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Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:25 am
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((If the formatting looks weird it's because your windows are longer than mine.))
PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:35 am
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The mazoku are an ancient cult of evil soquili. The ways of the mazoku are simple: You do not love. You do not feel compassion. You live off the suffering of others. Finally, above all else, you seek the destruction of the world itself. Many years ago the great Purewalker Shabranigdu was killed by Angeni seeking to save the inhabitants of the world and torn into seven pieces. The five lords who served under Ruby Eyed Shabranigdu still believe that their lord can be revived if the right measures are taken. Currently two of the five have resurfaced and are seeking the resurrection of Lord Ruby Eyes using what they believe to be "ancient magic."

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The Under Ground is a hodge-podge collection of soquili and familiars that is largely made up of females. The rules of being a member are simple: Listen to Carmine. If Carmine doesn't know listen to Lorenna. They seek all things shiny and valuable and aren't oriented towards good or evil. As a group they don't tend to go looking for trouble but it usually ends up finding them to a degree anyway.

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Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:36 am
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Something wicked is afoot.
Seeking treasure the Under Ground, accompanied by Xelloss, ventured deep into the jungle. Unbeknownst to most of the Under Ground their trip did not go unnoticed.

Now they are being sought after by Hellmaster Phibrizzo who wants them to find several items for him. These objects are to be used in part of a ceremony to 'revive' Lord Shabranigdu just as soon as Lord Hellmaster and Lord Beastmaster can locate the one they believe to be a host of his power.

To find these items Carmine and the others are going to have to split up, travel to different parts of the soquili lands and go treasure hunting. They're going to need local guides or at least local help to accomplish their goals and get the items back to Phibrizzo quick enough to earn what they assume to be a big pay off.
The items are described as follows:
-One that is darkness beyond twilight.
-One that is crimson beyond blood that flows.
-One that is buried in the stream of time.
-One that is the magic of the burning east.
-One that is the magic of the waters west.
-One that is the magic of the islands south.
-One that is the magic of the frozen north.

While the Under Ground is searching the Mazoku will be recruiting followers to serve as an army for their dark lord when he awakens. These followers will not be true mazoku just followers of the cause.

List of items officially taken:
-One that is the magic of the frozen north. (Carmine, Othelia, Sanyue)
-One that is buried in the stream of time. (Slipsand/Cyllene)
-One that is darkness beyond twilight. (Lorenna/Xellra)
-One that is crimson beyond blood that flows.(Carmine, Othelia, Sanyue, Proserpine)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:37 am
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Xellas embodies the mazoku ideals and is a powerful lord among them. She cunningly seeks more power for herself in her every move and ruthlessly kills or unseats those that seek to block her. She is very prideful, not immune to flattery, and takes offenses in a very personal and dangerous manner. She is very rational and does not seek out conflict when it is unnecessary, but her definition of "necessary" is somewhat open-ended.
Played by: Roniel Targaryen
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Obnoxious, devious, and fond of playing tricks on people. Xelloss quite enjoys playing innocent and trying to convince others that he is a "nice kalona," only to screw them over once he has taken them in. Occasionally though, he snaps and a truly sadistic monster emerges.
Played by: Roniel Targaryen
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Phibrizzo is a sneaky character. He is a master actor and can even deceive old acquaintances. Until he decides to drop the act there is nothing about his mannerisms that give him away. His favorite roll to play is that of a young, orphaned stallion finding that people don't have a tendency to see him as a threat when he acts young and innocent. In reality he is cruel and just a bit unhinged. He enjoys mind games and physical torture of his opponents and doesn't mind using wicked methods to achieve his goals. In fact he seems to prefer needlessly cruel and detailed plans.
Played by: Nisshou H
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Othelia has recently discovered her mazoku heritage and isn't certain if she can trust the Under Ground to treat her like they did before if they find out. Because of this she's started distancing herself from the UG. She doesn't claim loyalty to any mazoku lord and mostly chooses to follow Xelloss's lead. She is very straightforward in her ways and not particularly chatty. If something needs to be killed she will attack it without playing any sort of games. She has little to no grasp on emotions and as such she's not good at tricking people and that suits her fine.
Played by: Nisshou H
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Xellra is full of desire to prove himself to be a demon worthy of the mazoku bloodline he is part of. He's not always as mean as he pretends to be, but it's safer to assume that he is. He might secretly harbor fondness for some soquili, but it doesn't happen often. He doesn't have his father's subtlety and mostly charges into things head-first.
Played by: Roniel Targaryen

