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[PRP] Tangled up in vines (Savitar and Millennium) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:11 pm
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Standing in front of jungle, the female looks up at the thick foliage anxiously but she have seen that quality vines comes from there and won't fall apart easily like her previous... countless vines and she was getting aggravated with her situation. The sun is climbing up to the highest peak in the skies and the female fidgets little bit while her current worn out vine pools around base of her paws and she summons all of the courage she have within her body, stepping into the jungle purposefully. The second she stepped into the jungle, she felt like she was transported to another entire world because the plants and animals are completely different and different yet exotic scents assaulted her nose... she stood there for a good while with her eyes closed, enjoying the new scents while trying to figure those scents out.

As Millennium makes her way deeper into the jungle, the original mission she came here for faded from her mind as she's immersed into examining every plants or wildlife that allows her to come up close to them to take in every details. The childlike joy and naivete could be seen in her facial expressions and actions as she quickly move on from one thing to other, without considering the dangers that the jungle could present to her. The female is usually very vigilant and careful when entering new territory but jungle have seduced her senses and caused them to go into overdrive.

The silvery female laughs out in sheer joy when a parrot lands on her shoulder and opened its beak along with wings, flapping them before taking off once again and she smiles up at the green canopy. Her eyes connected with the position of the sun and she blinks, realizing that she was in the jungle for hours without finding any vines.. a blush graced her cheeks in embarrassment. Ok.. I can do this. Just need to focus. She sternly tells herself as she takes off in other direction, trotting toward the place where she heard that vines grows strong and thick there but she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. The female eyes the pile of soft-looking leaves up ahead and grins, thinking that it is no harm to play around little bit since she's near the area anyway so she leaps into the leaves.

There were no ground beneath the female when she dove into the leaves and her heart went up into her throat while she crashes on the bottom of fairly deep hole. Ow..... She whimpers little bit to herself as she looks up to see how far down she have fallen. Ironically.. there are vines on sides of the wall but they are too fragile for her to use to climb up. As she moves around, she found out that there were vines on the bottom of hole as well and more she moves around, more tangled up she gets. A soft whimper escapes her muzzle as she is mostly tangled up now because she was too stubborn to stay still and hope someone or something will come to help her.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:17 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm

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The jungle was his home. It was where he had awakened to a new life from the Grand Weaver that blessed him greatly in this fruitful place. It was something that this jungle B'alam was thankful for and to the Grand Weaver every day that he woke up after a good rest.

For now Savitar the great jungle cat with long saber fangs and sharp claws that made soft impressions in the dirt after every step he took, prowled through his outer territory of where he truly lived. Silent as death, Savitar moved along the trees checking for any sounds that would be out of place in this jungle world. There were exotic flowers that rubbed against his fur adding their scents to him, the sound of birds singing and speaking to each other.

All of that partially ceased with the sound of a crash of leaves. Savitar growled low with his ears flickering forward and bounded through the thick foliage towards the crash sight. It could be his meal that dropped into one of his many hidden traps that were in the ground and hidden by leaves with a safety net made of vines in the deep hole.

Slowing down he crouched low. There was a new scent here and it wasn't that of a boar or some other animal that would make a quick meal. Moving further he heard a whimper and frowned. No animal made a whimper only a cry for help or some such that was going to be his food. Peeking over the edge of the hole he saw.....a feline.

Snow white fur with large grayish spots all tangled up in the vines.....She was beautiful. But he wouldn't admit that yet as he growled sharply with a ferocious look as he stood up leaning further into the hole to stare down at the female. Savitar hissed in warning.

"What do you think you are doing in my trap? If you wanted to be my meal all you had to do was ask or else you would know better than to wonder in my territory and here in this trap." Of course he was going to find out that this female was rare and very much unique from anyone Savitar has encountered before. Perhaps it will make a difference in his interaction with her. Perhaps it will not.


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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:53 am
The female is hopelessly tangled up in vines and she finally realized that her stubbornness will not get her out of this situation, another soft helpless whimper escaped her without her realizing it. Luckily, she was able to curl up into ball with her head on her paws and closes her eyes because she realized that more she stresses herself out, more it will make the situation worse for her. The shift in the air warned the female that someone is approaching and she lifts her head up with her eyes looking around to see who or what is coming toward the hole.

A strange scent reached to her nose, mixture of the jungle and male... Millennium turns her head in time to see a particularly large male crouching at end of hole, and he looks like he was baring his teeth at her while darkness is radiating off him like thick waves. A puzzled look graced her eyes as she stares at the hostile male in confusion, not sure why this male is so angry with her when she did nothing wrong.

