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[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:24 pm
This is a plot layout and guide for MorningStar's clan

No posting till the Talior says so.....
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:26 pm

*Use "ctrl" + F to find something quickly.

Page 1:

  1. What is the 'Eternal Quilt'?
  2. Modus operandi (Mode of operation. What do they do.)
  3. What every follower would know.(Common knowledge and Terms.)
  4. Habitat/territory
  5. Ranking
  6. Laws
  7. Punishment
  8. Timeline
  9. Future Plot
  10. Role Plays
  11. Member List
  12. Application
  13. Credits

Page 2: [ X ]

  1. Reserved


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:31 pm
What is the 'Eternal Quilt'?

The Eternal Quilt is a clan that's sole purpose is to spread the word of the 'Grand Pattern' and the wondrous works of the 'Tailor'.

This clan is run by and fallows the Tailor with complete dedication and trust in the Grand pattern. (Which is interpreted by the Tailor). The clan is an operation that is formed of a hierarchy and committed to taking in other balam that have been 'wrong' by the world and it's creator. (Even if it is by means 'freeing' and 'liberating' cubs, and training them to survive the harsh reality of life.)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:32 pm
Modus operandi

(Mode of operation. What do they do.)

The Tale of the Tailor:

Having wondered past dark, and unknowingly into a cave. Lost and forsaken in the pitch black abyss. He was injured, his horn-his gift, from the Grand Weaver was broken in a fray of panic. What light he had was taken from him in a near fatal fall in the darkness. Blind, alone, injured and without sight, MorningStar came to be enlightened and was shown one 'light'. The power of Himself. After all, at that moment it was all he could have to rely on, his almighty creator had forsaken him-left him alone to fend for himself. Neglected his desperate pleas for help. Malitiac had all that power and sight-saw him suffering choose to ignore him, when he could easily pluck him from such turmoil. Choose. Not. To. When if so, the belief and love for such a being would be all that much greater.

'How selfish for a creator to ignore the pleas of its creation. ' MorningStar thought to himself. It was in that moment, broken and bloodied the Tahtill resolved to carry on or die trying. Either was a winning solution for the male, one he could survive and swore to tell of the cruelty of the creator, be the savior to forsaken B'alam or he could meet him face to face and spit in its face.

He survived.

Three days and three nights later. MorningStar broken and bruised found the surface and the brake of day. With a deep breath and air still in his lungs, he greeted the light with the resolve of spreading the 'truth'. The word of the neglect and cruelty of the creator. How the most loyal of followers was forsaken, and had found to know the true nature of the creator.

The culture:

The Eternal Quilt values existence without the false precepts of the grandweaver, and commit to a life style of spreading the truth of the Grandweaver's neglectful intention. They live separate from other clans and follow the Tailor and the Grand Pattern. The culture as a whole is a collection of self-sustaining people that can and do live apart from other B'alam on a secluded island. There is a time called the Darning, in which a B'alam leaves the island on their quest for acceptance and climb rank in the clan.

The Darning: It's the pilgrimage a Stitch takes to prove themselves to be sewn in the Eternal Quilt. A cub raised by the clan, has the choice to take the Darning to prove themselves loyal and climb in rank. If loyalty is questioned it is a requirement.

The mindset of the clan, is that to follow the Tailor, to put bluntly-revered as a god. However alone and apart from him, when they look to find their own enlightenment and spread the news of the Eternal Quilt. They focus on the belief that the Grand weaver is a cruel cub on an aunt hill, watching and takes pride in the torment of its creation. It is a follower’s duty to 'help' and inform other B'alam of the Grandweaver's ways and show them the light of the Tailor. (Even by force, if there is resistance-the resistance are referred as 'yarn' and are to be taken care of accordingly.) The shared mindset of the group is: 'you are ether for us, or against us.' Followers should hope to enlighten others in a way where force should not be needed, but rather given to another though 'truth' and explanation of the weaver and it's cruel nature. It is to be shared that the Tailor will care and watch over them-should they follow the way of the Grand Pattern.

