly the more kinder and tame of the words she could use.

On the other paw, perhaps Sir Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order, did know what she had just discovered. Which, it could be consider quiet presumptuous to think that he may not. The Weaver did weave all b'alam with the ability to create wonderful thoughts. Smart ones included. Though, some seem to not use this gift to it's fullest capability, that was not the weaver's fault-or others. There for it was unwise to assume that another couldn't biased on the meeting of another that choose to think....unwisely.

Or Rather, perhaps Sir Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order, really unknowing to the reflective surfaces that the snow seemed to make to the Moon light's faint glow? Which, if so was that much more delightful...

It was delightful for Aurora to be able to help teach another. If not, then oh well, she really didn't seem to mind-it would just be one more thing she in fact learned. Even if it is just about Sir Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order.


Another curious thought....

who was their Lord?

(TWC: 2551)


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 5:30 pm
Siegfried's brow quirked to the seemingly mocking inquiry. Had her tone not been so sweet, he would have believed her to be mocking his lack of insight on whatever it was she found so faceting. Even so, he held his tongue a moment more to give her more time to possibly explain herself. Thankfully she had.

Without a word he did as she requested. His pale blue light gradually dimmed and it's radius begun to withdraw back to the source until the light had completely faded. The darkness was quick to envelope both of them. However, this blinding darkness was only momentarily. Within moments of his eyes adjusting the world begun to take on a ghostly glow. So much more was now visible beyond the radius of his glow than it had been with his horn on. The jagged teeth jutting from the ground, the dome hills, even the reflective surface of the lake seemed to give off the moon's silver glow. Every inch of the land glistened and sparkled under the clear sky's light. The white on the ground seemed to outshine the the sky. It was backwards to what was normal, the sky was brighter than the land. Though it was not bizarre in an unsettling sense, quite the opposite. It was tranquil, calm, peaceful. Sigfried could feel a sense of peace just by looking at it.

His own armor had lost it's brilliance once the light from his horn was gone, but it seemed to take on another form. It now appeared as if he wore a bit of the night sky upon his breast. The crystal details of his armor now only subtly shinned, but it still reflected what small amount of light was given to it and was no less spectacular.

Another wind had kicked up and stirred more of that powder snow. Now it appeared to be as if tiny stars had lifted from the ground and begun to spiral back toward the heavens until vanishing against the stars in which the mimicked. As the swirl of snow vanished against the sky a quick streak of silver trailed across the sky in a brilliant split second display. A second bright light flashed across the sky in another direction and vanished just as quickly.

Could this be what she was looking at? That though there was a lack of sun everything could almost be seen as if it were some silvery version of day. Normally their kind was blinded by the lack of sun and the moon only offered slight easement to this lack of sight. Now, however, everything was visible for the most part. The trees or anything not covered in snow seemed more like black shadows or mere holes in the silvery blanket laid over most of the land.

"It is quite odd that more is visible without the horn's light." Siegfried commented after a moment of observation.

His eyes looked from the glistening land to Aurora for clarity in what she may have been looking for in an answer. Was that what she was looking at?

(TWC: 2578 )

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 6:44 pm
When Sir Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order, dimmed his horn Aurora's eyes where able to focus and adjust properly. With a few careful blinks The Evening surroundings had been given light or rather her own gaze was given light. How 'soft' and mysterious everything looked. The extra frosty coat of fluff that the little flakes of fallen snow bequeathed each branch. Making looked like little they had comfortable little coats of fur on them. Except....instead of keeping them warm with float, it froze them and took what ever warm was in the leaves hostage in a cruel winter. How Lovely....

As Sir Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order, spoke-Aurora's dark ears perked and her maw opened in a smile. Yes. Yes! He understand.

"Isn't it just lovely?" Aurora's words hugged themselves in fascination, as her eyes widen like a cub fully seeing for the first time. Yes, someone learning something was just that exciting to her. It truly was special to see another learn something for the first time. It was something that was set apart from other things another could witness from day to day, as it was something that would never be seen again. Unless, one was a forgetful b'alam...Hmm were there forgetful b'alam around like that? Perhaps, after all Aurora wouldn't limit the Weaver to think that it wasn't' possible. However the idea was cruel to think of...So hopefully not-even if it was intriguing and ever so fascinating....and there was a slight hope in her soul to find such a person.

