Junko had been gone a long time, yes. She was aware of that. She was awful. She couldn't blame some creeple if they didn't want to talk to her anymore, or if they just straight up didn't notice her there because she had been gone for so long. So Junko could accept the fact that she was probably the worst little sister ever, a huge disappointment and shame to the little family she had basically adopted. Blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda. Well. Time to fix that. She missed her friends, she missed her brothers. One of them had vanished, but the other was still easy enough to find.

And thankfully Junko still knew her way around the Monster dorms like she'd just been there yesterday.

It was a strange sight to see the ghoul wandering the halls and not because she was graduated. No. She was dressed for the visit. The dress she wore was nothing like her typical attire; it was intentionally patchwork. Reds and blacks of different patterns and textures, even bits of orange and yellow were added to the mix. And then there was a hood that she had managed to hide half of her hair into, the other half falling in two long sections out of the hood and framing either side of her face. Finally there was the scarf, familiar only to one other in the entire building, wrapped multiple times around her neck and shoulders so it wouldn't trail along the ground.

In fact the only thing other than the hair that gave away her identity was the glow of her eyes under the shadow of her hood and the click of heels until she stopped in front of the door. She knocked. "Nnnnaaaaa~aaaaahm~" she sang as she knocked, "won't you let me in? I'm sorry I've been the worst ghoul ever." She pouted pitifully at the door.