Why is the Great Weaver 'a cub on ant hill'? The reason is simple, if he has all the power to give and take life, should he not have the power to protect and care for it? If so, why does he neglect to do so? If the Grand Weaver was truly a great creator, he would care for his Creations and help them with whatever they may need! This is where MorningStar, has taken up the mantle to be such a god to the Balam that follow him. He cares and provides for his followers and only wishes the same should be done for every b'alam in the world. However this ideal is faced with obvious opposition, this opposition are called 'yarns'.

This opposition is hoped to be diluted, by 'finding' or taking cubs while they are still young to be thought of Grand Pattern and to follow the Tailor.

Cubs: Cubs That are woven in the Clan are raised to know the same ideals of their clan mates. No cub is severely punished, for resisting the Grand Pattern, but are only reworked to know the 'truth'. No Cubs are killed, The Tailor sees them as Threads that are still yet to be sown in the tribe. It is only when they come of age (adulthood) that they must prove themselves and go through the Darning if they so choose to climb in rank. This choice is not forced, but is highly encouraged, and if loyalty is questioned it is forced.* (*See 'loophole' in 'laws and punishment' concerning a user that gets a cub and they do not want it in the clan.)

The founding Culture:
After MorningStar, awoke to the knowing of the GrandWeaver's Cruelty he set himself on a journey to help and be the savior to others. It wasn't long on his journey before he came upon a poor forsaken Balam that called himself 'Cain'. Recruiting the other Tahtill, in gratefulness Cain has followed the savior since the day MorningStar found him. With his Needle by his Side, The Tailor went in search for more b'alam that would share in Cain's like-mindedness in loyalty and servitude.

Wanting to prove his loyalty to MorningStar took the life of another Balam that resisted in joining and taking the Tailor's offer. It was then that the 'first Frayed Yarn' was taken from the Weaver. This moment, this show of servitude had impressed the Tailor so much, he saw fit to immortalize such a declaration of loyalty. Such an act of 'fraying a yarn' would be known to show the Tailor of an undying loyalty of a Balam, and they would be considered 'sown' into the Fabric of the Eternal Quilt. These Members of the Clan stand beside MorningStar above all else....

Not soon after that, in their jounery and upon finding a party of three, A adult and two cubs. MorningStar and Cain happened to 'save' one of the wild cubs in a 'unfortunate' rock side that came down on the party. This Cub would be the first of what would be called the offering of 'patchwork'. This Cub would be raised to know the Clan and the belief of the GrandPattern.

It wasn't long after the cub grown and sought to prove herself to the Tailor, it just so happened just as this was determined that their safe haven was attacked by hateful 'Yarn' B'alam that was bent on the Tailor's destruction.

Fleeing, it was determined to find a safer location to live in safety from those who wish to destroy that of the Eternal Quilt in it's beginning foundation. This safe Haven would be known on a island secluded from the main land. It is where the Tailor and his followers find a peaceful refuge from the rest of society.

Developing Culture:

The clan now takes refuge on an island(see territory) that is sacluded from the mass of population of B'alam. The Island is under control by MorningStar and his elite.

MorningStar has claimed a handful of strong and loyal followers, that continue to help expand the cloth and build a self reliant community on the island.

Trade: Trade is handled by merchant, but all trade must though the Haberdasher. Who is the 'ferry man' and the 'gatekeeper' on who leaves and enters the island from the main 'entrance'.


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:36 pm
What every follower would know.

(Common knowledge and Terms.)

Common knowledge:

The 'Tailor' is MorningStar, he is the the leader.

MorningStar lost his horn, in a terrible -unfair- accident shortly after his creation and he blames the Grandweaver. He is dedicated to spreading and indoctrinating other B'alam by sharing the "truth" that the Grandweaver is a nothing more then a 'cruel cub on an ant hill with a piece glass, torturing the b'alam for his own enjoyment; just to watch them squirm in so claimed shroud of 'misfortune.''

Who is 'The Tailor': the Tailor, is the leader of the 'Eternal quilt', and calls himself MorningStar, among other names. His true name is only know to a few trusted followers and the B'alam will only know it if he tells them personally. His real name is not to be spoken among other b'alam without server consequences.

