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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Ring of Fire
[PRP] Unmask Me [Maximus / Eulalia] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:51 pm
The bag around her neck bounced against her chest lightly, empty of the heaviest content, as the Fire lady trudged pleasantly from the Water Tribe territory into the Fire, as if she was out for a peaceful walk. Thus far, it was. She had expected to run into others by now, but had not seen a soul. Not a speck of fur unless it belonged to a rodent or grazing animal. Those there were plenty. A great way to put her lessons to the test now that she was alone. Though it soon was becoming lonely. As much as she knew it would be a lonely job at first, Eulalia was so used to being around others it still made it no less difficult to bare. But that was the job. It required her to do this on her own.

No one said she couldn't have a little fun with it, though, while she searched for history. Curiosity soon got the better of her once she was outside the territory she considered home, where she grew up. She was curious about the place her Tribe came from. Where the majority of them would have awoken. Where she probably would have had her destiny not changed. And since she was the only Fire Tribe Chronicler, it was still worth a look. In case she wasn't the only one curious. Someone had to check out the Fire Tribe for stories to take back, didn't they?

Eulalia soon itched to remove the mask as she entered warmer pastures. The better to see this new, yet not new, area. She would have breathed a heavy sigh if she could have opened her mouth far enough. It was so nice here. And not so much of that horrid water to accidentally fall into. Maybe she would just linger around here for a while in search of her stories. The others wouldn't willingly come this way. Of course not.

Looking around, the female sat down and removed the mask, stretching her jaw muscles as she did so. Her jaw so liked to cramp from being kept closed so long. Just a little rest and she would go back to hunting.

Tucking the mask away in her back for safe keeping, Eulalia stretched out and yawned, shaking her head as her front legs made contact with the ground. Curling her tail around her body, she tucked her paws under her chest and closed her eyes.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:01 pm
After a long trek around the nations Maximus had decided to take a trip to his own kin's land. He didn't really consider himself part of the fire tribe, rather a wanderer with lots of work to do. The Dark Tribe had commissioned him for several projects in addition to water and even earth. Maximus loved the forge and every bit of his work. There were very little complaints to his lonely way of life. The quiet was a wonderful time to reflect on a variety of things.

The smell of ash and heat filled his nostrils. It was not quite as glorious as a forge's scent, but it was pleasant none the less. He could see the billowing smoke of the volcano rising up out of the earth like a thick puffy tree trunk. The land ahead glowed with the lava-flow that surrounded the great volcano. Steam rose up from and distorted the horizon ahead. It was still some distance before the true heat of the land could be felt, but winds were carrying the scent right to him.

He drew a deep breath before looking over his shoulders to his large sacks filled with various metals, ore, and smithing tools. There was still room for some supplies should he come across them in this territory, but the pack along with a stone hammer holstered at his side were proving to be quite the burden.

Hoshi Lockhart

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:13 pm
The heat of the place lulled the Fire female to doze, her head bobbing on her shoulders. It felt so comfortable here. Like napping in a ray of light on a day with no clouds in the sky. Just an endless stream of light. It always made her sleepy.

Just as she was beginning to drift off into a full sleep, a noise caught her attention. Opening her dark eyes, Eulalia glanced around her, part of her senses prepped for a fight or flight. Instead, she caught sight of something that, from her distance looked strange. Like an animal with a large hump or humps on its back. The more she watched, the more curious outweighed caution and she got up to get closer. Once she was close enough to realize it was another B'alam, a Fire at that, she relaxed completely and trotted the rest of the way over.

"Hey!" she couldn't resist yelling on the way over, the usual smile on her face. "Need any help?"

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:42 pm
Maximus blinked before he slowly looked away from his loot and tools. He was surprised to say the least at the company. Normally he didn't have many encounters on his travels. There had been very few in his in-between destinations that every time it was a surprise. Pleasant or not, it was a welcome change.

"Help you say?" Maximus responded with a deep gruff voice, almost as if the mountain behind them itself had spoken.

"hmn..." He rumbled while he sized up the B'alam before him. "Have you seen any odd rocks?"

With a flick of his head he gestured to his back-pack. Behind him his tail raised than formed a question mark. *He did take note of the familiar silver item by the female B'alam before him. Surely that was one of his recent works commissioned by the water tribe? A fun task that was. Maximus begun to recall the entire set he had made. Though, he did not get to see all who had obtained the masks, he remembered crafting each one quite vividly.

