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[PRP] Sky Princess, Charmed to Meet you. (Sethos/Haizea) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 2:10 pm
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As the sun makes its way across the skies in its leisurely manner, the dark male is lounging in the tree near the dark territories dozing on and off while waiting for the moon to replace the sun so he could head out to find something to do. His tail sways back and forth from the branch with a squirrel curled up against it, chattering quietly knowing that the male won't harm him at all and Sethos yawns widely, closing his eyes to nap until the sun is gone. As the heat levels slowly went down, Sethos stirs and opens his blood-red eyes feeling that hunger deep inside his chest.

"Ay...." He groans as he stretches his body out, seeing that the sun is mostly gone so that means he and others can come out to play or hunt. "G'Day, Moon." His smooth cajun voice fills the air as he gracefully stands up and jumps out of the tree, his wings flaring out and he's flying among the stars, enjoying the feeling of the cooling wind against his fur and the sight of the moon rising up makes him smile. His stomach grumbles and he could feel the blood lust coming on so Sethos evolved into a silent predator, hunting for his next prey.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:01 pm
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Haizea being true to her wind nature had decided to fly down from the floating island that she called her home, to learn new things about those who lived on the grounds. Her pelt blended into the night sky,with the exception of her red,blue and white outer feathers. She was hard to spot against the evening sky, but the light that radiated from the moon silhouetted a figure flying down and emphasized the red,blue and white. If you looked hard enough it would look like the sky was filled with fireworks. She adjusted her wings and glided down towards the ground.

She landed quietly and she took a few minutes to take in her surroundings, like any other wind tribe member this was all new to her and if she learned anything new from this excursion she could take it back to her floating island to add more knowledge to the small amount they have already. It took her a few moments for her eyes to adjust,because in the air she was use to seeing everything at a bird's eye view but when she was on the ground the perspective changed. She wondered what she would find tonight.

Caitlyn Hellstorm


Interstellar Moonwalker

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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:45 pm
As the dark tribesman's red eyes scans the ground below him, he wasn't paying attention to what's happening in the skies with him because he assumed that all of birds have gone down to sleep and the glimmer of red, white and blue flickering in and out up ahead of him caught his attention. His bloodlust and his curiosity propels him forward with his strong wings flapping occasionally to keep him soaring through the night skies to investigate those colorful flickers. Timing his wing flaps, Sethos was able to approach the flickers of colors soundlessly but the flickers glided down to the ground so the hunter follows the suit.

As the flickers forms into a dark form that landed in the moonlight, the cajun male's eyes widens in startled surprised when he sees that its a b'alam with bird wings. He thought it was a myth and that wind tribe doesn't exist at all but the female below him proved him wrong. Sethos' mind is already running through different thoughts like how would a wind tribe will taste like and if those stories he heard about wind tribe true. Landing soundlessly behind the wind female, Sethos flexes his wings before folding them against his body and he starts to pad over to the female.

"Mais (well)... Mais (well).... What do we have here, honeychile (honeychild)?" His smooth cajun voice fills the air as he circles around the wind female, his red eyes gleaming with hunger and amusement because the grand weaver have proven him wrong once again. As his eyes meets with the female's blue eyes, his muzzle stretches out into a chocolate-melting smile and the hunger is replaced with warmth in his dark eyes.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:04 pm
The wind female was slightly startled at a voice behind her, that she quickly turned to face him, taking a few moments to take in his features. This is was still all new to her that she wasn't sure how to reply to that. She took a moment to formulate the right words. She wasn't sure if this male was friend or foe and she decided that she wouldn't take her chances.

She blinked slightly as he started to circle in, she shifted a little uncomfortably as he circled her. That did not bring her any comfort to say the least. She took in his wings and figured that he was of a tribe that the wind tribe had little knowledge on and she wasn't sure how this encounter would turn out. Once he smiled at her every muscle in her being released the tension.All she was really looking for was a way to get some fresh air and get some down time but encountering someone of a different tribe that her own tribe had to gain knowledge still was a little nerving.