What is the 'Grand Pattern': The laws of the clan, it's mission and it's design. It is the 'Commandments of the Tailor'.

What is the initiation: For one to be accept as a trusted, proven and committed member of the Eternal Quilt, a B'alam must kill a loyal follower of the Grand weaver. As a Symbol of such a feat, the member is to show their sewn status by wearing the the 'frayed yarn's' pelt. This is also known as being
'Sewn' or going though The 'Darning'.

That means: yes, A B'alam that wants to be a trusted and high ranking position in the Clan will have to -kill- another B'alam and seeing that there are no NPC B'alam, it makes the act that much more dastardly....

Terms: (Alphabetical order.)

The Darning: It is the initiation one goes though to be sewn.

The Eternal Quilt: What the Clan calls it's self. Clan name.

Fabric: Is what The Tailor considers the clan as a whole, its the fabric.

"We shall be known as the fabric that clothes this world as a whole, in unity and mindset." - MorningStar.

Frayed Yarn: Is the term used to describe a follower of the Grand weaver that has been sacrificed and killed to prove a Thread's devotion. (See 'Notion')

Garments: Are the caretakers of cubs that have been 'liberated', their job is to train and care. More often females are the ones that raise them, and the males train, but the gender isn't a requirement. Over all they are the teachers and neuters

The Grand Pattern: Set of laws which all members of the clan must abide to, to be considered apart of the Eternal Quilt.

The Needle: The Tailor's right hand b'alam, focused on attack. The extension of the Tailor's claws and paws.

A Notion: Is the term used for a prospected b'alam that is chosen to be used in the Darning. Once a notion is successfully killed it is referred as a 'Frayed yarn'.

Patches: Are The cubs, that have been 'rescued' and 'liberated'. These are the cubs that are raised to joining the Eternal Quilt.

Patch work: The act of gathering the cubs that are to be raised in the Fabric. This act of stealing or 'gathering' a cub to be given to the Eternal Quilt is worthy of being Sewn in the guild. It is known as being Sewn by Patch work.

Seam Rippers: Are the elite guard. They are the ones that maintain order and strike down any opposition. I.E.: The big stick.

(Special) Stitches: The over all used term to describe a B'alam that has been Sewn. There are different ranks of 'stitches' that outlines their duties, and priorities. (See 'Ranking' for more details.)

Stitches: The over all used term for members of the the Eternal Quilt, that have yet to be Sewn.

Sewn: To be enlightened and committed to fallowing the Tailor and the Grand Pattern. To be sewn in the Eternal Quilt, one must Fray a Yarn or do Patch Work. The two options will help dictate where one will be sewn in ranking.

The Tailor: The leader of the Eternal Quilt.

The Thimble: The tailors left hand B'alam, that focuses on being his guard and 'shield'.

Thread: Is the name give to describe any B'alam that follows the ideals of the Grand Pattern. Completely Sewn or not.

Yarn: Is used to describe anyone that isn't fallowing the Grand Pattern, and refuses to be 'sewn'. (These b'alam don't actually have to believe in the Grand Weaver, but rather any b'alam that doesn't fallow the ideals of the 'Grand pattern', fall into this category.)  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:38 pm

User Image

The Island is patrolled under-control by MorningStar's clan.
The mountains: Is where the main hub of the Clan resides. Since it is an island, the Mountain is volcanic.

Core Caves that lead in to the core make a cozy place for fire tribes men to reside.

The Higher altitude of the mountain, and the northern shore is snow-ridden, it is a perfect place fore Ice Tribe to find refuge.

Surrounding cliffs Make wonderful perches for Wind Tribe members

The valley: Is the boarder of the mountain and of the 'base' It is at normal climate and comfortable for Earth Tribe members, however as they are hardy creatures can adapt anywhere.

Freshwater from melted snow, has caused a few natural springs to show up on the Island. Perfect for Water Tribe members. The surrounding Ocean is also a wonderful place to reside for water kin, especially in the 'cove' area and in any underwater caves that might be hiding under the waves.

The Caves higher on the mountain and not too close to the core are the perfect place for Dark Members to find shelter from the light.