When the male's mouth started moving, the female starts to realize that she's probably the only one that can't hear sounds like other male and now this one because this male is evidently talking with his mouth instead of vines...her black ears flattens against her skull and she lowers her head to her paws, not liking the vibe she's getting from the male. After few heartbeats, she couldn't help but to get really annoyed at the vibes that continues to assaults her and she could feel his glare punching holes in her body so she whipped her now glaring ice blue eyes, meeting the male's purple eyes.

Breaking the stare off, she manipulated a good length of vine to come away from the bunch that are tangled around her body with her claws and fangs and tosses it few inches away from her. Her eyes glares at the male before she stares at the vine and the vine floats up in front of the male's face. The vine twists into few words in succession with a little pause in between- "Don't you glare at me. I didn't choose to fall in this hole." After the sentence is done, the vine dropped down the hole and she bares her fangs at him to show that she might be tangled up but she will go down fighting to defend herself.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:47 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm

Seeing the position of which she moved from, Savitar wondered if she was really going to allow herself to suffer and die in this hold. But the puzzled look in her vivid blue eyes made a small part of him stop in considering this situation. However that ended when she glared back at him and didn't respond to his words.

Savitar growl low getting even more annoyed. So this female wasn't going to talk to him eh? Then he was going to swipe at her scruff and shake the words from her mouth if need be. Of course this large male was in for a shock when vines lifted from the female and made words in the air in front of his face.

"Don't you glare at me. I didn't choose to fall in this hole." The vines had said and dropped back down into the hole with the female. Tilting his head to the side he wondered what the hell she meant in using the vines. A small voice in his head said something but he didn't want to really listen to it and instead pushed for more words to come out of his mouth to test a theory. Would this female do it again?

"I'll glare at you if I want for not paying attention and getting yourself in this mess, female." Snaps seeing that she was intricately tangled and needed to get out of there in case something worse happens. Leaning up and over with with one paw stretching out and the sunlight glinting off his claws seemed scary but he was offering it to her. "If you want out then come to me so I can cut you out and pull you up." He was going to have to go find some more vines after this and begin another net......great.


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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:37 pm
As the female watches the male's face, noticing that the annoyance is growing more visible when she bared her fangs at him in a silent response to his hostile posture but she didn't care, she is not going to let anyone act like around her and get away with it. When the vine drops down to her level, she noticed the tilt of the male's head and she continues to glare at him while her own annoyance levels are rising up because she doesn't intend on staying down here fighting with this male. Shifting her weight while clawing at the vines wrapped around her front arms, managing to free them and she turns her head toward the male with a triumphant smirk.

Male's mouth moves once again as he leans in with his paw stretching out, her eyes stares at large claw glinting in the sunlight and they moves up to his eyes suspiciously. Millennium shrinks back little bit from the outstretched paw because she have no clue what the male is saying at all and judging his hostile posture, she will not trust him at all so she curls up one side of her muzzle, revealing a glimmer of her fangs. The vine floats up in front of the male once again and forms into words, little bit more slower and sluggish this time- "What do you want from me?"

The female sways little bit as she determinedly glares at the male in suspicion, finally realizing what that paw gesture is for and she's too wiped out because she used her telekinesis rapidly in short period of time. The vine floats up in front of Savitar's face and forms into words once again- "If you try anything stupid, I will have your hide as a decoration for my den." The female struggles to upright position when the vine falls down and she reaches out, sinking her claw in his arm so she could pull herself away from this dratted net.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:37 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm

Savitar was indeed annoyed. While he was slowly understanding that there was something off about this female, he just couldn't put his claw on it just yet, the large male gave a droll stare at the female's own annoyance at him and her mistrust. There wasn't enough time to be playing around with the vines and the pit, clearing the female wanted to prove that she had it all under control when any miscalculations could harm her severely.

The large male growled sharply at her from the next question which lost the droll stare and brought back out the hard glare. This time Savitar spoke slowly just as she had spoken to him. "I want you to get out of the pit with my help or else you will get severely hurt and I'll leave you to rot." Not a nice thing to say to a beautiful female but considering he was in a bad mood and the danger this female was in were a bad combination.

Baring his fangs again at her threat, he allowed his gaze sharpen but there was a hint of impression in his purple eyes. "Just hurry up, female." He said, more for himself than for her. When the female sank her claws into his fur, he felt her body move up and leaning further he turned his fangs to bit the scruff of her neck to help pull her up. However.....the most lovely scent came from her fur and filled his nostrils, his lungs and his soul with visions of sunshine mong the exotic flowers that were in his domain and laughter under the water falls from splashing and jumping around as if they were cubs. Savitar pulled the female onto the steady ground in front of him and didn't let go as he buried his nose further into her fur and breathed in deeply.


