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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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[Auto Exam] The House of Horrors! (Camilla) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 1:58 am
Y1 Rp Point Log

Camilla had been at Amityville for some time now about a year in fact! She had been diligent with her classes and really felt like she had grown over the past year... She had learned soooo much! Like that predators were dangerous however some could become good friends! That ninja's and martial arts specialists were really cool fighters! And that if she stopped to focus things tended to go better for her! She was proud of her achievements over the past year and wondered if it was time for her to go up a year the Dormouse ghoul after attending that last strange class had been thinking about all this a lot as of late and she happened to be thinking this while making breakfast that morning as well

"What do I need to do to go up a year..." she muses aloud as she stirs a bowl full of berry muffin batter while her tail sways in time with her thoughts suddenly however there was a light knock on her rather ornate door "Hm? Who could that be?" she says then sets the whole down "Could you finish stiring this for me please?" she asks a pare of tart treats who were drifting by happily they nod and while they begin stiring Camilla heads to the door

Strangely though there was nobody there... she could tell because she didn't see a curson shaped shadow through the glass but what she did see was some kind of paper attached to the door... curiosity shone in her eyes as she opens the door and pulls off the note "A note? Curious!" she says suddenly becoming excited however after reading it her expression turned confused "A non mandatory test? Cool! I'll take any test they throw at me! Heh" she exclaims playfully then heads inside

A few hours later Camilla was fed, dressed, and ready for this test! She wore her usual outfit and for some reason brought her lockpick she felt she was going to need it for some reason... As she walked to the location given on the note shebwas practically bursting with excitement! Her tail wagged cheerfully as she walked with a bounce in her step all while wearing a excited smile you'd think she won a lottery or something with how cheerful she was! However... All that changed upon arrival at her destination...

Her cheerful expression, happily wagging tail, and bouncy step all dissipated when she saw the shabby old house "... Is this... It?" she says in a disappointed tone most creeple loved old run down houses because of their spooky nature but Camilla? She really didn't like them... Why? Mostly because of what she was and how she was raised a Dormouse Monster's wealth is in their home so to see such a sad run down house just made her sad... She was further saddened after checking the note again "I guess... This is it..." she says before finally spying the box "Hm?" she hums as she goes over to it the little poem helped to cheer her up it made her smile once more and look at the house a bit more favorably "Heh it won't be hard being quiet because I am a mouse!" she laughs then stands up however before she heads for the door a smell something warm and smoky catches her nose it's inviting... almost demandingly so and she feels herself heading towards the house without really thinking about it

When she gets there however she stops short to look at the peeling paint and delicately hanging door was it ok to just go in? She thinks what if someone lived here... but then again why would such a professionally writen note send her to some random curson's home? "I better knock..." she whispers finally because whether someone lived here or not it was only polite to knock "Hello? Anybody here?" she calls after giving the door a few short raps when nobody answered she finally nods and takes a breath "Guess it's deserted... Well in I go!" she says excitedly before opening the door and walking in

When she got inside she found the house to be much bigger then it looked on the outside! The room she walked in seemed to beba living room and it was completely dark! Suddenly the Dormouse ghoul hears a soft familiar click "Hm? Eep!" she squeaks as she turns to look at the now shut and locked door "Oh dear... Looks like I won't be going back that way hah hah..." she jokes before looking around the room had many doors but all were dark or closed save for one a bright clean light shone out of one doorway and the Dormouse ghoul felt that was obviously the way forwards  
Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 2:26 am
Upon entering the brightly lit room Camilla shields her eyes a bit as they adjust to the bright sterile light... However once they do she gasps in awe! She was in a kitchen! A Giant professional kitchen! And not just that it was a giant professional confectionery kitchen! This became evident by all the chocolate that was everywhere! Chocolate in vats, chocolate in bowls, chocolates already made up into various desserts on the counters! There was chocolate everywhere!

"Woow wow!" she exclaims excitedly before taking no bouncing about two steps into the kitchen up to the first table! There seemed to be every form of chocolate dessert imaginable in here! Slowly she moves along the table looking at all the desserts on it! Well inspecting them really! On that particular table because it was close to the ovens it had many cakes set out on it! Ones already made, ones cooling, All in various shapes and sizes! And they were all extremely well made too!

Camilla found herself gasping in awe as she moved from cake to cake! She was tempted to try them but decided not too because it would be rude to spoil someone elses hard work... Still she could admire them! And thats what she was doing as she neared the end of the table... Where a large boil of warm melted chocolate sat waiting to be used... And on the floor? A small puddle of liquidy chocolate that had been spilled... Neither of these things were noticed by Camilla until she reaches them!

