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Star Wars: The Race for Time Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:21 am
12345It was always a foul day on Coruscant.

12345That's what the young jedi had determined for herself. Well, I guess the term is "dark jedi"- which just sounds like a sith in disguise, but whatever. She hadn't stepped foot in the Temple or been near the Order in years now. She didn't like them, they didn't like her. No harm, no foul- from them anyway. Just from this terrible day, in this terrible place. She didn't know why, but something felt wrong.
12345She snapped a coin up and down, absentmindedly resting herself on a pole watching the display. A bounty hunter was being taken to a dearly departing cruiser- destined for one of the various slave worlds- more than likey. She didn't keep up with that news.
12345"Kytra!" She hated when people yelled her name. "Youse gonna pay for somethin' wid dat coin or just sit there and tempt me in my face?"
12345"Give it a rest Donny it's not like I don't buy from you every time I'm on world."
12345"You can get yourself some fancy things with that there coin, girl. As a matter of fact, I've got some special goods- order just came in. Youse typically aint around in time to get 'em."
12345She flipped the coin in the air one more time with a clink then caught it. "Well you know I like a piece of the action."
12345He led her over to his shop, to the back, in a small room she'd seen many times. Her old friend knew she kept a low profile and so he only acts annoying when he's truly got something she wants. Maybe today was turning around yet.
12345"Spill." She said after the door was closed.
12345"Special tip from a reliable source."
12345"I hope you didn't just call me in here for that."
12345"It's a very special tip. I think you'll like it. Has to do with Kye Jyon." Her ears perked up. "I thought so. Youse see I heard tell he's here and pickin' a fight with some local color. Of the red variety. And has gotten himself in quite a mess. Unfortunately, intel was non-specific, but they do believe life-threatening harm will ensue."
12345"Life-threatening har-" She chuckled under her breath before she could repeat the phrase. Understatement of the year. So Kye got himself involved on the wrong side of the Sith. He was always too careless. "Is that it?"
12345"I thought you'd like to know. He's supposed to be shipped off on a cruiser with that bounty hunter fellow they just towed out. Though he's a little more under the dust."
12345There it was. She flicked the coin at him. "Buy yourself something nice... gift from me."
12345"Always do."
12345After that she wordlessly left. There was nothing more for her to say- or do for that matter. The cruiser was set to leave within the next couple hours and she'd bet more credits than she'd just spent that he was already on board. She walked on from Donny's place following the motions- her mind was still rolling after everything she had just been told. Despite her act of indifference, her friend meant a lot to her- and now what could she do? At least this explained the crappy feelings she felt all day- a small disturbance in her force...
12345"Huh?" She quickly caught a small tube before it fell on her. "A lightsaber?!"
12345She looked up and around. Her mind busy talking to itself she meandered in an ally close by the hanger bays- only a quick jog away if you were catching the right shuttle. Someone was having a scuffle up there.
12345"It couldn't be..." A couple force jumps and a creative twirl along a window pane later she was on the roof where the saber fell. The lightsaber wasn't his, but maybe just maybe. Her eyes widened.
Whatever fight there was, it was plenty over now as she saw the slain sith, covered in his cloak on the ground. She clicked on the saber.
12345It was red.
12345"You there! Hault!"
12345"Oh no.." She groaned audibly as she said it. Not scared so much as helplessly annoyed- though she was sure scared would kick in later, now she was just in deep bantha fodder.
12345She wasn't all that far from the edge of the building, but she was on the side of the alley. She'd have to get to the other side of the building under fire, but she wasn't too worried about that.
No reason not to use both sabers now. She thought. Kytra flipped her lightsaber out from the small holster behind her back and it clicked on with a whirr.
12345She'd been through fire easily enough with one but with two she might as well be behind a wall. She was surprised whoever teaches these guys how to shoot hasn't been under some life-threatening harm of his own by now. On the other side of the building, she made it just in time to jump off the edge and onto a vehicle currently flying over her destination. Clicking the weapons off, she gave the disturbed caravan a quick wave of thanks then jumped off again into the market region of the hangar bay.
12345She nearly fell on a cart selling live animals and was getting an earful from the shop owner, which she ignored as she stood and wiped herself off. She pulled out another coin and once again flicked it into the angry but now surprised owner's face.
12345"That should be sufficient enough for your trouble. Good? Good. Goodbye!"
12345She ran towards the departing ships and ran toward the one with the doors closing. "Wait!"
12345"Why should I?"
12345"You will be compensated, that's no problem. Now let me on!" She looked behind her back- they were coming! She dropped the fare and then some into the man's hands.
12345"Enjoy the ride." He let her on and the troopers opened fire as the doors were closing.
12345She heaved a sigh. "What I gave you should pay for any damages as well."
12345"Here." He ignored her "Here's your ticket and room number. We're making several stops-so take your pick."
12345"I'm sure I'll get off somewhere."
12345She went to her room, which was nice enough though could be a tad better, considering the fare. Where would she go, she wondered? She looked at the list of planets on the way- nothing really intrigued her. Though she had to go somewhere. Wherever she went she wouldn't stay long. That wouldn't do with the Sith on your tail... She groaned in frustration this time then threw the papers on the floor. She needed to get away from it for a while and now the only way to do that was a nap. That would clear her head a bit so she could better go through her options.
After she had decided it she felt herself shutdown, like her mind had been waiting for her to do that a long time ago- and she quickly fell asleep.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:25 am
Victoria san

