Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:07 pm
Just like the title says. It's an old, inactive guild that I got from a friend. It was previously a vampire guild, and it's being turned into a Mabinogi guild where players of Mabinogi can hang out and chat.
The reason I did this was, well, because all the other Mabinogi and/or Nexon guilds are dead, and have been for at least a year, as far as I could see.
PS- If anyone could make a banner for it, that'd be really, really nice of you smile
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:44 am
Oh, my~! Mabinogi is by far one of my favorite games, but I'm moved away from it lately for some reason. I've been playing for 2 years going on my third in October and there are so many memories. All good things must die though, but if you ever need a friend, add me.
IGN: Kiyumii -Alexina-