Dark and white tail shifted behind herself as she looked back at Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order, with a wide cub-like wonder. His armor seemed now to look like ink with silver shinny sparkly flakes. Why did it change? His armor did have a reflective surface, like the lake just now so those silver bright shinny things were....

Looking up and to the sky, Aurora's gaze widened as a awe and wonder washed over her maw taking over her features. The Night sky, it was filled with little crystals, just like the ones used in the dark tribe to trap and keep light. The ones used to light the way in the tunnel for those that did not have dark tribe eyes. To think the night sky was filled with little shinning crystals, it wasn't something that a Light b'alam has the privilege of seeing full every night. This Snow, was truly a wonderful and curious thing.

"Have you ever noticed the..." Aurora's ear turned as it felt as if something wispered and spoke to her soul. Like a nudge to offer some missing piece of information she didn't know before. 'Stars', They could be called 'stars'.

"...'Stars' before?" The Nahtlil spoke the new word with a bit of distrust. Was that what they were called? Stars? If so, why?

"They looked like the Crystal's of the Light tribe..." She added. There was a bit of a sigh in her voice, as the reminder that she had yet to actually see a 'living' light tribe crystal. Well, before their light faded and was trade to the dark tribe.

"Except brighter, and if they had been caught in some kind of black net?" The curious Nahtlil thought to describe in a way that could be understood, and pictured perfectly in one's mind. She would be writing all of this down, and she wanted a reader-if they could read, to be able to know what she saw-what she witness. She wanted reader to have enough information, so they too could picture it so perfectly in their mind. it would be like their own memory.

That was the idea anyways, because-perhaps one day. The life that she had been given by the Weaver would fade over time, just like the crystals of the light tribe. Or Perhaps not...It haven't happened to anyone yet. It May never....

(TWC: 320 cool


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 7:30 pm
Siegfried looked up at the stars as guided by Aurora's remark about them.

"They are." He agreed. "Something so small and far away can be such a comfort in some of the darkest hours."

He seemed to trail off into his thoughts toward the end of the statement. And he had. The stars reminded him of his former pact with his brothers, how close they all had been. Back than he had little time in his mind to think of the stars. In fact he vaguely remembered criticizing anyone who would take time to look at anything so "mediocre". The stars were everywhere and they came out at the same time every night, what was the big awe inspiring deal? How arrogant he had been pricked at his mind and seemed to tug the ends of his fur-tips. It was not a place he wished to return to. Nor was it something that he should be dwelling on at the moment. He had a task to do now, he had a life he was in charge of guarding and dwelling on the past would not allow him to focus completely on that. She trusted him and he did not wish to do anything to taint that trust.

"Have you noticed how some of them are different colors?" Siegfried inquired while he turned his attention back to the stars.

Saying that they were like the lights from a light-b'alam's horn was most accurate. Those were all a different colors as well. Some were brighter than others, but all of them were magnificent.

"And some seem to flicker where a few others do not?"

That was another observation he had recently made. Some stars appeared as if they were winking from above and constantly rotating their 'points' as if in some form of dance for each other. Others seemed to just be still. Brighter than the rest, but unmoving. It was as if they were shepherds to the more lively ones. Or perhaps just observers. Either way, they were in some cases bigger than the twinkling stars.

Siegfried's ear twitched to the sound of fluttering near by. His eyes scanned the sky above bypassing the stars and watching for something that had more movement than the stagnant sky. The dark tribe was most active at this hour. They needed to feed to keep up their strength. So long as they did not get to close or show that there was any malicious intent, there would be no problems. A silhouette dashed overhead high enough to where the size suggested it was a young cub, but the frame seemed to belong to an adult. For now they appeared to be just circling above and had no intent to land. Any details of the dark b'alam were completely masked by the darkness of night. Even the silvery glow of the moon and snow was not enough to give any detail to their company.

