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[November ORP] Cold. Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Ruthless Phantom

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:29 am
First-Ever RP Staff Open RP!

Hello, and welcome to the first-ever Soquili Rp Staff ORP! You guys have been rping up a storm as of late, but with so many new ponies coming out lately from so many new colorists, we thought "how can we tap that potential in a fun, new way?"

Enter this ORP.

So, on the surface this is a normal ORP; anyone who wants to jump in, can! The rp will run for the month of November only, wrapping up at the end of the month. The plan is to do this regularly, but we'll have to see how it goes first wink

Now, as I just said, on the SURFACE this is a normal ORP, but there are a few little particulars all participants should know:


  1. Stick to the shop and Gaia ToS!
  2. You may participate with ONE pony (and one familiar, if you so choose). You may not change out your one pony once you've started playing.
  3. You may enter or exit the rp at any time; if you want to play along the whole month, great! If you only have time for one or two posts, that's fine as well!
  4. There will be no post order, obviously. However, you may only post once in between my posts.
    -So, I'd start the rp, then Jack and Jill and John and Joe post. I'd post again, then Joe and Jack and Jill post, then I post, Jill and John and Jack and Joe post...
  5. I won't be posting more than once per day, though I'll try to be regular >>;
  6. Anyone can join in, staff and non-staff alike!

Oh, and there's one more special thing about this ORP. While it's not an event, it IS a bit of a game. At the end of the month, all players will be entered in a raffle to win a fabulous prize of some sort. Now, the prize will never be a pony, but it could be a familiar, items for your ponies, or whatever else strikes our fancy! We also reserve the right to work in additional prizes as we see fit.

And as an FYI, participating in this rp also counts for regular stats wink

November's prize:
A Stat Bump for the Winner's Participating Pony!

Please me me with any questions!
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:30 am
And the stats go to....

Nothing here yet


Ruthless Phantom


Ruthless Phantom

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:56 am
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"Miserable, wretched, smothering, insufferable, damnable COLD!"

Fuego was not happy. Ever since his first unfortunate winter in the Kawani lands more than a year ago, the Kirin stallion had had a loathe-hate relationship with snow, ice, sleet, frost, and pretty much everything to do with winter. Granted, his unfortunate winter had largely been due to poor timing and a lack of preparedness on his part, but why blame himself when it was much easier to blame the elements? No one had warned him the Kawani lands had a winter; none of the Soquili who had told him of the potential there had warned him that potential had a dark side. He had been only too keen to listen, ready to turn his back on his oppressive desert homeland. The Kawani lands had sounded like a dream; temperate climate, food and water in abundance, an environment that wasn't hell-bent on killing him...

Except really, it was. By the time he'd made the long, arduous trek from the desert, winter, in all its frigid misery, had arrived. Fuego had bee unprepared for the reality of winter; he was adapted to deal with heat, not cold. If it hadn't been for the timely intervention of a firey local and an introduction to the local hot springs, he would have been a red icicle.

But then, just as abruptly as it began, the winter...ended. The snow melted, the waters thawed; grass and flowers grew in abundance and the promised land he'd imagined had emerged, seemingly overnight. Fuego had been surprised, then relieved; after a terrible start, the Kawani lands were finally starting to deliver.

There was just one minor problem. Apparently, winter was a cyclical thing, and it was due for a comeback. Already the days were cooling and the flowers were dying; it was only matter of time before the snow and ice were back.

And Fuego, like the proverbial grasshopper, had done nothing to prepare. You'd think after a winter like the last one, he'd have found a cave, joined a herd, stocked up on supplies, done something to settle in for the winter....but no. A transient his entire life, Fuego was used to drifting along and just making the best of things as they came to him.

Or not.

"Winter. Really, why did the Spirits think winter was a good idea? All it does it make everything cold and kill things! No benefit, none!"

"You know, for a Kirin, you ssssssssseem very tempesssssssstuousssss today, Fuego." The comment, delivered in a dry, point-of-fact tone, brought the stomping Soquili up short and caused him to glare at the speaker....or at least try to. It was hard to glare at something draped over one's own neck!

Santos, Fuego's serpent familiar, was used to irrationality. Kirins were known for their calm and peaceful demeanor, but somehow, Fuego had missed that memo and was as fiery inside as he was outside. Santos enjoyed pointing out the contradiction between Fuego's breed and his behavior; sometimes it served to settle the stallion down! And sometimes, it just made him crabby.

"Yes, I get it. I'm upset. Clearly for no reason. Because why should I be upset, when it's about to turn into a frigid ice storm at any minute that will incapacitate the both of us and bury any food at the same time?! If we don't freeze, we'll simply starve to death, and that's almost worse!"