The Climate of the whole island can be compared to that of happy medium. As it's not too far up north, and it's not too south, but right in the middle. The Surrounding ocean, gives it a challenge of heavy winds as well as wind chill. Wind Tribe Members would have a harder time crossing the skies over ocean if not first heading closer to the main land.

*Permission to use map given by Thalion  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:40 pm

( In order of authority )

The Tailor: MorningStar ( [ Radical Dreamer )Is the sole leader of the clan, and the highest ranking. This position is not up for grabs by anyone.

The Seamstress: [url:http://] (Thalion) Is the Soul-Bound to the Tailor, her Ranking is second in the clan. This Position can not be Replaced by anyone.

The Needle: Cain ( GunSniper ) This position, is The Tailor's one of the two most trusted ranks. There is only one Needled and shares ranking with the Thimble, and is higher then all other Ranks. The Needle's job is the Right paw of the Tailor, and performs duties that the Tailor himself dictates personally. One of the most trusted in the Fabric, they have done the most to prove loyalty. Primary job focus, is aggression for the Tailor.

Note: This Rank must strive for ascended magus status.

This rank must be sewn.

The Thimble: TBA ( UserName Here.) This position, is the Second of the two most trusted Ranks. There is only one Thimble and shares rank status with The Needle, and is higher then all other ranks. The Thimble is the left paw of the Tailor performs duties that the Tailor himself dictates personally. One of the most trusted in the Fabric, they have done the most to prove loyalty. Primary job focus is Defense of the Tailor.

Note: This Rank must strive for ascended magus status.

This rank must be sewn.

Seam-Rippers: This Rank is the Elite guard, they have authority over Stitches, but none over the Needle or Thimble. They are trusted by The Tailor, and to be out and described simply as 'the big stick'. Primary job is order and punishment.

Tribe preferences:

A verity b'alam will be needed for this elite soldier group. An even and balanced team to effectively deal with any 'special circumstances' that might arise.

Note: this Rank will be required to strive for ascended magus status.

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

This rank must be sewn.

Garments: This Rank is the teacher and neutering figure that raises and looks after the patches that have been acquired for the Grand Pattern. Their main focus is the watch, and care of the cubs. Their job is to make sure each and every Patch knows about the Eternal Quilt, the Grand Pattern, the trickery and deceit of the Grand weaver as wells as his cruel unfair nature; and the wondrous works of the Tailor.

Tribe preferences:

None. This rank must be fulfilled with someone of a more neutering caring nature for the cubs, as well as a steadfast undying loyalty for the Tailor.

Note:This is a important role, as it is dealing with the future Threads of the Eternal Quilt. In such will be under tough scrutiny.

[Two slots available]

This rank must be sewn.

lock-stitch: This rank focus on 'espionage' and infiltration, as well as more 'sneaky' means of getting things done.

This rank must be sewn.

Tribe Preferences:

Wind: For the Ability to fly and naturally thieves and sneaky.
[Three slot available]

Dark: For the Ability to use blood magic and manipulation of shadows once magus level is obtained. Can fly.
[Three slot available]

*Note: This is tricky, but this rank is open to other tribes if one can convince they Tailor they would be purposeful in such a trade.

chain stitch: These are the normal Guard of the Clan, they focus on keeping order and control of the clan. Making sure everything is running smoothy for the Tailor.

This rank must be sewn.

Tribe Preferences: Any tribe can be a guard.

[Open slots]

Harberdasher: This Rank is the ferry master, and Master Trader of the Clan. This Balam's duty is the control and passage of any land transport to the island, and general trade.

Note: This rank is expected to work towards ascended Magus status.

Tribe Preference:

Water: This is favored and needed for Operation of one of the first ferry. It is needed for oversea transport of land-base Balam and goods transport.
[One Slot available]

This rank must be sewn

Overcast stitch: This Rank is the 'Diplomats of the clan, they function by trying to find a 'peaceful' way of solving 'relational' issues. These Members needed to have a special gift of winning others over to the Eternal Pattern's side, by staying truthful and striving for 'peace', they focus on finding followers though a non-violent means.