It was too early in their travels to have any troubles, Siegfried thought with some anxiety over the unknown guest.

"We should continue to move." Siegfried suggested. "A apologize for having to nudge you along at this time. The scenery is quite splendid, and I thank you for pointing it out."

(TWC: 311 cool

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:32 pm
"Yes." The Nahtlil simply answered to Sir Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order's answer, forgetting that he could see just as well as she at the moment. Watching the Stars, Aurora's head tilted as he spoke of 'comfort'. Comfort? Really? One could take comfort from simply looking at the twinkling of a star? That was really...curious. Really. It was fascinating, and strange to her. It wasn't something she could find comfort in, but others did. Others where different, just by looking at them-that was obvious at time. Which was okay. Okay, she could live with that-she would rather find comfort in books or her writings. Yes, her writings, it helped her relax. It was a way to get all her thoughts, where she could look at her thoughts-that was a comfort in it's self. Perhaps she was the strange one.

Looking back down to Sir Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order, she manged to catch his eyes momentary before he turned his eyes back to the night sky.

There were other colors?

Eyes once more look to the night sky, she watched the sparkly fireflies carefully. The more she looked at them the more it became apparent, that they really were different colors. Not just one, but all of them actually.

"You're Right, they are-" Aurora stated with a hum in her voice, Before adding. " And they do."


Looking back to Sir Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order, Aurora Turned her head and looked back at the Tahtll. He seemed to know a lot about stars...

Words were about to leave the Nahtlil, but came short as Sir Sigfried Schtauffen of our Lord's Templar order, opened his maw and spoke once more. She watched carefully as his ear shifted, as he picked up on nearby movement. So one was Nearby perhaps...?

Nodding, Aurora pulled her thoughts to the task at hand-they where suppose to be heading to the Light Tribe. Silly her had gotten caught up on a little personally discovery.

Closing her eyes she hummed a sound of understanding.

"Yes, you are right." Aurora smiled letting her eyes open she looked back to her travel guardian. However before she could say anything about the distraction, he thanked her for it. Then there was nothing more about she needed to say about the little side jackalight trail. Aside from.

"It is, and you're welcome. It seems to be a pleasure of mine." The Nahtlil chuckled. She did have a habit of pointing things out, and he surprisingly was well receiving about such a thing. Maybe? At any cause, for his sake she hoped he truly was, or the journey was going to be a long and painful one.

"At your lead then." Aurora spoke, thinking it better that it would be wiser for the Tahtll to take the lead this time. It wasn't the fact that she may not know where she was going, but rather how distracted she might be. How ever 'splendid' some discoveries maybe, she didn't think that they would need such distractions-for their trip might turn into a journey in length. If that was the case.

(TWC: 3733)


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:23 pm
Siegfried's head nodded only once to Aurora's suggestion. Perhaps he should take the lead for a little bit. He did not believe that they would be traveling too long tonight. Only the Dark B'alam were know for being out so late. So for now they should head in the direction of their destination, but be also on the look out for a good shelter to rest in. Unfortunately their route would not bring them to the dark Lord's realm any time soon, so any hotel would be out of the question for now.

He did keep the light on his orb off as it seemed they were going to be fine without it. The reflection in the show provided enough light for them to get by on. It even seemed to frame the horizon all around them. Siegfried could clearly see the outline of the land markers leading them back to their tribe in this dim silvery light. All practical reasons aside, the lack of light would allow them to enjoy the wondrous land even as the pressed forward through the valley.

This time he would take his place only slightly in front of the Nantil, but not so far ahead that she might feel isolated and he wouldn't be able to come to her aid in a pinch. The dark shadow that loomed high above them seemed to have moved on in the opposite direction, which was somewhat of a relief. Only somewhat. Dark tribe-goers were not bad. They like any other tribe had their fill of bad and good personalities within them. In fact, most were always kind to ask before taking a spot of blood from their hosts. Most. The uncertainty in personality of the one flying above them left Siegfried a little uneasy to meet anyone new on this journey.

