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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[1v1] Two eyes between the two of us (Ofelia/Shun) FIN Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:45 pm
After getting taken down by Desu, Shun wasn't in the best of moods. He still hadn't quite fully adjusted to only having one eye at this point. While he was able to shadowstep correctly sometimes, there were moments where his aim was still off. It bothered him. He needed to train more.

With this in mind, he soon found himself in the familiar halls of the Haunted House.

Apparently it picked up on his mindset and decided to send him here.

Grimacing, he slowed his pace and looked around. There was never a point in time where he had shown up here random and alone. Someone else was bound to be here. It was just a matter of who.  
Blade Kuroda rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:46 pm
((Because I forgot to roll))


Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:50 pm
Ofelia hadn't been to the haunted house since her loss to the weird cat creature thing (he'd scratched her face, ouch) but seeing as she wanted to get out more and have some fun she pushed herself through the portal, flip flops smacking agaisnt the grounds of the haunted house. Her new jacket was tied around her waist and it fluttered behind, her stomping motions causing it to wiggle almost in sync with her braid.

The teen still hadn't found her glass eye, nor was she in the mood to wear a patch, and so she kept her expression in a blink as she carelessly rounded the corner and bumped into someone.

Her first response was "Oops, sorry. Ya alright?"

Her second response was " . . . . oh crap. Ah forgot where Ah was."

Was to go Ofelia.
Blade Kuroda rolled 1 20-sided dice: 7 Total: 7 (1-20)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:57 pm
Shun was moving carefully through the room when someone suddenly bumped into him by the corner. Immediately he jumped back and summoned his daggers, ready for a fight. The first thing he noticed was that it was a hunter, judging the white coat she had tied around her waist. She wasn't one he had seen prior to now however.

He didn't answer her first question. The reaper saw no reason to since generally speaking, hunters couldn't really care less for how one of his kind felt. This was just going off of past experiences and whatnot.

"The Haunted House," he said simply, "And potentially your resting place, Hunter."


Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

Rown rolled 1 20-sided dice: 16 Total: 16 (1-20)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:03 pm
"Whoa. whoa whoa. Calm down, Ah said Ah was sorry. What's yer problem?" Ofelia backed away from the person as they summoned weapons from thin air, something the teen had never seen before. It had her curious as to how that happened, and she lowered her hands to her sides. ". . . how'd ya summon a weapon? Ah thought only hunters could do that?"

Inside her head Rue hissed, one of the only sounds the weapon was willing to make as of late. It was a sign she demanded to be summoned, there was FEAR in the air, and the teen sighed as she obeyed. The knuckledusters slowly phased into view, the bracelet on her wrist vanishing.

"Yanno, if ya calm down no one has ta die or fight. Jus' sayin'."
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:12 pm
Staring down the hunter, Shun took a step back and crouched down to get into his usual stance. This one must have never met a reaper before, given her question.

"There are those who were able to summon weapons long before the Hunters could. And my daggers didn't require the life of another to be forged," he said before letting out a light scoff as she said that there didn't have to be a fight. The reaper felt differently on the matter, having a rather strong bias against this particular group of humans.

"You Hunters have always been a threat ever since I've learned of your existence. I've never seen one of you show mercy or a willingness to stand down, so why should I?"

Well, technically, he supposed that Liam had, from what he saw in that Trance. It did little good, considering how that had ended anyway. Most of the graduating class from twenty years ago taken away by the hunters and whatnot.  

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:30 pm
"Ahhh, Ah see." Ofelia shrugged her shoulders at the anger this person seemed to be spewing at her. "Yanno, kinda unfair ta judge a person based on sommin' that others did. Ah dunno ya, ya dunno me. Kinda rude ta assume all hunters an'. . .whatever ya are can be lumped tagether." She waved her hand back and forth, Rue swishing through the air and making a rather fearful sound.

The weapon was hungry, this talk was pointless. A high pitched wail started inside Ofelia's head and the teen winced at the sound. "Hang on gimmie a sec here." She raised a hand and slapped the side of her ear, almost like trying to dislodge something. "Does yer weapon scream in yer ear sometime? Oh wait, ya said it wasn't alive. Never mind."