This rank must be sewn.

Tribe preference:

Any one of a tribe will do and a colorful verity is striven for in order to grasp the whole 'picture'.

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

This rank must be sewn.

Backstitch: This rank is focused on advising in strategy. They share the same authority as the other special stitches over patches and normal stitches.

Tribe preference:

Any one of a tribe will do and a colorful verity is striven for in order to grasp the whole 'picture'.

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

[One slot available]

This rank must be sewn.

blanket stitch: These are the healers of the Clan that work on keeping everyone healthy and working normally.

This rank must be sewn.

Tribe Preferences:

Earth (Magus) : For the ability to have an Affinity to know the care of positions, and healing.
[One slot available]

Light (Magus) : For the Ability to be able to use healing magic.
[One slot available]

Water (Magus): For the Ability to use healing magic.
[One slot available]

Running stitch: This Rank is considered a messengers of the clan. They deliver messages, items and news from other clans. They to put things simply 'move things.' They share the same authority as the other special stitches over patches and normal stitches.

Tribe preferences:

Wind: Favored for the agility and speed, to transport messages across vast distances swiftly.
[Two slots available]

Dark: Favored for the strength and endurance to move heavier things across vast distances.
[Two slots available]

Water: Favored for the ability to swim and endure waves and depths of the sea. Also can retain water.
[One slot available]

Ice: Favored for the ability to survive and trek the harsh tundra unfazed.
[One slot available]

Fire:Favored for the ability to survive and trek the fierce fires of volcanoes and dry deserts.
[One slot available]

This rank must be sewn.

Couturier: This Rank is the lead BlackSmith/outfitter/craftsman. This Balam's main duty is overseeing and the making of wares for the Clan.

Note: This rank is expected to work towards ascended Magus status.

Tribe Preference:

Fire: This is favored for the ability to work with fire and resist the intense heat of the craft.
[One slot available]

This Rank must be sewn.

Milliner: This Rank is the in charge of providing food for the Clan. There will be two head Milliners, one for farm and the other for livestock.

These Ranks must be sewn.

Crop Milliner: This position is in control of the raise and care of crops for the clan, understudies and stitches for this rank is allowed.

Tribe Prefrances:

Earth: For the ability to have an Affinity to the growth and raise of crops.
[One slot available]

Animal Milliner: This Position is in control of the raise and care of animals for the clan to use as food or work. Understudies and stitches for this rank is allowed. Hunting parties are allowed.

Tribe Preferences:

Earth: For the Affinity of the Earth, tracking and sturdy nature

Wind: For the Speed and ability to fly that can help for a range of things. Arial tracking, or speed needed in hunt.

[One slot available]

Stitch: This is the normal and lowest rank of the clan, that makes up the majority of the clan. They don't have to be sewn and can take up helper/worker position in the groups such as: Farming, Hunting, crafting, and ect.

Tribe Preferences: There is no Tribe preference for this rank, as it makes up the larger portion of the community.

[slots unlimited.]

Patches: This rank is made of cubs, they don't really have any rank or position in the clan until they become adults.

[slots unlimited.]
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:46 pm
The Grand Pattern:

The grand pattern is the set of laws for the eternal quilt to follow. It is like the 'commandments of the Tailor', a set of rules that he even follows. He can take and add to this when ever he wants.

"Follow thy Leader, and question not of the Tailor and his works."
-The Tailor is the leader of the clan, as ruler he is to be respected as such. He cares and tends to the pattern.

"Don't fear or turn a blind eye to the truth, only embrace it and respond accordingly with conflict or peace."
-They is no Denying of the Grandweaver, He is fully Believed in by the Members of the Eternal Quilt. However, he is not praised in anyway, but actually scorned and hated.

"A Member of the pattern is to hold no wicked tongue."
-Lying is not permitted in the clan, however there is no limitations on bending or 'warping' it.

