i'm always writing descriptive, visual poems. so i thought i should try something new and this is the result of it. slam poetry? maybe? sort of? LOL, i'm not quite sure myself.

The world

A world of fantasies, built entirely out of my imagination.
I used to live there when I was a little girl.
I believed everything and anything could happen if I wished hard enough for it.
I am lying.
From the moment we are born we are drilled with facts.
We are taught to see the world in a logical way.
Fantasies? What fantasies? There are no fantasies.
We walk on the floor, not on the ceiling.
An apple is an apple, it cannot transform into a dragon.
No if you swallow a watermelon seed you won't have a tree growing out of your stomach.
Oh I forgot to mention watermelons don't grow from trees.
16 years old.
If you think monsters still hide under your bed it's time you get a psychiatrist.
We are pushed towards the welcoming arms of teachers, encouraging them to shatter our childish dreams.
China is a democratic country?
Your body did not just magically appear, it was formed when your mother and father ..
A square plus b square equals c square.
Wait, why can't the Pythagorus Theorem and all the other mathematical equations equal to one?
We are now living in a scientific logical world.
What fantasies?
Such childish dreams.