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:45 am
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Carmine usually comes across as a space case but whether she actually is a ditz or not is up for debate. Carmine is almost always cheerful and she just wants to have fun with her life. She is overtly sexual and often crude with her jokes. To an extent she enjoys making people uncomfortable particularly if they're a bit uptight. She is the leader of the Under Ground and a master thief. She tends to treat the group less like a business and more like a sleep over.
Played by: Nisshou H
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Lorenna is the second in command for the Under Ground and she takes the position, like everything else, very seriously. What little sense of humor she has is normally very dry, mean and not funny to anyone else. Lorenna is a naturally suspicious person especially around kalona. She likes to plan ahead and is typically very cautious about everything she does. She is not a friendly person and doesn't usually take much time to consider a persons emotions when choosing a course of action.
Played by: Nisshou H
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Wolf is quiet, straightforward, without much of a grasp on the concept of humor but she's nice. She likes to help people and she is incredibly loyal to those she feels close to. She tends to be very open minded about ideas even if she never says anything about them. Wolf is curious and likes investigating everything new.
She is Carmine's body guard first and the Under Ground's guard second.
Played by: Nisshou H
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Beryl is a sneaky sort. She's very intelligent, witty, and manipulative and uses all of those qualities to try to get whatever she wants. She is generally amoral and enjoys extortion, thievery, and intimidation. She is quite aware of her small stature as a flutter and therefore tries to avoid actual physical altercation, unless she has someone around as a back-up. She isn't afraid to lie, cheat, steal, and betray her way to the top. However, she has a soft side for her family and tries to hide her shifty nature from them and present herself much more normally. To the friends that she has "not on the job," she treats likewise.
Played by: Roniel Targaryen
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Slipsand lives a fast paced and exciting life. She can't stand boredom and is always looking for something else entertaining to do. She is very irreverent and fond of teasing both her friends and strangers. She is a member of the Underground group and loves it. She loves the rush of stealing from others and even somewhat enjoys the trouble it gets her into when she's caught.
Played by: Roniel Targaryen
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Othelia is still a guard for the Under Ground even though she is working on distancing herself from them. There is no telling when she'll leave them for good.
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Strictly speaking Xelloss is not a member of the Under Ground at all but rather an occasional nuisance that hangs around for his own reasons. He is well liked by some members and hated by others.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:50 am
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If you wish to join the Mazoku in their path of destruction than please fill out and post the form that follows. If you would prefer not to post please PM Nisshou H and I can relay it to Roni so it can be looked over.
Things to keep in mind:
-The mazoku are not looking to hinder the UG's quest, they are sponsering it.
-The mazoku are terribly vocal about their plans, applicants are most likely going to be discovered by one of the mazoku.
-There is a possibility for a mazoku recruit to also help the UG in either order. (help first or join first)

[align=center][color=darkred][size=16]Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed![/size][/color][/align]
[b]Image of Soquili Applicant:[/b] (Don't link, we like staring at pretty pictures)
[b]Applicant Name:[/b]
[b]Owner/Co-owner:[/b] (Only add the co-owner if you have one.)
[b]Applicant Personality:[/b]
[b]Reason for joining:[/b]
[b]What skills does the applicant have?:[/b]
[b]Does the applicant have a preference in which lord they choose to serve?:[/b] (The choices at this point are Lord Hellmaster and Lord Beastmaster, you don't need to pick one.)
[b]Do you RP?:[/b]
[b]----Actively?: [/b]
[b]Do you use plotting in place of or along with RP?:[/b]
[b]Anything else you'd like to add?:[/b]