At that, Santos very pointedly looked around the two of them, at the blue sky, the autumn leaves, and the still-mostly green grass. "I think we have ssssssslightly more time to prepare. Sssssstill....have you thought any more about sssssssseeking out sssssome other Ssssssoquili to winter with? Or at leasssssssst to get sssssome adviccccccce about doing it?"

For his own part, Santos did NOT plan to die this winter. If all he had to do to prevent it was keep Fuego off his soapbox, then he would do it!  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:51 pm
User Image Turag noticed change of seasons, cold slowly creeping in at night, and he used every chance to soak up warm rays of the sun. Soon gloomy rainy days will be more frequent before the rain is replaced with beautiful snow flakes, a true natures masterpiece. Winter might be a harsh season but it woke up some nostalgia in him every time it reclaimed the land.

Stretching his wings to get rid of morning dew that collected on them he was grateful that his winter fur replaced shorter summer one. Folding his wings back he wondered how his son was doing. It seemed they have parted ways ages ago and he could only hope he was doing good and wonder if they would ever cross their paths again.

Turags ears picked up some voices from not too far away and brought him back to reality from his deep thoughts. He stopped to try and hear what the conversation was about but he was not close enough to hear the words clearly.  



Aged Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:44 pm
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Rosalyn was familiar with the changing seasons, she had to be, since her livelihood revolved around gardening. Regardless of what season it was, she kept to herself in a secluded wooded area. It was not quite a forest, as it was too small and the trees spread to far away from one another, but it had been the perfect place for her to settle down and grow her rose garden, which flourished through the warm seasons.

Unfortately, her rose bushes were being reduced to fallen petals and thorn-covered bushes the signs that autumn had came and that winter would be soon in coming after. The mare always got a little sad when autumn came, to see her plants tuck away their vibrant colors as they fell into sleep like many animals did. Rosalyn often wished that she could be of similar likeness and simply sleep through winter, but such a feat was not easy for one of her species.

The rose-patterned mare was brushing all the fallen rose petals into a careful pile, away from the bushes and into a small spring, when she heard two voices, one of them sounding rather bothered. Ears flicking forward, Rosalyn abandoned her task and moved towards the sound of the voices. Visitors were not unwelcome if they came seeking her aid, for whatever reason it might be for.

"Hello, hello? If someone is out there, please answer my call." After a pause and taking the risk of sounding silly, should no one reply she added, "There's no point to being fearful, I'm hardly going to hurt you."


((Can non-staff join in too? I wasn't super sure on that front.))  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:10 pm
User Image Ahhhh, it was getting cold. Absinthe scampered along, her small body quaking in the chill. The tiny green flutter Soquili had been in the tiniest form that she could take, as was her wont, and been floating around aimlessly on the wind all day; but now it was getting far too icy for this to be allowed to continue- Finding an open space, quite close to another Soquili, Absinthe closed her eyes, concentrated, and shifted, moving into a bigger body that wouldn't freeze through quite so fast. Oooo, that was nippy! She might have had an icicle in a wing-joint! She was most likely invading the personal space of someone, but happy-together-times were always a positive, and she could hardly imagine anyone being upset at her for it.

Shaking her head, she shook out her wings and wriggled her plump rump. "It's cold!" She announced the obvious importantly, as though no one else knew it was cold. "We should huddle for warmth. If I had hands with fingers, I would be rubbing them. But I don't have fingers. Which is very silly. Fingers are wonderful inventions, so much more convenient for adding flowers and braiding than hooves and teeth." Scooting closer to the soquili who were slowly pausing or coming closer, and thus away from the poor soul she had changed almost on top of, the green fairy wiggled her rump again. One of the flowers in her tail fell to the snow, a tragic death. Oh well, she would get more come Spring. At the latest. There had to be somewhere she could get some replacement flowers. Maybe some Winter flowers? Did they have winter flowers?

Ice flowers, "Ice flowers!" Ahhhh, Absinthe was the most clever, such clever! She could write a song about ice flowers, and then she could maybe find some or- or she could do something else she had intended to do, which she was unable to quite remember what it was right now. Oh! Right! She needed to move and not keep getting in the way of the nice stallions. Hah! That would probably be good. Beneficial for all. Especially her.

