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Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:32 am
I was THRILLED when my boy Akos was rolled in DD's first customs!

Akos will be arriving as a basket. I would LOVE to find him someone to adopt and raise him.

I am open to just about any type of family structure, as long as it is loving and NOT EVIL!

A single parent, a couple, lifemates who haven't yet had breeding luck or who have already had all their children, lovemates looking to make a family, a herd that will all contribute to the foal's raising, someone just looking for a playmate . . .

I do want someone who will reliably RP and build a relationship with Akos.

Akos is a bold young male who is happy to explore and to help those who ask. He likes to tinker with things, trying to build a better way of doing . . . anything.

He will, while a foal, find a fairy and rescue it from a tangle of a thorn bush. She will follow him, but she's fairly paranoid, her intelligence . . . lacking. In an attempt to help she will perpetually beckon him with a 'hey, look', 'hey, listen', 'watch out' for the smallest of things . . . anything that scares her. From a spiderweb in a tree to a bear shaped rock. He will eventually find a lantern and, convincing her it will protect her, he will carry her around in it with him. She's free to tap on the glass and be let out, but she likes the safety.

Other than that, I don't really have anything in particular plotted or planned for him. A lot will depend on the shaping influences of his youth.

If you have someone you would like to offer to raise Akos, please post them here with a personality blurb, their ideas on raising foals, and an indication of your rp style frequency.

Thank you so much for offering to take in my brand new boy.
PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:51 am
Laures- Well, here's his plot thread to get more of a feel for him. He has recently found and started to reconnect with the daughter he thought dead. And while he is content and happily settled with Bailey, the light of his life, he longs to have children he can raise from the very beginning, but as of yet, he and Bailey have not been blessed.

Zorana- She is a natural-born mother and loves having children around. A calm, centered mare who has experienced both tragedy and joy, she has been blessed. She and her mate have had three daughters and a son. But they are all grown now, and she is starting to feel 'empty-nest' syndrome.

Giolladhe- Here's his plot thread for a bit more in depth character personality info. He is a young stallion with a very wide-streak of responsibility. He does like children, but has not been around many, per say, not even when he was one. He would be a little bit awkward as a parent, not quite as openly affectionate as most, but he would prove his love more through his actions.

As an rp'er I am not as active as I would like, rl and lack of muse does happen, but while I am rather slow, I will not give up on an rp unless it is the will of the other person. My muses do tend to come in bursts, but Laures' muse is often the most active, with me being able to respond regardless.


Peaceful Demigod


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PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:56 am
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She's very caring towards young ones. She's stern but does it with love, she doesn't take crap from others though and she's not afraid to speak her mind. She's not afraid to stand up for what she believes in either and would face off to a skinwalker if she was sure it woudln't kill and eat her right away. She's brave when it comes to the defence of youngsters but she's not stupid and knows when to hide or to run instead. She doesn't tolerate meanies at all... and she HATES bullies.

She'll be open and honest with the foal about who she is and who they are but she'll let them know she doesn't love them any less because they're not hers. She'll give as much love as she has in her.

She believes she can't have foals, as when i play her or think of her, it's as an older mare. She's had partners in the past but never had foals. Eventually she'll have kids but right now i'm not even looking for her. Just want her to adopt smile

I'm not especially good at keeping up with rp, i do try but i'm a single mum with 2 kids and a busy household. I may need poking from time to time. My muse comes and goes so sometimes i can post a lot, other times i can be super slow and forgetful.  
PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:58 am
Okay, as promised I'm not going to hammer you with a wall of text and I'm going to try and make this as concise as possible:

Tut x Kaia - (Epine de Rose x Pollack)
Mother's Personality: Incredibly studious, very smart and often throws herself into her studies. Sometimes becomes obsessive over her educational goals but this is down to her passionate nature and determination to succeed. If anyone believes she's 'less' than them, she'll go out of her way to prove them wrong. She's of harpy lineage and as such she can have a fiery temper when her buttons are pushed - she believes independence and equality which is why she left the flock alongside her sister.