Hoshi Lockhart

*This plot was cleared by Thalion before posting. Maximus was responsible for crafting the Chronicler's Masks along with another blacksmith owned by Dreamer. Just so you guys know, it wasn't random. <:  

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:45 pm
Instinctively, Eulalia looked around her, taking note of every rock that came into her sight, including the flat one a front paw was standing on. They all just looked like rocks to her. Was there something about rocks she didn't realize? She just seen them as parts of the earth. Little obstacles in the way of unwary paws or hooves. Not that she was surprised if someone found a purpose in them. Aside boulders and rock mountains. Which could be carved into statues and hollowed out for buildings. But little rocks? What purpose could a smaller rock have? That might make an interesting story if she could find someone from afar messing with rocks.

"I see...Lots of rocks," the Chronicler answered, looking back to the other Fire B'alam with a confused expression. Eulalia wasn't ashamed to admit she was unsure. Chronicler's, giving their kind of jobs, should be wise and experienced. More so than most B'alam with the amount of wandering they were required to do. However, she was just fresh on her own. She couldn't know everything right away. There was no shame in feeling lost. Or being lost.

"What qualifies as an odd rock?"

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:04 pm
"hmn" Maximus hummed to the inquiry.

The answer always seemed obvious to him. Each rock was different to a point, but some were especially different.

"The ones that catch your eye." Maximus replied the only way he knew. "The ones worth stopping to look it."

Of course, he was unaware that another might view the same rock completely differently. There were signs to look for in a rock that it truly might be special. Some were on the outside, but some hid their beauty within.

As his mind thought on rocks he moved his attention away from the familiarity of the mask. At least for the moment. His posture remained perfectly statuesque while he thought more on how to classify the odd rocks he was looking for.

Hoshi Lockhart

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:29 pm
The Fire nantlil frowned, casting her eyes back down to the ground. She lifted a paw off the flat rock and bent towards it for a closer look. Which probably looked quite comical to anyone watching her. First she checked the top. Then she rotated her head to check the thin sides. The edges were sharp, only a little bit dulled from its time sitting in the dirt. Though how many years it would take furry feet to dull it down she couldn't say. Nor wanted to try to estimate. It was too large to really pick up and was just a dark grey color. Nothing amazing to her. So she moved on.

Eulalia walked around the area slowly, her drive to help someone else too strong to ignore. Even if it was for rocks, not something that she would have looked at twice.

Stopping before a nice round one, she bent her lower body for a closer look, circling around it like a dog preparing to lie down. It had thin stripes all along it in a lighter color than the rest of it. This satisfied her enough to turn back to the tahtll with a pleased expression on her half and half muzzle.

"Like this?"

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:44 pm
Maximus watched the nantlil drift around for what might be considered an "odd" rock. Even from a distance he inspected the rocks she came across to see what she may gauge as strange. He couldn't explain why that was fascination, perhaps it was because he had never really had any one else look for him. It was interesting to see what others would consider odd.

Once she seemed to have found one he leaned his head closer before slowly moving closer. His tail curled up and formed a "c" as he drew closer and saw the rock a bit more clearly.

"hmn... yes." He squinted as he peered closer at the light markings lacing the outside of the rock. "This is an odd one, in the most fascinating way."

Hoshi Lockhart

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:43 pm
Eulalia stood beside her rock, like a student having been asked to pick out something specific and had found it quickly and was waiting for approval. Her innocent face gave off the impression all the more, with the silly smile plastered on her face. As the other Fire came closer to take a look at it, she sat down, curling her tail around her front paws, burying them from sight. She stood straight, very proud indeed of her find. Even if it was just a rock and she still couldn't understand his fascination with rocks. Did he collect them? She could understand if he did. There were so many different rocks, one could have an impressive collection of them.

When he commented on her find, the nantlil puffed out her chest more and closed her eyes in delight for a few moments before speaking.

"I am glad you like it! I haven't been in the outside world long. I'm not experienced with rocks." Leaning her head in slightly, the better to hear him, she added, "What do you do with the rocks?"

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:32 pm
"It comes with time if you continue to search for the right ones." Maximus added as he continued to inspect the rock she had found. It was really a good find. And on her first try. This must have been one fortunate B'alam.

"hmn... Well-" he looked away from the rock and gestured to her mask. "Some can be made into hard metal than crafted into such things, like your mask. Others, the rare ones, can be mixed with other rocks and made into other things."