"Hello Hello!" she called back to the effeminate voice she thought she heard, sidestepping closer to the stallion(s) who were closer to her than the speaker. "I'm Absinthe. Would you like to keep me company?" her eyes glowed (though not literally, which was a disappointment to her, glowing eyes would be the coolest) at them, eagerness and irrepressible excitement aimed thoroughly in their direction. It was cold. They were warm. The more Soquili in one area the better, and they should shift and shuffle around, and Absinthe would be warm again, and that was the perfect resolution to this entire, terrible, chilly situation. The only acceptable conclusion, actually. Now that she thought on it.

Word Count: 470  


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Ruthless Phantom

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:14 pm
The problem with being overly caught up in the moment, Fuego would later reflect, is that it could result in missing everything happening NEAR the moment. A cold breeze had started his angsting, and he'd gotten so caught up in his thoughts (ok, thoughts and words both) that he hadn't noticed his journey had taken him right smack into occupied space. One moment, it was just the two of them, the next minute he was surounded by Soquili! Surprising, but considering the current situation, not unwelcome.

For the moment, the prescence of the other stallion escaped his notice; both the distance between Fuego and Turag and the other stallion's comparative silence helped him fly under Fuego's radar, for the time being. The initial call from a mare caught his attention, but he couldn't help but frown at the 'fear' comment. Did she think he sounded like the type of Soquili to be afraid? That better be aimed at Santos, because Fuego himself was not about to be afraid of a mare! "No one here is afraid, thank you, but I am-whoa!"

Fuego had meant to assure the mare that he was there, he and Santos both; given the tone of her question, he'd thought she was maybe in need of assistance, or else maybe she'd overheard his 'concerns' and wanted to offer some sort of advice. Hopefully the latter, because he was REALLY unprepared for the onset of winter! But any thought of continuing that conversation was knocked away by the sudden, seemingly miraculous appearance of the green mare out of thin air.

Amazingly, Fuego had never before encountered a flutter; he'd never even heard of the breed, so their size-changing abilities were completely beyond him. as far as he was concerned, the bubbly mare had appeared out of thin air, with her comments about frozen flowers and suggestions of warm huddling. At least she was on the right track with her thoughts, but seriously, where had she come from? "Damn, where'd you come from," he asked the green mare, more startled than upset at this point. After all, first things first!

"Is this a winter thing? Does this happen this time of year?" It had already been winter when he'd arrived in Kawani before; maybe the winter spirits brought Soquili as well as snow, to herald the season...or whatever.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:45 am
Oops! Absinthe had startled one of the poor stallions! She scuttled away from them about 3.425 steps in her estimation, which was a much nicer number than just taking three boring steps, then she could more hop- Not the POINT, Absinthe. "Oh, no, I'm not a dam. Wait.I am, hah." She'd forgotten about her children! Well, hopefully their sire was taking care of them. Or they were taking care of each other.

They were grown up. That was important. She hadn't forgotten them as foals- that would have been awful.

"I came from that way. I was exploring, and then it got cold, and then I came here." She was very patient with her explanations, because not everyone could keep up with the way that she thought. It happened when you were so... fluttery. Other Soquili were so linear sometimes.

She nodded her head to him wisely. "It always gets cold this time of year. It's the worst."


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:42 pm
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He could tell the season was changing. The colder winds nipped at his nose. Veslorurn always regretted winter in that there was no fresh flowers to place on the graves. Each winter he tried to do something different for the souls that tormented him. It only seemed right. Spring and summer always brought flowers; fall was fruits and nuts. Winter however posed a problem. Everything went into dormancy or died, and was buried under snow.

Sometimes he found dried flowers and used those until the snows destroyed the delicate petals. This year he was thinking about using evergreen boughs. With luck he'd find some with pine cones still attached. Veslorurn left the comforting presence of his graveyard home and traveled in search of suitable offerings. The dark blood red stallion moved quietly through the trees. He couldn't carry back a whole tree, so he was looking for nice looking branches within easy reach.

When he heard the voices drifting through the trees, he pulled up short. He'd been warned by the ghosts. A careless traveler attacked on a deserted road (or path) by a monster. Veslorurn listened for several long moments before he cautiously moved forward. Anyone wanting to ambush someone wouldn't be talking as loud as these. Or at least he hoped so. The stallion drifted forward until he could see the odd group.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:48 pm
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It was already obvious that the season was changing. The leaves which were once green now turned into shades of yellows and reds. The air was crisper and prickled the mare's hide more often than it did not. There was no warm feeling when it came. Just a simple cold chill and then it was gone. Each time it touched her, it made her shiver.

Kye picked up a mixture of new scents on her way back from the stream she just quenched her thirst at. It was faint but she knew strangers were nearby. The hands around her neck clasped peacefully without having to strangle her for the mare was calm and relaxed. She sniffed the Fall air again in order to track down the scents of others.