Father's Personality: A former playboy, you can't fault this guy's courage, he literally saved Kaia's life after tackling a skinwalker... to add to his 'heroic' act, he even carried her out of the forest on his back to find a healer. He comes from a broken family and was subsequently adopted by Sylph Forcas after he was abandoned as a child so he's been raised in a loving environment. He has morals, a firm sense of loyalty and generally pushes courage and adventurous behaviour on his relatives.

Kaia, health wise, is highly unlikely to bare children as she's likely to become extremely unwell or it may be fatal. This isn't to say that she can't have them, it's just ill advised and as such, Tut and she have accepted they may never have children. Despite this they have a lot of love to give and would be able to provide him with a healthy balance of study and adventure, plus he'd be able to have the support of two very large families!

Farsiris - (Epine de Rose)
Farsiris is for the most part the 'perfect lady', she's been raised with impeccable manners and has a strong sense of duty and family. From a young age she was betrothed to a stallion and they were 'engaged' so to speak. She's quiet spoken, unassuming and will generally give a gentle nudge to encourage good manners. She was adopted by a HUGE family as a child as her mother was unable to care for her (think teenage pregnancy) and has been raised by the notorious Yei Umeko...as such she has a fair amount of exposure to siblings and other relatives.

Many mistake Farsiris as meek, too quiet and a wallflower, but she's actually an extremely good healer, host and diplomat.

I have recently severed Siri's 'engagement' as her mate has been missing for nearly five years, as such she's in a period of limbo and is vulnerable, exposed and feeling somewhat at a loss for purpose. Her purpose until now was always to be a good wife, but now she's a 'widow' in a manner of speaking she has no goal. While she doesn't have severe abandonment issues she has a hole in her life that she can't fill i.e. she has a lot of love and not enough nieces/nephews to shower with it!

Be advised that I DO have plots for her in regards to her receiving her fairytale ending and ultimately Akros would have to accept her new beau as his step-father but I think it could be fun for him to be involved if you fancied it. I intend to have Siri make a few flirtatious mistakes (without the accident of children), so Akros would be able to see an ADULT mess up AND make amends for it which could also be a good lesson.

In the end though she will end up with her childhood friend so it'll be a happy ending, just a little bit bumpy for a little while until the pair have stopped arguing and circling each other due to multiple misunderstandings.

RP Activity: Back from hiatus so plenty of time to RP, can do AIM/PM/Guild, whichever suits.  

Epine de Rose

Mewsings of An Angel

Excitable Anubutt

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PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 11:10 am
Okay, two ideas pop into my head for a possible mother.

The first is Freya (Uncloaked).

Freya is the epitome of the fiery spirit of the Nordic Barbarians. She loves to be around snow and is normally found there, wandering with her lantern through even fierce blizzards, helping weary travelers to find their way through the storm and to the shelter of her cave. She is a gentle, matronly creature, with a love for all living things, especially young'uns and can be a great tutor for them if parents find themselves overwhelmed. Her Fae companion Am'la, is known to be a pest, and is a headache at times, but helps Freya by keeping her company when there are none for her to speak with.

She would be a caring mother, protective, bold, and a teacher of the world. If she were to find a basket alone, she would care for it, but not in her cold mountainous home. She would take it into the valley to where warmth is always available, and raise it. When the little one was old enough, she would ask it if they like where they live now, or would like to live in the mountains. If the little one chose the valley, Freya would graciously stay and continue to raise and protect the one she views as her child.

And then there's Aurora.

Aurora is calm, dainty and fearless. She doesn't see evil in the world, nor right or wrong. She sees choices made that change a creature's destiny. In this way, she came to be with her mate, Dante. He seemed evil in all ways, even his family seemed such, yet she noticed something. She noticed the protectiveness and the strange love he showed her. Certain he was not evil, she stayed with him. Now they roam together, seeing the world and looking for those who would join with them with the same sort of ideal as them - that no one was evil, but rather lost or misguided and judged harshly by appearance or past actions.

If Aurora was to find a basket, alone, she would protect it no matter what, and would show Dante that she would be mother to the lost child, raise it as her own and never let it go. She would raise the child to view the world same as she, and as a good child whom would protect others who were lost and misunderstood. Dante would be a good father, loyal and fearless and protective to a tee.