The further away they got away from the lake the more the trees took on a more skeletal-like shape. The leaves had long fallen and left thin branches pointing in every which way. Some branches were weighted by ice and snow and dipped close to the blanket of white covering the earth. More often though the branches were only lightly sprinkled with snow and dabbled with a bit of ice. Some icicles running along the mid-section of the branch making it look as if the tree had a strange upper jaw protruding from the trunk. There were still a few ever greens scattered here and there, but there was not as many as there had been around the lake. The small dome-like hills were also becoming more abundant away from the lake. The horizon was jagged with the shadowy outline of the mountain range before them. A landscape they would not likely get to see for a long while yet...

As he padded along the snow and left the scenery of the frozen lake behind them he turned his head over his shoulder briefly. His hears remained forward to hear the path before them. He made sure to be aware of each step as he removed his eyes from the trail.

"If you do not mind sharing, please, tell me about yourself." He suggested before turning his head forward.

It was going to be a long travel back to their homeland. Perhaps it would remove some of the uneasiness, if there was any, if they knew a little more about each other. Of course he did not expect to know everything about his traveling companion, but the basics would be nice. He himself had a good deal of information he would not be willing to share with anyone.

(TWC: 3720)

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:57 pm
As Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, took the lead the Nahtlil paused to let him have it. Just so she could be a pace or two behind him. Looking about the Winter wonder land, the Nahtlil's tail shifted a little behind her as her eyes went over the scenery. It really was a special time to be a light b'alam and able to walk around in the dark as if it was day. Not that she could see as well as she could in the day time, but it was still a nice change. It was truly refreshing-and a bit strange, to be able to not have to use the grand orb they were given as Light b'alam.

Mismatched eyes looked over the frozen lake one last time, before it was removed from her sight. It really was a shame to not have a moment to look the glass surface over. She wondered if she had changed at all from the last time she had seen her reflection. It was just that, that had set her on her joinery to begin with. A dirty little refection in a pond, was the start of the grand tell of 'there and back again'. As Sigh left the rainbow Nahtlil, as she settled to wait for her return to the light tribe to see if she had changed physically at all. She did know her countenances was different, her thoughts were more mature- and less cub like. Her eyes has seen a lot, and her mind has done well to retain it.

Following behind Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, Aurora blinked as she heard his voice speak to him. It was like a rugged poke to her hearing senses, pulling her mind from her thoughts and the pictures of her memories. Her Day dreaming of data, that she so easily had a habit of drifting to when she walked. Before now, It had been a lone journey for the most part, ....So it was only habit that her mind went there.

"Oh.-" The Nahtlil turned her head to look at her protector and guardian. Her dark tipped tail shifted behind her, as she reminded herself that she was walking beside someone. Such a rude thing to do. Opps. oh well...Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, didn't seem to mind. Well, if he did, he did well to not show it....

"Yes, I don't mind." Aurora spoke politely with a nod, " I am sorry-I have a habit of getting lost in my thoughts while walking it seems." The Nahtlil offered some information about herself in a chuckle. It was strange how much more one could learn about themselves in such a span of time with a new b'alam as well...

"What kind of information would you like to know?" The words left her innocently enough, " There is after all a lot to tell about myself." She smiled as her head remained turned to focus on Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order. He was orderly after all, so perhaps a list would be best offered. For she could tell him a lot of useless knowledge about her self, that she was very aware of. She could also inform him about the more helpful things, like how she could write-and what she was doing on her trip, or perhaps even why she wanted to return home. There was a lot she could share, she did see a lot as well....

Perhaps by time she did manage to share everything with Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, they would be at the tree-step of home. The thought caused her to inwardly chuckle.

If he would have such a attention span, which surely he did-perhaps she wouldn't wish such a think of any tahtll. It would be a lot of listening on his part-and a lot of talking on hers and it just so happened that Aurora only liked talking as much as someone seemed interested in. For the simple reason, she had found time and breathing rather precious. If someone truly wanted to learn and know, she had no problem sharing that time to teach-if they didn't...then she wouldn't. Simple as that.