"Take nay from the Eternal Quilt, and covet not."
-Stealing from Brothers or Sisters is not allowed, However anyone not in the Clan is free game. Keeping or hiding anything is forbidden, if the Tailor finds it fit for another to have such a thing, consider it an honor. This can range from any possession to even cubs. However, Spirit bonds are not to be broken and cubs only to be trained. (*No one will be taking any user's cubs, it is only for story and ranking purposes. Any cub in the Clan is raised by the 'Garments' of the clan (Think of them as din mothers.) Not the actual parents, however the acknowledgement of 'idol carver' is strongly taken into consideration.)

"Cubs are to remain untouched, for they are the legacy of the Eternal Quilt."
-Cubs are not to be harmed, they are treated and trained as royalty. Any disputes or 'disruptions' caused by the cub is a matter to be taken to the Tailor, and once a response of action is decided it is the courtiers job to handle the matter. All maters on this issue are to be taken up with the Tailor.

"Disputes and struggles are to be place out in the open and delt with accordingly."
-A house divided can not stand, if any Balam have 'conflict' with another Balam it is to be taken to the Tailor and he will decide how it is dealt with. This can be from anything to a battle of strength or a submission of items.

"Spread word of the Grand Pattern, convert and spare not."
-The Clan's sole goal and purpose is to convert others from the way of the GrandWeaver, and his Lies. If one refuses to see the light of the GrandPattern, they are against the works of the Tailor and considered a foe and should be dealt with accordingly. Those that are not with the Tailor are Against him.

"No one is to be their own."
-Ever member of the Clan is a 'tool' of the Tailor, as the Tailor works to keep the Eternal Quilt in constant works. The Clan should all share this 'hive' mindset, work to function and not by emotion.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:47 pm
Punishment in disobeying The Grand Pattern:

The grand pattern is the set of laws for the eternal quilt to follow. It is like the 'commandments of the Tailor', a set of rules that he even follows. He can take and add to this when ever he wants.

Repercussion and punishment will be listed after each commandment in Red.

"Follow thy Leader, and question not of the Tailor and his works."
-The Tailor is the leader of the clan, as ruler he is to be respected as such. He cares and tends to the pattern.

First offense: Death. More often Death, there might be some exceptions depending on means, but most likely Death.

"Don't fear or turn a blind eye to the truth, only embrace it and respond accordingly with conflict or peace."
-They is no Denying of the Grandweaver, He is fully Believed in by the Members of the Eternal Quilt. However, he is not praised in anyway, but actually scorned and hated.

First offense: A warning, and severity pending.

Second offense: loss of an eye.

Third offense: loss of second eye.

"A Member of the pattern is to hold no wicked tongue."
-Lying is not permitted in the clan, however there is no limitations on bending or 'warping' it.

First offense: Hot iron branding on said tongue.

Second offense: loss of tongue.

"Take nay from the Eternal Quilt, and covet not."
-Stealing from Brothers or Sisters is not allowed, However anyone not in the Clan is free game. Keeping or hiding anything is forbidden, if the Talior finds it fit for another to have such a thing, consider it an honor. This can range from any possession to even cubs. However, Spirit bonds are not to be broken and cubs only to be trained. (*No one will be taking any user's cubs, it is only for story and ranking purposes. Any cub in the Clan is raised by the 'Garments' of the clan (Think of them as din mothers.) Not the actual parents, however the acknowledgement of 'idol carver' is strongly taken into consideration.)

First offense: loss of paw.

Second offense: loss of second paw

Third Offense: loss of tail, and or life.

"Cubs are to remain untouched, for they are the legacy of the Eternal Quilt."
-Cubs are not to be harmed, they are treated and trained as royalty. Any disputes or 'disruptions' caused by the cub is a matter to be taken to the Tailor, and once a response of action is decided it is the courtiers job to handle the matter. All maters on this issue are to be taken up with the Tailor.

First offense: Depends on severity of wrongful treatment of cubs, in most cases the treatment is repeated on offender except worse, and with dislocation of Tail. In some cases just might be Death.

Second offense: Death.

"Disputes and struggles are to be place out in the open and delt with accordingly."
-A house divided can not stand, if any Balam have 'conflict' with another Balam it is to be taken to the Tailor and he will decide how it is dealt with. This can be from anything to a battle of strength or a submission of items.