It did not take long before she found partial hoof prints on the ground and bits of fine hair that got caught and tangled between the twigs and branches. Eyeing it curiously, she could not identify from who it was and traveled on further.
The mare wasn't quite sure how long she had followed in their tracks, but, just up ahead, from where she was standing, maybe ten or twenty meters away, there was a tiny herd of horses. There wasn't a lot of them and none of them looked alike. It was as if they were having some sort of gathering.

She could see a few heads bobbing about and the scents had gotten a lot stronger now. She knew for sure that these were the ones that her nose picked up a while ago.

Charging at them with full speed might scare them away, or tun them defensive, so she played it cool and inched forward toward, a few steps at a time, toward the herd with caution. She couldn't hear what was being said yet but that didn't bother her. The mare needed to know why they were there in the open. Were they not afraid of walkers spotting them? If she were them, she'd stay out of sight, like in the shade or something to avoid being spotted so easily.  


Hungry Bunny

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Ruthless Phantom

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:51 am
Yup, this mare was officially...something, Fuego decided with a puzzled look at Absinthe. Growing up, he'd never been exposed to the word 'dam' in a motherly context, so the mare's cheerful assertion that she was an expletive only made him feel even more out of his element. Clearly she'd misunderstood his question; how could she have come from 'over there' when she'd appeared right so close out of thin air? Something odd was going on with her, and it was starting to make Fuego wary. Yes, winter was the major threat right now, but that didn't mean there couldn't be smaller threats, right?

Eyeing Absinthe warily, he edged slightly away from the greenish mare. "Yes, I've heard it gets cold here annually...so when it gets cold, does that make you come out? Are you some sort of weird winter spirit Soquili?" The one thing that was keeping him from bolting at this point was the fact the first voice, the other female voice, hadn't sounded panicked, and he hadn't heard any sounds of retreat from any direction. Maybe this was perfectly normal, just not to him.

Though just because he didn't hear a retreat didn't mean there wasn't activity going on. It was the stallion he noticed first, the boldness of Vesolorum's coat standing out in stark brightness against the dull landscape. The other stallion was keeping his distance for now, it seemed, but there was no doubting he was moving their way. Cautiously, Fuego took another step backwards, looking around to make sure that he had an escape route, if he needed one.

"You are proving quite popular," Santos' lilting voice suddenly broke softly in on Fuego's agitated thoughts. "Have you ssssssseen the new one yet? Sssssshe sssssseemsssss to be following ussssss." From he vantage point buried in Fuego's mane, Santos was free to scope out not just their immediate surroundings, but to look behind, forward, upward, and downward as well. When Fuego had met up with the other Soquili, Santos had started to look around to see just how many were out there. He still didn't know for sure, but there was at least one more than Fuego had seen! The dark mare hadn't said anything, but that didn't mean she planned to stay quiet long!

Hopefully Fuego would get some of the answers they needed on how to stay alive...asssuming none of these Soquili were hostile!

Glancing from the unknown red stallion to the strange green mare and back in the direction Santos had indicated, Fuego was starting to realize that maybe he needed a bit more method in his madness, or rather, in his anger. after all, he hadn't noticed ANY of these Soquili on his own, and he still didn't quite know where the green mare had even come from. Short-sightedness (of the metaphorical kind) had always been his problem; too caught up in the problems or joys of the moment to be properly aware of the big picture. Assuming these Soquili were friendly, this could be just what he needed. Assuming they weren't friendly...well, he'd have to figure that one out.

"Ahem." Clearing his throat, Fuego looked from the unknown stallion to the unknown...mare? Santos thought so, but he could be wrong. "Hey, are you guys trying to figure out cold stuff, too?" Might as well cut right to the chase!  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:05 am
User Image The bear at her side looked up at her for a moment and gave a slight yawn. "You are aware that typically bears should be hibernating around this time of year, right?" He was only poking fun and she was aware of that. She looked down at him for a moment, her wings shifting against her side lightly. "Are you trying to tell me that you're getting tired of walking everywhere?" She said with laughter in her voice. She was aware that the two of them almost seemed odd together but it was how it happened. Sure having a familiar with wings would have been more convenient but Amitola was near and dear to her heart so she honestly didn't mind spending time walking with him.

"Aren't you?" He said glancing up as the two of them moved along through the changing landscapes. She had much enjoyed watching the leaves falling as they changed from green to hues of red, orange and yellow, before turning brown and falling from the branches that reached towards the heavens. "Not in the slightest." Her comment was short and curt and she flicked her ears slightly as she thought she heard voices up ahead.

