[][][]Nagisa Hinamori[][][]
Username: TitaniaTheRam
Name/Gender/Age: Nagisa Hinamori, Female, and age of 16.
Tamer Profile: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=24668613#371558337
Talents: Well I'm pretty good at cooking, A lot of people say I'm great at drawing, people say im a really good gamer despite me never playing games, I'm good in school with my lowest grade being a B+, besides that I'm not really that good at anything.
Equipment: Well... I have a drawing notebook, a pencil with a sharpener, a lunchbox filled with sweets, and a maestro costume from one of my plays.
Backstory: First of all I was left at a young age by both my mother and father, I had nowhere else to go besides my grandparents, I had to take care of them and in return they took care of me, I had two beautiful wooden boxes with the ashes of my pug, Buster and my Japanese chin, Elvis. My grandmother was suffering from massive headaches and uses a medicine called exedrine, will my grandfather was both deaf and was suffering from altimers.
Because of my grandparents I was extremely friendly at school, the first girl I met later became my closest friend, a lot of gossip went around about me being an orphan, wich wasn't true since my mother and father didn't die but just left me, although I had a lot of bad things happen to me Im very talented according to my friends, and I look pretty nice in my opinion, but to each their own.
Club/Rank: [to be filled out by mod's]
Tinkermon http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah259/TitaniaTheRam/image.jpg1_zpsegp8lbpi.jpg
Digivice/D-Terminal: [to be filled out by mod's upon approval]