[][][]Lyla Knight[][][]
Username: Kanna2012
Name/Gender/Age: Lyla Knight - Female - Twenty-four
Tamer Profile: My Profile Rank: Regular [EXP = 0]
Talents: Lyla is quite good at a few things. Such as art, playing the piano, and even cooking when it comes down to it. She is also good at sewing and fishing as well.
Equipment: Digivice, Cooking utensils(Pots pans and such), Sewing kit, Music sheets, Portable easel and paints-brushes, Change of clothes and toiletries, Fishing pole, Tackle box.
Back story: (who you are, where you're from and what you've been through to get here, include first encounter and your goals as a tamer if you would like to)
Club/Rank:(to be filled out once you join one)
Digimon Roster: (Include a link for every stage, linked to your official guild art)
Digimon 1: Nyokimon -->
Digimon 2: DigimonNameHere -->
Digimon 3: DigimonNameHere -->
Digimon 4: DigimonNameHere -->
Digimon 5: DigimonNameHere -->
Digimon 6: DigimonNameHere -->
Digivice/D-Terminal: (To be entered by RP Mod upon approval)