If your mazoku applicant would like to assist the UG but stay on the mazoku side use this form. (May be subject to other orders after.)
[align=center][color=darkblue][size=16]For Lords Beastmaster and Hellmaster![/size][/color][/align]
[b]Image of Soquili Applicant:[/b] (Don't link, we like staring at pretty pictures)
[b]Applicant Name:[/b]
[b]Owner/Co-owner:[/b] (Only add the co-owner if you have one.)
[b]Applicant Personality:[/b]
[b]Which treasure would you like to help find?[/b]
[b]Do you RP?:[/b]
[b]----Actively?: [/b]
[b]Do you use plotting in place of or along with RP?:[/b]
[b]Anything else you'd like to add?:[/b]

User Image
If you wish to join Carmine's Under Ground as a permanent member then please fill out the following form. All applicants must understand that no uprisings will be tolerated. If a soquili wants to join to take over they should look elsewhere.
Things to keep in mind:
-Skinwalkers will never be accepted and kalona will likely be subject to some hostility from at least one member.
-Those that help the quest do not have to join the UG.

[align=center][color=crimson][size=16]I dream in silver and gold![/size][/color][/align]
[b]Image of Soquili Applicant:[/b] (Don't link, we like staring at pretty pictures)
[b]Applicant Name:[/b]
[b]Owner/Co-owner:[/b] (Only add the co-owner if you have one.)
[b]Applicant Personality:[/b]
[b]Reason for joining:[/b]
[b]What skills does the applicant have?:[/b]
[b]What position does the applicant want?:[/b]
[b]Does the applicant understand that there will be no uprisings within the group?:[/b]
[b]Do you RP?:[/b]
[b]----Actively?: [/b]
[b]Do you use plotting in place of or along with RP?:[/b]
[b]Anything else you'd like to add?:[/b]

If you have a soquili that would like to help the Under Ground as an ally or neutral party please fill out the following form.

[align=center][color=darkgreen][size=16]Out of seven I know one![/size][/color][/align]
[b]Image of Soquili Applicant:[/b] (Don't link, we like staring at pretty pictures)
[b]Applicant Name:[/b]
[b]Owner/Co-owner:[/b] (Only add the co-owner if you have one.)
[b]Applicant Personality:[/b]
[b]Which treasure would you like to help find?[/b]
[b]What are the applicant's motivations for helping the UG?:[/b]
[b]Do you RP?:[/b]
[b]----Actively?: [/b]
[b]Do you use plotting in place of or along with RP?:[/b]
[b]Anything else you'd like to add?:[/b]

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:43 am
-saving in case-  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:48 pm
Now open for posting!  

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter



PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:12 pm
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed!

Image of Soquili Applicant: User Image
Applicant Name: Vex
Owner/Co-owner: xKOVAKtheWOLFx
Applicant Personality: Headstrong. He believes that he can be able to do anything ever since the day that we fended himself from an adult soquili at the age of a foal. His only true friend is Yakone, a rabbit who seems to be close to him no matter what. In the end, Yakone became Vex's familiar, but is still called a friend.
Reason for joining: Neglect from family at a young age, having to see the 'bad' of life at a young age. With this, he desires to see the pain of other soquili by hurting them through various ways. Though he does not understand some things, he knows that the bad will always defeat the good.
What skills does the applicant have?: intelligence, willing to follow one's choices
Does the applicant have a preference in which lord they choose to serve?: Nope
Do you RP?: Yep (never RPed for Soquili though)
----Actively?: Yup
Do you use plotting in place of or along with RP?: along? just give me a plot and I'll do my best to follow it, but add my own side to it too
Anything else you'd like to add?: Vex has a familiar. User Image  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:20 am
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed!