(TWC: 4442)


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:05 pm
Any worry about having to speak too long for himself went out the window as Aurora begun her own introduction. She probably had enough information to last them their entire journey. Not that that was troublesome in the least. Siegfried was good about listening, it was an important skill to hone. He didn't have too much to say about himself. At least, nothing that he felt was important to share. Siegfred's past was not something he wished to prattle on about as if it were a badge of honor. It could be used as a lesson, but she did not seem the kind to need a lesson in pride.

"That is alright" He responded with a smile.

Siegfried thought a moment about where he wanted to start with the personal stories. It wasn't often he got to have introductions with anyone and his usual questions to his brother did not seem an adequate way to start a conversation with anyone.

She did like the stars and seemed to have a fascination with stars, the way the snow glowed and had an eye for things which might be hidden. Siegfried guessed she had a vast imagination.

"What are some events that you enjoy most?" He finally inquired from a true curiosity he had.

Another brisk flurry of wind sped past the two b'alam and sent more powdered snow skyward. The thin skeletal like trees shivered in the sudden burst of wind spilling more of their snow and ice toward the earth. The night suddenly rattled and chimed with the sound of ice shattering against the frozen dirt and rocks nestled comfortably under the tree. Some snow flakes collected on the scales not covered by the crystal like armor. At first they seemed to melt within moments of contact, but now they retained their crystalline appearance making his scales seem as if they were star kissed.

Siegfried held an ear to Aurora while he waited for an answer, but the other set away from the nantil swiveled about and listened to the suddenly live landscape. His eyes pulled away briefly to give a scan of the area. Once again he had spotted that dark B'alam flying overhead high past his range of sight. Still a shadow offset only by the bright stars behind it.

It couldn't have been anything troublesome. They were walking toward the mountains in which the Dark Tribe resided in, it could have been a coincidence. But it could also have been malicious...

The dark shadow once again overshot the group and continued forward. It seemed to be making wide sweeping circles over the snow blessed area. It maintained the height it had had previously, not once climbing or descending from its path, and only flapping once in a while. It almost seemed to be lazily gliding on large wings to and fro to keep itself occupied. It was intriguing. Siegfried had only meet a few from that tribe and found them all to interesting folk. All of what he knew came from the kind ones he had encountered. Still, he had never once seen their home.

(WC: 4238 )
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 7:40 pm
Feeling the blow of the wind, Aurora braced herself for the windy chill as she heard it coming their way. It was wonderfully noted as it rattled the nearby trees that surrounded them. Taking a slow breath of the dark crisp air, a part of her wondered how long they would actually walk for the night.

An Dark ear turned to Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, as her gaze made a glance up to the sky. She too had taken note of the dark creature that had been fluttering about them. It was most likely a dark b'alam, fascinating creatures they were. From what she saw, they where rather friendly-however that wasn't true for all Dark b'alam...or rather any and all B'alam. It was unfair to clump a culture in one group to act a certain way based on what one claimed or did. Releasing a soft breath, Aurora's smile faded just a little as she had recalled the stories of a particular dark b'alam that had been cub-napping and even causing harm and pain to an another. A Dark b'alam that even caused another b'alam to stop existing...to think all this time, before then she figured only the Weaver had that kind of power....

A Thoughtful hum left Aurora as her two toned eyes looked ahead to their path once more, as she pulled her thoughts back to the conversation at hand. What kind of events did she enjoy most? That was a very curious way to answer what he wanted to know about her. It was rather vague, in a way....

"You ask as if you know I have encountered meany events." The Nahtlil chuckled a little, as her eyes turned to look up at the stars once more. Such bright shiny things, in truth she didn't think she had witnessed a lot of events. Though, to someone that hadn't seen a lot it was meany more compared to them. So perhaps, Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, meant his question in another way, though he wasn't one that seemed inexperienced in the life he was given. So, It might be best to ask him too clarify. Aurora figured it would be best to start there, it was wiser. After all, it was quite obvious that Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, had seen meany events himself...

"Or are you speaking of moments in time that are personal and frequent to me?" Aurora asked, wanting to clarify. Her dark ears turned forward as she edgerly waited his response to her meany questions. Hopefully, it wasn't too meany at a time.