She took a deep breath and let out lightly before speaking up "I was just passing through and I thought I would enjoy the night life and see what sort of things i will encounter" she put in. She heard a thick accent as he spoke. This was the sort of encounter she would not have expected at all. "hmmm...can't say I've encountered a B'alam with a accent before" she told him.

Caitlyn Hellstorm
just FYI, My paragraph rping needs a little work ;.;


Interstellar Moonwalker

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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:01 am
Sethos took in every details about the female in that circling before he stands in front of him, his thick tail swaying back and forth behind his body and he have been struggling internally to keep his blood-lust in check. This is a female and he won't harm any females against their own will. As the female started to speak, his smile widens when he noticed that the female relaxed visibly and he nods little bit.

"Honeychile..." His smile dims down to pleasant one as he sits down on his hunches to make himself look non-threatening while watching the female to see what she will do. His eyes flickers with amusement at her comment about not encountering anyone with an accent before."C'est doux à mon oreille (This is pleasing to my ears- literal translation)." Sethos tilts his head to side slightly as he looks at her, his smile lighting up again. "Ma name is Sethos. What is yours, cher?" His ears twitches around as he hears a deer behind him and he is torn between going after the deer to sate his hunger or keeping the female's company. "Mai pris (I'm in bad situation)...." He mutters to himself as he dips his head to her. "A moment please..." He turns around, walking purposefully in the direction where he heard the deer is at. The male is silently hoping that the female will wait there instead of following her because he knows that its a surefire way to scare someone by letting them see a dark tribesman feed.

Its all good! I am rusty with cajun so thats why this post is kinda short x.x I apologize in advance!
PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:41 am
Haizea's muscles then fully relaxed once he had wrapped up his circling. Being circled by a male was a first to her, and if that should happen again with another male she would still be tense unless he showed otherwise, she let out a breath that she wasn't even realizing she had held. Who knew ecountering a male of any other tribe would be nerve-racking. She swished her tail to and fro and her wings folded neatly into her sides.

She sat down on her own haunches as he did and tilted her head the side a bit "nice to meet you Sethos, My name is Haizea." she answered blinked lightly as he excused himself for a moment "okay...I'll just wait here" she said, deciding to sit and wait until he came back. As curious as she was to find out what he had to do, she restrained herself since she just met the male. So she still was unsure about trusting him. She took some time to actually really look around at her surroundings it was a beautiful evening and the moonlight was absolutely gorgeous and the light breeze was welcoming.

Caitlyn Hellstorm


Interstellar Moonwalker

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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:11 pm
The male pauses and looks at the female that calls herself Haizea and smiles, dipping into a b'alam version of bow while murmuring "fût un plaisir de vous rencontrer, boo (pleasure meeting you, sweetheart)". He turns around away from her, his smooth facade turns into deadly hunter while he soundlessly stalks into the pitch darkness where the moon light is not touching the ground. Following now an anxious deer toward the secluded part of forest where he knows the female wouldn't be able to hear the deer's shrieking .. if she does, he can easily tell her that it was wolves hunting.

Without giving the deer any time to react, the male lunges forward pinning the deer down while the deer screams but the loud scream was reduced to strangled cry when Sethos sunk his fangs in the deer's throat hungrily. After he drained the deer dry and ate some meat, he made his way back to the female licking his maw and he sits down on his hunches, licking his paw and rubbing it all over his face to get all of the blood off. "Forgive me, cher." He looks up at the female, waiting for her to freak out or faint or run off like other females would have after he comes back from hunting because there is a feral gleam in his eyes and he's still riding on that high wave of adrenaline. "Mais... tell me about yourself, cher. What do you like? Who is the gorgeous female sitting in front of me?" A chocolate-melting smile makes its appearance once again but it didn't take any edge off the feral aura that is surrounding this cajun male.

I am so sorry for using you as a guinea pig to see what I am comfortable with (language wise.) I think I am going to have him talking mostly in cajun but mixed with proper writing and we can pretend its all cajun language >w<
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:33 am
Haizea nodded her head lightly "pleasure to meet you too" she told him. She swished her tail to and fro idly. She hummed a little song to herself, and took in a breath and the smells of the air. The air was definitely different from her floating island she called home. Down here the air was a mix of cool and warmth. While up on her home turf the wind was cooler. It was temperature change that was for sure but she would have to get use it at some point so why not now.