He leaned forward and shook his thick fur bound in golden rings, just to draw attention to them for an example.

"Some B'alam like to wear these rocks as decorations... it all depends on what you find. Some cannot be crafted, however. They are still just as unique though."

Maximus wondered what it must have been like to be an Earth-tribe b'alam. Like the one he saw shifting rocks by mere thought. They must be really good at searching for odd rocks. They lacked the fire it took to mold them though... At least, that is what he had observed.

Hoshi Lockhart

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:26 pm
At the mention of her mask, Eulalia's dark eyes drifted down to the bag around her neck. She resisted the urge to pull it out and examine it closely, thinking that would be a rude thing to do when one was having a conversation with someone new. You shouldn't switch your attention so drastically to something else like that. That wasn't polite. Unless they asked for your help, of course. Like hunting rocks.

But to think rocks were used to make something so smooth and delicate looking. And detailed. It was an amazing thing. She had not thought to ask where it had come to be, the mask she wore for so many hours every day. The mask she was so familiar with. It's touch, the curves on the side. Then again, she didn't really think much on where anything came from. The whole world was such a wonder, there was no time for serious and deep thought.

"You can really make all that with just rocks?" the Fire nantlil asked with wonder in her eyes, mesmerized by his dancing braids. "But that's so tiny and my mask is so detailed."

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:54 am
Maximus looked over the rocks again than smiled warmly to her comment.

"Hmm, Looks can be deceiving." He noted with a nod. "It takes more than the rocks themselves. They need fire, care, and eventually a fine touch to make something beautiful."

It took a while to make good armor, jewelry, anything really, but the end result was always rewarding. Maximus thought back to his first work and how rough it was. That steel armor for a gray b'alam, "Sir. Robert". It was not as nice or smooth as the masks, but it was still rewarding.

"Hard work is rewarded with beautiful works. It is all the more rewarding if you can remember the rocks they came from. Your mask was once a pile of odd rocks. Each one found this land, but forged elsewhere."

Hoshi Lockhart

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:38 pm
"And you can make these?" Eulalia continued on with the questions, total amazement in her eyes. Though she believed him, she still found this a difficult concept to wrap her mind around. She'd seen wondrous things before in the Water Tribe. Knew full well B'alam were capable of amazing feats. She just never stopped to think that maybe those amazing feats had been created with something so simple as odd rocks from the ground. "My mask started here? Where was it forged?"

So amazed was she that the fact he seemed to be aware she had a mask in the first place never occurred to her. It was hidden in her bag, out of sight aside from the bulge that indicated there was something inside the pouch. It hadn't been very long ago that she had left the Water Tribe, making straight for Fire Tribe. Were B'alam outside Water Tribe aware of her job long before she was or was it something new that had just traveled fast to the other settlements?

Bah. That was thinking too much on something for the Fire nantlil's liking.

"What else do you know about my mask?"

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 3:05 pm
Even past Maximus' thick dreadlocks that appeared to be covering his eyes, he could see the amazement in the other nan's face. It was refreshing to catch someone as fascinated by rocks as he was. Or rather what the potential outcome of the rocks could be was remarkable.

As the mask was brought up, Maximus shifted his sight to the limp bulging in the leather sack at her side.

"Hmm-" He begun as he studied the 'mask' without even really looking at the actual object. "I made it along with my good friend."

He spoke the feat as simply as if it were like breathing. Each of the Chronicler's masks were of his and Forge's creation. Both had put in quite a bit of effort getting the stones and melting them into something of beauty that would be word by ones even more so. A small smile tugged at one corner of his mouth while he recalled the creation each mask.

"We used my most precious stones for each one to be sure they were all unique, yet unchanged from the others... hmm... no easy task, but it is one that I am quite proud of."

Hoshi Lockhart

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:54 pm
Eulalia sat down on the ground like a young cub listening to a story. Not far from the truth, really. What he was saying was about as interesting to her as a story was to a young cub. She had never thought to stop and ask anyone about it. Her mind was still young to the world and couldn't see past the masks just becoming.

The amazement never left her eyes the entire time he was speaking. In fact, it grew. But before she spoke again, it left, being replaced by a mischievous sparkle as she smiled slyly at him.

"If what you say is true," she began, tilting her head up slightly as her smile broadened, "what does my mask look like?"

[ RP Zone ] The Ring of Fire

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