"Such as a event as I walking alone and to my next stop?" The Nahtlil offered up an example. "Or a event of me talking time to write so carefully in a journal, of all the wonders I have seen?" She added, with a little bit of a grin as she looked over to Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order.

"Or perhaps are you speaking about the 'wonders' I have seen and wondering which one of those I am most fond of?" The Nahtlil asked with another tip of her head, a grin once more rested on her maw. Her dark tail tip tail shifted happily behind her. Ever so often touching the powder that trailed behind her and past her paws.



[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:18 pm
Siegfried's eyes widened a brief moment to the onslaught of questions that bellowed out from the vocal little nan beside him. In all fairness he had not worded his inquiry correctly. It wasn't until now did he think of a few other words that he could have said instead of "events". What's done was done, there was no changing his word choice now. Still, it was odd that she continued to inquire what he might have meant by asking "events". One might think that this nan liked to hear herself speak about how she prattled on and on about what he could have meant by one simple word. Still, Siegfried waited patiently for her to finish her long list of questions.

The wind itself seemed to wait for her to finish before it continued its nightly symphony.

"What do you like to do to entertain yourself?" Seigfred corrected himself in amusement after Aurora finished speaking.

Her enthusiasm wasn't bad nor should she think that it was so. It as a wonderful spark. Though, Siegfried did make a mental note to be more specific when he asked anything in the future. It was not as if they had anywhere to be any time soon, but it might do well on her breaths and mind to be more specific.

Once again the shadow circled overhead appearing larger than it had before. A hint of silver glistened across its back and gold on its neck as it caught the moon's light than flickered away once it passed overhead again. Siegfried glanced up briefly but held his attention to the young Nantil. At this point he was convinced the Dark B'alam meant no harm and was likely scoping or simply playing with them.

So far there had been a lack of caves to consider using for a resting point. There were a plethora of trees and snow and if need be they could make a cave of snow, but they had just started. It was too soon to rest. That is- Siegfried took note of the overly chipper attitude of his traveling partner. She seemed as if she could walk to the moon and back. Which was a wonderful thing. Siegfried said she would set the pace and would not go back on his own words.

Up ahead the trees seemed to gather more and more together. Over the horizon the trees collected together to form a thick wall of forest just before the jagged mountains. The wall of trees stretched as far as the eye could see creating a shadowy skirt around the lower rim of the mountain range lined with the blanket of snow covering the land. There was no way around it, they would have to go through the woods, but likely would not be there until almost early morning. Siegfried gauged that the sum might just be breaking by the time they reached the rim of the woods. It would be an ideal spot for a rest, but again, that was up to the light Nan.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:28 pm
{new Sage count here}

As Aurora was waiting for Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, to answer him. The little onslaught of questions reminded her of something she wanted and needed to do. She took the free time to pull her journal free from it's bag. It wasn't the best of bags, but it did get the job done in terms of holding things that she wanted to keep with her in her travels.

A nod came from the Nahtll, as well as a soft hum. It wasn't for her sake she made it, but in a strange little way to let Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, know that she was paying attention as she worked with the items she need for writing.

As Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, came up with a more focused answered Aurora gave him a sweet smile. It was a smile that seemed to poke at the idea she had truly known what he meant form the start....Well, if she could take a guess. Perhaps the Nahtll really did enjoy hearing herself talk. Or perhaps it was fun to her...to confuse others, either way a playful flick was made by her tail, as she seemed amused by something....

Something at an another's expense...or rather patience.


"Oh," The Nahtll's smile twisted in a smirk, her tail shifted once more. "I like to keep myself 'entertained' in a lot of ways." Aurora answered delightfully and simply. As they walked her journal opened and as if it had a mind of it's own, a quill floated to the pages and started to scribble away about something.

"A nice little walk, such as now-is always entertaining." Aurora answered. " Or even talking with another, and answering questions for them." The Nahtll offered up some more information.

"Or perhaps asking them to clarify." She added with a little wink to Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order. It was spoken more as a teasing after thought.

"It's always amusing to see how others answer." The Light nahtll added in a mindless tone as she looked ahead once more. "They are always so unique." Her voice drifted of in a tone just above a whisper as if it was some sort prized information she had discovered all for herself.