Ooc: Figured it was long enough XD Sorry if it's too long, but there we go. If you want you can do a bit of back story of how you got there, or we can just assume I'm awake now whatever you wanna do.  



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Victoria san

Fashionable Businesswoman

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:39 am

((ooc: its not a problem. write as much as you want. Sorry I had to write the jedi council part short and sorry for taking a long to post. ))

...It had been a pleasant morning until she was summoned and given a mission that only she could do...

Mina moved her light pinkish hair out of her face impatiently as the elevator descended slowly from the Jedi Council chambers to the ground floor. She crossed her arms, closed her bright fiery eyes, tapped her fingers in a slow rhythm, and tried to think of calm thoughts, but could only remember the events that had played out earlier in the day. It had been a pleasant morning as she trained her dual lightsaber skills with one of her good friends from the Jedi order. Not many people talked or went on missions with her because most people had the wrong impression of her. It wasn't her fault that out of the trillions of people and races in the universe, she was born with pink hair and a rare condition in the eyes. Her eyes had multiple color pigments layered so that it looked like is was baptized in flames. It also didn't help that it actually had a slight glow in the dark. It was something that she liked about herself especially when she moved fast and her eyes left an afterglow trail. It probably also didn't help that she had a somewhat different outlook on the force and a different view on how should a Jedi act. Then again she was somewhat to blame on her attitude and the way she talked. It also might have been the way she dressed and the way she conducted herself on missions that many older generation Jedi's frowned upon her. However the younglings and some padawans took a liking to her for being a big cool, tough, sister figure. The only two reasons why she was still left in the order and no kicked out for being a disruptive figure was that she was really good at tracking and gathering intel.

She sighed in irritation when she remember the conversation between her and the Jedi council. They had basically sent her to keep tabs on a highly dangerous, high level bounty on a bounty hunter. To make sure that this bounty hunter arrived safely to his destination so that he could receive a trial. They had felt a disturbance in the force and that her skills was necessary for this type of operation. She was basically babysitting someone who the Jedi council thought someone or some people would try to break this bounty hunter out or silence the bounty hunter. She wasn't suited for this type of job, but she could only say little in the matter. The elevator stopped and the doors opened only to show a group of younglings and a Jedi master. The younglings gasped as they recognized her imminently. "Its her!" "Shes looks so cool." "I wanna be like her when I grow up." She opened one of her eyes and everybody gasped. "Sorry. Jedi business and i'm in a hurry. Please wait for the next one" she said in a calm cool tone. Nobody moved an inch and the doors closed again. Right before the doors closed, she heard the younglings shirking in glee and excitement. She smiled a little to herself as she was sure that the Jedi master would have a hard time trying to keep things in order. Finally the door opened to her desired level and she stepped out to catch a shuttle leaving for a space port hangar bay.

She arrived just in time to see in the distance an armed group and a prisoner loading up into a ship that looked like it had seen better times. She closed her eyes and felt through the force to see if anything was amiss and felt several presence far away that felt...bad. "Sith huh, they are not that far away better get going early...Looks like they have some competition among them. Two? No wait...three parties trying to get here. What did you do bounty hunter. The sheer irony for the bounty hunter." She hurried to the ships door, and with a quick wipe of her hand "Jedi on business. You want to leave early. You want to give me a ticket. You don't know me. You haven't see me. You will forget me. Understand? Good. Now lets get going." She walked in like it was she was part of the passenger list and found her room. Using mind tricks had its perks as she saw that she had gotten a rather nice room. She closed her eyes and felt through the force again. She had found her target in a different section of the ship and she didn't felt a disturbance in the force. Perhaps whoever was trying to get on board didn't make it. She let go of the force and opened her eyes to see a storage unit for food in her room. She got up grabbed some food, sat down and relaxed. It had been mentally tiring day, she then pulled out a hologram and began reading information on the bounty hunter. She hoped nothing bad would happen and waited to arrive at their destination.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:01 am
12345The ship hit a bit of turbulence and it was a rather large bump that shook her awake. For a second she had forgotten where she was, but the cramped quarters and crumpled paper quickly reminded her. Fugitive? Check. Hiding on a ship? Check. Running away for dear life to a yet-to-be determined location? Checkaroo.
12345If she was lucky, they hadn't plastered her to a poster half across the galaxy already.
12345She sighed. She picked up the mess she made on the floor. She'd better keep her thoughts hidden. There's nothing incriminating yet on the papers but it's better to be strict when it comes to safety then loosen defenses when needed than indefinitely wide-open.
12345She felt strange all of a sudden, but she couldn't put her finger on it. It was troubling her- it felt like when you should know something important, but for one reason or another your brain can't pull it up. She shook her head of it. Until it decided to grace her mind with it's presence there was nothing she could do. She pulled out the lightsabers and clicked them on, their joined light bright enough to light the dark room.
12345Why did she hold on to it? Well there wasn't really time to let go of it. Still, she would stick out like a sore thumb if she kept it. It would be an easy identifying mark. The lone jedi with red and green saber. If they were smart they'd put that on the poster- and yet... She felt drawn to it. Like there was it reason it quite literally fell into her life. She wasn't going to toss it till she figured out the mystery. Though she'd need a way to hold it. 12345The small loop she kept her lightsaber in only fit one.
12345"If I modify the hilts maybe..." She thought out loud as the cogs in her mind ran silently. She took out her tools from a small pouch on her leg just under her hip. She didn't have anything else to do and this was important enough to handle now. She force-clicked the light on and started getting to work.