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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:26 pm
When the male shot her a droll glare which evolved into hard glare, the female matched his glare with her own and the male's dratted mouth moved once again, she flattens her ears against her skull in annoyance because she now remembers from her other experience that its him talking and making noises. Is this male dense or what? Millennium thinks to herself peevishly as she sinks her claws in the male's arm, dragging herself up his body while feeling his teeth sinking into her scruff to drag her away from the hole. The sensation of being scruffed made her relax as she leans against his mouth while she's fully out of the pit and she closes her eyes, enjoying the closeness to this male.

After few heartbeats have passed, she opens her eyes and realized that the male is still keeping her scruffed and she growls little bit, squirming around while swatting at his side with a hiss because she finally remembered how hostile he was when she was stuck in the pit. Managing to free herself from the male's scruff, she moves away from him with glaring ice blue eyes, not sure why she's feeling all warm and like she.... belongs right there with him but she will be damned if she makes it easy for him to ensnare her if the feeling is mutual. The sturdy jungle vine floats up from the pit and forms into one single word- "Name?"

The female is so confused to why she feels so drawn to the male and how his scent reminds invokes the image of her idea of home along with that earthly jungle scent that seems to be his patented scent. Milliennium's fur starts to stand up at back of her neck to her back while her tail poofs out little bit in defensive manner while she glares at him, knowing that she's shattering that perfect moment they were sharing for heartbeats but she wants answers.. and she wants them now.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:11 pm
Caitlyn Hell storm

With the female safe out of pit and out steady ground with him, there was a special moment happening between them. It was like the threads of fate was wrapping its own vines around in some inexplicable way. Which obviously Savitar wasn't going to look into too deeply after feeling the female squirming under his hold, hissing and swatting at his side to be let go.

Opening his mouth to let her go he watched the female become defensive and for a moment looked amused by that since she wasn't complaining about their closeness a few seconds before. Savitar wanted to pin this female down and cuddle around her to just feel that comfortable warmth With that soothing scent of hers and just be lazy for a little while. Alas his annoyance came back to the surface to kick himself in the head to be thinking about such soft things, especially about a female who had no interest in him other than to claw his eyes out.

Seeing her vines ask for his name, the large male considered that before straightening up with an arrogant and regal bearing. "My name is Savitar.". He said slowly for her to area d understand. Yet Savitar saved the female from serious injury and turned away from her to walk away with a flick of his tail.

Doing so made his soul sad and begin to weep, which was odd. He never felt this pull, this overwhelming grief of being away from a stranger at all until now. Hell being around his only female friend Alani never made his soul roar with fury at him from moving away or anything. His soul didn't feel like singing or wanting to cuddle close to Alani. Savitar's soul wanted those things with this strange female who didn't speak and wanted to challenge him even while he tried to help her. Damn if he wasn't impressed and intrigued by that. But Savitar walked away from her because he didn't want to fight a female and had to go search for vines to replace that net....it's her fault for not looking where she was going!


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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:03 pm
Looking little bit more poofy than her usual sleek appearance, Millennium continues to glare at the male, intensely confused and annoyed with her attractions to that jerkface along with that constant desire to touch him....cuddle into his body with her nose buried in his fur, taking in the scent and just... being close to him. As her vines floats down to the ground, the male looked at her and purposely speaks slowly so she could understand what he was saying. "Savitar.." The vines forms into the words just when the male turned away from her with a flick of his tail. His apparent rejection cut deeply into her and she scrunches her eyes up when her vision starts to blur with unwanted tears of grief.

As the gap between them grows, the female angrily swipes at her eyes and her soul screams in agony.. that scream becomes more louder and louder to the point where she swear she could hear that agonized feral scream her soul is emitting. Her jaws instinctively clenches to keep that scream translating to physical one while she stood there, trembling with intense emotions that is threatening to overwhelm her. Her claws digs into the group as a helpless pained growl escapes her throat before she suddenly leaps forward, rapidly closing the gap because the pain and agony is driving her to sheer madness.

The vines whips out toward his legs to stop him from walking because she is already weakened from her rapid usage of her telekinesis so the last bout of power caused her to collapse heavily without any support or buffer to ease her collision with ground. It seems like this female is more clumsy than usual around this male but Millennium didn't care, all she want is her sanity and to feel her soul leap with joy at nearness of Savitar. "Millennium" another strand of vine forms her name in front of Savitar before dropping to ground heavily, a sure indication that she's already at brink of complete exhaustion. Laying her head on the ground, the female stares at Savitar's body with her tired yet intense gaze silently hoping that he will come back to her because heaven knows what she will do if he leaves her completely. The answers will have to wait. Her sanity and her soul's needs comes first.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:58 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm
This made me want to cry.

