It was more rare these days for the dark skinned mare to find herself not in the company of others. She had once been so content on her own. Hours spent with her nose in a book, absorbing the history of their clan and learning as much as she could about Trance, and what use it could be. Hours upon days spent in peaceful seclusion. She had not sought the company of others, nor had she believed she needed it. The only true exception having been Bastion, her most beloved cousin. But he was a quiet stallion, and she had never found his presence a distraction or an annoyance.

That life seemed so foreign. So very far away, and Nergui could scarcely remember herself as that cold, distant mare. The one that had shut out her family, had next to no friends.

Now she found that she craved the company of others, and of course there were some among the masses she favored above the rest. She found herself waking in a pile of soft fur pelts with strong arms curled around her more often then not. Or the comforting sound of Bastion's peaceful breathing on the occasion she warmed her own bed. Her cousin asleep on a cushion'd mat that she'd been steadily adding blankets and pillows to since he'd taken to staying there.

But for the moment the priestess found herself alone, and she stared around her small house as if she no longer recognized the place, despite the shelves lined with knickknacks and keepsakes.

With a frown she narrowed her attention down to an almost plain little box, a subtle layer of dust paling it's surface. She didn't touch it much. In fact, she may not have so much as looked at the thing since she'd asked Bastion to make it for her. A replica of a treasured item, forever lost. The last gift Anya had ever given her little sister before resentment and jealousy drove them apart.

Nergui stared down at it now, remembering the last conversation they'd shared. A final chance to set things right...

Hesitant fingers picked the little box up and carried it to the low table. It had been so long, she wasn't sure if it would even play without a proper winding, but she opened it anyways.

Soft, almost haunting notes began to drift up from within, and with them came the memory of lyrics she had been sure she'd forgotten. It made the corners of her lips twitch, the barest hint of a sad smile, as she straightened up, walking bare foot around the table as she sang softly along with the soft melody.

"Dancing bears, painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December

The notes grew louder, increased in number. An orchestra coming to life as the mare spun, arms out wide, skirts flaring before wrapping around her legs. Familiar steps to a dance that should not have been solo.

"Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory"

Eyes shut, she could almost remember the feel of her father's hands, so strong in her own, on her side, as he swept around the room with a Nergui that was much younger. A delicate waif of a filly that had once placed family and love above all else in her life. A filly that had laughed, and cried. Someone bright, truly alive.

The mare swept around her house now, a pale shadow of the dances she'd once attended. Arms up, as if she moved through the music with some unseen partner.

"Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Once upon a December"

Silver hair streamed along her cheeks as she turned on her toes, voice strong and unwavering.

"Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember"

Thin arms came to wrap around herself, holding tightly as she swayed on the spot, dark features reflecting a vulnerability she never showed. Her eyes were misty when they opened, gaze locking on the window as she slowed to a stop after a final spin. The priestess did not cry, she was not so weak..

"And a song someone sings
Once upon a December"

..But she did cry, and she was that weak. Tears fell in hot lines down her cheeks as she song began to slow again. The final cords punctuated by deep, almost ragged breath as those half forgotten memories flooded over her. They were all gone, lost to death or consumed by insanity. There would be no more walks though the markets with her mother, no more dances with her father, and the fall of the isles was only half to blame.

Nergui held on to her own arms, fingers trembling as she dimpled dark flesh. Shaking as she finally let herself feel the lose of her family, of her home. And also, the guilt she carried for having spent so many years in seclusion, pushing everything she knew and loved away...

The music stopped, and the lid of the box folded back down with a soft click.