First offense: All maters of this detail are to be brought up to the Tailor and it is to be determined at that time, if matter can not be settled in quick time all offending parties are to be imprisoned till date of determining.

"Spread word of the Grand Pattern, convert and spare not."
-The Clan's sole goal and purpose is to convert others from the way of the GrandWeaver, and his Lies. If one refuses to see the light of the GrandPattern, they are against the works of the Tailor and considered a foe and should be dealt with accordingly. Those that are not with the Tailor are Against him.

First offense: reeducation, and loyalty is to be tested.

Second offense: One must sew a thread.

Third offense: Death.

"No one is to be their own."
-Ever member of the Clan is a 'tool' of the Tailor, as the Tailor works to keep the Eternal Quilt in constant works. The Clan should all share this 'hive' mindset, work to function and not by emotion.

First offense: imprisonment and fate to be decided by the Tailor.

**Loophole. 'The Cub Claus': For those that are given a cub that is born (or Stolen) in the Eternal Quilt, that who's owners does not want them to be in the clan. This Claus is something obviously as the clan owner I do not want being use often, but it is only fair to be here. As well as makes for good plot. (That being said I don't want to force anyone to be in the clan that doesn't want to be.) If an Owner doesn't want to have their Cub be in the Eternal Quilt they have a chance to 'escape' while on their journey to fray a yarn when they have become an adult. They can take the opportunity to run off instead of actually kill a Balam. HOWEVER! They will be hunted, and ordered to be killed by MorningStar, as they are consider a yarn.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:55 pm

THE FOUNDING: [Start of Clan]

The Tale of the Tailor

Having wondered past dark, and unknowingly into a cave. Lost and forsaken in the pitch black abyss. He was injured, his horn-his gift, from the Grand Weaver was broken in a fray of panic. What light he had was taken from him in a near fatal fall in the darkness. Blind, alone, injured and without sight, MorningStar came to be enlightened and was shown one 'light'. The power of Himself. After all, at that moment it was all he could have to rely on, his almighty creator had forsaken him-left him alone to fend for himself. Neglected his desperate pleas for help. Malitiac had all that power and sight-saw him suffering choose to ignore him, when he could easily pluck him from such turmoil. Choose. Not. To. When if so, the belief and love for such a being would be all that much greater.

'How selfish for a creator to ignore the pleas of its creation. ' MorningStar thought to himself. It was in that moment, broken and bloodied the Tahtill resolved to carry on or die trying. Either was a winning solution for the male, one he could survive and swore to tell of the cruelty of the creator, be the savior to forsaken B'alam or he could meet him face to face and spit in its face.

He survived.

Three days and three nights later. MorningStar broken and bruised found the surface and the brake of day. With a deep breath and air still in his lungs, he greeted the light with the resolve of spreading the 'truth'. The word of the neglect and cruelty of the creator. How the most loyal of followers was forsaken, and had found to know the true nature of the creator.

[On Going] The Tailor Finds his Needle ( )
Cain is entrusted as the Tailor's Needle.
Rp Lenght:
Pages: TBA
Word count: TBA

[FIN] The Needle Frays the first yarn.. (Abel x Cain)
Cain finds a lone Shepard boy, watching over his flock of Whool. Kinship becomes bloodshed when the first Balam murder is committed.
Abel is killed, his pelt stolen.
Found: Abel
Rp Lenght:
Pages: 2
Word count: TBA

[FIN] First Patch Taken (Riot x Nikita x Bob x Cain x MS )
A day of play becomes tragedy when a cub is stolen from a family. MorningStar and Cain planned for it to look like a rescue to have the cub's loyalty...
Nikita is taken into the Eternal Quilt. Bob and Riot Managed to survive, MorningStar and Cain are none the wiser.
Found: Nikita
Rp Lenght:
Pages: 5
Word count: TBA

[On Going] The Tailor Find's his Thimble. (MorningStar x Faer)
Faer is woven in broad daylight, sun scorching his eyes MorningStar finds him, consoles and educates him.
Faer becomes entrusted as the Tailor's Thimble.
Found: Faer
Rp Lenght:
Pages: TBA
Word count: TBA

THE GATHERING: [Building of Clan]

[On Going] Patch Work +1 ( Milly x Savilla x Cain x MorningStar x Faer. )
Cain leads MorningStar to the flock of remaining Whool; And upon greaving the loss of her friend Milly is show the harsh reality is more then just the loss of a friend.
Found:Milly and cub stolen: Savilla.
Rp Lenght:
Pages: TBA
Word count: TBA

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:56 pm
Future Plot

THE FOUNDING: [Start of Clan]
Clan is founded. Ranks are being filled, and foundation being set.