"its not a big deal, its your lifestyle." she simply put, each tribe to their own same went for other B'alams, each to their own. "Well, lets see...I live on a floating island, I enjoy evenings like this when its nice and cool and the moonlight casts a light on everything, I like discovering new things and learning new things. I am very accepting of others who have a different lifestyle as me. I try to see the bright side to anything negative." she said and paused a bit before continuing "I truly love leisure flights every night and it keeps me fit. I also love exploring new places and I can be very open-minded." she finished nodding her head trying to think if she missed anything else about herself. Then she tilted her head to the side and glanced at him "Now its your turn, tell me about the charming male in front of me" she said with a light smile.

Caitlyn Hellstorm
That is quite alright ^^


Interstellar Moonwalker

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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:49 am
Since I am really exhausted, I am going to type out in regular English then when I have time, I will come back to this post and edit phrases to cajun ones. I just feel horrible I made you wait this long.

Sethos cocks his head curiously as he stares at the female weirdly because he associated wind tribe with birds because they have similar wings but birds don't fly during night time because it impairs their sight so should it be the same for wind tribe? All of those unspoken questions are swirling around inside this males head while he listens to Haizea's explanation of herself and he nods at an appropriate moments to indicate that he's listening. "Cher, thank you for understanding about.... my lifestyle." Sethos says with a hint of amusement in his cajun voice and he gets up to move around little bit because all of that pent up energy inside him is starting to drive him crazy. "Ay.. what a charmer.." He flashes her that smile as he ponders on what he can reveal to this female about himself.

"As you can see... I am part of night. I don't come out when the sun is up. The moon is my lady." Seth replies as he walks toward the female with smooth strides with that feral glint in his eyes. "Bayou is my territory and I defend it fiercely.. I love the thrill of hunt because of the adrenaline and the end result." He stops just mere inches away from the female and looks down at her. "Ay..What a little thing..." He murmurs to himself inaudibly as he looks at her. "I also like females, they are fun to be around with.." That smile came out once again as he circles around her, his tail brushing against her wings very lightly. "I also like to run or fly after I am done hunting..would you like to join me in a run? You can fly if your pretty little heart desires it."
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:18 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm
Not a problem

Haizea smiled lightly at him "Its no problem really,I'm really quite open mined to different lifestyles" she told him. She waited patiently for him to share what he felt comfortable sharing with some strange female he just met.She swished her tail to and fro idly. She stood up and stretched some because sitting still was starting to put her muscles asleep. She wasn't a huge fan of sitting in one place for a long period of time, her wings flitted a little and then folded neatly against her sides.

She nodded her head "I can see that" she put in "and the night is a good time to be out because then its quiet and peaceful and you have time to yourself." she told him. She blinked lightly as he circled her and then flushed ever so lightly as his tail brushed against her wings lightly. "just out of curiosity, why do you like to run or fly after wards? and I'm good just following on the ground" she told him lightly, at the same time she wondered if she could keep up with him.


Interstellar Moonwalker

15,915 Points
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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:13 pm
Sethos watches the female as she fidgets then stands up and he grins little bit to himself, knowing the feeling.. sitting for too long then having those annoying cramps. Cocking his head little bit, cajun male is very attentive to every little reactions or movements Haizea is doing and he noted the telltale sign of flushing which makes him smirk to himself when he turns away from her for a moment. "There are magic that is unique to nighttime.. that's what draws creatures like me.. and evidently you as well to the light of Lady Moon." His smooth voice fills the air. The large male stretches his body out to its full length with his wings flaring out, his seemingly heavy tail whiplashes in the air indicating that he's brimming with the energy and needs to run it off but he's struggling to be very polite to this female.

