As he grabbed Isabel by the wrist, and threw her to the tile floor. Went into his room and picked up a studded belt and stormed back into the living room. Isabel
look's up at the 6 foot man with carmel skin with dark brown hair and hazel eyes filled with rage. Her soul filled with terror and pain as he thrashed out on her
with the studded belt on her face, back, legs and arms. His appeal to hit her with the studded belt ceased to satisfy his impulse to seriously harm her.
He dropped the belt and striked her bare knuckled constantly on the skull until she bled. He stood up and washed his hands, while Isabel's bruses throbbed and her blood gushed
out into a puddle surrounding her entire small curled up body. While Isabel laid there in the pool of warm blood, Isabel's mom, Monica was called into the bedroom by Isabel's grandmother Kim. Isabel could faintly hear there conversation, and listened in. Kim explained to Monica"
I am moving out, I cannot stand how you let that man treat Isabel!" Monica says " Mom! There is nothing I can do! I can't break up with him!" Kim looks down at Laura's dirty
blond braided back hair, green eyes and pale skin and ask's her " Baby, do you wan't to come and live with me?" Laura replies " No, I have to stay and watch Isabel"
Kim sighs and walks into the Livingroom and holds Isabel's little hand. Isabel asks her grandmother" Mom, Can I come live with you?" Kim Studies Isabel's deap brown eyes screaming
'help me', long curly brown hair with natural golden streaks and honey light tips and tan skin and said softly " No." Isabels eyes teared up, struggling to see through her
blurred vision trying to grasp the appearance of her grandmother, slightly wrinkled skin, sea blue eyes and brown hair pulled up in a bun. Kim stands up and grabs her
suitcase and Isabel watches as her last hope walks out the door.


Written by Dino-Toy