"Eeep!" she squeaks as she goes sliding! She flails a bit to try and regain her balance as she goes flying before finally grabbing onto the table! Unfortunately she grabbed the table so hard her hand hit the edge of the chocolate bowl and sent it straight on a crash course with her face!


Suddenly as Camilla went to take a breath she found chocolate instead of air as the bowl lands soundly on her face! "..." For a long moment she'd just stand there before finally pulling the bowl of milk chocolate off her face... She had a confused and slightly stunned expression as she looks down at her clothes... Suddenly without warning a smile breaks out on her face and she bursts out laughing! "Hah hah hah! Wow! That was unexpected! Heh heh! Guess I got to taste the chocolate after all!" she laughs cheerfully before setting the bowl down and licking some of the chocolate off her fingers!  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 2:35 am
Still in good spirits from her little chocolate incident Camilla takes about two steps over to the next row! There on the table was plate after plate after plate of Chocolate Spookies! There was enough here to feed a army! Or maybe just Mayaa... Either way there was a lot and she found pretty much every form of chocolate spooky you could think of! Chewy White Chocolate Spookies, drier chocolate spookies that would go well with tea, some with jelly in the centers, some with pieces of mint candy! It was glorious! And like the Cakes they were all professionally made!

As before Camilla refrained from trying any if for no other reason then because of the awe she was in! And she was still busy cleaning the chocolate off her face... Unfortunately like last time she made the same mistake... Chocolate on tne floor while a bowl of White chocolate rested on the counter... Needless to say after much flailing to get her balance back Camilla soon had a bowl of melted White chocolate on her face...

For a moment she just stands there frowning at the fact that she'd made the same mistake again... However she couldn't help but smile at how funny it must look! Finally she pulls the bowl off her face and takes a breath before wiping some white chocolate off her face and popping it in her mouth! Yummy!  
Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 2:49 am
Happily Camilla's tail wags as she cleans off the chocolate and takes two steps towards the next table! This table had all sorts of Chcolate candies! It was a chocolate lovers dream! There was dark chocolate candies, white chocolate candies, milk chocolate candies, chocolate candies filled with carmel or jelly or some sweet paste! Some were decorated with colored chunks of sugar withs decorated with a glaze of some sort some were even sprinkled with gold! It was amazing!

Unfortunately like before... Camilla was too busy bouncing excitedly from tray to tray awing and oooing over the expertly made candies to notice the puddle of chocolate on the floor! However instead of a bowl of chocolate waiting for her a vat was! "Eeep! Noooot aaaagaaaaain!" she yelps as she goes sliding!


Suddenly Camilla finds herself head first hip deep in the vat of chocolate! For a moment she just blinks wondering how she made the same mistake AGAIN until she needed a breath... Quickly she pulls herself out of the chocolate and sighs... Ok now this was getting ridiculous... However she just couldn't stay mad at herself as she licks a chocolate covered hand and smiles with a happy tail wag "Mmm! Dark Chocolate!"  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:04 am
And then there was more chocolate! Camilla wasn't complaining, nope. She just continued on her way licking off the various types of chocolate off her hands as she went.  
Rikku Takanashi rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:09 am
Still cleaning the chocolate off happily Camilla suddenly freezes as she takes two steps towards the next table! Almost quite literally freezes! The next table held another very popular chocolate dessert... Ice Cream! Camilla liked Ice Cream loved Chocolate Ice Cream even! But she didn't love how this part of the kitchen suddenly felt subarctic!

A deep chill runs through her as the chocolate on her begins to cool! "E-eep! I-it's c-cold!" she squeaks before wrapping her arms around her shoulders! Instantly her mind began to fog up with drowsiness and in a last ditch effort to stay warm she quickly pulls her pin off and jams it into her pocket! There would be a large poof of smoke before a Dormouse could be seen dashing out of it over the icy floor! She wasn't even interested in the Ice Cream! Nope! She had to get out of here! If she fell asleep she'd not only fail her test but might possibly freeze to death!

She was so concern with getting out of that section of the kitchen that she didn't see the trolly with a large stock pot full of chocolate on it right ahead of her! "Oh deaaar!" she yelps as she tries to stop she really tried! Unfortunately though the floor was icy and at her speed she couldn't find the traction to stop!