This uncomfortable sensation when he parted company from the beautiful female, missing her vines say his name grew and grew until it became a nagging and piercing pain shooting through his body. No it was shooting through his heart and soul like a spike had gone through them. That was wrong...It was wrong since he wasn't supposed to be feeling such a sensation. Instead he should be feeling the closeness of that female against his body, breathing in her scent and grooming her perfect fur. Savitar should go back and see if he could count how many spots she wore, odd as that sounded, and memorize that number.

Foolish. Stupid. Weak besotted idiot. Yet he jolted when he thought he heard something. No he didn't hear anything from his ears but something deeper, somewhere farther. Shaking his head, Savitar felt like he was missing something and heard something until something wrapped around his legs to stop him. Growling sharply in surprise and about to turn around to lash out Savitar's indigo colored eyes stared in surprise at the female that said a name with her vines and dropped to the ground.

It was crystal clear that she was exhausted. Staring at her seriously the male moved over saying her name in his mind which sounded perfect. It was a beautiful name. It suited this female.....and......why did those harsh feelings from his soul disappear with her nearness and this wave of fierce protectiveness replaced it?

Growling low with a hint of confusion in his eyes, which Savitar hated by the way, he moved over to Millennium to nuzzle her neck and spoke to her slowly for her to understand. "I'm going to pull you onto my back and take you to my home....." Savitar was out of his mind to let this female enter his domain but she needed to rest and clearly finding vines could be done later.


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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:46 pm
One of her vines scored by wrapping around Savitar's legs like she have hoped it would because her energy was leaking out of her rapidly and his indigo eyes collided with her tired ice blue eyes but there is a steely look inside her eyes. The female might be exhausted and at end of her rope but she is a fighter, and will always put up the fight to the very end where she can't keep it up. To her silent truimph, the male saw her other vine forming into her name and the pain that is spearing through her soul and heart is lessening with ever step the male take toward her.

The female bares her fangs at Savitar when he's in a reaching range in a warning because she is not too happy that she have to depend on this arrogant guy to keep the crippling pain at the bay. As the male looked like he wasn't too happy either as he leans down to nuzzle her neck, she couldn't help the throaty purr that escaped her throat at the feeling coursing down her neck from that nuzzle. Her steely eyes stares at Savitar defiantly as she glares at him when he spoke slowly for her to understand. For some reason, her heart leapt with joy at the mention of 'home' and she narrows her eyes to slit to hide the joy that is probably shining in her eyes and she lifts her head little bit, baring her fangs half-heartedly once again. The vines forms the word "Okay" on the ground but the word looks sloppy and her body visibly shakes from the over-extension of her energy. Her paw plunks down on top of Savitar's paw as she feels like she needs that constant contact with him or she will suffer, the female is not sure if she likes the situation she found herself in.

Millennium is already at the brink of passing out but she clung to her consciousness stubbornly because if Savitar is bringing her to his home, she wants to know the landmarks and directions so she could slip off when she recovers enough. That's a wishful thinking on her part because she subconsciously knows that she can't be apart from this male without being crippled and blinded by the pain. The female lifts her head up, nuzzling Savitar's face experimentally and she felt the deep warmth and joy spreading throughout her body along with an unfamiliar emotion that she is not sure if its good or not. On top of that, with every contact they make, she is recovering some of her energy.. and the shrewd female is taking advantage of that because no way in hell she will stay in his company if he is going to act like that toward her.. being all snarly, hissy and mean.

Me too... I actually felt the tears coming in when I read posts..
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:04 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm

Savitar raised a brow at her hostile nature now given that she was the one who came after him and used up her energy. She must have recently awakened to not have exercised her telepathy skills. Savitar growled glaring at her but otherwise helped her on his back relishing the contact that they kept together. It sent his whole inner world to calm down and find a soothing peace. That was totally strange.

Tugging her onto his back, so that her front legs were one either side of his own and her head resting against his neck and her body supported enough with his back and flanks. Savitar couldn't have her fully on his back but it was better than leaving her here to suffer some more while he went in search of a leave litter carrier. No she needed to recuperate even if he was finding her troublesome.