"I like to run.. and if there is trees around then I will fly as well." His red eyes gleams ferally as he looks at the female, feeling the pull of the night and the whisper in the dark breeze. "We can run.... then fly. We can see who is faster or more agile.." He says in light teasing tone as he moves away from the female, padding toward the open field where he likes to run because there is a tree next to the lake.. sometimes he would climb up the tree just to soar up above the lake then divebomb into it. "Little bird.... do you like to swim too?" He murmurs as he starts to trot, not waiting for the female to reply. He hopes that she will follow because he can show her few things that he enjoys.

This weekend, cajun phrases will be coming in. I just want to make sure you get rp responses
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:03 pm
Haizea stretched her wings a bit before looking at him and tilted her head to the side slightly "what sort of magic happens at night? can't say I've watched night time magic happen yet" she put in thinking about it thoughtfully. She watched him struggle a little "You know..what you look like you have energy run off so, I guess we could go for a run and talk later if you want to continue" she told him trying to be polite as can be.

"I'm all for it, but I must warn you that my vision at night isn't as great as others so it may take a bit. I think I may stick to staying on the ground and running and we'll see where that takes us" she told him lightly. She followed him towards the open field "I do enjoy a nice refreshing dip in water" she told him lightly. She picked up her pace a little and followed close behind him but not too close.

Caitlyn Hellstorm


Interstellar Moonwalker

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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:45 pm
Sethos's muzzle turns up at one corner as the female asked him the question that he have heard so many times ever since he was woven into existence and he dips his head in a silent 'come with me' gesture. Sensing that the female is following him, Sethos picks up the pace and he's literally flying down the meadows toward one waterfall where he knows that the female would fall in love with the mere sight of it.

On his way over, he would occasionally call back to Haizea to be mindful of logs, stones or warning her when they need to dodge or leap over something because he don't want to have to stop to help her up just because she crashed into something. Everything during the nighttime looks like a daytime to Sethos as he skillfully dodges or leaps over an obstacle without any problems and he laughs when he looks over his shoulder at small wind female. As the sound of waterfall fills the air, he uses his wings to part the curtain of vines and leaves for the female. 'Walk straight, ma cherie. Magic awaits!" He says with that rumbly cajun tone as he flashes her that chocolate-melting smile, knowing that this spot will be truly magical due to the moonlight hitting the waterfall, and occasional dolphins leaping out of water along with the night flower scents filling the air and the fireflies flickering here and there.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:55 pm
Haizea's eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness, she treaded carefully to avoid tripping and falling all over the place. If she did that she wouldn't be very graceful. She hummed to herself as she treaded careful along meadow. At times like this she had wished her night vision was better then most. She could catch glimpse of him flying down the meadows and she lightly shook her head amused a little but was careful not to show it.

She stepped over a log, padded carefully over stones until the pads of her feet felt smooth ground. She let out a breath she was holding as she ventured through the meadows. Her ears flicked as she heard the sounds of a waterfall, and now with renewed curiousity she picked up her pace and followed his directions and she padded between the curtain of vines and leaves and stopped as she caught the sight of a waterfall. She sat on her haunches speechlessly "oh my, this is such a gorgeous spot." she said and glanced at the dark male "how often do you to females to this place?" she asked merely out of curiousity.

Caitlyn Hellstorm


Interstellar Moonwalker

15,915 Points
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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:01 pm
The large dark male stares at Haizea in amusement because he have a feeling that he will be hearing that kind of questions often every time he encounter a female because he likes to find special places to take those females there so they could feel beautiful and special. "Mais..." He gently nudges the wind female closer to the water. "Each female get their own special place. This is yours, ma cherie." He gently says as he flexes his wings, enjoying the feel of the fine mist coming from the waterfall.

"You like, no?" Sethos turns his dark red eyes onto Haizea and smiles that chocolate-melting smile, feeling that adrenaline levels finally going down because that run definitely helped but he still have plenty of energy to burn. "You swim?" He inquires but he didn't wait for her answer as he skillfully climbs up a tree that looms over the lake. With a loud roar, he leaps into the air and does a flip before diving into the cold water, relishing the sudden cold pressure against his body and the unspoken magicial properties in the water that always make him feel much better. His head breaks the surface as his huge paws threads the water under him to keep him afloat and he grins at Haizea once again. "Water is just perfect."

[ RP Zone ] The Endless Plains

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