Rue said she'd stop screaming if Ofelia attack. Ofelia wasn't really in the mood to attack, she was more or less curious. "Hmm, how 'bout this? In between tradin' blows, we ask one 'nother a question an' give an answer. That way ya learn who Ah am an' stop jus' callin' me hunter, an'; Ah learn more 'bout ya an' . . .well, Ah dunno. Ya got me curious, an' if'n ya manage ta take me down Ah'll give ya sommin' good."

It was a very bad idea, but Ofelia seemed to like it. She didn't really have a prize though which wasn't such a good idea.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:36 pm
"You should tell that to some of your comrades," Shun stated plainly. He had heard Hunters do the same sort of deal. It was a bit strange to see one that didn't seem as eager to fight, but he was still rather certain that no hunter could be trusted.

"I doubt there's anything you have that's of any use to me," he stated. For that matter, he doubted she would uphold that little stipulation of hers. However, he supposed this could be an opportunity to learn a little more of the enemy. See what else he could dig up. The reaper narrowed his eye at the girl, looking at her carefully. It was possible that she could spew false information, but it was something he could sift through afterwards.

"But I will agree to these conditions," he added after a little bit of thought.  

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

Rown rolled 2 10-sided dice: 6, 3 Total: 9 (2-20)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:40 pm
"Awesome! Ah guess Ah'll start wit' introductions on mah end." Ofelia moved her hands into a fighting pose, her feet spread and her fingers splayed before tightening themselves inside Rue's handles. "Ah'm Ofelia Tanner, Sun Hunter Inter-Trainee."

That was all for that bit, and she suddenly lunged forward, Rue's blades facing outward. A shallow swipe was all she delivered, but it was enough for her weapon to get a taste of FEAR and to have her runes start to glow. The teen jumped back, skidding a bit on the floor in her flip-flops, and she held both hands up high. "An' this lil' lady is Rue." The runes glowed in response, Rue just humming about eating FEAR.

"Yer turn. Ya can gimmie yer name, or ask a question, or both. S'only fair." It didn't look like Ofelia was taking this fight seriously, at least not yet.

hp 50
damage 3
charge 1 [ - ]
Blade Kuroda rolled 2 10-sided dice: 8, 7 Total: 15 (2-20)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:48 pm
Hearing the name, Shun tucked away the information, also noting the extra bits that were given. Sun Hunter? Then again, the symbols on her coat did resemble somewhat of a 'sun'. Hm.

He moved back, feeling her blades n** into him lightly, then brought his own up.

"Shun Kuroda. You say you're a 'sun' hunter. Does this reflect your duties at all?" he asked before moving forth to return an attack. He moved quickly to close the gap between them, then slashed out with his left blade.

HP: 47
Damage: 9  

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

Rown rolled 2 10-sided dice: 10, 2 Total: 12 (2-20)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:52 pm
Ofelia felt her shield hiss against the attack, her arm having been raised. She wondered if this Shun person saw the impact but noticed that no blood had been drawn despite the heavy strike. "S'nice ta meetcha, Shun. Yer welcome ta call me Ofie, if ya'd like. Most people do since it's easier ta scream at me."

When he asked her a question she looked pleased enough, glad that he was going to play along after all. The citizens of Halloween were a mystery to her, some of them she hated because of what they'd done to her and her eye, but most. . . she didn't know. It was hard to hate someone who looked human enough, not to mention had a willing to follow requests personality.

"Hmm, mah duties? Iff'in Ah recall correctly, we sun hunters are kinda. . . the first wave out? We go inta places that need clearin' a stuff an' on account'a that we're mostly considered cannon fodder? Ah dunno, Ah'm jus' thinkin' 'bout it 'cause Ah'm still not sure." Ofelia paused in her talking and took a step around to the side, bringing her weapon down against Shun again. Rue sucked in his FEAR with a happy screech. "'sides, even if ya ask Ah can' tell ya everythin'. At least no in the first question." She winked, though as usual it looked more like a blink since she was keeping her left eye closed.

The weapon was almost ready, so Ofelia asked her question. "If ya had to define yer class, what are ya? Like...a warrior or sommin'? A reaper?"

hp 41
damage 6
charge 2 [ - ]
Blade Kuroda rolled 2 4-sided dice: 3, 3 Total: 6 (2-8)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:10 pm
Cannon fodder? It sounded like Sun hunters were like the infantry or something along those lines. The foot soldiers. At least that was what he was getting out of what she was saying. He had also noticed the lack of blood, but had fought hunters enough to know that most did not bleed until after a certain point. So he just dismissed the fact that his blades were not bloodied yet.