She smacks soundly into the trolly and knocks the pot clean off! Naturally it falls down head first right perfectly over Camilla! Suddenly she found herself literally bathed in warm melted chocolate! It was in her fur, in her clothes, everywhere! "W-wow" she coughs as she breaks the chocolate's surface "I-I've never swam in chocolate before! Least it's warm heh!" she coughs before laughing! Most would be upset by the situation they found themselves in... But not Camilla! It wasn't every day you got to swim in chocolate after all! And Ooo! It was good chocolate too!

Finally after caving and eating some of the chocolate Hey it was ruined anyway she grows in size a bit till she was large enough to push the pot off of her! However she quickly remembers that it was really cold outside her warm chocolate bath and she needed to hurry! "Eep! Cold! cold!! cold!!!" she squeaks as she dashes full tilt for the door leaving chocolatey mouse pawprints in her wake!  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 3 6-sided dice: 1, 2, 4 Total: 7 (3-18)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:19 am
Finally at long last she reaches the door to the kitchen and dives through it! Upon landing she goes tumbling a ways in stiring up some sort of dust which completely covers the semi cooled chocolate all over her! "W-wow where am I?!" she coughs as the dust continues to fly through the air!

Finally the strange dust settles and her location is revealed! She was in some sort of vast library! In a library covered in chocolate... and now dust... Well that explained what the dust was... Now the question was... How did she get out of here and how does she do it without covering everything in chocolate...

She could already hear what sounded like a invisible librarian huffing in annoyance over the chocolate which now stained the old dusty rug... Better tread carefully...  
Rikku Takanashi rolled 3 6-sided dice: 6, 5, 4 Total: 15 (3-18)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:24 am
For a long moment, Camilla simply stands where she landed hoping the chocolate would dry so she wouldn't get any of the books covered in chocolate... Excitement over the whole graduating thing caused her to start fidgeting till finally she couldn't wait any longer! The chocolate seemed dry enough anyway.

Carefully, the Chocolate covered Dormouse ghoul trip toes her way over to the first bookshelf she found. It was very tall and full of books of all shapes and sizes! She was standing to wonder if the whole house had some kind of storage spell on it... It seemed far more vast inside then it did outside...

After glancing around, she finally pulls a book off the shelf and begins reading it. "Minipet care for dummies..." she reads aloud as she very carefully turns the first page. About ten minutes later, she was no closer to getting out of the library and had a confused frown on her face. The book... Did not preach good minipet care... Finally, she shelves the book and moves on to another one.  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 3 6-sided dice: 2, 4, 6 Total: 12 (3-18)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:56 am
Most of the books on the front row seemed to be how too books. Eventually, after carefully pawing through a few of them, Camilla moves on to the next row. It quickly becomes apparent that this row held Mysteries! Eagerly, the Dormouse ghoul pulls out the first book that caught her eye and begins reading it.

About twenty minutes later, Camilla stifles a yawn before shutting the book and shelving it. Who knew a mystery could be so... Boring... The one she had picked up: Finding the Clues and the Clueless, was poorly written... Filled with terribly overused cliches, and with a plot that seemed to get more nonsensical by the minute, she finally couldn't stand to read it one moment more...  
Rikku Takanashi rolled -sided dice: Total: 0 (-0)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:10 am
(So many books!)  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 3 6-sided dice: 3, 1, 4 Total: 8 (3-18)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:24 am
Moving on to the next row, she finally found the Fantasy! "Ooo! The fantasy section!" she exclaims cheerfully before grabbing book after book at random! Finally, once she had a armload, she makes her way over to a table and begins scanning through them.

Mayhaps finding the fantasy section was a bad thing... The test and getting out of the library were soon forgotten as she quickly becomes engrossed in a good book!  
Rikku Takanashi rolled 3 6-sided dice: 4, 6, 1 Total: 11 (3-18)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:28 am
About thirty minutes later, Camilla was still reading the same book she was before. A daring book about swashbuckling pirates, valiant Reapers, and a Kitsune masquerading as the Kingdom's princess to keep the real one safe! Ah, such a good book!

Time just kept slipping away... Least the chocolate was fully dried by now...  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled 3 6-sided dice: 1, 6, 3 Total: 10 (3-18)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:35 am
Another thirty minutes later and Camilla was still reading the same book...  
Rikku Takanashi rolled 3 6-sided dice: 5, 1, 3 Total: 9 (3-18)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:44 am
And there went another half an hour as the Dormouse ghoul sat comfortably in the chair reading. However, unbeknownst to her, the invisible Librarian, who had already gone to great pains to get the chocolate stains out of her carpet, was getting quite fed up with the chocolate covered interloper!  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi rolled -sided dice: Total: 0 (-0)

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:50 am
(Too many books!)  
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