And perhaps at the expense of others as well, but one couldn't just go out and say that.

"...I also enjoy this funny thing called 'writing' and 'reading'." Aurora spoke as she turned her head to look back at Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order. Watching him for a moment, she wondered if he knew what such a thing was. It really was kind of a 'new' thing. However, the Tah did seem well seasoned and wise. He had a good set of ears on that pretty golden head of his. Which, she just had to say looked marvelous with that shinny reflecting stuff he had about his body. It was like a second set of bigger scales. Did the Weaver give it to him, or did someone make it? Or did it grow from the light land ground? The crystals they collected, seemed to almost have the same kind of properties.



[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:55 pm
Siegfried could completely believed what the nan was saying about her interests. She seemed to be creating a scenario in which she got to explore all of her personal interests in this short time he had been conversing with her. Inwardly he had to laugh at that. As long as she was entertained.

He gave Aurora a side glance while she started to withdraw her quill and paper. There had been a few times he had seen the art used, but it wasn't something he had dabbled in himself. Practicing his own fighting style was more his cup of tea. Siegfried couldn't think of where he had seen it. Perhaps it was Lei? No. Oh well. It wasn't important at the moment.

"You hunger for knowledge than?" Siegfried inquired to keep the conversation going. If it was something that she enjoyed than he wouldn't mind indulging that. Even if the questions were lengthy and at times seemed almost condescending.

Carefully he was thinking a list of questions that he could ask to keep the conversation going. She appeared to have an interesting past to share, and a million questions to go along with it. She also seemed to be amazing in keeping her focus on both walking and writing. It wasn't a skill he could understand, but perhaps it had something to do with the ability to read and write. The focus had to be phenomenal. It was interesting to say the least.

And again the dark shadow made a pass above the two b'alam. His circles were getting smaller and smaller. It now appeared as if he were circling about them, eyeing them. The moonlight catching it's frame on every passed made Siegfried believe that the one flying above them was very ornate. The gold flashes had to have been jewelry, the silver Siegfried guessed that it was the shadow's long hair.

If he wanted to he could land way before they got to the edge of that vast forest stretched out way before them. Of course he could, the creature had wings. He could land now if he so chose to. However, Siegfried now guessed that he was studying them, listening to their conversation. Those of the Dark Tribe were known for their incredible sense of hearing. Maybe he found Aurora's questions just as amusing. At times Siegfried could have sworn he heard the soft mumbles of "fascinating" riding the winds as the shadow passed close by.

The closer the shadow got the more it was apparent that the b'alam was much larger than any normal b'alam. Dark Tribers were known for being larger than regular b'alam, but this one seemed exceptionally large. Still, it would not get close enough for any details to be made out other than the subtle flash of silver and gold as it made its passes in the moon's light.

Siegfried's ear faced away from Aurora swiveled around to listen for their only visitor while his other ear remained focused on Aurora and her answer questions.


[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:06 pm
"Yes." The nahtill nodded to Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order. "You could say that." Aurora gave a smile to the Tah. Watching his attention turn to the skies once more, how his ears angled as he listened carefully. Aurora was mindful enough stilled her quill, just to help him in hearing what might be a aggressive b'alam or with luck-perhaps not.

The nahtill turned her head once more to look at the Tah beside her. "That is actually a really wonderful way to put it." She dared to add, even as his thoughts wondered if she should still her chatter so her b'alam guard could have a easier time on concentrating on their new 'guest'. However, he did seem very skilled in what he did...What ever that was.

Hmm. The quill that had paused in it's writing, scribbled something quickly in her notes as Aurora made a mental note that it would be perhaps a good idea to ask Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, what he liked to do and what he was good at. It would be at least polite, and more knowledge she would have in her mind, that she could toy with in her thoughts.

Her quill stilled once more, and her two toned eyes looked to the heavens once more. The shadow's turns and twist had become tighter and more focused. Dark ears turned and angled forward, as meny more thoughts flooded though her mind, however it was best figured to remain quiet at this moment.