~*- - -*~

12345God that was close!
12345The hunter was in his room. He had freed himself easy enough, though the ship was heavily armed. He had almost made it to the ports when he dashed out to the rooftops. The sith had chased him (duh!). He didn't have any weapons, he managed to knock his lightsaber away. From there it was a fist-fight and that was over faster he'd ever dreamed. He hadn't meant to kill him, but there it was. He got away without being seen, but the troopers were on the way over when he left. They knew who he was, they'd put it together. Then they'd be looking for him.
12345Hopefully, they wouldn't think to look here. He thought, but he knew in the end it would be a matter of time, no matter where he went. For a brief instant, he thought of his past.
12345"No. Oh no- I don't need that." He threw the thought away as he threw off his outfit in a heap on the floor. "With all this today I don't need more of that in my head.."
12345He changed into his "new" civilian clothes he quickly bought from the market. Simple outfit- basic shirt, pants, boots and he paid a bit extra for the cloak the man was wearing. He'd need something to keep his face hidden if he was going to get through this.
12345He'd also have to make sure that his old clothes were destroyed before he left. He heard shooting as they left the docking bay, it didn't seem like it was for him, he'd been on the ship for some time and there was no way to link it to him. He'd made sure of that.
12345For now, he'd lay low and stick to his cover. That's what's worked so far. Well, depending on how you define "worked"... grrw!
12345"I guess that means it's time to eat." His past flashed before him once more. "... It's definitely time to eat."
12345With that he pulled up his hood and left the room. His past was persistent today. Not like there was much he could do about it. He picked up something simple from the mess area on the ship and sat down to eat. He was tempted to just go back in his room, but that would be more suspicious he felt, than just eating it. He felt a large bump and his food almost knocked over. A voice came over the ship.
12345"This is the captain. We're entering a dense patch of space heading to the mid rim, it might get a little bumpy. Please watch your activities accordingly."
12345"A little?" He chuckled. In the past if there was one bump his partner would go beserk and give the captain an earful- all the while asking and fixing whatever the problem was. Pain in the butt, but that's what made it fun travelling together.
12345He smiled then immediately frowned- realizing he'd lost his battle with his mind. He missed his partner terribly, but he couldn't help what happened... Seems like he couldn't help a lot of things lately, though.
12345A few smaller trembles ran across the ship and not too soon after he caught a glimpse of a girl barging out from the direction of the traveler's quarters and was just as determined continuing through the way to the bridge of the ship. She was in clothing expensive enough to know she had money but was at the same time covered in belts and pouches that looked like they've been used for years.
12345Bet her room's better than mine. He thought it would be nice to have the money and position enough to be angry and complain when things went wrong. Though his old friend didn't have either- but did anyway- so he guessed he could if he really wanted too. Therein lied the difference. For the most part he didn't really want to.
12345He went back to his food.  



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7,650 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:50 am
Victoria san

Ooc: No worries, the Jedi council can be long winded as yoda is green. lol whee Anticipation of partner-posting is part of the fun lol Stuff happens.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:55 am

...stop staring. It makes me nervous. You don't want me nervous. Bad stuff happens...