THE GATHERING: [Building of Clan]
Ranks are being gathered, cubs are being liberated.

THE RIPPING: [Relocating of Clan]
Cubs being taken from the Clan, and betrayer is annouced. Forced to relocate.

THE REPARING: [Rebuilding of Clan]

THE STITCHING: [Strenghting of Clan]
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:58 pm
Role Plays

THE FOUNDING: [Start of Clan]
[On Going] The Tailor Finds his Needle ( MorningStar x Cain)
The Tailor finds his Needle Cain Joins the Ranks of MorningStar as his Right pawed man.
Rp Lenght:
Pages: TBA
Word count: TBA

[FIN] [PRP] Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust..Either way, it's still a Rock. (Abel x Cain)
Cain finds a lone Shepard boy, watching over his flock of Whool. Kinship becomes bloodshed when the first Balam murder is committed.
First 'Frayed Yarn' Abel is killed, his pelt stolen.
Found: Abel
Rp Lenght:
Pages: 2
Word count: TBA

[FIN] 'Till Death Do Us Part... (Riot x Nikita x Bob x Cain x MS )
A day of play becomes tragedy when a cub is stolen from a family. MorningStar and Cain planned for it to look like a rescue to have the cub's loyalty...
Nikita is taken into the Eternal Quilt. Bob and Riot Managed to survive, MorningStar and Cain are none the wiser.
Found: Nikita
Rp Lenght:
Pages: 5
Word count: TBA

[On Going] Blind Loyalty. (MorningStar x Faer)
Faer is woven in broad daylight, sun scorching his eyes MorningStar finds him, consoles and educates him.
Faer becomes entrusted as the Tailor's Thimble.
Found: Faer
Rp Lenght:
Pages: TBA
Word count: TBA

THE GATHERING: [Building of Clan]'

[On Going] The Cruel Reality Strikes... ( Milly x Savilla x Cain x MorningStar x Faer. )
Cain leads MorningStar to the flock of remaining Whool; And upon greaving the loss of her friend Milly is show the harsh reality is more then just the loss of a friend.
Found:Milly and cub stolen: Savilla.
Rp Lenght:
Pages: TBA
Word count: TBA

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:00 pm
Member list

The Tailor: MorningStar ( [ Radical Dreamer ] )

The Seamstress: [url:http://] (Thalion)

The Needle: Cain ( GunSniper )

The Thimble: TBA ( UserName Here.)

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

[Two slot available]

[Two slots available]

[Three slot available]

[Three slot available]

Chain stitch:
[Open slots]

Water: [One Slot available]

Overcast stitch:
Dark: [One slot available]

Light: [One slot available]

Wind: [One slot available]

Earth: [One slot available]

Ice: [One slot available]

Fire: [One slot available]

Water:[One slot available]

Dark: [One slot available]

Light: [One slot available]

Wind: [One slot available]

Earth: [One slot available]

Ice: [One slot available]

Fire: [One slot available]

Water:[One slot available]

Blanket stitch:
Earth (Magus) : [One slot available]

Light (Magus) :[One slot available]

Water (Magus):[One slot available]

Running stitches:
Wind: [Two slots available]

Dark: [Two slots available]

Water: [One slot available]

Ice: [One slot available]

Fire: [One slot available]

Couturier:[One slot available]

Crop Milliner:[One slot available]

Animal Milliner: [One slot available]

Stitch:[slots unlimited.]

Patches:[slots unlimited.]  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:01 pm

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:02 pm
[ Plots & Quests ] The Square

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