Oh the torment that was....It was much harder thing to do, then she thought. Perhaps it was something to work on. Though, then again-was it really a flaw that needed to be changed or helped? Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, didn't seem to be too bothered by it.....outwardly anyways. Perhaps it would be something to ask him when the time came to be able to do so.

The only thing that was...uninteresting about walking alone for all this time, was the lack of company and subjects that could be paddled on about. It really was a shame, that she didn't have a chance to walk with others more often. Think of all the knowledge she would have been able to learn with the mindless walk with another.

White and dark tail shifted behind her as she turned her head to look over at Sir Sigfried Schtauffen, of our Lord's Templar order, Her maw opened as she wanted in inquire more about what they should do or how they should approach the fallowing airborne guest. Though she once more thought it better to hold her tongue. Closer her maw the Nahtlil looked ahead with a sigh. She figured that the brave Tah would let her know if there was something she should or should not be doing. So for now, she carried on with their walk. She trusted her entourage, after all the light magus did instruct him to guide her on her way home.



[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:51 pm
For the longest time Siegfried remained silent even after Aurora had finished speaking. There was more wasn't there? Normally the one question was followed by a plethora of more questions and statements. This was not the case this time! There were no more questions, just thoughtful noises. From the corner of his eye he caught her maw part slightly, but it closed promptly. Had she had more to say? Had his arrogance gotten in the way again? Siegfried had to take a moment to calm his thoughts. That was what had gotten him in trouble before. He had no way of knowing these things. Aurora was still new to him and this may just be normal behavior. One should never assume such things.

"That must be wonderful, to find new things." Siegfried commented after a moment of unintentional silence. "You must have seen a great deal on your journey toward this side of the world?"

The inquiry came knowing full well that it would being on a lot more questions. The conversation could not just stop at where it was. Well, it could, but that would leave the rest of the night silent. Perhaps uncomfortable? Silence really wasn't a bad thing. There was also that shadow hovering around them to give some event to the night. By now the wooshing of the leathery wings could be heard just above the wind as the shadow passed by. Siegfried knew now for sure that it was a Tahtill. And a giant one at that. Something about it made him think more about the weaver. Not that the presence of the shadow was the weaver, but rather very close to it. If that made any sense. The weaver came to mind, that was the important part.

The closer it got the more of its colors were visible. Crimson, Siegfried guessed, with a light tan coat. The only way he could see such a color was because of the full moon's light. The eyes of the light tribe were not well trained in the dark. Thankfully this snow gave off a brilliant amount of it as did the stars and moon.

"Please-" Siegfried looked over to Aurora as the dark b'alam passed by again. "-stay close to me."

With a deep breath Siegfried turned his head upward and called out to it. Surely the Tah could hear him with those long ears.

"Excuse me! I have noticed that you have been watching us for quite a while now! If you have business with us I ask that you land, if not, please continue to fly forward! We mean you no trouble!" He called out over the winds.

It only seemed fair to ask. With each pass by he could see more and more details of the tah, he was slowly descending. Slower than normal. There was without a shadow of a doubt that he was observing the both of them and that was slightly unsettling. Siegfred had never been observed in such a manner before...

(574 cool

Chronos chuckled with delight as he finally heard one of them call out to him. It was the one with the beautiful armor stuck to his body. Oh how Hook might like to study that with him! Or perhaps Esdras would love a piece of that for earrings! Either way it was fascinating. Two light b'alam were taking a stroll in the dark, that was odd in itself. Even if it was kind of bright out, even for his eyes at such a dark hour.

He angled his wings downward and made a quick descent. Snow shot up all around him as he made a quick landing, wings spreading wide before folding back at his sides and shifting a little. His pink eyes seemed to shine bright against the moon while his amusement grew.

"Oh, please forgive my rudeness. I was simply observing." He spoke with a chuckle than offered them a slight bow of his head, wings fanned out slightly. "My name is Chronos."

As his head lifted again, his full attention turned to the light Nan. "Miss Nan, I have a question... Would you perhaps be interested in Wind Tahtils? That is, asking if you two are not... together."

[ Radical Dreamer ]
[ RP Zone ] The Northern Tundra

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