RP Activity: I've been lacking in ideas for a lot of plots, and can get bored sometimes. Ultimately however, I have been getting back into the swings of my muse and have been searching for something to light a true fire in my mind - especially for these two. They've been lacking in both plots and RPs and I would love to see them become active, and would enjoy shaping them with child in tow. Guild, PM or IM RPs would definitely be abundant. x3
PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 12:40 pm
Well, you have a few replies already, but I'd like to put Ardia forward for consideration.

Ardia is the head of a large and extended family; loving, maternal and now a great-great grandmother many times over, she's become one of those slightly embarrassing (to her children at any rate XD) Mother/Grandmothers who crack jokes and are always trying to play matchmaker for her relatives as she loves to see her children, grandchildren etc etc happy and settled

She herself has not seen her own dear mate for a long time, and so whilst she is mostly content to be a Grandmother, she would like to experience being a mother again before she gets much older.

OOCly; her lifemate's owner no longer seems to be inactive, but as she has had two breedings so far resulting in 7 children, I figured that I would just let the last one slide, though because she does have such a loving nature, I know she would be very happy to raise another foal.

As for rp availability, I'm around alot and will rp as often as I can (when my muse isn't being diverted to art, occasionally one tends to override the other XD) 3nodding  


Tiny Bookworm

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Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:10 pm

Laures is tempting, but I am looking for someone a bit more active in RP for Akos, I've had a LOT of slow RP and love it, but I want to really build him at a steady pace. Please feel free to poke my teepee for someone you would like to play with and I'd be happy to have some slower RP with you, just at this moment, it won't be Akos. Thank you so much for offering though.


As I told dawn, I really want someone who can really commit to solid RP for Akos. I would love to RP with you for something else if you'd like.

Epine de Rose

I'm still looking over offers, but I'm keeping your Tut and Kaia in mind. They could work for this situation. In the mean time, if you'd like to pick back up with Dulph and Fran, that would be nice.

Mewsings of An Angel

I love the idea of Freya having a fairy and Akos having one, but . . . I don't think the personality is quite a great fit. Aurora definitely looks like she could be fun and I'm keeping her in mind as I think things out.


I love how open you are for RPs and that there's a big family for Akos to become a part of. Ardia is being kept in mind as I think through my options.


Thank you all for your interest, I really appreciate all the options thus far. I will try to make a decision before his basket arrives so plotting/planning/etc can be started. Again, thank you all.  
PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:15 pm
n_n Well if you're looking for instant RP responses then I'll politely withdraw, it would have been easier to simply say "No" to me as I wouldn't have taken offence.

Once I get a muse back for Fran I'll be sure to poke you, I generally find my Usdia a challenge to RP.

Good luck with your hunt.

Epine de Rose


Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:27 pm
Epine de Rose
n_n Well if you're looking for instant RP responses then I'll politely withdraw, it would have been easier to simply say "No" to me as I wouldn't have taken offence.

Once I get a muse back for Fran I'll be sure to poke you, I generally find my Usdia a challenge to RP.

Good luck with your hunt.

Not instant, but at least 3-4 times a week. Which is why I didn't give an instant 'no'. I can't do instant either - but I can usually reply at least once a day and many days I can reply nearly instantly, and I'd like Akos to build on a quicker basis than once every week or two. And as you said you were back from hiatus with plenty of time, I left you on my list.

As for Fran - I do understand, it can be difficult, and I have no problems with RL issues taking precedence, just know I'm there with Biddulphia whenever you're ready.

Thank you.  
PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 2:15 am
Okie doke, will look forward to your decision ^_^  


Tiny Bookworm

24,415 Points
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Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 1:31 pm
If you're still interested in offers, I'd love to show you my Happiness. She's a single mare, not really trying to find a mate because she's just recently found her brother & is living with him and his GIANT family (grandchildren upon grandchildren upon grandchildren) and is catching up on the life she missed. She's an older mare, being twin to her brother, so she's very experienced in the pain and hardships of life, but it hasn't stopped her.