MIna woke up with a startled as the ship trembled for a bit. She looked around groggy and realized that she had fallen asleep while reading on the bounty hunter. She got up and began to stretch, but was set off balanced due to another tremble of the ship. She quickly gathered herself and felt through the force once again. She gasped when she realized she could no longer find the bounty hunter. She searched for any signs of the bounty hunter among the passengers, but to no avail. She also widen her search to the crew and the guards that brought him to the ship. She got a nasty surprised when she realized that half the guards were either wounded or dead and the rest were panicking. "How long was I asleep? I guess I better get going and find out what happened" She didn't bother checking the time as she got ready and hurried to the door. As she stepped out she used the force and focused it on her eyes and mind. It was a skill that she excelled at and it made her able to see things normal people and most Jedi's couldn't see. The reason why she was good at tracking and gathering intelligence. She could see lingering presences of the force within living things and could focus it even more to see footprints, fingerprints, blood stains, even machinery like robots and building structures. To her it was like seeing a movie play backwards with the actors looking like blueish white ghosts. The bad thing about her skill was that she couldn't hear anything that happened in the past. Otherwise she would have been the perfect detective for murders and theft. She looked around quickly and found the quickest path to the bridge. She didn't care when other people stared at her as she hurried by nor the comments they made. She had a bad feeling that something really bad was going to happen soon.

She was able to get on the bridge with no problem when the crew found out that she was a Jedi. She didn't even need to use her mind tricks. As soon as she stepped on the bridge, people were shouting to one and other and running around chaotically. "Excuse me Captain. It is really imperative that I know whats going on. I have Jedi business on board this ship. You might know about the armed group that was bringing a criminal. I need to find him at all costs." Everyone stopped talking and looked back at her. The captain was sitting down in the middle of the room and swung his chair around so he could see her. "I didn't even know we had a Jedi on board. I'll bring you up to speed. I haven't told the crew or the passengers except on the bridge. We were doing fine in hyperspace until about an hour ago we were forced to reduce speed and found ourselves in an asteroid field. Our shields and anti collisions weapons are holding up, but who knows for how long. This ship isn't suited for this type of punishment nor evasive maneuvers. Our readings say something is wrong with the hyperspace drive so we sent down a crew and we are waiting for a reply. As for your criminal, we have droids looking for him as we speak. Apparently the guards forgot to lock his cage properly. If worst comes to past, I'll send a message throughout the ship." She sighed in relief when she heard that nothing serious had happened. Just then one of the officers turn around abruptly and yelled to the captain. "Captain! Message coming through the repair crew. Its on the emergency line." There was a brief silence as the message was being played then it became loud with static noise in the background. "zzzssst...ptain! Can you hear me captain?! The hyperspace drive is brunt to crisp. Someone sabotage it with a torch of some type. There are several injured people here and a few casualties. Looks like from a blaster. OH GOD! Someone is shooting at us. Help! Send help. Please don't shoot. PLEASE don't shoot. OH GOD NO!!!!! *blaster shot noise* sssshhhhhsssshhhh." Mina had her fist clamped tight as she heard the message. She looked at the captain and with a clam composure "I'll go down there to help. Get another crew on standby and make sure you lock down that part of the ship. Also get couple of guards to watch the bridge and tell the rest of the people that it was a simple malfunction and its going to be back online shortly. Don't tell them anything else and keep them from causing panic. I'll notified you when the situation is under control and try to escape the asteroid field. Notified me of anything that happens and guide me via com to the hyperspace drive room." She quickly turned around and headed toward the part of the ship where her target had escaped to. She left the bridge rather quickly because she didn't want anyone to see her nervous. She didn't want to spread fear or dread among the crew. Her gut feelings was telling her that she wasn't out of the woods yet and the worst had yet to come.  

Victoria san

Fashionable Businesswoman



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PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:09 am
12345"Gah! Why is it always the hyperdrive? Annoying piece of..." The next words were mumbled under her breath. The tremors shook her small room so much she couldn't work on her little project, so she decided to do the next best thing and work on the thing herself. It was a bang up job- emphasis on the banging up part, the thing was a mess- and it set her nerves on edge big time. You only sabotage a hyperdrive if you want a sitting duck. That meant that the ones chasing her sabotaged the ship and had that envoy shoot at her to feign safety- which was possible- or there was an mole on board who sabotaged it for them. At this point it didn't matter who did it or why- just that people were coming and it more than likely was someone she wanted nothing to do with.
12345She heard blaster fire and quickly got up from under the machine.
12345"Someone is shooting at us!..." They kept talking but she tuned them out and pulled out her light saber. Wouldn't do yet to use the red one too- that would just be asking for it- especially if there was a spy.
12345She jumped over to the screaming group and just barely managed to block a shot heading for the man who was talking on his holo-device. The shot was deflected just enough, but it did startle him enough when the poor thing got fried out of his hand.
12345"Sorry!" She called really only half-meaning it, she did just save his life after all. The firing suddenly stopped. The shooter had shot a few pipes and now the whole room was fogged up to the point of blindness. She stood saber ready. "All of you- stay back and stay still! I don't want any friendly-fire."
12345The Force would have to be her aid now. She closed her eyes and allowed it to see for her. She took silent but confident steps toward her opponent.
12345 A blast! She blocked it easily then opened her eyes. There was only one shot fired and he knew exactly where she was. This was a force user.
12345"Don't hide any longer! I know you use the Force! Face me as intended!"
12345A long lingering silence. She closed her eyes once more- she had to see her opponent for real not just feel his presence. The difference meant lives and not just hers. She reached out to him and she almost dropped her weapon to the floor.
12345"No... way..." The words were small in comparison to her large taunts just a moment ago. Kye...?
12345The air cleared almost if waiting for this moment so as to most dramatically answer her queery.

