The Cannon Fodder Of R.I.PEventually he wanted some minions to use for his liking. As such he found an old acquaintance of his who went by the name of Murmuxmon. Challenging Murmuxmon to a duel he ended up winning. After his defeat as the prize he earned the right to control the minions of Murmuxmon who were a large bunch of DemiDevimon. Some ended up getting stronger and gained the rights to lead their fellow soldiers. Other stayed as minions and were used as simple Cannon Fodder to be used as the leader wished. You have just encountered a large amount of DemiDevimon on your journey.
To eliminate them you must
roll 10 10 sided die and
have at least 5 numbers less than 5 and 5 numbers greater then 5. Once you complete that
roll 10 10 sided die and
get a number that is at least 10 less or 10 more than the total number you got to get through the first part. Remember to PM me the links to where you completed both parts
Note: If you receive a 5 then it goes to neither the higher or the lower. It states greater than or less than, not 'greater than or equal to' or 'less than or equal to'
Example: Part 1: 2,3,4,1,2,6,8,8,9,9 Part 2: 52 so 42-62 is the number you must get
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