-snip full form cause it's long-

Alrighty! So after some discussion with Roni and a little bit of thought we've decided Vex could totally help.

Hellmaster Phibrizzo has some ideas for how Vex could be of service one of which would be stirring up trouble away from the jungle to divert attention from their original plan.

Let me know if you'd like something else to do and if you want RP for either of the following:
-Joining with the mazoku
-Receiving orders


Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter



PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:02 pm
Nisshou H

Sounds like a great idea to me!
hmm.. possibly "befriending" some from the Underground to lead them onto the wrong track might be added too.
I'll be up for any RP.(:  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:18 pm

I don't think Phibrizzo would take too kindly to purposefully putting the UG on the wrong track actually. ^^; He needs them to find those items to make his life easier otherwise he'll have to go find more people to hunt down the items for him.

As for RP, chronologically, if you're interested in it, it would make most sense to do the joing RP first. Shall we discuss over PMs since it's faster?  

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter


Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Object of Affection 150
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:36 pm
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed!

Image of Soquili Applicant:
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Applicant Name:Lavinia (and by force ... Miracle)
Owner/Co-owner: ~
Applicant Personality: Lavinia is a ticking time bomb. She's very paranoid due to the fact that she has little to no sight. Her limited eyesight is a weakness but she's figured out a solution for that problem for the time being.
Reason for joining: Lavinia would see this as an opportunity to expand her knowledge of the lands. She wouldn't be alone as she'd constantly carry around a large enough container with the seathi Miracle inside.
What skills does the applicant have?: Lavinia has a small gift for coercion. It's how she struck a bargain with a seathi mare. She is aggressive, dismissive of those beneath her and quick to attack if insulted. She will take orders from those higher above in rank without question. Although paranoid her loyalty will not swerve from the mission.
Does the applicant have a preference in which lord they choose to serve?: No preference.
Do you RP?: Yes
----Actively?: Yes
Do you use plotting in place of or along with RP?: I've plotted a little bit. Mostly over AIM or PM. It helps to shape an RP's direction without too much fuss.
Anything else you'd like to add?: I would like to hope that both could join in the same post. Miracle won't really have a choice as I see it because she's stuck with Lavinia until the Kelpi chooses to let her go. Miracle essentially is a hang-along.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:50 pm

Oh ho! Aquatics! Excellent! One of the artifacts the Mazoku are looking for is
"-One that is the magic of the waters west. "

Niss and I were thinking that Lavinia and her poor trapped minion could be especially useful to the Mazoku for their ability to search underwater. There is actually a kelpi mazoku lord called Deep Sea Dolphin. Xellas used to have a lot of dealings with her and is rather curious about where she's gotten off to. What Xellas would want to assign Lavinia to is:

- Search for clues on Deep Sea Dolphin's location
- Find the artifact "that is the magic of the waters west" that represents Dolphin.  

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon


Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Object of Affection 150
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:40 pm
Roniel Targaryen
Oh ho! Aquatics! Excellent! One of the artifacts the Mazoku are looking for is
"-One that is the magic of the waters west. "

Niss and I were thinking that Lavinia and her poor trapped minion could be especially useful to the Mazoku for their ability to search underwater. There is actually a kelpi mazoku lord called Deep Sea Dolphin. Xellas used to have a lot of dealings with her and is rather curious about where she's gotten off to. What Xellas would want to assign Lavinia to is:

- Search for clues on Deep Sea Dolphin's location
- Find the artifact "that is the magic of the waters west" that represents Dolphin.

This could work. (( Lol stealing from our AIM convo )) Lavinia would need a means to keep Miracle close to her in the water as a pail wouldn't work. (I sense a net). Both plot ideas could work for Lavinia. She'd be allowed to wander back and forth searching for information and ferret out clues to Deep Sea Dolphin whereabouts. I could work with this as a rough outline. Would there be anything more in depth that we'd need to discuss. (What exactly the artifact might be)

Hopefully other aquatic owners will come forth as the plots progress.  
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