12345He felt a creak in the metal as opposed to the general impact feel he'd gotten used to by now on this ship and decided that now was the time to make a move. He didn't know what wasn't working, but he would use it to his advantage. He'd been following the charts and there was an uninhabited moon nearby- large as far as moons go and has a quite diverse selection of plant and animal life. Which was rare. It wouldn't be thought of easily, and it would be better to sneak off unnoticed.
12345Unfortunately for him he was noticed. His bounty hunter clothes were found in his room by someone holding a flier with his face on it. He had the hunters mask on, but he couldn't even go to his room now and it would be obvious either way if he went in or if suddenly he was the only one without a room.
He sighed then headed to the escape pods.

12345That of course didn't go smoothly either. He hadn't expected two armed guards preventing access to the pods. But whatever the reason now they lay groaning on the floor. Not dead this time- thank goodness- but the injuries would take a bit to heal. During the fight he'd run a considerable distance and was now in a part of the ship he wasn't familiar with. He ran into the first room he saw just to be out of sight when the pair woke up and found himself in the engine room. Place was a mess people working on almost everything at once. Another was telling the story to the captain.
12345A worker came behind him just quickly enough to startle him into shooting the gun the first time and it headed right for the man at the panel. After that he took out a very various lines that created a good cloud while not being something that would indefinitely harm the voyage or the passengers.
12345He stopped when his mind recognized the familiar sound of a lightsaber on the other side of the cloud. He needed to run, but something planted him still. Maybe he was wrong...
He focused a shot and fired. The shot was deflected with a zapp!
12345"Impossible..." The smoke cleared and he saw his past- on his mind all day now in front of him. Kytra no no no you don't need to be pulled into this...
12345The girl stood motionless in front of him. Still coming to grips with reality herself. As he looked he realized she was the young woman from before- nice clothes and worn out gear. He couldn't fight her- so he ran.
12345He found his feet again and made his way to the escape pods, but when he rounded the corner he almost ran into another girl with pink hair and fiery eyes and had to jump over her to avoid collision. When he looked back he saw the same scene happen seconds later with Kytra this time twirling around the girl- still hot on his trail. He opened a pod and got in quick, but wasn't quick enough to stop his pursuant from stepping in the door frame.
12345He saw her feet first. Eventually he dared look up to her face. Slowly he let his head tilt upwards until he saw her- now very close and very upset. Her eyes were flickering back and forth the way they always did when she had a million things to say at once. He was glad she didn't say them aloud. He just sat in the chair of the pod silently, shrugged and turned around to plot his trajectory. She'd be giving him an earful in a minute so might as well hope on leaving.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:12 am
Victoria san



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Victoria san

Fashionable Businesswoman

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:01 am

...I can fight better if I have some good music playing in the background...

"Captain I'm almost there. Any updates?" Asked Mina as she hurried along the empty hallways of the ship. "We are almost out the asteroid field. Took couple of hits, but nothing serious. We have multiple pings on radar, but we can't determine what it is since the asteroid field is interfering. Still waiting word from the first repair crew. Some droids have spotted the criminal your looking for. Hes actually not that far off from your current location. That's all I have right now and good luck." Mina was glad that at least the ship was going to be fine. As she got closer to the hyperdrive room, she began using the force to feel the situation before she barged in. She just turned the force on, when a person came running out of the room. She just barely had enough time to avoid a head on collision by sliding, but much to her surprise the man jumped over her. As she got up and looked back, she noticed the man had a blaster. "Was he the one that was firing..." before she could finish her thought process another person came running out of the room. She also almost collided with the women, but the women twirled around her. She was caught off guard by the reaction and speed of the two people who dodge her. It wasn't something a Jedi saw everyday that a person had impeccable reaction timing without years of training, let alone two random people. Before she could say or do anything another figured appeared at the end of the hallway. She didn't need to say anything because she knew right away that the person who caused all this trouble and possible more was the one she was sent to track. The bounty hunter stood silent as he was dressed as part of the ships crew, had a torch in one hand, a blaster in the other hand, and had a belt strapped with thermal detonators. She instantly pulled out her dual lightsabers as two more figures appeared next to the bounty hunter and started firing away at her. She easily parred the blasts away as she began to run towards the group. A huge rumble shook the ship and she was forced to stop to regain her balance. The captain voice came over her comm link. "Jedi. We manage to break away from the asteroid field, but a huge asteroid crashed into us. Shields are offline and we have some minor damage, but we are still in one piece. The repair crew also reported to be ok. We will begin repairs right away." She looked up again after the rumble stop only to see the bounty hunter charging the belt full of thermal detonators and throwing it across the hallway. Then the bounty hunter turn to the escape pods. She instinctively turn and in a full blown sprint ran towards the two random people near an escape pod. She didn't have enough time to yell at them to escape so the only thing she could do was ram the women into the escape pod. "GET US OUT OF HERE!" yelled Mina at the man.