Amitola stayed near her side as they moved through the thinning woods and she spotted the grey and orange colored mare first. Kye seemed to be watching what was going on from what she could see from her position behind the female. She had stopped walking and had stood still at this point, much like a deer deciding if it should bound away or continue on with what it was doing. Amitola was watching too. He hadn't met anyone else besides Amadahy and she was hoping to get him introduced a little more. Her memory from her past was still hazy so she was uncertain of the mare that stood before her, unaware of her presence, at least for the moment. The wind was blowing towards her so her ears were able to pick up the sounds of the voices ahead.

She figured if anything she'd clear her throat before speaking. "I'm fairly certain that the group ahead won't bite. Though, I wouldn't quote me on that." She said with mild amusement, her stance still steady as she glanced around for a moment to see where her options where should this mare turn out to be hostile. Her lavender gaze quickly returned towards the mare once more as she waited for her to turn around and react. Amitola stayed close as he was well aware of Astraea's caution and he wasn't familiar with anyone outside of Amadahy and her familiar Aura. "Are you sure that was smart?" He whispered up towards her and she smiled down at him. "We are about to find out." She said softly back her wings slightly open in case she had to flee.

WC: 478



Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:27 pm
He gave a practiced tilt of his head to part the long bangs in front of his yellow eyes. None of the soq he saw standing around looked familiar to him. Not locals from around here then. Again who'd, besides himself, would want to live near the graveyard? With the others grouped so close together, Veslorurn wondered if they already knew each other. He didn't want to intrude on their party. Should he go up and say hello or wait for some indication that he could approach. With the large group between them, he hadn't seen another mare approaching. Veslorurn decided to come a bit closer. If they didn't want him around they could always tell him to bugger off.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:14 pm
The stranger was giving her an odd look and Absinthe's ears went flat, head drooping as he edged away from her and a chill gust drifted over her thin wings. "I'm not a winter Soquili!" She was almost offended. Flicking her mane and staring at her bright green body, she glanced back up at him expectantly. "I'm a flutter, of course." trying not to sniff, she patiently proceeded to explain to him. "We turn little. And big. And little. And big. And little. And big. And little. And big. And little. And big. And little. And big. And little. And big. And little. Also big!" There. He should understand, even if she had needed to repeat herself, just to make sure.

The attention of more newcomers to the scene made her raise her voice, looking around and trying to make sure that everyone was included- "Come closer! Come huddle! It's cold, and my wings are becoming icicles! Please?" Some of these were so unique, and some of them looked kind of scary, and was that a snake?! She sidled closer, eyeing the familiar.

So much red was coming around, and a soquili that looked like one of the - and a bear. The mind boggled! "What do you mean, figure out the cold stuff? It's winter!" her head tilted, amber eyes blinking in placid concern. Had he bumped his head? Or maybe this was his first winter?  


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Skilled Hellraiser

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:56 pm
User ImageAh, winter! That wonderful time of the year where glistening snow blanketed the ground beneath it. Although it covered the beautiful sights of many of the flowers, the snow itself held a beauty of its own. Gypsy Song closed his eyes and smiled at the thoughts. When the sun would shine, the snow would appear to have at least a hundred diamonds covering it. How could he forget about the cold, refreshing air?! It was only during the winter season that the large stallion felt brave enough to spend days, even weeks, down in the kawanii lands.

Usually, Gypsy was found hiding at the top of the mountains where it was cold and icy all year long. Sadly, there weren't very many visitors and it grew lonely. Sure, the stallion had his familiar friend most of the time, but he needed more interaction than with one creature. This was the reason winter was the stallion's most cherished time of the year. Unlike many of the soquili that traversed the Kawanii lands, Gypsy had hairy fetlocks, large wings to cover himself, and accumulated fat a little easier than others. These added up to make one very warm soquili, which was why he avoided the Kawanii lands in the summer and spring.

Just in the distance, Gypy's familiar was leading the way as Gypsy followed like a lost puppy. Melody would leave their cave in the mountainside and hunt here in the kawanii lands for days at a time. This meant that the little owl was more familiar with the area than Gypsy could ever dream of being. Therefore she was his guide for the next few months.

When the owl heard voices, she sped up to greet them. Gypsy took noticed and called out for the owl, "Melody, why are you in such a rush? Slow down!" He sped up slightly, almost tripping on his big hooves along the way. Heavy hooves slammed against the ground hard as he continued to rush after her. "You always said you wanted to meet others. Here's your chance!"

As they approached the group of soquili, Gypsy slowed and eventually froze in place. He was always tentative and a little awkward at first. After warming up to others, they would quickly learn that he was just a clumsy goofball.  

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