"Grim Reaper," he stated simply. There wasn't really much else to say in turn.

Her weapon hit him again, a little more deeply this time around. Letting out a hiss of pain, he stepped back and let out a deep breath. The reaper didn't attack. No, instead he focused, seeking out potential weakpoints this hunter had. His fear narrowed in and he was able to focus a little more clearly. She too was missing her left eye. Any openings would likely be from there.

"Your rank sounds rather low. Am I correct?" he asked. It had the word 'trainee' in it after all. He'd be surprised if that was a substantial ranking.

HP: 41
Damage: n/a
Fear: Critical Eye: y2 The Eye : + 2 accuracy for the next 3 turns.  

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

Rown rolled 2 10-sided dice: 5, 2 Total: 7 (2-20)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:14 pm
"Eh, really? Ah always pictured grim reapers ta be that guy wit' the cloak an' scythe. Ah guess everythin' comes in differen' shapes an' sizes then." That was interesting to know and Ofelia tucked it into the back of her mind for future reference.. . . which was a waste since she'd never use it. Things like 'planning' and 'references' meant nothing to the sun teen.

"Low rankin'? Ah guess so, but Ah'm a step up from quite a few. Ah guess ya could call me middle ground? Not many hunters live past the trainee stage, so. . . .Ah'm pretty common place. Ah think." Ofelia rubbed the back of her neck, her weapon shifting to allow such a thing to happen. Having Rue on her hands was just like having an extension of her own fingers, and she flexed her knuckles before turning towards Shun and bringing her weapon down in another light strike"Mah turn fer a question." A grin spread over her face. "How'd ya lose yer eye?"

A screech from her weapon let Ofelia know it was time to go, that she was ready to release. It was sad to say but the teen was starting to miss the hateful words.

hp 41
damage 1
charge 3 [ - ]
Blade Kuroda rolled 2 10-sided dice: 7, 2 Total: 9 (2-20)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:30 pm
"Some are like that. Our weapons vary as much as your own," Shun noted as far as reapers went. Or Grim reapers even. Seeing how Roch had a guitar and Mot had a gun.

He shifted back, or tried to, but the tip of her weapon scratched him once again. Regarding the question she asked, his good eye narrowed.

"I got into a fight against one of your comrades," he said darkly. The Reaper thought of asking another hunter-related question, but he decided to throw this one right back at her.

"And you?" he shot back before lunging forth. His left dagger came up to attack her right, but it was a feint, aimed to draw her attention before lashing out to her left side with his other dagger.

HP: 40
Damage: 5
Effect: +2 Accuracy for the next 2 turns  

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

Rown rolled 8 4-sided dice: 1, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3 Total: 20 (8-32)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:34 pm
"Ahhh, sorry ta hear that. Ah didn' know any damage we did ta ya was fer keeps, Ah always kinda thought ya faded an' came back jus' fine." Was she supposed to feel bad about it? Probably not, but she did anyway because well having someone stab out your eye sucked. Of course also getting hit again with an attack also hurt, but not as much as having an eye stabbed out. "As fer how Ah lost mine? Mah brother an' Ah were playin', he hit me with a board, an' a pitchfork stabbed mah eye out."

Since there was no point in hiding it she just went ahead and opened her eye, the empty socket staring at the reaper. It was easier like this anyway, no need to keep her eye closed. Rue's runes were already pulsating to the maximum, she was ready to release, and from the feel of it there was a chance this was going to hit hard and possibly end the fight.

So Ofelia turned and punched the wall, using her charge to completely decimate it. Inside her head Rue screamed as loudly as she could, her voice so painful it actually made Ofelia wince and place her hands on the side of her head. Her knees nearly buckled from the sound, all the unhappy wailing. Sometimes Ofelia wondered if Rue was a siren, not a boo hag. When the screams finally stopped she and the teen removed her hands, turning to look at Shun. A blush spread over her cheeks and she looked rather. . . horrified. "Um. . . .pretend ya didn' see that, mmkiay? As a return ya can ask me two questions."

hp 36
damage 0
charge - [ 1 ]
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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