Seconds later the escape pod ejected right before the thermal detonators went off. The escape pod felt the impact of the bombs, but held its structure. She looked back only to see fire and smoke spewing out of the ship. "The hell just happened? Jedi we have an explosion near you. Are you ok? Sending in the fire teams to put out the fires. This isn't looking good. Multiple systems failures. Sending a S.O.S on all channels. Something is appearing on radar. I will ask for assis... " She was out of reach with her comm link. All she do was watch in horror as another ship appeared behind the wounded ship and started firing its weapons. Soon a huge explosion rocketed through space as the wounded ship was no more. She then noticed the bounty hunter escape pod was hit by flying debris and bits of asteroids that were sent off track from the explosion. It changed its course and went to the nearest moon. She turned around and in a tone of urgency "We need to escape to the moon now. The shock wave and multiple debris are about to hit us. We need to move now! Get strapped on tight! This is going to be a rough ride!" She then went to the nearest available seat and began strapping in.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:21 am
Victoria san
(OOC: Sorry if I quoted you a few times XD I ended up revising a bit.)

12345"Ow! Dear lord woman- I dodged you- ya know!" Kytra groaned.
12345She had fallen on type of Kye who was groaning too but not entirely upset about the way it had worked out. He smirked up at her just 'cause he knew she'd hate it. It had the desired effect.
12345"Oh hush you!"
12345"I didn't say anything."
12345"Oh yes you did!"
12345Their bickering was interrupted by a sputtering comm signal and the explosion after the cruiser came out from hyperspace.
12345That was meant for me, Kytra and Kye thought simultaneously- heads low for only a moment before the woman started barking orders.
12345"Well duh we're going to the moon. There's nothing else around. Just hope that cruiser decides we're debri and doesn't scan us before we get down there." The captain had said this was a jedi. Great. Culmination of her lousy day- two jedi and a mole- of the latter she was sure survived. She got up and strapped herself to a seat. "You were the one that wanted to take this thing now steer us on re-entry."
12345"You could do that much better than-"
12345"And you weren't expecting me to be here so you were gonna do it anyway."
12345"..." He huffed then spun back in the chair he'd fallen out of.
12345"So what's a jedi doing here?" Kytra asked not caring enough to hide her disdain for the situation.
12345"Hush please, we're debri. And besides I'm going to let us fall into atmo- it'll make our descent more realistic, but ridiculously choppy..."
12345She paused and huffed herself- she knew he couldn't do what she had in mind. He always made terrible plans when he wanted her to do something."Move."
12345"I knew you weren't that stubborn."
12345"Yeah well I should be!"She snapped back and got in position."We're on the edge of the atmosphere. Once the blast kicks us inside I'll keel back in a swirl. We'll be coming in hot enough and the spin will be horrible, but it will get rid of some speed and we'll drill into our landing so it should be solid when we get out. Also very un-a-person-is-flying-this-thing looking."
12345He strapped in where she was sitting and the belt clicked just in time before the blast hit them. The moon was more fertile than she'd expected, but that could be seen from space. It was a wonder why it had never been settled yet. Maybe because no one ever took the time to stop.
12345"If you weren't, you might wanna hold something. This is gonna be wild!"
12345She did a look at the land in front of her and knew that she probably wouldn't end up near the spot she picked, but it was good to have a direction in a stunt like this. There was spot with some very loose brush in sand. That should do well. The dirt would be soft enough to dig through, but not so much as to bury them totally. She started a tight spin and she was spinning hard as she dropped, swirled around then back up to crash, not too far from her designated location.
12345The whole thing was incredibly disorienting so she was surprised when she was still enough to look at the radar."You still alive back there?"
12345"Yeah.. And my lunch wants to come back to life... You're a miracle worker!" He bellyached but he never threw up. "How 'bout you miss?"  



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Victoria san

Fashionable Businesswoman

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:10 am

((ooc: No worries. Nice color choices.))

...escaping an exploding ship, dodging hundreds of asteroids, surviving the fiery atmospheric reentry, and living through a crazy crash. Yup another easy day...

