I'm thankful for the doctor that diagnosed my mum's brain injury last month, and my mum's determination. She went two years of not knowing what was wrong with her after boxes fell on her head at work. She couldn't get worker's compensation because other doctor's didn't think that the blow to the head had anything to do with her brain injury. She can't go on disability because it took too long to figure out what injury she has.
People treated her as stupid because the injury and medications she is on drastically effected her previously sharp wit; now she has to think over steps- for things as simple as getting our stove ready so she can cook something- up to three times before she actually does it. She lives off of bran muffins, chow, McDonald's coffee, and plain chicken/turkey/poultry, because the injury and meds ruined her sense of taste. Everything else tastes like laundry soap, burnt wood, salt, or pennies to her. She lives with a injury-based headache that never goes away. The injury has really put a wedge into our family- my mum is not the same person anymore.
That doctor actually ******** cared about what she had to say. He didn't brush her aside or rush her to say what was wrong. He treated her like an actual person after some doctors were complete douchebags to her. Some had the audacity to believe that she was making all of this up.
I don't know the doctor's name, but he gave my mum the one thing she hasn't had in years. He gave her hope.