Happiness personifies her own name. She's constantly laughing and smiling and loving everything that life has had to offer her up until this point. Like I said, she's a bit older, so she has a bit more of a maturity factor than most 'light-hearted and airy' mares do, but she still tries to be a bit of a foal sometimes. She sees the beauty in everything - right down to your very core; she'll stick by you if she thinks it's right. Never one to judge, she won't try to 'fix' a problem - just make the best out of the situation. Everything on this earth has a purpose for being there - and she is just trying to float along by, with that knowledge. I've always wanted her to adopt, before she settled down and found a stallion. She's never been in love, nor has she ever had a child of her own, so I've always thought it would be nice for her to confide her foal-like love in her adopted child when the time came for her to find someone.

Also, as far as my RPing goes: Right now, within the next few days or 1 week, I am busy. Very busy. But after that, I will very likely be able to respond to the RP at least once a day. If not, than most definitely every-other day. But it would be a safe bet to say once a day!^^ I really want to start RPing on a regular basis again, and Happiness' muse comes easy to me!^^
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 9:47 am
Summer Raven

Thank you for offering, I'll keep her in mind.  


Nebula Dragon


Kawaii Fairy

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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 3:47 pm

For your consideration I have my mare Ikinya the usdia, who is lovemated to Cuauhcoatl the Angeni of Learning and together they have a vast family orientated herd called Yectenehua! The herd's 'objective' is to protect and give a home to outcasts and those who are considered taboo by others but are good people, if misunderstood, as well as be open to anyone who is a good enough person: Not willing to torment others or kill other soquili. Must not torture prey, even if hunters -- kills should be quick, clean, and respectful to the prey. Ikinya is the Alpha of the herd, and takes on this responsibility with stride. She may be small but her heart and compassion knows no bounds - she would do anything for her family and friends. Their family and the Amachi family are the primary members, but I'll touch on more of that if you are interested - its huge between the two families!

If you chose Ikinya she already has experience in adoption. Their first child is an usdia basket, Adom, she found, and protected from a skinwalker to bring back to Cuauhcoatl in the early stages of their relationship. Since then the pair found a surrogate mother due to their inability to breed, and although with all good intentions changed her mind in the end and managed to take one of her and Cuauh's children away with her - still leaving two in their care. They also adopted a mutant kalona child, who they raised from foalhood since he was abandoned. Then came two more, a wishing star child named Teo'xihuitl, and another spirit child born into this world who has not yet found his way to the herd Bohlale. You can see their immediate family here.

Ikinya as a mother is as loving as can be. She mothers her whole herd be it adult or other children, and is caring and compassionate. She runs a garden set up by her mate since he has the ability to transform into a human so the herd possesses alot of luxury like the kawani would with wigwams, gardens and so forth. The Amachi line are traders and craftsman, and Cuauhcoatl does a lot of education since he is well...the Angeni of Learning. The foal has the ability to learn from a number of sources and is encouraged to explore and become the best they can be. There are plenty of watchful eyes in the herd and so its more of a community, everyone looks after all the kids as if they were their own.

My rp style is fairly extensive, and especially with Ikinya she is a very active muse. I would also be able to rp with your little one many siblings, as I own the majority of them XD. We also have other active herd members too, so you would be free to poke them as well; my fellow herd family also likes to do in herd rp with their characters!

Here are some examples of my own rps, and i'd be happy to plot and rp rather extensively with you and your foal!

Ikinya's rp finding Adom
RP example with another Soquili of mine
One of the herd's ORP

Good luck on your search! Lots of wonderful parent applications here <3

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 10:09 am

Thank you for offering, that's a lovely family. I'll write up my decision soon.  


Nebula Dragon


Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 1:19 pm
I have made my decision regarding the Akos basket.

After much thought, I have decided to give the basket to a couple who has not yet had the chance at a family.

Thus Mewsings of An Angel's Aurora will find and raise Akos. I think the personality works and I love being able to have him be a 'first' child for them.

I do love CitrusCupcake's Ardia, Summer Raven's Happines, and Tirokio's Ikinya and would love to keep you in mind for some other basket customs I have planned for the future.

Particularly, I think Dove Hawke would be right at home with Ikinya. The twins Jezella and Esmira would be great for Happiness. And I would love to see Ginger with Ardia.

Of course, who knows when or if those customs will happen, but I do love your soquili and their families and would love to RP with you all.

Thank you again for the offers, time, and consideration. I hope to have wonderful interactions both in character and out with each of you in the future.  
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