"If we survive, I might tell you." Replied Mina to the women. She closed her eyes and tried to focus the force to help the escape pod and to see if could locate the bounty hunters escape pod. She lost all focus the moment the women told her plan of reentry into the atmosphere. She instead fasten her straps even more and began to prepare herself for the rough ride that laid ahead. Once everything was said and done, she was sweating and gasping from all the G force that she endured. "Note to self. Never let her drive again." Mina simply gave a weak thumbs up to the pair. She then noticed that bits of her clothes and hair were standing straight up. She looked up and around confused, but realized that they had landed upside down. As she began to unstrap herself from her seat, she gave the quick warning to the other two "careful when you try to get down. We landed upside down and by the way...Is the automatic S.O.S signal turned off? Mina did a small back flip once she was set free from her seat. The escape pod looked like a total mess. She was surprised that they even mange to survive the descent. She checked herself to make sure she still had everything and then the nausea hit her hard. She keeled over and fought back the urge to throw up. After an intense minuet of fighting her food down back to her stomach, she got back up and apologized. She then focused the force to see if anything had discovered their escape pod descent. As far as she could tell, nothing was coming. She then began looking around the escape pod for anything salvageable. "So tell me if you don't mind. What were you guys doing back on the ship. I mean both of you came out of the Hyperdrive room running. One of you had a blaster, and the other if I am not mistaken is a Jedi. I manage to see part of a lightsaber during the confusion. The way events played out, I don't think either of you guys are part of the reason why the ship was destroyed or sabotage. All of this doesn't make much sense."  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 5:18 am
Victoria san

(OOC: Thanks! mrgreen And sorry for the delay- never got the quote notice sweatdrop Should've checked earlier.)

12345"S.O.S. was the first thing I killed. We have done this before... well sorta anyway." He released his safety belt and did a similiar flip to the floor. "We're both jedi."
12345"You forgot to say 'sorta' again." She crossed her legs and arms- still very much upside down.
12345"I'm Kye Jyon. And this lovely vision is Kytra Koda." He shook her hand and Kytra did a mini salute. "We trained under the same master and became partners once we completed our training."
12345"That was a long time ago..." Kytra didn't flip down from the chair, but instead released herself and let herself fall- only holding on to the arm of the seat she was sitting in with her left arm- once her weight came down she flipped pivoting around the arm and hanging before letting go and landed firmly on her feet."I'm what most in the order call a dark jedi now."
12345"It still has jedi in it."
12345"Can we not talk about this now?" She changed the subject. "I want answers too. Like how did you get out of that envoy? I just got intel this morning that you were captured and headed for a cruiser bound to many a bad places."
12345"The Empire has plenty of reasons to bump me off- any of us. So I don't think I need to answer that- though they had a bounty hunter that had been terrorizing planets outside of their orders to him- lots of extra damage to parts they still needed on the planets. So they've been trying to take him down for a while now. His name is Girza Malvoy.They had me- no one knew me, but everyone knew Girza. People had seen his work and got scared so I guess they just decided to give the people some rest? They dressed me as the hunter and had me on that transport they put through town.
12345"We were almost to the docking bay when I rushed out. The men surrounding the carrier were nothing, but the sith came after me. We made it to a rooftop and I couldn't run anymore, I had to face him, but I had nothing to fight with. I ended up taking this big piece of junk- I think it was an old AC unit- and clunking him with it. His saber flew out of his hand and I managed to catch it. It had turned off, so I picked it up and it had a slide switch not a button so it took me a sec to figure it out. While I was doing that he was coming and when I clicked it on it he was close enough to be run through..." He paused. "After that I heard troopers coming that way on the rooftops. I dropped the lightsaber and rushed to the departing ships. This one had a good mix of popular and somewhat obscure destinations so I ran onboard after grabbing a change of clothes. That's how I got to the ship. I killed the Sith and I knew it wouldn't take long for the troopers to report and the pieces to fall together, so I ran while I could."
12345Kytra was sitting down now, head down and silent. So that was the full situation- the whole story- she had hoped she was wrong. She could hardly believe it now, she was right when she felt his presence the other day. And now she was in the middle of it... This was much worse than she thought.
12345"..." Her voice came out soft and pained- like she had aged a great deal during his story. "I was walking through an old alley when something almost fell on me- turned out to be a lightsaber hilt. I was intrigued so I went to the rooftop to see what was going on. When I got there, I saw a sith, dead, his cloak covering him in the breeze. Decided to click the lightsaber on and it was red. The troopers got there a moment later and saw me with a sith's blade and a dead sith. I ran as fast as I could and just barely got on in time. I knew they'd be coming, but I didn't think so fast... But that's what moles do for you, I guess."
12345"A mole? What do you mean?!
12345"I mean the hyperdrive was a huge mess. Somebody blow-torched critical circuits- it was gonna take tons of rewiring to get it walking, no less up and running. Somebody wanted us to be sitting ducks for that ship- whoever they were."  



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Victoria san

Fashionable Businesswoman

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:22 pm

...with so many twists and drama, you start to think this is a real life soap opera...