Walking carefully with her on his back, Savitar moved through the thick jungle foliage having backed off his bad temper and attitude. It was a good thing as the walk seemed to infuse a special moment with the beauty of the earth world around them to the beauty that was on his back as they slowly neared the rock face covered in vines and other plants with a hidden entrance. To anyone looking they would think this male insane and believe that one had to climb up the rock face but it was all the illusions of nature. Savitar looked back at Millennium with a questioning gaze on whether she was fine or not.


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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:42 pm
As the male slid under her and manipulated her into a position where he could carry her easily, she was too exhausted to fight him on that and she discovers that she is really liking the myraid of emotions that is connected to being in constant contact with him. She shifts her weight as she felt her front body connect with his back to make herself comfortable and she awkwardly wraps her front paws around his neck so she won't slide off because she's too tired to use her hind claws to keep hold on him. Subconsciously, Milliennium nuzzles into Savitar's neck, taking in the very essence of the male that she's oddly attracted to but her logical mind is yelling at her to snarl and fight him off because she can manage the pain if she learns how to accustom herself to it.

Her eyes automatically starts to scan the areas, noting the landmarks when Savitar started to move toward his home but her eyes feels like they are a pair of rocks, heavy and she wants to close them. A soft growl could be heard coming from the female as she rubs her cheek against Savitar tiredly and she noticed that he is looking at her, almost like he's quietly asking if she's all right.. Glowering at the male balefully, she nods little bit as she gives him a small squeeze, almost like she's telling him to hurry up because she desperately wants to curl up in tight ball and sleep.

Milliennium rubs more against his cheek, purring tiredly as her eyes determinedly noted more landmarks that she knows she will recognize because of little differences from other plants around them. Her eyelids continues to droop down and she closed her eyes for few seconds before she jerks her head back up, blinking furiously to remind herself that she can't sleep... just... not.. yet.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:30 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm

Ignoring the tension that was still between them Savitar purred deeply with the smooth vibrations of his purr going through him just as he hurried with his strong legs to carry this female through the hidden entrance that was like a mirage from far away into his domain. Going through the dark passageway was opened up from the full light of the sun to show the most beautiful paradise the Grand Weaver has created and so graciously allowed Savitar to wake up in as his home.

There were large thick jungle trees, vines and bushes of palm leaves. There were vibrant colors of flowers with the songs of birds flitting through the canopy. The sun danced all over giving the full nature it's warm caresses. Fruits were growing full and heavy with nutrition. Smoothed rock pathways with soft beds of grass looked over small rocky streams from waterfalls, another waterfall emptying into a clear pool and a great waterfall from the far side where his cave den was that added a soothing sound to him. Walking down the pathway he turned away from the farthest part of his tropical home which was the long beach coast with tall palm trees full of coconuts.

Going down that pathway of soft grass and smooth rocks up an incline to walk past the waterfall that went down from the highest of the mountain ridge all the way down two more tiers of waterfalls with pools at the top of them. There was a cave right next to it that was turned into a comfortable den. Savitar moved faster and went to the comfortable bedding he created after a lot of time and experimentation to make it perfect. Hopefully it was to Millennium's liking because he would be absolutely annoyed if she couldn't rest and recover in his home. Strange how he normally didn't care for others comfort but his own.

Ever so carefully Savitar laid down on the bed and grabbed her gently by her fur to settled her off his back and onto the bed to rest. The large male looked at Millennium....and then didn't move as he wanted to keep this female warm.


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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:18 pm
Millennium lost its battle with sandman and her eyes closed at the sensation of the strong and smooth purring coursing through her body, it is almost like Savitar realized that she really needed this sleep. As she drifted off into the slumber-land, her senses are still on maximum alert, detecting the shift of pressure in air along with different sets of scents and occasionally, her nose would twitch and snuffle at the air.

As the male shifts his body to make her slide off onto the nest of beddings, the female curls up into a ball and her paw instinctively curls around Savitar's leg because she is not willing to let the contact break even if she's in deep slumber. Soft murmuring could be heard coming from the female but nothing that makes sense when she realizes that they are not moving anymore after a good length of time have passed. "Mrr....." The female struggles to open her eyes as she shifts her weight around, noticing that the male haven't left her side. A surge of joy flares up into her chest but she chooses to be combative because no way in weaving void she will let him have that kind of hold over her.

Extending her claw out, Millennium swipes at Savitar's nose with a hiss while she jerks away from him, her silvery and black tail is all poofed out and whip lashing around behind her while she's crouched in that battle-ready position with her stomach close to the ground. When the male's indigo eyes meets the female's ice blue eyes, she bares her teeth in a vicious snarl as her vines zooms toward her, winding up her front legs.

Explosive start to the romance eh?
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