.:Confusion - Can There Be Love:.

Hisoak is the only child to the famour designer Kisuke Kato and his mother was a famous model,Isa Kato.Though he was born a male,his style in clothing would be more girly,mostly pink and other bright colors.So it came to no surprise that alot of the times that he would be mistaken for a woman.But what will happen when a man he starts to fall for thinks of him as a woman.Will he have the heart to tell him the truth.Once _____ finds out that his girlfriend is acutally a male,can he look past it and just accept things as they are.

.:Name:. Hisoka Kato
.:USS:. Uke
.:Age:. 17
. razz ersonality:. Sweet,Caring,Shy yet Strong
.:Appearance:.User Image

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