"Oh" said Mina as a matter of fact when they introduced themselves as sort of Jedi. "Under what master did you train under? Well really if you want to tell me." Mina paused for a split second when she heard that Kytra was considered a dark Jedi. She kept looking around for stuff while she had her back toward the other two. "Well kind of dark Jedi are you? A Sith? An exile Jedi?, A Jedi with different philosophies? A runaway or do you belong to a different cult? There are many types of dark Jedi you know." Mina looked through a lot of places, and she did manage to find what she was looking for. She found some water, rations, first aid, and most important of all, she found a radio. Even though she wasn't replying to them, she was listening. Then she went to the console and did her special force skill. She focused it so she could see where the S.O.S hardware was. "Watch yourself and your eyes." She pulled her lightsaber out and did quick work of the metal. Once the melting sides had cooled down, she pulled out the S.O.S hardware and put it in a bag with everything else she found. Then she turned her full attention to her companions.

"Well I suppose its time to introduce myself and to tell how I fit in this story. To begin with, I'm Jedi knight Mina Longai. Charged with tracking and Intel gathering on the bounty hunter Girza Malvoy by the Jedi council. I was told that Girza had been capture and to make sure he was put on trial, there would be a dummy put in place. The dummy would act like a decoy and draw attention away from the real Girza while I was to search who were his collaborators. I didn't know it would be you Kye acting as the dummy. This could explain the three parties I felt before boarding the ship. As to why they sent a Sith and a cruiser to destroy one person is beyond me. Unless they had a kill order and to eliminate anyone who had contact with him. To go such extremes for one person, he must have Intel that is worth than sabotaging and terrorizing planets. It would explain why he had help on the ship. The captain told me that the guards were careless and didn't properly contain him. I also meet them in the hallways right before the explosion. He was the one that sabotage the hyperspace drive since he a torch in one hand. If he was planning to get help from another group ship or if he wanted to look like he had died back on the ship, i'm not sure. Either way he has help and is on this moon. Who knows if he has help coming for him or all of this is spurred of the moment. I'm sorry to hear that you guys where caught up in this mess. The Sith are not forgiving even if you did or didn't do something. Mina paused as she realized the grand scope of things. The parts they played and the possible outcomes if they did survived. She knew that this was no longer a simply babysitting mission. It was too complex and large for her alone. She needed to send out a message and get help. "Well i'm glad that guys showed when you did. If you didn't do what you did, then I would have died back on the ship. Its sad that we couldn't save the ship or the passengers, but there is nothing that can be done that has already happened. Its good that we know some Intel, but that is not enough unless we can tell someone else. If we want to give those people peace, then we need to capture Girza and bring him to justice. It also might save your lives if we do. I don't know about you, but I'm going to chase after him. He may have a way off this moon and if not, then I have the S.O.S to call help from allies." She then walked to the doors of the escape pod.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 8:57 am
Victoria san

(OOC: Just had a thought. So what if the whole Girza Malvoy thing is a front- a complete false name. The terrible acts were done by a different hunter with a more dangerous rep and he had it out for Girza. That would explain the animosity on the ship and it would give a good conflict on the surface. I'll write out her response or you can cut me off and keep moving- either way I wont mind but I didn't want to write out the idea without passing it to you first.)

12345"We trained under-"
12345"We don't." She cut him off. "And he is a jedi knight- full standing last I knew.
12345"I'm sure I've caused a fair amount of nerves to stand on end, but yes I'm still with the order. And since we're answering each other's questions- she was kicked out of the order for her different philosophy."
12345"The Jedi Order believes in the absence of emotion to attain wisdom and shuns it to the point of denying love even." Kytra knew she didn't have to tell the pink-haired girl any of this, but nonetheless she found herself continuing. "I feel emotions are a vital part of our existence and you lose your full potential if you don't learn how to properly use and restrain them. The Dark Side of the Force creates great power from harsh feelings- I feel the Force can create the same strength from good feelings and emotions."
12345The girl was meandering around looking for something while she gave her spiel. Then, without (much) warning, the girl made radio barbeque and told her own story around the campfire dying sparks that danced around the floor.
12345"Wait, a sec I'm not the dummy." He thought about how that sounded. "Though some might find that comment debatable- I was on a mission of my own and I got captured fair and square. They dressed me up like the hunter as a decoy, but it wasn't on order from well, the Order. I can't imagine what intel Girza would have either..."
12345"Girza's madman who was insane enough to bite the Sith and Empire's hand. I don't see why even the Order would come to the aid of such a man unle-..."
12345"Unless what?"  



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Victoria san

Fashionable Businesswoman

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 12:56 am

((ooc: Works for me, but its not just any hunter. Its a group of hunters. Girza Malvoy is just a name multiple hunters use. There is no real Girza. The best one of the group gets betrayed and wants revenge on the traitor. Now its a civil war between the hunters. ))  
~The 1x1 Corner~ [1x1 Roleplays]

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